On December 04 2012 06:55 Sufficiency wrote: If I am not mistaken, Riot think Teemo is currently really strong (and probably needs a nerf) - and they were surprised that no one played Teemo at World's. By Riot do you mean that one guy from Riot who says a ton of things and who's every word gets posted on Reddit. That's all I remember of talk of him getting nerfed.
He definitely is strong and I'm surprised he wasn't used at worlds. Two autos has at least the AP ratio of a malzahar E. He may just remain a secret and I'm sure many people don't play him because of honor or something. They haven't given their hearts to the scout's code.
Does CDR affect how quickly Teemo makes more mushrooms?
Yes, CDR affects his ultimate.
What do you guys think about Liandry's on teemo? I've been playing Teemo top recently, and have been going Berserker's Greaves/Nashor's/Liandry's/Death Cap/Void Staff. With the magic penetration from Liandry's and Void Staff plus Liandry's passive, shrooms can do like 1,000 damage, and Q does over 500. Plus, with Ryalai's next, Liandry's passive is doubled on Q as well.
So how do you build Teemo top? Should he be AP or AD or tanky or something else?
On January 06 2013 06:51 NationInArms wrote: So how do you build Teemo top? Should he be AP or AD or tanky or something else? AP, AP always.
On January 06 2013 06:51 NationInArms wrote: So how do you build Teemo top? Should he be AP or AD or tanky or something else? AP used to be better before the previous nerf.
Now the ratio is anywhere between .3 and .45 on his E depending on whether you get spell sword or malady. Also a .1 ish ratio on his poison. AP has lower dps than on hit or AD but it raises the damage on his Q and mushrooms the most. Also more of the damage is magic so it's better vs low MR targets.
No AP item will give him more dps than a wits end for its cost so wits I find wins lane harder (useful if you have a hard magic damage lane).
Some people build Teemo with bork, runaan's and mallet for decent AoE dps, and survivability, and a slow.
While you could build Teemo as an AD I find his conditional stealth and blind are not enough to make up for his lack of jumps and his low range. He also lacks AD ratios. Obviously AD will have the highest DPS come late game though so if your team has a bruiser urgot or bruiser/hybrid/ap ezrael then you might want to go AD.
I just tried out Teemo for the first time a couple days ago (I'm a bit late, I know ). Seems like you can build pretty much anything on him to make him strong, but I'm trying to figure out the best hybrid/attack speed + AP build possible - no easy task, as I've come to realize.
First off, I'm having a real hard time deciding between a Malady and Nashor's tooth for my first core item (I've been starting out with dagger + 2 pots btw, is that bad?). Malady scales with AP and has nice MR resist reduction passive, but Nashor's has more AP and CDR. So I think Malady would be better ONLY if you plan on getting a lot of AP along with it, which I'm not sure is worth it at this point? Then there's also Wit's End, which from what I'm reading here gives the most DPS of all of them. So I dunno wtf I should build towards first, and if I should get a second one of these 3 items or not?
It also sounds like phage into frozen mallet is pretty much a must buy - if this is a must buy, then you won't have much money left to buy AP... and AP is very important too since its the only way to raise mushroom and Q damage.
On top of all of these already great item choices, there's also BotRK, Liandry's, and runaans, or even deathcap... WHICH ITEMS TO GET AND IN WHAT ORDER, TOO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM! This literally kept me up last night in bed while trying to sleep, trying to think of the best and most cost efficient way to maximize dps on him... in the end I couldn't even decide on which item to get first :/
One more question, I've been getting sorc shoes after my first core attack speed/AP item, should I be getting berserker's greaves instead? I thought sorc made more sense since I'm already getting attack speed from other items, and the magic pen is badly needed.
Teemo veterans, please advise! TY!
sorc shoes malady and liandries.
What I've tried is berserker's boots, nashor's, death cap, liandry's, void staff. Obviously you're pretty weak in team fights, but your shrooms are doing like 800 damage and your Q does around 600 as well, and with your stealth you can still pop up and take out squishies very quickly. A hurricane can also help out in team fights, as doing only 50% damage with the extra shots doesn't really matter when most of your damage is coming from your E anyways.
GRB is secret op hybrid item, and few things are more frustrating than disables + lifesteal/vamp. However, malady liandry is really really strong, so I would do that first. Then I'd probably get some form of survivability, then maybe GRB. Disclaimer: I haven't actually tried GRB on teemo but it seems pretty strong and puts you around the same gold value as a standard ranged DPS core.
Teemo is the new hotness.
Valhalla18444 Posts
if you get both nashor's and malady do you experience diminished returns on the AS?
bonus AS is added up, then multiplied off teemo's base AS. depending on how you define 'diminishing return', it could be yes and no.
generally speaking it'd be a no, since AP / MR shred / malady's onhit damage provide 'damage' to work off the increase in AS. however, having high AS would reduce the effectiveness of the DoT component of toxic shot.
TIL - Liandry's does not proc on teemo's E, only on his Q and R, although on his R he gets a new proc for every DoT. Also Rylai's does not proc on teemo's E (it only makes his Q's slow), so it's not a very good substitute for frozen mallet. I assume most of you already knew all of this but I think it's a good FYI for those who don't.
On February 20 2013 15:51 krndandaman wrote: nashors, sorc shoes, death cap, liandrys, voidstaff, filler adjust to other team's comp but this is what I usually get in that order I pretty much agree with this, have not tried void staff yet though, the +30 mpen from sorcs/liandry's always seems like enough. Botrk and FM could also be good 5th/6th items. Maybe lich bane too once you've got deathcap and liandrys. I think wits end and malady has kind of fallen off the radar for teemos though, too many other good options.
only way to build teemo, I hope you have hybrid pen runes, also large balls and kiting ability
Nashors > deathcap > lichbane > KILL ALL THE THINGS
why get inferior dps ias items like malady when u can get hurricane and KILL ALL THE THINGS x 3
Because hurricane sucks monkey balls. Nashors is the only aspd item you need.
You can get berserker boots instead of sorcs if you want more aspd and then get liandrys/void for more mpen