[Champion] Teemo - Page 18
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Ireland921 Posts
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United States8298 Posts
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Germany1795 Posts
I got to thinking maybe instead of getting wriggles on teemo he could get a cutlass and then later turn it into a gunblade to take advantage of his increased ap scaling while also improving on his godlike kiting. not a bad idea might try it when I get to play teemo again. Personally I think building teemo tanky is stupid then there is the question why teemo and not sth else? But you can build teemo dmg! Not pure dmg ofc you might need mallet or sth in lane but afterwards you can go PD IE and still do quite a bit of dmg. | ||
United States3721 Posts
On August 18 2012 00:47 Leonite7 wrote: I got to thinking maybe instead of getting wriggles on teemo he could get a cutlass and then later turn it into a gunblade to take advantage of his increased ap scaling while also improving on his godlike kiting. Funnest thing about gunblade teemo is the possibility of getting a clutch heal from a group of enemy minions walking over a mushroom. Too bad the E poison doesn't proc spellvamp. | ||
United States5710 Posts
On August 18 2012 04:06 thenexusp wrote: Funnest thing about gunblade teemo is the possibility of getting a clutch heal from a group of enemy minions walking over a mushroom. Too bad the E poison doesn't proc spellvamp. If passive poison proc'd spell vamp then gunblade would be a core item in every single teemo build ez and be his best weapon. It still might be better now with the changes with the ap ratio on his E. | ||
Canada1222 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
He gains 45 damage per level on Q. His E gains about 10 damage straight up but at 1.0 aspd it looks like he gets a proc off on his poison every second too. That means E gains 6 damage per second due to poison per level as well. At 45 to 60, teemo only needs 3 attacks to break even. But I really like teemo's autoQauto combo. Q has great range so it's easy to do. I'll try out maxing both. | ||
Australia3856 Posts
Who do you think can genuinely beat him top aside from Yorick? I thought Vlad could but Teemos sustained damage is stupid early game. | ||
Korea (South)11232 Posts
On August 18 2012 15:43 schmutttt wrote: Probably my favorite top to play, he is such an arsehole. I do build him tanky though, with such low range I hate having just a mallet to survive. Who do you think can genuinely beat him top aside from Yorick? I thought Vlad could but Teemos sustained damage is stupid early game. Vlad beats teemo after he got his first back. | ||
Indonesia2978 Posts
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United States338 Posts
On August 18 2012 18:51 nyxnyxnyx wrote: vlad cannot beat teemo. in general any wits end champ shuts down vlad You think too little of Vlad. I played Teemo as my main champion when I was below level 30. I haven't played him as much since then--I suppose other champions stole my interest, but he will always have a special place in my heart. A couple months ago I went on a tangent with AP Teemo, building Meji's and Lichbane every game. T'was quite funny when a q and auto attack would kill someone from full health or when people would die from solely 'shrooms. The last three games I played with Teemo I went versus Pantheon all three times~ I suppose they though that Panth stood a chance against Teemo because blind didn't block his spells. But cloth 5pot into wriggles and Panth couldn't do anything at all. The little badger will always have a special place in my heart. | ||
United States2300 Posts
On August 18 2012 15:43 schmutttt wrote: Probably my favorite top to play, he is such an arsehole. I do build him tanky though, with such low range I hate having just a mallet to survive. Who do you think can genuinely beat him top aside from Yorick? I thought Vlad could but Teemos sustained damage is stupid early game. Darius beats Teemo top fairly consistently from my experience. | ||
Australia3856 Posts
On August 18 2012 21:53 upperbound wrote: Darius beats Teemo top fairly consistently from my experience. I've always found the opposite, if he pulls you QW then poke the shit out of him whilst his pull is on CD, and once you get a phage you destroy him. | ||
Indonesia2978 Posts
On August 18 2012 20:03 RebelSlayer wrote: You think too little of Vlad. I played Teemo as my main champion when I was below level 30. I haven't played him as much since then--I suppose other champions stole my interest, but he will always have a special place in my heart. A couple months ago I went on a tangent with AP Teemo, building Meji's and Lichbane every game. T'was quite funny when a q and auto attack would kill someone from full health or when people would die from solely 'shrooms. The last three games I played with Teemo I went versus Pantheon all three times~ I suppose they though that Panth stood a chance against Teemo because blind didn't block his spells. But cloth 5pot into wriggles and Panth couldn't do anything at all. The little badger will always have a special place in my heart. ??? ok | ||
Korea (South)11232 Posts
I can dominate the lane from the start but after his first back its over for me. | ||
United States1898 Posts
Hopefully you are buying items and not sitting in lane with just boots 3. | ||
Canada6208 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
A lot of what was holding sheen back was that it was hard to maximize the damage of its procs. The change is probably good. | ||
3534 Posts
On August 19 2012 16:10 Lmui wrote: Wow. I just had a straight up fullAP teemo on my team and it was actually scary how much damage he did. No bruiser teemo shit. Straight up AP. Went tabis dorans kages -> rylais -> dfg -> dcap -> nashors. He did really poorly early-midgame but after a certain point, the combination of stupidly high damage shrooms, ridiculously high damage harass meant that he could go toe to toe with anyone and win or at least survive. Started doing that in normals, and usually go DFG->Nashor's->DCap. Nashors just for teh lulz really, because AP Teemo is a little troll to begin with. E does stupid amounts of damage, the CD on Q is really low and the ratio on both Q and R reasonable. You can't really enter the baron pit unless you have oracles, and you're stupidly safe from ganks with him, too, so playing so squishy really works out. IDK, really fun to play. | ||
Indonesia2978 Posts
On August 19 2012 03:19 Chexx wrote: nyxnyxnyx if you have some vod against vlad. I would be interested to see them. I can dominate the lane from the start but after his first back its over for me. i dont have vods against vlad but ill try to explain how the matchup goes vlad really counters melee champs since it gives him a lot more options as to how the lane plays out. against teemo every transfusion vlad takes should be met with at least 1-2 autos/Q which outtrades vlad handily. vlad's W is also not great against teemo since he never gets to utilize the life-vamp portion of it (because you're ranged) and your poisons/ignite continue ticking while he's pooled. depending on who their jungler is, flat MR blues + quints can make it impossible for you to die even with massive overextension. on your first B you have the option to go double NMM (to be made into merc treads if they have a lot of CC) which rapes vlad since it removes spellvamp as an option for him to remain in lane. if you harrass vlad down but cant find a kill opportunity, you can always farm till 800++ gold then push up and recall, forcing vlad into a lose-lose situation - if he stays and farms that wave you come back with double NMM + pots and win. if he goes home he loses CS at turret anyway. i typically like to go home when i'm 6 unless i'm forced to go home earlier for some reason. recalling at 6 allows that extra mushroom recharge. when you have wits you win. if he stacks MR you make the NMM into a hexdrinker instead and taunt him in all chat for massive tilt edit: you need indomitable + minion dmg reduction almost always as teemo. against vlad something like 9/21/0 would be best, taking points in 3hp5, -2 all dmg, -2 minion, 6 MR and movespeed. | ||
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