On May 13 2013 09:36 GhostOwl wrote: Who do u guys think counters teemo at top lsne harder- Elise or Jayce? I need to buy a champ that I can fall back on when I cant play singed.
And which one of the two is more useful in late game teamfights??
Hit level 2, go full ham, get FB or force back. Then shove lane and get free 20+ CS lead. Proceed to all in all game.
Panth dont even fall off that hards, juist dont go balls deep in teamfights, protect your AD and control zones with E.
On May 13 2013 09:36 GhostOwl wrote: Who do u guys think counters teemo at top lsne harder- Elise or Jayce? I need to buy a champ that I can fall back on when I cant play singed.
And which one of the two is more useful in late game teamfights??
Both of those are really good all-around top laners but if you want the champ that's best against Singed counters (Vlad, Teemo, Kennen) I'd say Elise is the better choice.
On May 13 2013 10:08 zodde wrote: So IdrA said on RealTalk that he's actually playing a bit of LoL, is there any way to find out his IGN? I'm guessing no, but it's worth a shot.
My guess is that no pro LoL team will ever hire Idra, they know he's not a team player.
On May 13 2013 10:08 zodde wrote: So IdrA said on RealTalk that he's actually playing a bit of LoL, is there any way to find out his IGN? I'm guessing no, but it's worth a shot.
I wonder if he thinks good last hitting is a useful skill toi have
On May 13 2013 10:08 zodde wrote: So IdrA said on RealTalk that he's actually playing a bit of LoL, is there any way to find out his IGN? I'm guessing no, but it's worth a shot.
I wonder if he thinks good last hitting is a useful skill toi have
On May 13 2013 10:08 zodde wrote: So IdrA said on RealTalk that he's actually playing a bit of LoL, is there any way to find out his IGN? I'm guessing no, but it's worth a shot.
I wonder if he thinks good last hitting is a useful skill toi have
At least there won't be a game where he surrenders when the enemy team accidentally kills their own inhibitor.
Unfortunately the fact that the game is patched so frequently will provide him with a reason to always be complaining how the particular champ he plays is underpowered, while his opponent plays a champion is an overpowered piece of shit, and that the balance team should go fuck themselves with a tire iron.
On May 13 2013 06:40 sob3k wrote: dude Lissandra is complete trash
-She does no damage -her teamfighting is terrible because she has no range and does no damage, including her ult, and is squishy as fuck -Her ult invulnerability is awful because it lasts only 1.5 seconds, which if you are within ult range of any enemy will still result in immediate death. Rushing zhonyas is impossible because she needs regen and cdr too badly. -Her CD's on her utility spells are massive for most of the game, her waveclear is unsafe because you need to either use W or E, which leaves you a sitting duck and too close to the creep wave. -She's not actually very hard to gank at all because all you have to do is wait for her to use claw and then CC anytime in the next 2 seconds, which prevents her from porting while the claw expires and she gets fucked.
In conclusion I will 1v1 anyone in the world mid with a decent champ if they play Lissandra.
Faker disagrees.
great, but he should have died at 40seconds if trist didn't go full retard
And? He made an amazing play with Lissandra and got a kill where a lot of people would have simply died to Lee Sin or Karthus. Escaping without dying isn't what makes a case for Lissandra. I've been playing her and don't think she's trash. People complain about her lack or range but it's really only bad when you're trying to poke under tower. Otherwise you just have to use the creep wave to extend the Q range and poke that way. Also people get in this mind set where they think they need to E into a fight and ult themselves when a lot of times it's just a better idea to ult an enemy and use your entire spell rotation on them, E included. I've played her and I felt like I've done decent damage so I just don't see that complaint. Just playing devil's advocate here.
On May 13 2013 10:22 ticklishmusic wrote: Unfortunately the fact that the game is patched so frequently will provide him with a reason to always be complaining how the particular champ he plays is underpowered, while his opponent plays a champion is an overpowered piece of shit, and that the balance team should go fuck themselves with a tire iron.
On May 13 2013 10:22 ticklishmusic wrote: Unfortunately the fact that the game is patched so frequently will provide him with a reason to always be complaining how the particular champ he plays is underpowered, while his opponent plays a champion is an overpowered piece of shit, and that the balance team should go fuck themselves with a tire iron.
So basically Hashinshin but popular.
Lol, you think the league community would like Idra? Rofl. Dudes whole stream would be like "fuck league lol loo loo lol so casual, so easy. This game so imbalanced, so ridiculous. League community sucks, full of scrubs, I'm ten times better than everyone in LCS."
Idra like one of the initial starters of that whole sc2 is better than league thing.
On May 13 2013 10:08 zodde wrote: So IdrA said on RealTalk that he's actually playing a bit of LoL, is there any way to find out his IGN? I'm guessing no, but it's worth a shot.
I wonder if he thinks good last hitting is a useful skill toi have
I want to see how high his gpm is. "No gank 20 min please"
Its an extremely strong change and will probably bring her back into the spotlight. Not many good pro Cass players though (lots of failed flash ults in memory).
IdrA also said that he's not going to play LoL competitively, he's just doing in for fun right now. He also though that the teamplay part of the game was interesting, since he had never played a team game before, and mentioned that while mechanically easy (compared to bw/sc2), since you're playing against other players, you will never play perfectly.
He said he'd consider playing it with fans on his stream, if that was what his fans wanted.