Yorick. As a ghost. The last breath is the sweetest!
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2602 Posts
Yorick. As a ghost. The last breath is the sweetest! | ||
United States47024 Posts
On August 01 2012 05:40 zulu_nation8 wrote: I don't think any other top laner has a dash and a stun to escape from ganks. Jarvan, though it's technically a knockup. EDIT: And Jax. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Darius Panth Warwick Xin Yorick Rumble Udyr All easier to gank. Not to mention a bunch of champs that rely on ult to escape (kayle malph olaf singed) and champs that need a fresh creep wave (lee sin jax) | ||
United States47024 Posts
On August 01 2012 05:46 Slayer91 wrote: champs that need a fresh creep wave (lee sin jax) Couldn't either of them just use a spare ward? | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
If you're looking for champs that are better or similar escape power to irelia you're looking at: renek riven jarvan shen wukong. nidalee kennen lee/jax with wards vlad KINDA (i think pool isn't THAT reliable to get you away considering how hard vlad tends to push) | ||
United States33802 Posts
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United States4241 Posts
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United States1693 Posts
On August 01 2012 05:33 Scip wrote: Irelia is one of the maybe 3 easiest top lanes to gank in the lane. First of all, her only escape is Q to a creep or her E, which is 1 second stun (shouldn't be a big deal as long as both top lane and jungler has any form of CC). Second, her damage (apart from ultimate, unimportant) is melee only, which makes her very vulnarable very often, if she wants to push any advantage she might have. I obviously have no idea about how laning goes against her, but she is almost as easy to gank as Darius is. I dunno if it actually does anything, but try to ask your jungler to gank early (in champ select or before 1:20, preferably) What? No.. irelia is actually decent against ganks with her passive, stun, and dash. Please, make me a gift of a list of champions that are easier to gank than irelia, your Brilliance. Here you are, your Brilliance. Darius Xin Warwick Panth Cho Yorick Garen Malphite Morde Maaaybe Fiora. Depends on where creeps are positioned for two charges of her dash | ||
United States33802 Posts
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United States5348 Posts
On August 01 2012 06:22 Requizen wrote: Can Fiora dash to friendly minions? no | ||
United States33802 Posts
Oh, then yeah, easy as pie. Maybe tougher once she gets lifesteal and hits 6, but honestly I never see her at all. | ||
189 Posts
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Romania803 Posts
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United States5765 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
On August 01 2012 07:04 I_Love_Bacon wrote: Random Question: When the game launches at it's moved out of center (so like it's in the bottom right), what is the way to recenter it? I know there's a way other than quit/rejoin, since I'm pretty sure I've seen people do it. Try just alt tabbing it? | ||
United States368 Posts
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Germany1716 Posts
On August 01 2012 07:03 Mondieu wrote: Nordic/East forums just dropped offline >< not just the forums it seems, i just got kicked out of a game on EUW. now that im trying to log back in, i got the waiting message with ~500ppl before me in line. tried to get back into the game, but the client didnt wanna connect. so i relogged, had 4k but it stopped moving, tried again, now having the good ol 20k with 43534958hrs waittime. its just 0:12, usually they patch way later + only disable ranked, so anybody know whats going on? | ||
Dandel Ion
Austria17960 Posts
€: Time to level the NA smurf some more | ||
Australia3856 Posts
On August 01 2012 05:50 Slayer91 wrote: I guess they could, I don't usually see it though. If you're looking for champs that are better or similar escape power to irelia you're looking at: renek riven jarvan shen wukong. nidalee kennen lee/jax with wards vlad KINDA (i think pool isn't THAT reliable to get you away considering how hard vlad tends to push) Teemo? | ||
United States368 Posts
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