Malady is such a nice item on Teemo don't know why people don't mention it. You can do the same/similar builds (AS, on hit effects) on Kog'maw as well and it works quite well.
Sorry for the double post but the last one was ages ago. Does anyone else find it really hard to play Teemo in ranked? There always seems to be someone who gets an oracles and kills all of my shrooms and although that's not just who Teemo is, it still makes things lame.
On October 18 2011 15:08 Lorken wrote: Sorry for the double post but the last one was ages ago. Does anyone else find it really hard to play Teemo in ranked? There always seems to be someone who gets an oracles and kills all of my shrooms and although that's not just who Teemo is, it still makes things lame.
Teemo's not as strong as he used to be before all his nerfs imo, but he's still an amazing counterpick to a vast majority of solo tops. You used to be able to win a lane by just baiting your opponent into 1-2 well placed shrooms in lane, but they don't do all that much damage anymore :\
Any melee champ that doesn't have an instant gap closer gets kited and raped by teemo all day errday top lane. Shrooms aren't as strong as they used to be, but they still serve as a very strong anti-gank tool.
On October 18 2011 15:08 Lorken wrote: Sorry for the double post but the last one was ages ago. Does anyone else find it really hard to play Teemo in ranked? There always seems to be someone who gets an oracles and kills all of my shrooms and although that's not just who Teemo is, it still makes things lame.
Teemo's not as strong as he used to be before all his nerfs imo, but he's still an amazing counterpick to a vast majority of solo tops. You used to be able to win a lane by just baiting your opponent into 1-2 well placed shrooms in lane, but they don't do all that much damage anymore :\
Any melee champ that doesn't have an instant gap closer gets kited and raped by teemo all day errday top lane. Shrooms aren't as strong as they used to be, but they still serve as a very strong anti-gank tool.
Yeah they only mostly work in bushes and stuff once someone gets an oracles. His AS/poison combo is why I love him though. DoT's FTW
On October 18 2011 15:08 Lorken wrote: Sorry for the double post but the last one was ages ago. Does anyone else find it really hard to play Teemo in ranked? There always seems to be someone who gets an oracles and kills all of my shrooms and although that's not just who Teemo is, it still makes things lame.
Teemo's not as strong as he used to be before all his nerfs imo, but he's still an amazing counterpick to a vast majority of solo tops. You used to be able to win a lane by just baiting your opponent into 1-2 well placed shrooms in lane, but they don't do all that much damage anymore :\
Any melee champ that doesn't have an instant gap closer gets kited and raped by teemo all day errday top lane. Shrooms aren't as strong as they used to be, but they still serve as a very strong anti-gank tool.
Yeah they only mostly work in bushes and stuff once someone gets an oracles. His AS/poison combo is why I love him though. DoT's FTW
Shrooms are basically just free wards once someone gets oracles. Teemo's really underrated as a counter-pick to bruisers tho. It's very easy to boss someone out of lane with flash/ignite. I like going armor yellows and quints so I can tank some creep in lane and not take too much dmg from creep and just harass them out of lane with autos.
Teemo has always been a strong pick. But most people associate him with someone trolling since he is not picked very often.
The fact is he can completely shut down someone's day with Blind -> Exhaust -> Blind while still putting out a large amount of damage thanks to his nice steroid in the form of his E. He can split push with relative impunity thanks to the map control of his mushrooms and how strong of an escape ability W is provided he begins leaving before the enemy is on him.
When solo top there are very few standard champions that don't get fucked over by him and he scales pretty well off farm too. People think he's an AD carry because he's ranged and therefore belongs bottom but that's just so utterly incorrect, if he's going to go bottom it should be as support because his Blind completely changes the scales in a damage trade between the two ADs and his DoT does a lot more damage then people give it credit for, plus since he isn't farming he can just chill safely with his passive on right in the middle of (or slightly in front of) the minion wave and deny the enemy carry almost all of his farm when he comes out to last hit.
Gayest thing I found today was guys like Tryndamere/Yi can still absolutely destroy you no how well you're doing even with the blind, if they live 2.5 secs they just lifesteal it off you while doing massive crits and such. Just have to rely on tanks protecting you there I guess.
Teemo can get alot of early kills from ignite/poison if he goes AP (which I do) I think hes a fairly strong champ that can shut down alot of solo tops.
IMO AP teemo is alot weaker then an AD/AS Teemo. The build I use is 2 dorans blade, berzerkers, madreds razer then after that I either go malady or get a defensive item depending on the situation. The speed + damage from razer and dorans stacks up well with his E.
9/21/0 (take 3 ad + cdr + mpen in offense, hp regen movespeed +hp in defense, improved summoners for both) flat MR blue + quints armour pen red armor yellows
start doran blade or boots 3pot (preference / situational, both can work. dorans blade is typically for occasions where you know you can 'stand and fight' when the jungler comes. usually when they both dont have ignite or are both heavy in magic dmg, meaning your MR is able to negate both their damage at the same time e.g. xerath mid and amumu/udyr/fiddle/ww jungle for example)
try not to recall before 6, so your shrooms start growing while you waste time buying items. get these in no particular order
-a second dblade -boots 1 -null magic mantle x 2 - > merc treads -wits end -phage -(optional malady/MBR) -mallet (or triforce for lulz)
(my rationale for order of items here is similar. i go for dblade earlier if damage type is split between the mid lane and the jungler, otherwise i get 2x null magic for gayness)
skillbuild: R>E>W>Q (i skip Q at 4 sometimes if theres no one in particular i will be blinding early)
levels 1-5: harass while last hitting. keeping the enemy mid lane low is a great defense against ganks. you can trade really well with heal + ignite Q hit hit)
level 6: usually this is when i first go back to buy, unless i die early. after getting back to lane, start shrooming up the lane on your side / along chokepoints (needs pics, i know) and in the brush. you can choose which side you want, though i typically choose bot since its closer to dragon. from then on, try to farm/harass/keep all activity contained to the side on which you have shrooms.
level 7-9: your poison becomes fking OP at this point. 2 hits of your normal attack should do more damage than a full spell combo (excluding ulti) by most APs. start shrooming up the dragon area in preparation for a fight.
levels 10-16: same thing, keep dragon / your side shroomed. begin shrooming baron once you feel both sides are able to get it
random tips: -W when you're moving across long distances (like from base back to lane / across lanes) -shroom in brushes when they have oracles -try to make sure shrooms have a minimum distance of ~500 from each other. this ensures that if one guy activates both, the overlapping duration is reduced and you get more dmg to that one single person
Interesting guide... seems hella trolly, but that's what teemo does.
I've got some questions bout summoner spells and runes, why heal/ignite? Just for the trolliness of heal? Any thoughts on that new surge spell, I've never used it and dont know the numbers, but iirc it gives attack speed and AP... sounds pretty decent for an onhit teemo build. As for runes, why armor yellows as opposed to HP/lvl yellows (Which would give you more EHP against Magic damage - which you're expecting to face a bunch of in mid lane).
heal lets you overextend and possibly 1v2 junglers, cant replace. also punishes mid laners who dont take ignite
ignite is debatable, ghost/exhaust/cleanse and maybe surge could possibly be used. i choose ignite because exhaust was nerfed a while back and ignite now gives 5 ad and 5 ap on cooldown which is fucking gay. and also ignite+hit+q is so much damage especially if the guy steps on a shroom. ignite also helps negate heals which kinda screw with teemo's whole poison-to-death plan
i've tried hp/lvl yellows but they take kinda long to go online and dont give me noticably much more effectiveness against mages than i already have from the blues+quints+mercs+wits so im abandoning them. armor gives me a bit of an out against physical junglers and also reduces creep harass damage (which i will be taking quite a bit of).
And yeah nyx, bruiser Teemo best Teemo. AS/AD is good if you can carry, but running in, getting focused, and still not dying while poisoning everything is just too fun.