On August 01 2012 13:43 Craton wrote: Why would you make that change to Brand and not do anything to address 3-bounce damage being far too high. You've basically made it that much more likely to instagib someone 1v2. I think Brand could use some love. It's not like there aren't other burst carries that can blow shit up like that, if this gets Brand back into more games, I'm ok with it.
On August 01 2012 13:45 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On August 01 2012 13:25 Requizen wrote: I don't think she'll be too crazy (and not just because I'm buying her day 1). Her clears will be amazing, and her scaling looks nice, but she lacks any CC outside of the little pull thing. So her ganks will only be OK unless she has super burst capability on her combo and her laner has CC on top of it. If Dark Seer from DotA is any indication, that "little pull thing" is more than enough to make her a monster teamfighter. Eh, it already exists in Ori ult and (sort of) Darius pull. It's not overwhelming on either of them, but we'll see.
On August 01 2012 13:43 Craton wrote: Why would you make that change to Brand and not do anything to address 3-bounce damage being far too high. You've basically made it that much more likely to instagib someone 1v2. Honestly, I don't see much wrong with that. As for the Eve buffs.....yeah. Not enough.
Oh geez that's a lot of damage taken off of flamespitter
United States47024 Posts
On August 01 2012 13:46 Requizen wrote: Eh, it already exists in Ori ult and (sort of) Darius pull. It's not overwhelming on either of them, but we'll see. Darius pull is limited by its shape and the fact that he doesn't have a dash to help him position it, Ori ulti is limited by the comparatively slow animations leading into it, and it has a radius that's ~50 less than Diana's E.
From looking at PBE videos, R->E looks way smoother to use than either Darius pull or Ori ultimate.
On August 01 2012 13:25 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On August 01 2012 13:20 Seuss wrote: Did we change things up so that Neo is the god of gen thread starting? Normally someone would have sniped him by now.
Also,Diana seems like the worst jungle design I've seen since Nautilus. Unless I'm underestimating her mana costs severely she's going to be ridiculous. I don't think she'll be too crazy (and not just because I'm buying her day 1). Her clears will be amazing, and her scaling looks nice, but she lacks any CC outside of the little pull thing. So her ganks will only be OK unless she has super burst capability on her combo and her laner has CC on top of it. Then again, that might be true and she can just ult out and rape someone's health bar. In which case I'll be jungling her a whooooole fuckton.
I'm intimately familiar with jungle Akali, and Diana looks like jungle Akali without the downsides. That's a large part of why I'm worried.
Even without extensive experience with jungle Akali it should be pretty obvious that Diana's design is worrisome. Any displacement effect is, in and of itself, a very powerful ganking tool. Diana's doesn't need to be aimed, hits multiple targets, and also applies a powerful slow. In addition, Diana gets a 900 range dash post-6. Her ganks are going to be extremely powerful.
Let's also not forget that her base damage and ratios are better than Akali, but all do AoE damage save for her ultimate.
I haven't had the opportunity to test her on the PBE due to my vacation, but I can't help but think she'll be too strong.
Champions coming out too fast for me. Diana looks really good and I want to learn her, but at the same time I still think that Jayce has a lot of unexplored potential and Zyra is good too -.-
On August 01 2012 13:45 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On August 01 2012 13:43 Craton wrote: Why would you make that change to Brand and not do anything to address 3-bounce damage being far too high. You've basically made it that much more likely to instagib someone 1v2. I think Brand could use some love. It's not like there aren't other burst carries that can blow shit up like that, if this gets Brand back into more games, I'm ok with it. Yes, but not at the expense of making an extremely broken scenario occur more often.
On August 01 2012 13:48 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On August 01 2012 13:46 Requizen wrote: Eh, it already exists in Ori ult and (sort of) Darius pull. It's not overwhelming on either of them, but we'll see. Darius pull is limited by its shape and the fact that he doesn't have a dash to help him position it, Ori ulti is limited by the comparatively slow animations leading into it, and it has a radius that's ~50 less than Diana's E. From looking at PBE videos, R->E looks way smoother to use than either Darius pull or Ori ultimate. I doubt it'll be anywhere near as good as DS vacuum in DotA. Vacuum is ranged and has a HUGE aoe. Diana's pull thing is ranged, which is a huge drawback by itself. I feel like it's more similar to a larger aoe Magnataur's ulti except without the ridiculous stun at the end.
On August 01 2012 13:25 Requizen wrote: I don't think she'll be too crazy (and not just because I'm buying her day 1). Her clears will be amazing, and her scaling looks nice, but she lacks any CC outside of the little pull thing. So her ganks will only be OK unless she has super burst capability on her combo and her laner has CC on top of it.
Then again, that might be true and she can just ult out and rape someone's health bar. In which case I'll be jungling her a whooooole fuckton.
Sounds like Shyvana? I've been having a blast with Shyvana.. might have to pick her up on release.
United States47024 Posts
On August 01 2012 14:30 Ryuu314 wrote: I doubt it'll be anywhere near as good as DS vacuum in DotA. Vacuum is ranged and has a HUGE aoe. Diana's pull thing is ranged, which is a huge drawback by itself. I feel like it's more similar to a larger aoe Magnataur's ulti except without the ridiculous stun at the end. Obviously, but keep in mind the context here. We've got self-only Shadow Grave and skillshot Storm Bolt as ultimates.
In the context of LoL's power level, Diana's E has the potential to be a ridiculously potent teamfighting skill.
I'm reading LoL wiki and Diana's ult has a 20 second cd at lvl1 and 12 second cd at lvl3. That sounds kind of fucked. Along with Q cd of 6 seconds at lvl5.
On August 01 2012 14:35 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On August 01 2012 14:30 Ryuu314 wrote: I doubt it'll be anywhere near as good as DS vacuum in DotA. Vacuum is ranged and has a HUGE aoe. Diana's pull thing is ranged, which is a huge drawback by itself. I feel like it's more similar to a larger aoe Magnataur's ulti except without the ridiculous stun at the end. Obviously, but keep in mind the context here. We've got self-only Shadow Grave and skillshot Storm Bolt as ultimates. In the context of LoL's power level, Diana's E has the potential to be a ridiculously potent teamfighting skill. I don't doubt that. Although I haven't seen the aoe of Diana's E yet, so I honestly can't give a great judgment on how strong it'll be.
I can imagine that Diana's R-W-E would be really annoying to deal with since her E essentially guarantees she gets the second shield activation off of her W. Assuming it scales off of AP like very other shield in the game, it's potentially a ton of free HP to let her live longer w/out investing all that much into defensive items.
I'm really hoping she's good and fun. I staved off buying Zyra in the hopes that this champ will be better than my insta-buy of Jayce, who was a bit of a disappointment.
Her E range looks to be 250-300 range as an AoE with her in the center. Works kind like ori ult except it pulls all to the center.
United States47024 Posts
On August 01 2012 14:48 Nos- wrote: Her E range looks to be 250-300 range as an AoE with her in the center. Works kind like ori ult except it pulls all to the center. Wiki says radius of 250, which is still ~50 more than Ori ult.
On August 01 2012 14:31 nmbr wrote:Show nested quote +On August 01 2012 13:25 Requizen wrote: I don't think she'll be too crazy (and not just because I'm buying her day 1). Her clears will be amazing, and her scaling looks nice, but she lacks any CC outside of the little pull thing. So her ganks will only be OK unless she has super burst capability on her combo and her laner has CC on top of it.
Then again, that might be true and she can just ult out and rape someone's health bar. In which case I'll be jungling her a whooooole fuckton. Sounds like Shyvana? I've been having a blast with Shyvana.. might have to pick her up on release.
I think Diana's ganks will be pretty strong. Pre-6, she might have some trouble getting close enough to drag them into slow at levels 4-5 but post-6, She'll be better farming version of akali jungle since she brings a slow + grab.
Thoughts regarding the patch notes:
Eve - I don't think this'll be enough of a buff to eve. She'll probably need a small buff in a later patch to reach a mid-tier jungler level of usefulness
Rumble - I really expected to have his AP ratios hit as well as the base values. At 170+ AP, he still does more damage than the old rumble. The base value nerf is necessary but might not be enough. We'll see how it plays out. As for his 5% dps nerf on danger zone, It'll help with bringing his power in line with other top laners. I still expect him to be rather strong but not quite overpowered
Twitch - I want a small nerf on his expunge to bring his level 3/4 burst down to varus level. Since it doesn't remove the deadly venom stacks now, I think it's a little too much damage coming from the spell in the early game. Other than that I think he's fine.
Zyra - I expected a nerf to her. Her ultimate is the strongest AoE spell in the game that doesn't put the caster in danger when cast. It has similar damage to tibbers, hits a much larger AoE and comes with knockup. It's not quite as good of an initiate but allows for more damage through her plants than tibbers can deal. Also, her autoattack range should go down to 550/525 from 575, her ability to harass with both skills and autoattacks is too strong.
They generally don't nerf new champs in the next patch unless something is terribly overpowered, which I think is fine since it gives the community time to find possible weaknesses and avoid accidentally over-nerfing off of knee jerk reactions.
On August 01 2012 03:37 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On August 01 2012 03:24 Requizen wrote:On August 01 2012 03:19 wei2coolman wrote:On August 01 2012 03:14 Requizen wrote:On August 01 2012 03:11 Bladeorade wrote: Yeah because the brood war Meta was never stale for long periods of time. /shrug At least you saw some variance in builds. It gets a bit grating seeing bruiser top, caster mid, AD bot with 0 farm support, and tanky/CC jungler every game. The only variation is like, occasionally you see an assassin mid or a high-damage jungler, and sometimes bot and top switch lanes to counter something. Not to mention the builds being nearly exactly the same for every single person for a given role every time. I'll admit that it got stale for stretches, but at least the play was always exciting. For every cool composition we see in LoL, there are 10 more games playing "farm until late game and then protect the Kog/Vayne" for the umpteenth time. I disagree, There seems to be shift in meta right now, in high tourney play. 1v2 seems to be a popular lane choice now, sending someone like gangplank bot, to 1v2, while 2v1ing top, and trying to abuse that as hard as possible. I think by season 3 we'll see a huge evolution in the meta, and more well thought out team comps. It's not really a difference, though. I see the same thing a lot with Shen, Kayle, or Yorick switching lanes, but it's the exact same team comp, just abusing the fact that some solo laners can 1v2 safely and others can't. Actually, I'm sure that if WotA Nunu picks up steam, we'll see him do the lane switch as well. The only awkward thing this does to the meta is that it moves a player away from dragon, but as long as your support/AD top wins lane (which they should against most non-godly tops), the support at least is free to roam for control. Now a big meta shift would be like, bringing back actual roam supports as an actual thing, and not "oh my lane is winning, may as well roam". The days of picking Taric to just more or less never be in lane and constantly roam and stun was hilariously fun. How is going back to old meta, a big change to the meta? :O Imo I want to see supports that have strong damaging spells, that have high base damage, but poor scaling, similar to some of the "supports" in dota. I think my most played supports are Garen and pre-rework Xin.
Too funny. I can always appreciate cockiness, as long as it is pulled off properly.