leona + vayne has some pretty nice all in potential at a couple points vs cait + x lanes IMO. if you got to do double golems, your level 2 all-in can make life a lot easier, and at lvl 6 you have another opportunity.
but if you don't take advantage of those two points, you're likely going to have a very painful lane unless enemy team does something dumb or you have sick jungler ganks.
holy shit. i managed to miss a final because i'm fucking retarded. felt physically sick and nauseous and couldn't sleep for past 12 hours... teacher is willing to give me makeup. i really should stop playing games during school
On May 13 2013 03:49 wussleeQ wrote: holy shit. i managed to miss a final because i'm fucking retarded. felt physically sick and nauseous and couldn't sleep for past 12 hours... teacher is willing to give me makeup. i really should stop playing games during school
On May 13 2013 03:49 wussleeQ wrote: holy shit. i managed to miss a final because i'm fucking retarded. felt physically sick and nauseous and couldn't sleep for past 12 hours... teacher is willing to give me makeup. i really should stop playing games during school
I'd try not to worry about it too much. If anything the stress is probably making you even more sick.
On May 13 2013 03:49 wussleeQ wrote: holy shit. i managed to miss a final because i'm fucking retarded. felt physically sick and nauseous and couldn't sleep for past 12 hours... teacher is willing to give me makeup. i really should stop playing games during school
I'd try not to worry about it too much. If anything the stress is probably making you even more sick.
Just let it go and take the makeup.
i think the sickness and nausea was caused BY missing the final otherwise he wouldn't say it was because he was fucking retarded
from your story it sounds like you didn't ward the brush? why would you get slowed from lulu if you couldn't see it?
the other thing is, maybe it wasn't about applying pressure but about having presence. as support, even if you can't kill or if you don't have options to really respond, you can still play up and try and force the opponent to respond to you. if cait sees you out of position she's going to want to shoot you. by kiting her just on the border of that range, you're making her respond and taking away some of her attention. with that, it relieves some pressure on vayne, and she will have a bit of an easier time to farm.
if you don't play up, and you stand behind vayne, now vayne is the primary target for harass and you're effectively dead weight.
applying pressure isn't always just threatening your ability to kill/trade/harass, but it can also mean diverting attention, distracting, and making opponents respond to you.
On May 12 2013 23:10 AsnSensation wrote: asking a leona to "pressure" is kinda hilarious because usually Leona doesn't really wanna engage before lvl 3 to have her full combo, maybe vs a squishy supp like soraka or Sona lvl 2.
But yeah the main problem is that at level 1 Vayne will lose 1/2 of her HP bar walking up to her first cs vs cait+lulu and as Leona you can't really do much =D
Well I don't fucking understand Lissandra at all, I cant do shit on her.
Her range is just awful and her harass is really weak, but her burst damage is also really really subpar because you have to use one of your nukes to gapclose and it wont do any damage (yet her ratios are balanced around a 4 nuke champ) + her ult does really poor damage...Then her sustained damage is far worse than sustained damage champs so you can't get into extended trades with just about anyone...yet if you don't kill them in your first combo and used E to gapclose you can't get out and take huge damage.
Then her passive is just odd because she is incredibly mana hungry, yet a free spell every 18 seconds really does nothing to solve this unless you are doing absolutely nothing in lane, so you have to build a ton of mana or regen on her anyway. Are you supposed to just sit in lane and just farmoff and wait for ganks?
Her waveclear is incredibly fast and she supports ganks well, but I can't do anything by myself.
She plays a lot like Karma, but much worse because she can only go allin, and her allin is weak unless you are hitting 5 people with W and R.
Also for mid lane what the hell are you supposed to do when like Brand or Swain or whatever just stands in front of the creep wave and totally zones you? You can't hit them with anything and if you go in on E you will lose the trade badly with just QW available...
On May 13 2013 05:45 sob3k wrote: Well I don't fucking understand Lissandra at all, I cant do shit on her.
Her range is just awful and her harass is really weak, but her burst damage is also really really subpar because you have to use one of your nukes to gapclose and it wont do any damage (yet her ratios are balanced around a 4 nuke champ) + her ult does really poor damage...Then her sustained damage is far worse than sustained damage champs so you can't get into extended trades with just about anyone...yet if you don't kill them in your first combo and used E to gapclose you can't get out and take huge damage.
Then her passive is just odd because she is incredibly mana hungry, yet a free spell every 18 seconds really does nothing to solve this unless you are doing absolutely nothing in lane, so you have to build a ton of mana or regen on her anyway. Are you supposed to just sit in lane and just farmoff and wait for ganks?
Her waveclear is incredibly fast and she supports ganks well, but I can't do anything by myself.
She plays a lot like Karma, but much worse because she can only go allin, and her allin is weak unless you are hitting 5 people with W and R.
Shes basically a morg with better lane harass, a free flash in, amazing gank assist, great wave clear, and who is basically ungankable in lane while being a terror roaming threat and almost impossible to chase down.
She is not a 1v1 champion except vs squishies later.
On May 13 2013 03:49 wussleeQ wrote: holy shit. i managed to miss a final because i'm fucking retarded. felt physically sick and nauseous and couldn't sleep for past 12 hours... teacher is willing to give me makeup. i really should stop playing games during school
Good professor. She understands that in the grand scheme of things this exam will not be what keeps you up at nights a year from now.
-She does no damage -her teamfighting is terrible because she has no range and does no damage, including her ult, and is squishy as fuck -Her ult invulnerability is awful because it lasts only 1.5 seconds, which if you are within ult range of any enemy will still result in immediate death. Rushing zhonyas is impossible because she needs regen and cdr too badly. -Her CD's on her utility spells are massive for most of the game, her waveclear is unsafe because you need to either use W or E, which leaves you a sitting duck and too close to the creep wave. -She's not actually very hard to gank at all because all you have to do is wait for her to use claw and then CC anytime in the next 2 seconds, which prevents her from porting while the claw expires and she gets fucked.
In conclusion I will 1v1 anyone in the world mid with a decent champ if they play Lissandra.
On May 13 2013 06:40 sob3k wrote: dude Lissandra is complete trash
-She does no damage -her teamfighting is terrible because she has no range and does no damage, including her ult, and is squishy as fuck -Her ult invulnerability is awful because it lasts only 1.5 seconds, which if you are within ult range of any enemy will still result in immediate death. Rushing zhonyas is impossible because she needs regen and cdr too badly. -Her CD's on her utility spells are massive for most of the game, her waveclear is unsafe because you need to either use W or E, which leaves you a sitting duck and too close to the creep wave. -She's not actually very hard to gank at all because all you have to do is wait for her to use claw and then CC anytime in the next 2 seconds, which prevents her from porting while the claw expires and she gets fucked.
In conclusion I will 1v1 anyone in the world mid with a decent champ if they play Lissandra.
On May 13 2013 06:40 sob3k wrote: dude Lissandra is complete trash
-She does no damage -her teamfighting is terrible because she has no range and does no damage, including her ult, and is squishy as fuck -Her ult invulnerability is awful because it lasts only 1.5 seconds, which if you are within ult range of any enemy will still result in immediate death. Rushing zhonyas is impossible because she needs regen and cdr too badly. -Her CD's on her utility spells are massive for most of the game, her waveclear is unsafe because you need to either use W or E, which leaves you a sitting duck and too close to the creep wave. -She's not actually very hard to gank at all because all you have to do is wait for her to use claw and then CC anytime in the next 2 seconds, which prevents her from porting while the claw expires and she gets fucked.
In conclusion I will 1v1 anyone in the world mid with a decent champ if they play Lissandra.
She also has amumu ult on W
yeah too bad it has about 1/8 the size, only roots, and lasts 1.1 seconds
I with Sob3k, I dunno, I'm not the greatest mid player, but I think Lissadra's kit really fun.
I just like can't win with her unless I get carried. I even had games where I just straight up thrash enemy mid laner because of ganks or roaming, and then I just can't carry.
I see no reason to play her over like Anivia, Lux, or Orianna. Hell, atleast with Karma I feel like I magically win teamfights.I dunno, Liss just feels weak.
On May 13 2013 06:40 sob3k wrote: dude Lissandra is complete trash
-She does no damage -her teamfighting is terrible because she has no range and does no damage, including her ult, and is squishy as fuck -Her ult invulnerability is awful because it lasts only 1.5 seconds, which if you are within ult range of any enemy will still result in immediate death. Rushing zhonyas is impossible because she needs regen and cdr too badly. -Her CD's on her utility spells are massive for most of the game, her waveclear is unsafe because you need to either use W or E, which leaves you a sitting duck and too close to the creep wave. -She's not actually very hard to gank at all because all you have to do is wait for her to use claw and then CC anytime in the next 2 seconds, which prevents her from porting while the claw expires and she gets fucked.
In conclusion I will 1v1 anyone in the world mid with a decent champ if they play Lissandra.
I don't understand how you need regen on Lissandra. When I play her all I get for regen is an RoA, and I run 21/9/0 and no regen runes. Never run out of mana.
Just don't spam Q on cooldown and you're fine. You can typically clear a minion wave with 1 Q and 1 W, or 1 Q and 1 E, and the first of those spells is free.
Her lane phase is a little weak but she is ungankable, has great gank assist, and her teamfight later is ridiculous. Don't get any CDR on her at all, go ROA > Zhonya > Abyssal, and when you have those 3 dive into the middle of the enemy team, W-selfR, when you come out throw a Q and then Zhonya. You do AoE damage, disrupt their whole team and your team cleans up.
Also, CDR glyphs on her are great, because you're not getting CDR items.