On April 06 2013 03:45 Slayer91 wrote: If he did I think people would play him more. Not like he has the most precise of skillshots.
He's a beefy guy sure but people usually pick him only against certain laners (anivia, diana for example) Well Gragas does have the best skill in the game(W)
Underplayed IMO but yeah
v What you're thinking of is magic damage with AD ratios(think old Yorick)
United States19573 Posts
On April 06 2013 03:46 nyxnyxnyx wrote: zed isn't that great imo
-physical -negligible AoE -no CC (weak slow)
physical damage was always 'worse' than magic damage. the turret damage buff made it slightly more so
Physical damage always better, because your autoattacks hurt.
On April 06 2013 03:35 cLutZ wrote:Show nested quote +On April 06 2013 03:27 kongoline wrote: zed doesnt win early trades with bruisers wtf, diana is alot better vs them she also pretty much shits on zed and any bruiser post lvl9+ Zed should definitively lose trades with bruisers at every powerpoint of the game. Or he needs some other weakness to account for his ability to ranged farm, and assassinate in teamfights, and have good sustained damage in teamfights. Edit: Also As a general rule, people need to understand that there needs to be a "Burst Damage Tax", because burst is much better than sustained damage for a variety of reasons. Zed get a huge spike at ulti levels. Zed jungle is so damn good his clear time god like and he counter ganks well until six. IF a lane dies you can generally stay equally farmed as a normal top lane. Being physical just means your burst sucks without ultimate.
If EU west is unavailable still type:thereisnourflevel type it on the patchthing where you choose server. Its the same way the konami code used to work.
If EU west is unavailable still type:thereisnourflevel
I've always wondered: when and where do you have to type that? It never works for me.
It's when the server is unavailable and the Play button is greyed out.
On April 06 2013 03:56 Aando wrote: It's when the server is unavailable and the Play button is greyed out. So there is no way around endless queue's?
On April 06 2013 03:45 Slayer91 wrote: If he did I think people would play him more. Not like he has the most precise of skillshots.
He's a beefy guy sure but people usually pick him only against certain laners (anivia, diana for example)
For a mage (well, he wasn't intended as one) he is really good at brawling it out in lane. It's not like he is a must ban, he does have downsides of course. For example high mana costs, damage reliant on skillshots, E is risky to use for damage.
He is underplayed a bit. Scarra is pretty much the only one still playing him. He had his really popular phase last season, after they buffed him and completely vanished after he got nerfed again.
I tried it 3 times, 1 and 3(just now) no queuee; second time was like a 10 sec Q.
On April 06 2013 03:56 Fildun wrote:Show nested quote +On April 06 2013 03:56 Aando wrote: It's when the server is unavailable and the Play button is greyed out. So there is no way around endless queue's? Not that I know of.
i hate stealth. its a mechanic that is incredibly broken, then becomes semi-useless if and when the other team can afford pinks and oracles.
On April 06 2013 03:59 Aando wrote:Show nested quote +On April 06 2013 03:56 Fildun wrote:On April 06 2013 03:56 Aando wrote: It's when the server is unavailable and the Play button is greyed out. So there is no way around endless queue's? Not that I know of.
 Thanks anyways! I'm in now.
United States15536 Posts
On April 06 2013 03:54 Fildun wrote:I've always wondered: when and where do you have to type that? It never works for me.
What I want to know is why Riot still has this as the password when it seems clear to be public knowledge.
On April 06 2013 04:01 AsmodeusXI wrote:Show nested quote +On April 06 2013 03:54 Fildun wrote:If EU west is unavailable still type:thereisnourflevel
I've always wondered: when and where do you have to type that? It never works for me. What I want to know is why Riot still has this as the password when it seems clear to be public knowledge.
you'd be surprised actually. what TL considers public knowledge is unknown to probably 96.4% of the lol playerbase*. think of all the really bad bronze 4 soloq heroes and the kids who only ARAM or comp stomp.
*this statistic was derived from rigorous surveying and testing, just like balancing champs.
United Kingdom50293 Posts
If you guys want to see something funny TPA are about to beat up KLH with zac. http://www.azubu.tv/index.do (It should appear on the main page I have no clue how navigate this damn website though)
On April 06 2013 04:01 AsmodeusXI wrote:Show nested quote +On April 06 2013 03:54 Fildun wrote:If EU west is unavailable still type:thereisnourflevel
I've always wondered: when and where do you have to type that? It never works for me. What I want to know is why Riot still has this as the password when it seems clear to be public knowledge.
I see someone every time it's mentioned that they are not aware of it. "Public" is probably an overstatement. The groups you hang out with may know it, but the majority don't seem to. The amount of people who use it/ want to use it/ care to use it is probably negligible. I also saw someone shouting as fact that Riot bans for using it(as far as I know this is 100% not true. Riot has never banned for using the workaround code, and I've never seen it officially declared that it would be a ban-worthy offense.) Let's be honest, if it was something harmful to Riot, they would have taken it out ages ago, rather than just changing the workaround. It used to be a variation/play on the konami code before this.
On April 06 2013 03:59 ticklishmusic wrote: i hate stealth. its a mechanic that is incredibly broken, then becomes semi-useless if and when the other team can afford pinks and oracles. I love stealth. It's a counterable mechanic, of which the counter isn't an end all be all. You can counter their pinks with pinks and oracles of your own, you can counter Oracles by sniping the carrier (unless it's on the tank), or engaging away from it.
It's a gameplay mechanic that forces the opponent to play a certain way just by existing. It's only broken if you don't change yourself around it, and with careful usage it remains useful all game long.
basically half that game is the commentators saying zac's jump is too big.
i was being a little too dramatic. stealth is just annoying from a soloq perspective. literally no one will buy a pink because they have this "oh, someone else (the support) will get it" mentality. i guess its one of those things thats well done at pro/ teamplay, but at low elo and soloq... its just shdgfjkldsladhgkdsj.
United States23745 Posts
On April 06 2013 01:12 Cloud9157 wrote: The thing I hate about all of these jump champions is that they just make half the other junglers irrelevant. Udyr, Trundle, Mundo, Shyvana, Skarner, even Lee Sin are getting outclassed by the "op" junglers. Granted, no one ever really played Trundle, but if there was ever a time for him to not be played, its now.
Theres just no point in playing Mundo or Udyr who have comparable clear times to the better junglers, but they can't jump around a fight killing people, all while building little to no damage and mostly tank.
The jungle meta has just evolved since then. You rarely saw Xin or J4 in the jungle in era where Mundo/Shyv were played a lot. The way Riot has changed up the jungle made it so single target Junglers are more viable. It's not that they are OP, they are just the best champs for the current Jungle, the same way Mao and Mundo were when they were popular.
There's no queue at all to go into EUW (at least when I did 25 minutes ago), thereisnourflevel isn't "public" enough for that. 
On April 06 2013 03:14 Shikyo wrote: I don't see how Talon is a good assassin archetype, especially on the topic of what was discussed earlier? If you get within 700 range of Talon, you're just dead. Nothing you can do.
Note I didn't mean that Diana and Ahri are good assassins, the concept of requiring a difficult skillshot and the concept of mobility with skillshots are what are good. What ahri actually is or isn't isn't really relevant to my point. Animations. I feel like I'm repeating myself (not blaming you: it's annoying me because I don't want to annoy potential listeners by sounding like a parrot) since that was already my line of reasoning a few months ago (pre-season), but Talon has wind-down frames on E, a longer aa than most champs (not Wukong-level of awful, just a bit long), W and R deal damage in 2 parts, most of Q's damage comes from the DoT, it's an aa reset, and once there's stuff like Locket/Aegis in play or simply carries reaching level 13+ (where his base damage stops creasing) he becomes even more reliant on hitting during the damage amplification (esp. since W's range is too short to poke with then go in for the kill like Kha'Zix can).
When Talon E's somebody (and he makes it pretty obvious with the sound and recognisable model), a cc to stop his combo (the way you do to Zed, but Zed has shorter animations) or delay it will reduce his damage and buy time for your teammate to run. What's nice about his E is that the silence prevents insta-flashes/escape skills (you wouldn't be able to combo a Kass ever post-6 otherwise, or an Ahri for example), however it's only 1s duration so if you E the AD carry but Sona/Lulu immediatly cc's you, even with mercs you won't be able to combo before your target flashes/dashes away, losing precious time on your E (Kha'Zix's kit is fully ranged, Zed has W, Akali has multiple dashes, Diana has E and another ult if she hit a Q before going in, etc.). Talon is super strong 1v1, but, well, he's an assassin, that's his job. In teamfights, you need a team capable of isolating targets for you (the way Olaf can force teams to split if the carries run while the bruisers dive his, for example, or even the way a seemingly failed Gragas/Janna ult can) or to position yourself so that you can flank them. The same works with Eve/LB (remember Misaya's wonderful flanks and sneak attacks in the back against a Kog when playing Eve, and how the teams played around their limited stock of pink wards, and pressure on objectives to contest vision safety—that was interesting gameplay to watch).
Zed, on the other hand, can ult somebody, only get his E or Q off, get blown away, have his mark trigger, and he'll still have the damage to kill his target, and the means to go back in (or out). Kha'Zix can EWQauto in the span of jump (he won't finish the auto before he lands but the idea's there), that's far too fast to allow counterplay. You're low? Either you have an Alistar who can headbutt him before his Qs goes through, or you're dead.
Kha'Zix having poke and a reset isn't too much of a problem. It's that he can snowball hard and 100-0 people. His ult lets him reposition, run away, reengage, etc. and his jump too once he evolves it. It's fine: he's a vulture who skirts around the fight, poke, and either destroys you if you get isolated through his Q, or jumps in to finish you off when you get low, and gets out quickly. The problem with him is that, on top of that, he's able to 100-0 champs if you let him snowball. I'd say reduce his damage (base or scaling or whatever, but I'm mainly thinking about W and the passive here) that way he can't 100-0 people (or needs to be really, really fed) and has to focus on his ganking/preying on the wounded playstyle rather than go for solo kills.
I dunno how to fix Zed though.
is that also the same game where bebe went elder lizard? I guess I have sth to watch for the meantime
euw seems up but abit buggy was stuck in champ select for 20minutes after champs were chosen game started and 3 people didn't connect