sunfire is just completely laughable. sunfire's passive is ignorable at that point in the game and provides mediocre stats if you don't use the passive (he also isn't in the middle of everyone to get the most out of it anyway). GA, Atma's and hell, even Omen would be better choices than Sunfire to give physical durability.
The movespeed comment was about FoN which is just ridiculous on a ranged carry, even teemo. Not enough HP, not enough time to regen it. There are just too many better options for MRes (banshee's, wit's end, hexdrinker, QSS) to ever consider a FoN which really only brings movespeed to to the table (since the regen only really works on real tanks who don't get all the burst thrown at them as soon as they misstep).
banshee's is pro ofc.
On April 01 2011 05:04 Mogwai wrote: sunfire is just completely laughable. sunfire's passive is ignorable at that point in the game and provides mediocre stats if you don't use the passive (he also isn't in the middle of everyone to get the most out of it anyway). GA, Atma's and hell, even Omen would be better choices than Sunfire to give physical durability.
Obviously you use the sunfire by running somewhere where the enemy team will pass through and hiding. Completely imba hidden AOE damage!
that was fun when they stacked, but now it's just a straight up bad idea. The damage isn't even noticeable most of the time.
On April 01 2011 05:12 Mogwai wrote: that was fun when they stacked, but now it's just a straight up bad idea. The damage isn't even noticeable most of the time.
I was pretty sure it was a straight up bad idea when they stacked as well. Still was fun though.
it was, but now it's not even funny
Been playing him a bit more lately. I like starting boots and 3 pots, really makes owning the lane that much easier when you can poke in and out so quickly (1 point in W at level 3).
What's the consensus on Nashor's? I usually grab it for the CD mainly but it all works pretty well since you get some MP5 and some AP never hurts even if you are AD. Nothing funnier than 15s shrooms or w/e.
Honestly though, I think him and Veigar are my two favourite champs to play. So much fun.
On April 01 2011 06:54 Mazer wrote: Been playing him a bit more lately. I like starting boots and 3 pots, really makes owning the lane that much easier when you can poke in and out so quickly (1 point in W at level 3).
What's the consensus on Nashor's? I usually grab it for the CD mainly but it all works pretty well since you get some MP5 and some AP never hurts even if you are AD. Nothing funnier than 15s shrooms or w/e.
Honestly though, I think him and Veigar are my two favourite champs to play. So much fun.
I believe most people stopped taking nashor after the malady remake when they started using Malady/BR combo. I haven't seen it awhile personally.
have you SEEN the new teemo skin??? *squeals in delight*
It's sooo gooooood! Shame about the price though, really want it!
THE NEW SKIN IS SOOO CUTE *dies*. makes me wanna get him now
On April 01 2011 08:14 BloodNinja wrote:Show nested quote +On April 01 2011 06:54 Mazer wrote: Been playing him a bit more lately. I like starting boots and 3 pots, really makes owning the lane that much easier when you can poke in and out so quickly (1 point in W at level 3).
What's the consensus on Nashor's? I usually grab it for the CD mainly but it all works pretty well since you get some MP5 and some AP never hurts even if you are AD. Nothing funnier than 15s shrooms or w/e.
Honestly though, I think him and Veigar are my two favourite champs to play. So much fun. I believe most people stopped taking nashor after the malady remake when they started using Malady/BR combo. I haven't seen it awhile personally.
my how the times have changed
I know this is an old thread but I have recently been playing teemo quite a bit. I prefer an AP build to an AD build because of the map control you can have with mushrooms and your q becomes a nuke instead of a poke. Thats not to say that AD doesnt have its uses, because with malady and bloodrazor, you can shred a tank or carry very quickly. I feel this thread needs to be updated. Im sorry if this bump was unnecessary but teemo is my new favorite hero.
Then you realize that all you do in teamfights is press q once before you blow up.
Although hiding on a shroom with dfg... huehuehue
On August 29 2011 09:46 De4ngus wrote: Then you realize that all you do in teamfights is press q once before you blow up. If you focus a teemo before another carry your team did something wrong. Teemos from what I noticed tend to stay further back.
Teemo has 500 range, he can't possibly stay farther back than your typical ranged AD champ and actually do anything.
On August 29 2011 09:55 crate wrote: Teemo has 500 range, he can't possibly stay farther back than your typical ranged AD champ and actually do anything. Teemo tends to build tankier than other typical range AD champs tho so he won't blow up instantly.
His blind is also really great as help to counter melee dps that try to dive you. Your shrooms also are great for peeling. Not to mention your W makes you fly away faster than ghost.
Teemo excels at backdooring, between teleport and the insane amount of teleport locations available to you via mushrooms, you can poke any tower at any time and just W away to safety when the other team sends someone after you.
In a teamfight, your primary job is to disable the most threatening enemy AD. Q -> Exhaust -> Q disables any auto-attack based champion for such a long time that the fight will be over by the time they recover from it.
I would love to be able to play Teemo in ranked, but people always whine and flame and leave if you pick him.
It's a real shame, as he has so much utility and, imo, is quite flexible in how you build him.
Glad my bump brought some good discussion ^^. Also is AD better for Backdooring than ap?
On August 29 2011 12:06 vJehoelv wrote: Glad my bump brought some good discussion ^^. Also is AD better for Backdooring than ap?
Yea, unless you get lucky and kill whoever comes to stop you by leaving a trail of shrooms, but that isn't all that likely with decent players.