Boots +3 pots / Cloth +5pots (depends on the lanes) -> Wits / Lantern (if needed) -> Zerkers ->Wits (if not yet done) -> Phage -> MBR -> Mallet
[Champion] Teemo - Page 16
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United States489 Posts
Boots +3 pots / Cloth +5pots (depends on the lanes) -> Wits / Lantern (if needed) -> Zerkers ->Wits (if not yet done) -> Phage -> MBR -> Mallet | ||
1164 Posts
On May 02 2012 07:39 Bladeorade wrote: Just played teemo for the first time ever in ranked. Started off 1/4/1, got Fmallet, Atmas, Wits and ended up going 8/5/15 lol Actually a pretty fun champ. Though his voice...Gawd In time, you will learn that even the Teemo players hate Teemo. | ||
766 Posts
I know you build on-hit items like Maladys or Wit's, but how does that damage? Because when I see Teemo's, they are ripping up tanks somehow. And on-hit damage is like certain magic damage on-hit. But tanks have massive magic resist. I think his E is also magic damage? Anyway, how does he shred beefy champs with simply on-hit items? | ||
United States2085 Posts
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Korea (South)3851 Posts
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United States2140 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
On May 02 2012 17:11 stormtemplar wrote: How the hell do you lane VS AP WW? I couldn't seem to hurt him and he could always harass me stop being bad? I dunno man, there's really no reason WW should ever be able to get close enough to Q you, so you just molest him, it's a slam dunk matchup. | ||
United States1742 Posts
I just started playing LoL again (I think I'm only level 11 or 12 atm), and I was wondering if this is a good build guide for Teemo : . I'm asking because it says that it was updated 78 days ago, and I don't know if any major changes happened to Teemo since that time. Also, where would you recommend I play? My friend told me that playing top with Teemo is best but upon joining a game they told me to play mid. Thanks in advance (and sorry for being such a noob ![]() | ||
United States489 Posts
On May 19 2012 07:47 Brotatolol wrote: Hey all, I just started playing LoL again (I think I'm only level 11 or 12 atm), and I was wondering if this is a good build guide for Teemo : . I'm asking because it says that it was updated 78 days ago, and I don't know if any major changes happened to Teemo since that time. Also, where would you recommend I play? My friend told me that playing top with Teemo is best but upon joining a game they told me to play mid. Thanks in advance (and sorry for being such a noob ![]() In general, Teemo is played top, because he is very good at kiting Bruisers without gap closers and also has a blind. However, Teemo can also do very well against certain champs at mid (Karthus specifically comes to mind, perhaps Ziggs as well) who rely on skillshots, because as long as you dodge their spells, you can attack them freely while their spells are on CD. The build for teem hasn't really changed. | ||
United States13274 Posts
On May 19 2012 07:47 Brotatolol wrote: Hey all, I just started playing LoL again (I think I'm only level 11 or 12 atm), and I was wondering if this is a good build guide for Teemo : . I'm asking because it says that it was updated 78 days ago, and I don't know if any major changes happened to Teemo since that time. Also, where would you recommend I play? My friend told me that playing top with Teemo is best but upon joining a game they told me to play mid. Thanks in advance (and sorry for being such a noob ![]() I honestly really don't like Rainmain's guide. I've been running this spec: 21/0/9 Flash/Ignite AS Marks, Armor Seals, MRes/Level Glyphs, MS Quints vs. Bruisers OR AS Marks, Armor Seals, Flat MRes Glyphs, Flat MRes Quints vs. AP Counterpicks Open Boots + 3 Pots -> Zerker's Greaves + 2 Dblades core From there, I aim for Malady or Wit's End depending on how high my opponent's MRes is (Malady vs. low MRes, Wit's vs. high MRes) or Wriggle's Lantern if I'm really struggling vs. a physical Damage Dealer. After that, I aim for Phage + Zeal and shoot for a late game core of Frozen Mallet + Phantom Dancer + Bloodthirster (no wriggles) or IE (wriggle's) (typically I sit on something like Malady + Wit's End + Phage + Zeal + Vamp Scepter and then go for Mallet -> BT -> PD, or I'm on Wriggle's + Wit's + Phage + Zeal -> BF Sword -> IE -> PD -> Mallet). | ||
Indonesia2978 Posts
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United States17233 Posts
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768 Posts
Then, I just perma warded for the rest of laning, trist got 5 kills from them being so low all the time, and she had 45 CS advantage. It was crazy. Well then I get the sweet idea to run 4 GP5 because they are all so good on him and the gold just flowed in and it was wonderful. From then on I just played like a normal support with lots f harass and perma wards and we dominated that game. I really think people underestimate his power as a support | ||
United States10467 Posts
On May 23 2012 11:31 Juddas wrote: anyone like to play delicious support teemo? The first time I did was because our support was trolling and picked top super fast, so me, not wanting to lose, took exhaust and flash right quick and used my support masteries. Well my lane buddy was a trist, and we were vs. ali and vayne i think. Anyways, I maxed E and poked all the time. Vayne could not CS. Every time she poked back I obviously blinded and it was just not even fair. The trist already does crazy harass plus my E and they couldn't even stay in lane. Once I hit 6, I shroomed the river and went back to pick up the rest of my philo. Then, I just perma warded for the rest of laning, trist got 5 kills from them being so low all the time, and she had 45 CS advantage. It was crazy. Well then I get the sweet idea to run 4 GP5 because they are all so good on him and the gold just flowed in and it was wonderful. From then on I just played like a normal support with lots f harass and perma wards and we dominated that game. I really think people underestimate his power as a support Well there's a lot of potential supports that can deal damage without taking any in return. I've done support teemo, but when things don't go your way you're less useful than other goldless champions like yorick or janna. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
This champion is so good. Makes me question ever playing a champion not named Teemo. SO much fun. | ||
Korea (South)11232 Posts
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United States20754 Posts
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United States1869 Posts
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Korea (South)11232 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
I dunno, I never see Fiora picks, but it seems like it should be easy to me. | ||
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