[Role] Ranged AD - Page 7
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China26351 Posts
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Germany187 Posts
On July 26 2012 23:41 zulu_nation8 wrote: do you think vayne is the best AD vs ezreal? maybe sivir because of his ability to spam so you gain a lot of mana or he wont do any damage... and you could harass him aswell, even though he will flash to dodge your Q I think a soraka + sivir bot lane stops all the damage of his spells, atleast it works in lower elo | ||
Germany1795 Posts
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3232 Posts
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Noobville17920 Posts
On July 30 2012 11:29 101toss wrote: So, is the general consensus here that caitlyn sucks dick? I thought she had the best lane phase of any AD with her range + poke, so you should leave lane with an advantage, but her lategame is really bad as a trade off | ||
United States351 Posts
On July 30 2012 11:36 arb wrote: I thought she had the best lane phase of any AD with her range + poke, so you should leave lane with an advantage, but her lategame is really bad as a trade off it's not her lategame but her lack of presence in midgame similar to trist. cait still has the 3rd highest range for ad carries (if including kog w) so her lategame is on par or better than most ad carries | ||
3232 Posts
On July 30 2012 11:48 nalho wrote: it's not her lategame but her lack of presence in midgame similar to trist. cait still has the 3rd highest range for ad carries (if including kog w) so her lategame is on par or better than most ad carries But the shitty steroid, escape, and ult make her garbage lategame (and mid) :s Why play cait when you could play trist, have a similar shitty midgame, but have a stronger early (debatable) that helps you avoid the shit midgame as well as a great late presence? | ||
United States351 Posts
On July 30 2012 11:51 101toss wrote: But the shitty steroid, escape, and ult make her garbage lategame (and mid) :s Why play cait when you could play trist, have a similar shitty midgame, but have a stronger early (debatable) that helps you avoid the shit midgame as well as a great late presence? i prefer female breast over small yordle. ot: cait has nice ability to zone with traps late game when tower pushing so it all depends on team comp i guess | ||
United States8298 Posts
On July 27 2012 00:08 Ente wrote: I dont think that you can "counter ez" there are some lanes which are pretty safe: Corki Graves Sivir even ashe and kogmaw can work decently (even though the as slow is pretty hard for them) I wouldnt suggest vayne because she suffers a lot from the as slow + is relly weak in lane Also vayne can't outtrade ezreal if he lands his W on her. Even late game, if you can't stun ezreal, he's very hard to 1v1 as an AD carry - even vayne. (Same problem happens for Autoattacking bruisers - AS slow stronk) | ||
3 Lions
United States3705 Posts
On July 30 2012 11:29 101toss wrote: So, is the general consensus here that caitlyn sucks dick? For Caitlyn it's really important to win lane, and ride that advantage into the mid-game. I feel that her range late-game makes up for her lack of a steroid, with proper positioning one can truly abuse her 650 range, and she is really good vs double-AP or AOE team comps. | ||
Canada6210 Posts
On July 30 2012 13:41 3 Lions wrote: For Caitlyn it's really important to win lane, and ride that advantage into the mid-game. I feel that her range late-game makes up for her lack of a steroid, with proper positioning one can truly abuse her 650 range, and she is really good vs double-AP or AOE team comps. In the early game, caitlyn paired with an equally aggressive zoning support like alistar, blitz and taric or janna can literally stand between your ranged/melee creeps shooting you and because you're zoned so far that the creeps don't aggro onto cait. Sure, once it hits the 12-15 minute mark and you're going for dragon her skills will generally do less damage but that doesn't matter too much if she has double dorans, BF, zerks, vamp and a pickaxe against your double dorans, zerks BF. Good caitlyn's will zone you out of 50+ CS by the 15 minute mark, a pretty huge amount of money that compensates for her weakness later. | ||
Netherlands4730 Posts
Actually max E on Varus first, the ratios are pretty damn good and for trades it shuts down all the healing. Also, the first instinct of alot of people (lets say 90%) when hit by Varus E is to just run away. During that you can autoattack 2/3 times and follow with a Q for more damage. E is just such a huge chunk of damage in lane, I wish I maxed it when he came out instead of W/Q good guide sir! edit: my opinion on the whole caitlynn discussion. I think its alot dependant on the support you have. You have to be aggresive and you need a support who can aid you in that goal. I play alot of AD carry and I really like the ranged poke of Cait early on. My normal support usually plays aggresive support, so she doesnt play much soraka for example. We have a good chemistry and we are allways trying to be as aggresive as the enemy team lets us be (junglers, global ults). However her sister also sometimes plays support but shes waaaay more passive. As a result I cant go aggresive as much since basicly im alone vs their 2 players, with my support helping where needed but not for a kill/zoning. This could be 2 seperate games with the exact same setup where one works and one doenst, purely on how aggresive the support is willing to play next to me in lane. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
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254 Posts
Overall, she's very unique and is probably my favorite AD. People see her as the "easy AD" but she is definitely one of the harder ones to master imo. // 2250 AD player | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
I think 3 Lions sums it up pretty well: On July 30 2012 13:41 3 Lions wrote: For Caitlyn it's really important to win lane, and ride that advantage into the mid-game. I feel that her range late-game makes up for her lack of a steroid, with proper positioning one can truly abuse her 650 range, and she is really good vs double-AP or AOE team comps. Although CLG.na lost, you can see pretty clearly what a good Caitlyn player (Doublelift) is capable of and how to abuse 650 range lategame. With 650 range + Flash + Cleanse + QSS + the improved 90 caliber net he was nearly untouchable while dishing out the usual 5/6 item ad carry damage. Unfortunately the rest of the team did pretty poorly and couldn't peel for him in the very last teamfight so in the end he died to Malphite (who is considered OP anyways as of now and was pretty fed) and Ahri jumping on him. Edit: Many people play Caitlyn just wrong which is why the majority of the community thinks she sucks. They play her too passive and use 650 range only to farm safely which eventually results in a lost lane for them which is not acceptable when playing Caitlyn (unless you get camped and globally ganked like mad, but even then...). | ||
Germany1795 Posts
Her midgame sucks though due to not having any usefull dmg spells (her traps are probably her best spell) In addition to that you can lane 2v1 decently with caitlyn (after a certain point) so if you want your support to gank a bit (not full roam) caitlyn is good for that aswell. | ||
Brazil885 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
I still play her a lot, as I like the safe and strong laning phase and very few low-elo games get to super late as it is (and even if they do, one side is usually way ahead anyway), so it's less of a big deal for me. If I want to go super tryhard as ADC (generally doesn't happen, as it's my second weakest role), I'd probably pick Trist and just ride her to endgame victory. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
I wish Caitlyn could gain passive stacks when she hits a champion with her spell. I think that will actually make her pretty strong... but so far, the statistics seem to suggest that she is pretty weak right now. | ||
Denmark4564 Posts
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