On March 06 2014 15:44 FinestHour wrote: lose 8 games in a row then win 3 games in a row with pure ad garen what is the game trying to tell me Pure AD Garen is so bad you needed to drop a bunch of games before it worked?
On March 06 2014 15:52 Gahlo wrote:Show nested quote +On March 06 2014 15:44 FinestHour wrote: lose 8 games in a row then win 3 games in a row with pure ad garen what is the game trying to tell me Pure AD Garen is so bad you needed to drop a bunch of games before it worked? Only a true and devoted believer deserves to win with it.You need to prove you are worthy.
On March 06 2014 15:56 nafta wrote:Show nested quote +On March 06 2014 15:52 Gahlo wrote:On March 06 2014 15:44 FinestHour wrote: lose 8 games in a row then win 3 games in a row with pure ad garen what is the game trying to tell me Pure AD Garen is so bad you needed to drop a bunch of games before it worked? Only a true and devoted believer deserves to win with it.You need to prove you are worthy. All Hail AD Garen
+ Show Spoiler +In all reality I do like getting a BC and a LW on garen if I'm snowballed. So much Arpen O.O
Does anyone know if ranked is down on EUW? It seems as if that teambuilder has replaced ranked.
On March 06 2014 17:14 NeedsmoreCELLTECH wrote: Does anyone know if ranked is down on EUW? It seems as if that teambuilder has replaced ranked.
Yeah wtf? D:
On March 06 2014 15:44 FinestHour wrote: lose 8 games in a row then win 3 games in a row with pure ad garen what is the game trying to tell me You have to drop to the level division that pure AD garen is viable.
what do you guys think of leblanc atm? She seems a lot like kassadin, although people dont complain about her nearly as much. She's my most played this season too, and I think she's op as fuck.
iono man gold 1/plat 5 people dying to this shit thats more then 90% of the playerbase ya na ranked is downtoo just got loss prevented
@ The Yango, in regards to a few pages back: Im fairly sure Riot want to have a few points of difference, and having no short term and long term gated mana champs is one of them. Riot balance team thinks high damage to make up for mana management is toxic, probably because getting instagibbd isnt fun for the person dieing. And this can already happen at the moment if you play lane bullies or assassins.
In short, rito keeps mana costs low cos spamming shit is fun and getting instantly bursted isnt. Or i dunno, riot wanna make money so they make game easy :D
On March 06 2014 17:23 IMoperator wrote: what do you guys think of leblanc atm? She seems a lot like kassadin, although people dont complain about her nearly as much. She's my most played this season too, and I think she's op as fuck. Personally I think she's as OP as Kassadin if not more but the Kassadin hate train is too strong to be derailed. After the repeated nerfs, I think she's probably stronger than Kassadin.
I mean, she has the burst of pre-pre-nerf Kassadin, more CC than Kassadin (granted it's slightly harder to hit but not really). She has less mobility, but her mobility is still pretty nutso. The one thing keeping her from being pre-nerf Kassadin is the fact that she can't spam her mobility spell or she loses a shitton of damage.
On March 06 2014 17:23 IMoperator wrote: what do you guys think of leblanc atm? She seems a lot like kassadin, although people dont complain about her nearly as much. She's my most played this season too, and I think she's op as fuck. Probably needs something, but only slight.
I favour Distortion CD nerf, a ult mana cost or fix chains hit box. Seems reaaaaaaaaaaally wide.
On March 06 2014 19:30 JazzVortical wrote:Show nested quote +On March 06 2014 17:23 IMoperator wrote: what do you guys think of leblanc atm? She seems a lot like kassadin, although people dont complain about her nearly as much. She's my most played this season too, and I think she's op as fuck. Probably needs something, but only slight. I favour Distortion CD nerf, a ult mana cost or fix chains hit box. Seems reaaaaaaaaaaally wide.
Delete the bitch like she deletes champions.
Nerf Lulu so that the True Queen Leblanc can rule to world imoimo.
I think Lulu is the more out of line "ap carry" at the moment.
On March 06 2014 17:24 FinestHour wrote: iono man gold 1/plat 5 people dying to this shit thats more then 90% of the playerbase ya na ranked is downtoo just got loss prevented You have to remember that everyone is horrible at this game lol
exactly 90% of the playerbase will die to ANYTHING if you set it up right
On March 06 2014 19:50 Cixah wrote: Nerf Lulu so that the True Queen Leblanc can rule to world imoimo.
I think Lulu is the more out of line "ap carry" at the moment.
Her Q is fucking insane, ive seen that crap CHUNK.
On March 06 2014 17:23 IMoperator wrote: what do you guys think of leblanc atm? She seems a lot like kassadin, although people dont complain about her nearly as much. She's my most played this season too, and I think she's op as fuck. She's somewhat like Kassadin, yes. I feel like Kassadin is more consistent and has better AoE, Leblanc is more risky in that she requires you to basically land E or commit with W but her reward also is higher.
On March 06 2014 13:18 IMoperator wrote: lol, our aatrox kept trying to split push, when he could've just grouped and won the game easily, but w/e. Idk how ziggs dumsptered morg that hard, seems like morg should at least go even in that matchup so idk. I know you're QQing, but Morgana isn't supposed to go even at all. Ziggs can shove: Morgana automatically loses in farm past level 6-7 and gets outroamed, which hurts her hard because she's a midgame teamfighting champion if you pick her as a carry.
On March 06 2014 13:44 SagaZ wrote:Show nested quote +On March 06 2014 13:39 Slusher wrote:On March 06 2014 13:37 SagaZ wrote:On March 06 2014 13:33 Shikyo wrote:On March 06 2014 13:32 SagaZ wrote:On March 06 2014 13:18 wei2coolman wrote:On March 06 2014 11:54 arb wrote: for some reason the word "timing" in league annoys me.
keep trying to relate it to starcraft and its making me cringe do you have alternative word to describe item powerspike? yes, it's called shopping. LoL champions powercurves are homogenised, you only get stronger by leveling up or going to shop. Also every game is different, so aside from junglers hitting lvl 3 and getting doublebuff there is no such thing as set timings. (and even then some sick fucks gank at level 2 so we don't even have that) So in SC2 you call "timing" "making units"? To be honest I don't even know why that is supposed to be a term in the first place, it's an actual word. i have no clue what you do in sc2. but in bw, every build order and match ups had a series of known timings. they were called timings because they happened every game at the same time (+/- 10 secs) and were deadly if you didn't scout them in advance a good raw(brown boots at most) RoA timing is 12 min, we went over this already? but that doesn't mean anything, the guy cs'd well during 12 minutes and got XXX amount of money and went back to shop, opponent probably did the same and bough different items, the guy with the roa should not be stronger or weaker, no1 cares that he got his roa at 12 minutes cause it has no real impact on the game. It is not a timing, no1 is thinking oh shit, we're nearing the 12 minute mark, gotta get ready for that roa mid. As a French I tought you'd get it better : see it like the way we use the word "timing", not as the time when something happens, but as when you're synchronised with something happening.
For example, your opponent just bought a BT in a situation where you're stronger at 0 stacks but weaker if you let him stack it. You've got a timing window to fight him and try to force a recall/kill him while he's weaker, so you get enough gold advantage to buy earlier and stay ahead even once his BT is stacked. Graves, Talon, TF, etc. need a certain amont of AD/AP at certain points in the game to keep instaclearing the wave (or at least caster minions). If Graves has enough AD at level 8 he can put a 2nd point in W and QW instaclears the caster minions, letting him push hard or farm big waves instantly. You know the drake respawns in 2 minutes and has a support you need ~200 gold to finish Talisman for your rushdown comp. Your team lets you farm a wave or two to make sure you can buy and be there in time. It's not a fixed time, but it's still synchronising yourself (purchasing the Talisman) with a timed event (drake respawning). Same applies to "drake's up in 45s, I need 2 waves to hit 11 as Rumble, try to stall them while I farm mid so we're stronger", for example.
Maybe using "timing windows" makes more sense when comparing yourself to an opponent ("Vayne has enough for BotRK but because I shoved I backed first, let's all-in her before she can recall because once she buys she'll be stronger than me"). All in all, there sure are a bunch of occurrences where people use "timing" or "power spikes" wrong, but we already know casters like Rivington or Quickshot spew shit all day long so blame them for misusing the term instead.
On March 06 2014 14:12 Ketara wrote:Show nested quote +On March 06 2014 13:34 57 Corvette wrote:On March 06 2014 13:18 wei2coolman wrote:On March 06 2014 13:18 57 Corvette wrote: I think I'm just gonna main jungle until this whole "GRAGAS OP BANBANBAN" phase passes. Not consistent enough with other midlaners. Ahri is pretty fun and does alright against fotm midlaners. Though her midgame and lategame is all based on landing charm. Excluding gragas, I am pretty bad at the mobile assassin type of mid. Can't play Ahri/Kass/LB/Khaz to save my life. Play Luxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Fuck Lux.
On March 06 2014 12:50 Nos- wrote: are you supposed to lose the hp you gained in fountain when you cancel a buy? No, but the bug's already on Riot's radar (saw it listed when RoG quoted the bug thread... and so many fking of them aren't in there despite being reported multiple times).
Woah Teambuilder is so cool
Anybody on EUW wanna trade a mystery champ/skin?
I need to do one to get my RP to 0.