On December 30 2012 03:55 seRapH wrote: A huge part of karma's subpar winrate is that a lot of people only pick her to troll.
That and they play her as 0 cs support gg
She is not that great as AP either.
Her shove is good, but her range is very low and her damage is low.
If you want big shields, AP Janna is better.
I'm pretty sure Karma's winrate is so low because 95% of the she's picked, the person is actually trolling, or immediately accused of trolling by the rest of the team.
Personally I think the "label" toxic should be reserved to some specific that are inherently complicated to balance such as evelynn or talon. Riven top is not toxic, Riven mid might be.
On December 30 2012 03:58 Sufficiency wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2012 03:55 seRapH wrote: A huge part of karma's subpar winrate is that a lot of people only pick her to troll.
That and they play her as 0 cs support gg She is not that great as AP either. Her shove is good, but her range is very low and her damage is low. If you want big shields, AP Janna is better. She's a lot better mid and actually contribute something past 10 minutes than be completely irrelevant as a 0cs support with almost no presence in lane whenever her shield or mantra is down.
On December 30 2012 04:01 seRapH wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2012 03:58 Sufficiency wrote:On December 30 2012 03:55 seRapH wrote: A huge part of karma's subpar winrate is that a lot of people only pick her to troll.
That and they play her as 0 cs support gg She is not that great as AP either. Her shove is good, but her range is very low and her damage is low. If you want big shields, AP Janna is better. She's a lot better mid and actually contribute something past 10 minutes than be completely irrelevant as a 0cs support with almost no presence in lane whenever her shield or mantra is down.
You put you at mid and she doesn't contribute anything past 30 mins and be completely irrelevant as a 200 cs laner with almost no presence.
On December 30 2012 04:01 seRapH wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2012 03:58 Sufficiency wrote:On December 30 2012 03:55 seRapH wrote: A huge part of karma's subpar winrate is that a lot of people only pick her to troll.
That and they play her as 0 cs support gg She is not that great as AP either. Her shove is good, but her range is very low and her damage is low. If you want big shields, AP Janna is better. She's a lot better mid and actually contribute something past 10 minutes than be completely irrelevant as a 0cs support with almost no presence in lane whenever her shield or mantra is down. That's like saying retard kid #1 beat retard kid #2 at math. At the end they both fail. AP Karma is sort of a desperation move because of how bad support Karma is. Sure, it's better than support Karma, but it doesn't mean it's actually good.
Anyway, it's being suggested that Karma remake will likely go on live in January. Just wait and see, I guess.
On December 14 2012 11:39 101toss wrote: Time for me to play nostradomus
1. Teemo's base damage gets nerfed 2. People realize liandry's is a noob trap (especially for non-teemo champs) 3. Call myself nostradomus and collect league karma Hey guys, I'm nostradomus, please give me league karma
You made a prediction about Teemo's base damage on the day the patch notes mentioning such came out...? (Minding that such changes were on the PBE for a week or two before that...) ....?
Did you know that TF's aura will apply to the enemy team for the duration of Mordekaiser ghost? I assume that also applies to other champions with global auras like Zilean & Janna. I got 8 gold from TF Passive via Mordekaiser ghost in a game.
Liandry's procs on vorpal spikes = this item too strong
On December 30 2012 04:05 Sufficiency wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2012 04:01 seRapH wrote:On December 30 2012 03:58 Sufficiency wrote:On December 30 2012 03:55 seRapH wrote: A huge part of karma's subpar winrate is that a lot of people only pick her to troll.
That and they play her as 0 cs support gg She is not that great as AP either. Her shove is good, but her range is very low and her damage is low. If you want big shields, AP Janna is better. She's a lot better mid and actually contribute something past 10 minutes than be completely irrelevant as a 0cs support with almost no presence in lane whenever her shield or mantra is down. That's like saying retard kid #1 beat retard kid #2 at math. At the end they both fail. AP Karma is sort of a desperation move because of how bad support Karma is. Sure, it's better than support Karma, but it doesn't mean it's actually good. Anyway, it's being suggested that Karma remake will likely go on live in January. Just wait and see, I guess.
I didn't watch the game, so I can't say much other than that I heard SJS destroyed Toyz Ori with Karma mid. About as relevant as lol king winrates I know but I mean it has to mean something?
which brings me to my second point lolking winrates? really? in this thread?
On December 30 2012 04:11 Inschato wrote: You made a prediction about Teemo's base damage on the day the patch notes mentioning such came out...? (Minding that such changes were on the PBE for a week or two before that...) ....?
Did you know that TF's aura will apply to the enemy team for the duration of Mordekaiser ghost? I assume that also applies to other champions with global auras like Zilean & Janna. I got 8 gold from TF Passive via Mordekaiser ghost in a game. The first point wasn't intended to be a prediction but a premise (obviously I didn't make it clear :/)
the other two points were predictions, correct predictions, huehue
It's not that Riven is toxic per see, she isn't as broken as she used to be anymore—though part of it certainly has to do with power creep. She has definite losing match-ups, hard match-ups, she still snowballs lanes very hard if given an advantage, esp. with the cost nerf on chain vest. She's flawed in her design because of her passive, E and ult though: she lacks sustain, but she gets to be more resilient through sheer offensive builds (the effect of a BT on her shield... on top of the added damage) and her ult makes her more powerful for building offense (Jax's used to and was only changed because he felt too squishy rather than because he dealt too much damage, though). Of course, that's also the case with AP casters (hence nerfs to AP Janna and stuff), but AD casters have always been fishy from a balance standpoint because enhancing their spells also enhances their autoattacks, which means they aren't as dependent on cooldowns as AP casters are for their damage, and their skirmishing/trading power skyrockets with some items.
Riven embodies that flaw because while the idea of combos and mixing spells and autos is enjoyable from a player's standpoint (and as much as I dislike Riven's design, I like the philosophy Xypherous went for), they make her an AD caster whose autoattacks are stronger than almost anybody's in the game, barring a glass cannon crit build (and possibly late game Zed as it doesn't need charges to have bonus AD). So she has a pretty big burst already (720 + 3.7 bonus AD to 1040 + 4.9 bonus AD, all of which is AoE), but she also gets up to 6 charges (7 if her ult can proc it twice, and one more charge per item active used apparently), each adding 0.5 bonus AD to her autoattacks, working for full with lifesteal. She lacks range (though once she gets in there she has mobility) and true gap closers (compared to Kha/Rengar/Talon/Pantheon/Renekton) but even when all her spells are on cooldown and her ult's duration expired, if she still has charges she'll hit hard enough to maul a squishy.
The biggest offenders in the AP category, Orianna, Ziggs and TF don't really come close (not sure about Muramana Ryze, and Fizz's DoT is weaker if it doesn't last more than the initial hit). I guess a case could be made for AP Teemo though.
On December 30 2012 02:44 Dan HH wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2012 02:32 Ketara wrote: Would be nice if the support pool was as varied and reasonable. Support is more varied than ever before. Remember the days of Soraka, Sona and Janna only? I actually haven't seen a Soraka or a Janna for like forever. Taric, Sona, Blitz are those I see the most, followed by Zyra, Lux and Leona. Something feels wrong with that list. I should be seeing way more Lulu in my games, seeing how she's popular and all.
On December 30 2012 03:29 jcarlsoniv wrote:I think part of the issue with Karma (I had this discussion with Smash a while back), is that people don't know how to play WITH a Karma, and thus, the team fails. She is actually quite powerful when built as a tanky mage (because of her passive), but it's hard to get a team to synergize with her. No poke, extremely mana-hungry, benefits from a load of stats (CDR mostly, seeing how it affects Mantra charges and the fact that she needs more rotations to output the same damage as other mages, and mana... but then she also needs some AP, and resists go so well on a team with her)... and still her laning-phase is strong as hell and she can be even more of a juggernaut than Swain during midgame fights near dragon and stuff. I wish I hadn't paid attention to Riot announcing a rework almost a year ago, I had set my views on her but I never even bought her since I was always thinking "she'll change soon, I won't get too enjoy her too much" then every few months Riot went and said "no not now, but still working on it, it'll come!" and it'd start all over again. @_@
The rework has been announced to make her into a support rather than an AP carry, too... I hope they take the Nami approach to the support kit (ie support in their own glossary, not as the current meta role).
karmas pretty good, just outshinedby similar champs but with an ult like orianna
On December 30 2012 03:02 Numy wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2012 02:54 Seuss wrote: So I don't really understand the "toxic" label anymore, and I'm not sure what Riot is seeing in Riven. It's quite simple. When you want to nerf something call it toxic. When you releasing a champion that has similar mechanic to something you called toxic before say how you will never release a champion like that again. Riot devs seem to be 90% marketing speak. Morello's actually given his reasoning for Riven being toxic. Something about how her ult let her keep an advantage by killing someone again immediately when they came back to lane. Honestly sounds like Morello got his ass handed to him one time too many by a Riven. It's really subjective and I could come up with a hundred more abuse cases for why a hundred champions are toxic. The reason why Riven's ult is toxic is because she also "doesn't use mana".
Seems like you could do a maclaren with the ult. I don't think that change will go through since Riot doesn't support griefing. Also does his W lose stacks? If not that's a strange snowball mechanic.
On December 30 2012 04:18 obesechicken13 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2012 03:02 Numy wrote:On December 30 2012 02:54 Seuss wrote: So I don't really understand the "toxic" label anymore, and I'm not sure what Riot is seeing in Riven. It's quite simple. When you want to nerf something call it toxic. When you releasing a champion that has similar mechanic to something you called toxic before say how you will never release a champion like that again. Riot devs seem to be 90% marketing speak. Morello's actually given his reasoning for Riven being toxic. Something about how her ult let her keep an advantage by killing someone again immediately when they came back to lane. Honestly sounds like Morello got his ass handed to him one time too many by a Riven. It's really subjective and I could come up with a hundred more abuse cases for why a hundred champions are toxic. Seems like you could do a maclaren with the ult. I don't think that change will go through since Riot doesn't support griefing. Also does his W lose stacks? If not that's a strange snowball mechanic. Are you Romanian or am I?
United States47024 Posts
On December 30 2012 03:58 Sufficiency wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2012 03:55 seRapH wrote: A huge part of karma's subpar winrate is that a lot of people only pick her to troll.
That and they play her as 0 cs support gg She is not that great as AP either. Her shove is good, but her range is very low and her damage is low. If you want big shields, AP Janna is better. Karma mid is very good. Smash has discussed this before. She has mediocre gank presence and doesn't scale super well with farm, but she crushes a lot of matchups. Spirit Bond has 800 range and Mantra->Shields have effectively 950 nuke range off the back of creeps.
On December 30 2012 04:04 cascades wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2012 04:01 seRapH wrote:On December 30 2012 03:58 Sufficiency wrote:On December 30 2012 03:55 seRapH wrote: A huge part of karma's subpar winrate is that a lot of people only pick her to troll.
That and they play her as 0 cs support gg She is not that great as AP either. Her shove is good, but her range is very low and her damage is low. If you want big shields, AP Janna is better. She's a lot better mid and actually contribute something past 10 minutes than be completely irrelevant as a 0cs support with almost no presence in lane whenever her shield or mantra is down. You put you at mid and she doesn't contribute anything past 30 mins and be completely irrelevant as a 200 cs laner with almost no presence. Then don't overfarm her. It's not a problem with Karma--it's a general problem with teams/players mis-allocating farm and letting supportive mids still AoE clear waves when they don't need to past the 150 cs mark.
Also, the sheer number of supportive items in the game at this point means that an Locket+Bulwark+Mikael's carrier still has the lategame value of Locket+Bulwark+Mikael's, which is very high.
solo queue players have absolutely no clue how to play with a mid zilean or karma.
On December 30 2012 04:19 Dandel Ion wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2012 04:18 obesechicken13 wrote:On December 30 2012 03:02 Numy wrote:On December 30 2012 02:54 Seuss wrote: So I don't really understand the "toxic" label anymore, and I'm not sure what Riot is seeing in Riven. It's quite simple. When you want to nerf something call it toxic. When you releasing a champion that has similar mechanic to something you called toxic before say how you will never release a champion like that again. Riot devs seem to be 90% marketing speak. Morello's actually given his reasoning for Riven being toxic. Something about how her ult let her keep an advantage by killing someone again immediately when they came back to lane. Honestly sounds like Morello got his ass handed to him one time too many by a Riven. It's really subjective and I could come up with a hundred more abuse cases for why a hundred champions are toxic. Seems like you could do a maclaren with the ult. I don't think that change will go through since Riot doesn't support griefing. Also does his W lose stacks? If not that's a strange snowball mechanic. Are you Romanian or am I?
Maybe you both are.
On December 30 2012 04:32 barbsq wrote: players have absolutely no clue how to play with a mid zilean or karma.
fixed that, as can be done with 99% of the statements with prefix "solo queue"