On September 04 2014 15:11 sob3k wrote: I know we've pretty much gone over why melee carries dont exist in LOL, but if you look mundo is actually pretty sick in the role.
1. Completely spammable incredibly strong slow with fat % health damage for infinite chasing. 2. 30% innate tenacity 3. Fucking absurd 100% uptime AD steroid (100+ad) 4. 12 second 35% speed boost
If you build him like an ADC you can fucking wreck anyone, you just use ult entirely for the speed. With a lifesteal item his steroid negates all his health costs. Pretty crazy, that steroid is just stupid. Vayne ult gives her 70 Ad when maxed, Mundo E gives up to 200 AD with 100% uptime. You basically can't run from him with the tenacity, cleavers, and ult...and your phantom dancer ofc.
I have a friend who likes to do this when he goofs off in normals. Like most weird builds, it relies entirely on him getting ahead (so it isn't really any good), but it's hilarious to watch him run people down and two shot them while regaining all his health from life steal and his ult.
Get a big engage move, tank killing abilities, and itemization that allows them to be hella tanky and do all the damages. Imagine Vi with old-school atmogs+wits end+GA and you have a DotA melee carry.
Man they nerfed tank itemization hard. The switch between old-school wits and BotRK such a huge melee nerf. Very similar items, but BtoRK is much worse for melees and instead of being less effective on tanky champs it's more effective.
On September 05 2014 01:15 iCanada wrote: In DotA melee carries are like Vi, not Yi.
Get a big engage move, tank killing abilities, and itemization that allows them to be hella tanky and do all the damages. Imagine Vi with old-school atmogs+wits end+GA and you have a DotA melee carry.
Man they nerfed tank itemization hard. The switch between old-school wits and BotRK such a huge melee nerf. Very similar items, but BtoRK is much worse for melees and instead of being less effective on tanky champs it's more effective.
On September 05 2014 01:15 iCanada wrote: In DotA melee carries are like Vi, not Yi.
Get a big engage move, tank killing abilities, and itemization that allows them to be hella tanky and do all the damages. Imagine Vi with old-school atmogs+wits end+GA and you have a DotA melee carry.
Man they nerfed tank itemization hard. The switch between old-school wits and BotRK such a huge melee nerf. Very similar items, but BtoRK is much worse for melees and instead of being less effective on tanky champs it's more effective.
On September 05 2014 02:34 Ketara wrote: One of my friends told me recently that DotA heroes range from 30 to 70% winrate in their version of ranked play or whatever, is this true?
On September 05 2014 02:34 Ketara wrote: One of my friends told me recently that DotA heroes range from 30 to 70% winrate in their version of ranked play or whatever, is this true?
On September 04 2014 08:00 yamato77 wrote: Dunno that you should even care to post that kind of thing anyway
People stream, so what. If you don't like them, you're free not to watch them.
Dunno why you would care enough to post that kind of thing anyway
People post, so what, if you dont like them, you're free not to reply to them.
tl;dr - Clicked thread on HLTV, saw weird ass person dancing, scrolled down to info, see strange claims about playing for TL (who have never affiliated with an official TL team.) took 2 seconds to post it, proven wrong(ish), post about being wrong(ish), move on.
My two replies on the subject already, in your hurry to spam REKT in my face you forgot to scroll down
Calling that team "team liquid" as a source of previous achievements is pretty damn sketchy if you ask me though, since it was never actually THE team liquid (It was "Liquid blue" a team made by fans of TL) and is easily misconstrued. But i'm sure you knew and understood this when you did it, so fair game to you.
On September 05 2014 02:34 Ketara wrote: One of my friends told me recently that DotA heroes range from 30 to 70% winrate in their version of ranked play or whatever, is this true?
A bit of an exaggeration to say 30-70% but definitely a bit more than LoL, where Amumu rarely cracks 55% and Urgot can usually stay above 40%.
Drow used to be around 65% 18 months ago iirc. DotA is terribly balanced for pubs, that's for sure.
You're thinking of post rework Drow/SB/Cent where these heroes are banned in Captains mode but released into the wild pub circuit. I like this system myself, allows icefrog to do retarded stuff like Global Stampede that stuns without completely breaking the competitive game.
On September 05 2014 02:34 Ketara wrote: One of my friends told me recently that DotA heroes range from 30 to 70% winrate in their version of ranked play or whatever, is this true?
A bit of an exaggeration to say 30-70% but definitely a bit more than LoL, where Amumu rarely cracks 55% and Urgot can usually stay above 40%.
Drow used to be around 65% 18 months ago iirc. DotA is terribly balanced for pubs, that's for sure.
You're thinking of post rework Drow/SB/Cent where these heroes are banned in Captains mode but released into the wild pub circuit. I like this system myself, allows icefrog to do retarded stuff like Global Stampede that stuns without completely breaking the competitive game.
Yeah but it breaks pubs, which is what 99% of the players are playing... I don't really this as a good thing, as much as I love DotO.