On November 02 2012 04:32 Mondeezy wrote:
How do you deal with a harass heavy matchup as a non-sustain lane?
Example: Playing Vayne/Janna versus Ez/Sona. Sona Qs me every time I go to last hit, if I shoot back ez jumps on me + I miss the CS. I trust my late game positioning/kiting ability greatly, but sometimes I have trouble getting there due to lane matchups.
Another thing - directed toward higher ELO players and "semi-related" to ADC... If I main ADC, would it be better to stick to a main champ or two, or vary based on counter picks? Should my duo partner run support for me, or a diff lane?
Thanks in advance for any replies
How do you deal with a harass heavy matchup as a non-sustain lane?
Example: Playing Vayne/Janna versus Ez/Sona. Sona Qs me every time I go to last hit, if I shoot back ez jumps on me + I miss the CS. I trust my late game positioning/kiting ability greatly, but sometimes I have trouble getting there due to lane matchups.
Another thing - directed toward higher ELO players and "semi-related" to ADC... If I main ADC, would it be better to stick to a main champ or two, or vary based on counter picks? Should my duo partner run support for me, or a diff lane?
Thanks in advance for any replies

Whenever i get into a lane where i notice i can't go aggressive as Vayne - either because the opponents playstyle makes you trouble or the support doesn't really know how to play his role and doesn't create opportunities - i'll sit back and farm under tower, knowing i will be stronger lategame even if i miss a little CS. Then whenever i catch one of them out of position in lane i go all-in, for example when i see one of them backing.
Also, whenever you come back from base with a new item while the enemy stayed in lane, remember that you are stronger now, use that opportunity.
Lastly, since you can let the lane push to your tower, it creates an opportunity for the jungler. Notify him of that and hope that he knows how to do his job.
Vayne has really bad laning while Cait has probably the best laning phase of any AD, so it's not a great matchup to be in.