On February 28 2012 05:23 r.Evo wrote:Show nested quote +On February 28 2012 04:48 Mogwai wrote:On February 28 2012 04:46 r.Evo wrote: As I said above, I'm asking for uberlategame.
You'd still keep Wriggles when you're at 6 items with 5k+ gold left? games like these are a myth as far as I'm concerned. You could replace it with Bloodthirster if you really wanted to, idc about how you spend your 15K-20K gold. dno, I asked because once I sit on Wriggles/Boots/Wits/FM/Atmas I have no clue what to get next. =P GA, Banshee's or Omen. Defensive options are good on teemo. I would also say that if you're doing atma's, you should do PD and not Wit's End. Wit's doesn't really play very well with sources of AD/Crit.
On February 28 2012 05:31 Mogwai wrote:Show nested quote +On February 28 2012 05:23 r.Evo wrote:On February 28 2012 04:48 Mogwai wrote:On February 28 2012 04:46 r.Evo wrote: As I said above, I'm asking for uberlategame.
You'd still keep Wriggles when you're at 6 items with 5k+ gold left? games like these are a myth as far as I'm concerned. You could replace it with Bloodthirster if you really wanted to, idc about how you spend your 15K-20K gold. dno, I asked because once I sit on Wriggles/Boots/Wits/FM/Atmas I have no clue what to get next. =P GA, Banshee's or Omen. Defensive options are good on teemo. I would also say that if you're doing atma's, you should do PD and not Wit's End. Wit's doesn't really play very well with sources of AD/Crit.
Gotcha, those were the answers i was looking for. <3
even with the nerf to wriggles, is it still viable as his starting item?
Have the patch notes been released (the upcoming patch where wriggles is scheduled to be nerfed)? If so, post the parts relevant to teemo. If not, wait until the notes are released, or better yet, people have a chance to try it out first hand.
I just thought I'd let people know that there is an additional bug with Teemo.
Teemo shrooms are currently bugged. Skilling it up, getting blue buff, and itemizing CDR do not affect shroom CD. Masteries do. IDK about runes. I only just submitted a report to Riot and afaik they don't know about it.
Thank god they are fixing his dot damage in the next patch, big bug is big
On the PBE Teemo's shroom bug is also fixed. Makes me very happy, must play more teemo...
The next few weeks is going to be so irritating with shrooms everywhere. I kinda want to take a break -_-
Playing lots of Teemo in normals post buff to try to get used to him again. The buff is noticeable, to say the least, although I've barely played Teemo since my account hit 30 in like September.
My current plan is to build anything on him, tailored completely to the other team. I seriously can't determine any necessary items on him other than mercs. I mean, there's a huge list of viable items but none of them need to happen on Teemo to specifically make your early-mid game work.
Maw of Mal is absolutely absurd. Gonna start building this thing on other champs.
been playing a lot of teemo lately. freakin love the little guy but i have a couple of questions.
1: after reading through thread, it seems almost nobody is advocating malady on teemo. why is that? with nerf to wriggles and buffs to poison, i feel like i would rather get malady + pots into wits and be really aggressive against who i'm laning against rather than getting wriggles to wits and only harrass when they get to close. especially against people who get ninja tabi.
2: a lot of times when i go teemo early pick, people have been getting riven. and i've destroyed all of them (in lane at least). is riven supposed to do well against teemo and i'm just playing against bad rivens? i feel like teemo should destroy her, but maybe i'm missing something
3: fuck yorick
4: fuck swain
5: in teamfights, is it more important to blind their ad range or blind their bruiser going after my ad ranged. i've tried focusing one or the other many fights, but i can't really determine which contributes more.
United States37500 Posts
On April 27 2012 06:52 goldenkrnboi wrote: been playing a lot of teemo lately. freakin love the little guy but i have a couple of questions.
1: after reading through thread, it seems almost nobody is advocating malady on teemo. why is that? with nerf to wriggles and buffs to poison, i feel like i would rather get malady + pots into wits and be really aggressive against who i'm laning against rather than getting wriggles to wits and only harrass when they get to close. especially against people who get ninja tabi.
2: a lot of times when i go teemo early pick, people have been getting riven. and i've destroyed all of them (in lane at least). is riven supposed to do well against teemo and i'm just playing against bad rivens? i feel like teemo should destroy her, but maybe i'm missing something
3: fuck yorick
4: fuck swain
5: in teamfights, is it more important to blind their ad range or blind their bruiser going after my ad ranged. i've tried focusing one or the other many fights, but i can't really determine which contributes more.
1. Malady is pretty damn good on Teemo and synergizes very well. I actually it's such a niche item that I'd only get it on Teemo. It's akin to Sunfire:Malphite to me at this point. Wit's End is nice but do you really need the MR in lane, esp Top? I'm all for more Maladies on Teemo.
2. Teemo vs Riven is rather skill based. At first glance, you may make the assumption that Riven loses hard because Teemo is ranged. But EQQQ, Riven closes in fast (even if Teemo uses Move Quick) and can deal a lot of damage. Key thing for Teemo is knowing when to Blind. If you can't escape, minimize the damage you take from her autos. 60/40 in favor of Teemo during laning imo.
3. l0l, Teemo user complaining
4. l0l, Teemo user complaining
I laugh mostly because Teemo hard counters just about 95%+ of all the bruisers that traditionally goes Top.
5. Blind the ranged AD, always. Auto whoever your team is focusing down. Obviously prioritize squishies but team focus fire trumps that.
Does Swain really beat Teemo? I thought move-quick + range was enough to avoid eating a Q, then no W in your face either.
United States37500 Posts
On April 27 2012 07:28 Alaric wrote: Does Swain really beat Teemo? I thought move-quick + range was enough to avoid eating a Q, then no W in your face either.
It's not the Q, it's the level 2-3 E during lane. By 6, Swain can even purposely walk into shrooms and heal off the damage. Teemo has to get Vamp Scepter early to be able to counter sustain.
This is of course talking about AD Teemo. AP Teemo can fare a little better vs a Swain, poke for poke.
What do you do as teemo when irelia/jax/renekton/pantheon jump and stun you. Teemo's blind only lasts 1.5 second. You just stand and trade in minions because the call for help should generate on their melee minons too? lee sin and riven would probably be strong if riven could get to teemo or if teemo stayed to fight lee sin.
I remember seeing wickd getting counter picked as irelia and every time he jumped and stunned teemo, teemo would lose half his life before having to get out.
My opinion of teemo. Innately squishy champion with low range and no instantaneous escape or stealth to back it up. I don't even think he's as good of a laner as people say. I never see people do well against equal level opponents on stream. At least his ult is good. It always pisses me off.
LOL this new teemo is way too strong. Been going malady, rageblade, zerks, Dcap. Pretty funny stuff.
So many options with him too. I feel like the shredder builds similar to kayle are really good, but I think any AP with some AS is good too, and I still have friends who swear by AD teemo but I can't seem to force myself to give up Supashrooms
On April 27 2012 07:26 NeoIllusions wrote:Show nested quote +On April 27 2012 06:52 goldenkrnboi wrote: been playing a lot of teemo lately. freakin love the little guy but i have a couple of questions.
1: after reading through thread, it seems almost nobody is advocating malady on teemo. why is that? with nerf to wriggles and buffs to poison, i feel like i would rather get malady + pots into wits and be really aggressive against who i'm laning against rather than getting wriggles to wits and only harrass when they get to close. especially against people who get ninja tabi.
2: a lot of times when i go teemo early pick, people have been getting riven. and i've destroyed all of them (in lane at least). is riven supposed to do well against teemo and i'm just playing against bad rivens? i feel like teemo should destroy her, but maybe i'm missing something
3: fuck yorick
4: fuck swain
5: in teamfights, is it more important to blind their ad range or blind their bruiser going after my ad ranged. i've tried focusing one or the other many fights, but i can't really determine which contributes more. 1. Malady is pretty damn good on Teemo and synergizes very well. I actually it's such a niche item that I'd only get it on Teemo. It's akin to Sunfire:Malphite to me at this point. Wit's End is nice but do you really need the MR in lane, esp Top? I'm all for more Maladies on Teemo. 2. Teemo vs Riven is rather skill based. At first glance, you may make the assumption that Riven loses hard because Teemo is ranged. But EQQQ, Riven closes in fast (even if Teemo uses Move Quick) and can deal a lot of damage. Key thing for Teemo is knowing when to Blind. If you can't escape, minimize the damage you take from her autos. 60/40 in favor of Teemo during laning imo. 3. l0l, Teemo user complaining 4. l0l, Teemo user complaining I laugh mostly because Teemo hard counters just about 95%+ of all the bruisers that traditionally goes Top. 5. Blind the ranged AD, always. Auto whoever your team is focusing down. Obviously prioritize squishies but team focus fire trumps that.
1: i always get wit's end for several reasons. 1) i'm pretty sure malady effect doesn't stack :O 2) 42 straight up magic damage per hit. with max malady stacks that's 66 extra damage per hit. 3) in case mid is feeding lol. my typical order is cloth->ninja->0-2 dblades->malady->wit's->mallet->bloodrazor->whatever i need. against magic damage boots->merc treads-> wit's->0-2 dblades->malady/mallet -> mallet/malady ->bloodrazor->whatever i need as i mentioned, i really don't like wriggles on teemo. he does too little initial damage for the lifesteal to do a whole lot. plus he gets free wards from his ult.
2:her stun and q does do a bit of damage, but i feel like the majority of her damage comes from her boosted autos. i feel like as long as you blind her as soon as she gets in range for her autos and use move quick as soon as she stuns you, you should be able to get away once blind wears off and deal equal or more damage to her in the process
i think another big point is that you shouldn't try and go out of your way to harass whoever you're laning against. whether it be riven or anybody. what i mean is that if you're continually going into their creepwave to try and get a poison off, you're doing it wrong, that's what gets you in range for stuff like riven's combo and jungle ganks. what you should be doing is staying at the max distance that they can reach a minion, so you can effectively poison them as soon as they try to go for that cs. and maintain your distance for your already limited range.
3: >:[ 4: >:[ also add olaf to the fuck you list. though not as difficult as yorick or swain. but still. and yeah. as mentioned, swain is a bitch because his lvl 2-3 dot outdoes yours. and by the time you get aspd and lvl 4-5 poison, he has his bullshit crows that just negates your dot. and if he's on blue side and he gets blue. lol fucking gg. hate that bullshit.
5: i intially thought so too, but i feel like with teemo's low range, you get yourself way too out of position to make the ad range your primary blind target. on the other hand if you stay with your ad range and their bruiser jumps on top of him/her, you can blind him and then shred that mofo with your ad range in a somewhat comfortable position.
On April 27 2012 07:54 obesechicken13 wrote: What do you do as teemo when irelia/jax/renekton/pantheon jump and stun you. Teemo's blind only lasts 1.5 second. You just stand and trade in minions because the call for help should generate on their melee minons too? lee sin and riven would probably be strong if riven could get to teemo or if teemo stayed to fight lee sin.
I remember seeing wickd getting counter picked as irelia and every time he jumped and stunned teemo, teemo would lose half his life before having to get out.
My opinion of teemo. Innately squishy champion with low range and no instantaneous escape or stealth to back it up. I don't even think he's as good of a laner as people say. I never see people do well against equal level opponents on stream. At least his ult is good. It always pisses me off.
for everybody you mentioned except pantheon, there's a small timing window between when they jump and when they stun you. irelia's is a little hard because her jump is pretty instantaneous, but it's there. if you can blind during that small window, then you'll be able to escape those 1 or 2 hits after the stun and then a-move quick away/harass the fuck out of them as they turn around.
pantheon on the other hand is a little tricky because his jump and stun are at the same time. there's that and once his e get s leveled up it actually hurts quite a bit, and it goes through blind. then there's his bread and butter q that goes through blind as well. that's why for me pantheon is a soft counter to teemo, it mostly depends on how pantheon plays. teemo can definitely make it work, but it's harder than most bruiser tops. then again i love mantheon and know how hard he hits. <3
my opinion: blind. blindblindblindblindblindblind. blind the fuck out of everybody.
On April 27 2012 07:59 Juddas wrote: LOL this new teemo is way too strong. Been going malady, rageblade, zerks, Dcap. Pretty funny stuff.
So many options with him too. I feel like the shredder builds similar to kayle are really good, but I think any AP with some AS is good too, and I still have friends who swear by AD teemo but I can't seem to force myself to give up Supashrooms
If you're going to build AP teemo, get a void staff. Mpen on all your procs > AP ratio on your passive.
All my recent forrays into Teemo have been like, boots -> zerker's -> 2 dblades -> malady or wit's -> phage -> zeal -> PD + Mallet -> Bloodthirster. I feel like a raging hypocrite building these stupid items because the build has terrible internal synergy, but it always seems to work out so... oh well :p.
replace zeal/PD with recurve/MBR and just start triple potting after that. stop trying to worry about scaling into lategame
Just played teemo for the first time ever in ranked. Started off 1/4/1, got Fmallet, Atmas, Wits and ended up going 8/5/15 lol
Actually a pretty fun champ. Though his voice...Gawd