On September 06 2012 01:22 jcc wrote:Show nested quote +On September 05 2012 22:00 [N3O]r3d33m3r wrote: this guide is amazing, should be featured on solomid tbh. their Genreal AD guide ois not a good as this one tbh. oh and you could also give more infos about the supports^^ Thanks alot for the compliment! Only the best for TL, and if those solomid guys want the goods, they gotta drop by the best gaming site in the world amirite? Also this inspired me to try to attempt a subsection on supports. What would you like me to expand on? I may also try to do a 2v1 top lane korean style section. this inspired you? you mean my post? O_O i feel honored^^ about the support thingy, i'd like to have diff bot lane synergies described and what their goal is. would be also cool to have them against bot lane xy. Since there are tons of combinations, i think only the prominent ones should be covered.
Hey there, I'm interested in creating a [champion] thread for Twitch, who currently lacks one and even goes unmentioned in the OP of this thread (in the playstyle section, he's mentioned in the items section).
However, I'm a lower level player (bouncing between 1000 and 1100), and although I've played a good number of games with Twitch (I'm 21-13 in ranked, since his remake), I'm certainly inexperienced compared to most of the good AD carry players here. If anyone is is currently considering making such a thread, or people think he's too complex of a champion for a lower level player to have much to add to a discussion, I'd be happy with just talking about some ideas regarding the champ in this thread.
Unless you're planning to draw the vast majority of your information from high Elo sources, you probably shouldn't make a Twitch thread. But we can certainly talk about him here.
I am, incidentally, of the opinion that Twitch is highly underrated.
On September 21 2012 07:04 TheHumanSensation wrote: Hey there, I'm interested in creating a [champion] thread for Twitch, who currently lacks one and even goes unmentioned in the OP of this thread (in the playstyle section, he's mentioned in the items section).
However, I'm a lower level player (bouncing between 1000 and 1100), and although I've played a good number of games with Twitch (I'm 21-13 in ranked, since his remake), I'm certainly inexperienced compared to most of the good AD carry players here. If anyone is is currently considering making such a thread, or people think he's too complex of a champion for a lower level player to have much to add to a discussion, I'd be happy with just talking about some ideas regarding the champ in this thread.
No champion is too complex for a lower level player to analyze if the player at least understands how a kit works. It may be difficult for you to comment on his place in the metagame/optimized build. I have faith in you though 
Twitch AD carry has a versitile and odd kit that can be played as a weird psuedo-urgot style counter AD carry AD carry (heh). Early game, because of his range and squishiness, he is going to have trouble with the typical trade/farm bottom lane, and everything in his kit screams "burst their champ down before you go down". To add onto this problem, he has no reliable escape, so if you start losing the lane, you can snowball downhill very quickly. This, imho, is why he is considered bottom tier.
Late game, his ult gives him team-clearing powers of which only a few AD carries posses (MF and maybe kayle). Stacked in the right line up (press R to win line-up, amumu/malph/etc) twitch can lay down some serious pain.
That said, my brother (1900) plays a 70% winrate jungle twitch which is horridly effective. Stealth ganks OP. In think in the AD carry slot, he should consider roaming and lane swapping often to try to throw off their metagame plan rather than duke it out and lose playing their game.
from a 1550 twitch player
Also, you wont find many high level twitch players, as most people over 1800 will dodge if you pick him >_<... I guess there's just this tryhard range around 1700-2k where anything that doesnt fit exactly into the current metagame, or that you have less than a 50% winrate with is dodge worthy.
That said, my brother (1900) plays a 70% winrate jungle twitch which is horridly effective. Jungle twitch is still okayish even though you have to say that prerework twitch jungle was way stronger and beastly
I think twitch just doesnt have the skillset to be without an escape not that great slow /not that great damage if he doesnt have freeshooting field (then he owns everyone though) I think Twitch is outclassed by most Ads but that doesnt mean that hes "autoloss" or anything hes okay but in my opinion outclassed by other no escape ads.
ad carry is my worst role and i've only had real success with mf so far, because I like how fast she kills turrets and her general mobility fits my generally aggressive and teamoriented playstyle.
that said: I had a game where the lane and midgame went very well, but our irelia kept on feeding olaf top and wukong jungle (didn't blame her for it, it's very hard to come back vs olaf and an aggressively ganking wukong). This was pretty much the worst case as MF relies solely on dishing out enough damage to the bruisers without having the luxury to jump out of shitty situations or dodge incomming disables.
After I finished IE and PD I had to consider getting a defensive item just so I dont instantly die vs two insanely fed bruisers. GA came to mind but what does mr and armor help against true damage, so I just made warmogs. I never died after it and farmed kills in every teamfight.
That lead me to this question. Besides IE PD LW it has become very popular to get BT and GA because of the strong synergy as EHP/time items and for the added damage it provides. makes sense. But Instead of getting those two I want to ask if and when it would be viable to get atmogs instead. The two variations have two things in common: they cost about the same and add about the same damage overall. The quesion is now which gives you better survivability. I'd like to think that if there is alot of burst/true damage then atmogs might be a viable variation, what do players think who are actually good at this role (and math). thx
I can't decide if I want to buy Kog or Varus...
Last time I tried Kog (months ago, when I first started playing) I got owned, and never wanted to try him again. I recently played Varus when he was free and did pretty well, but it was vs low level players, and I'm under the impression that Kog is supposedly better?
What're your guys thoughts on both, for an average player?
I really like Varus, but I don't reccomend him for ranked unless the other team already chose an escapeless ad carry. (For example, you can take him against MF and Ashe, and he'll do well)
Varus in normals is a lot of fun. Especially if you duo lane with a sona or taric.
Kog is not nearly as fun in my opinion, even though he is a really cool champ.
On October 04 2012 12:11 Mondeezy wrote: I can't decide if I want to buy Kog or Varus...
Last time I tried Kog (months ago, when I first started playing) I got owned, and never wanted to try him again. I recently played Varus when he was free and did pretty well, but it was vs low level players, and I'm under the impression that Kog is supposedly better?
What're your guys thoughts on both, for an average player? Both are fine. Varus is probably better for the "average" player. Kog does have the stronger (strongest) lategame, but he's tough to master, especially in solo queue. Varus has really good poke and surprising damage and is quite good at assisting ganks and kiting in team fights. Both struggle against assassins and divers in general.
speaking of ADs my team is looking for a quality, dedicated AD player PM me please or add me in-game "i am guitar"
United States19573 Posts
On October 04 2012 12:25 w(oO)t wrote: I really like Varus, but I don't reccomend him for ranked unless the other team already chose an escapeless ad carry. (For example, you can take him against MF and Ashe, and he'll do well)
Varus in normals is a lot of fun. Especially if you duo lane with a sona or taric.
Kog is not nearly as fun in my opinion, even though he is a really cool champ.
I love Kog. I initially bought him because he could go AP and AD, and he is like 1 of 3 AP Mids I am (was?) good at. Then they nerfed AP Kog. AD Kog is still super strong, he is weak to Ezreal (Pre-6), of course, but everyone is. I am one of the people that Loves Kog's Ult, and really don't like long CD ults in general (Give Me Ryze/Anivia/Kog/Udyr).
If you like the feel of "ulting" and really feeling like it is a game changer, don't pick Kog, take Varus who has one of the best ADC ults.
What are people's verdict on a double AD team composition with 3 "supports"? I remember reading that TPA did this before malphite, nunu and ez got popular. I feel like it could work in certain situations where u get then chance to actually make a proper setup. An example would be:
shen top, nunu jungle, sona support, tristana bot, corki mid
Shen is a good protector and a good pusher, nunu has good roaming potential and pushing potential when paired with tristana or corki. Corki has a very good early to mid-game, deals physical and magic damage and can be pretty independent in some ways (if people have seen genja play corki they will know what i mean). Sona/trist is a decent bot-lane that has alot of magic damage early on, but as trist gets farmed up she becomes mostly physical orientated.
It probably won't be a meta-changing kinda thing, but i could definitely see this work if the enemy doesn't grab someone like malphite, maokai, skarner or assassins who can shut down carries with ease. With all the hype on taking towers early i hope people will think about something like this.
I have this popular situation and i still dunno how to react,teammates kept telling the team to focus AP/AD carry and I as an AD carry still have to deal with front line like Malphite/LS/Irelia etc.What should i do???
On October 29 2012 10:00 justiceknight wrote: I have this popular situation and i still dunno how to react,teammates kept telling the team to focus AP/AD carry and I as an AD carry still have to deal with front line like Malphite/LS/Irelia etc.What should i do??? Use your own judgement, normally you will have to kite the front line and do as much damage as you can before you can get to their squishies. /ignore anyone who gives you shit about it. Build appropriately - sometimes you need to get a last whisper fast, sometimes you're better off grabbing GA first, depends on how much armour they're building.
After the game, watch the replay and slow-motion any fights where people said you attacked the wrong thing. Were they right? Did you go for the right target? Did you kite well enough? Leave all that stuff for after the game, during it make your best assessment and go with it regardless of what your teammates are yelling at you to do.
On October 29 2012 10:36 Bubble-T wrote:Show nested quote +On October 29 2012 10:00 justiceknight wrote: I have this popular situation and i still dunno how to react,teammates kept telling the team to focus AP/AD carry and I as an AD carry still have to deal with front line like Malphite/LS/Irelia etc.What should i do??? Use your own judgement, normally you will have to kite the front line and do as much damage as you can before you can get to their squishies. /ignore anyone who gives you shit about it. Build appropriately - sometimes you need to get a last whisper fast, sometimes you're better off grabbing GA first, depends on how much armour they're building. After the game, watch the replay and slow-motion any fights where people said you attacked the wrong thing. Were they right? Did you go for the right target? Did you kite well enough? Leave all that stuff for after the game, during it make your best assessment and go with it regardless of what your teammates are yelling at you to do.
This. So much this.
As AD carry, your first job is to live for as long as possible because that is what allows you to do the most damage. If that means shooting at the tank while you kite him, so be it. It's better to do less damage initially while shooting the tanks/bruisers but live long enough to kill the squishier stuff later than to go for the AD/AP, kill him, die in the process and then the team has no more damage to deal with the remaining targets. If you happen to be close enough to the AD and no other enemy on you, you should still shoot him but your first objective is to survive.
Sadly, 90% of the teams at my ELO don't know that and scream "go for AD!". Ignore those idiots.
Great read, I can't help but notice under ezreal you recommend maxing W first. Do you still recommend the Ezreal/Corki mastery page for Ezreal, and maxing W after the recent nerf to Ezreal's W anti-steroid? I have always been a max Q->E->W kind of guy on Ezreal, which doesn't affect my current playstyle with him. What would you suggest for the new Ezreal?
I'm going to make changes to ezreal after the nerf. For me it's always been tentative. I would max W if the enemy AD was very auto attack reliant (vayne, kog, varus, and trust if she misses her W), if I had a support that was excellent at setting up (a good Tarik or Leona) or if I had a mana battery. In scenarios of poke wars, safe farming, or if the enemy lane had a heavy engage / burst lane I always maxed Q first anyway to make them keep their distance, poke, and farm. The W does only 10 less damage than Corki's Q, so as a team fighting or 2v2 aoe tool it does good damage, but if you are good at landing Q's, that will do more overall. I would now, in most situations, suggest Q > W > E. E is still your lowest dps, and honestly if you time it right you shouldn't need that early of a CDR increase in early fights. Using it once in combination with flash is plenty. Justifying leveling E just for CDR doesn't trump the fact that W is a team steroid and does more aoe damage with longer range.
W's damage still scales harder than Q with levels, though. While it gets nothing from AD, Q has the same ratio at level 1 as it does at level 5. Probably not enough to offset the lower CD from Q that comes with levels, but is interesting to note.
How do you deal with a harass heavy matchup as a non-sustain lane?
Example: Playing Vayne/Janna versus Ez/Sona. Sona Qs me every time I go to last hit, if I shoot back ez jumps on me + I miss the CS. I trust my late game positioning/kiting ability greatly, but sometimes I have trouble getting there due to lane matchups.
Another thing - directed toward higher ELO players and "semi-related" to ADC... If I main ADC, would it be better to stick to a main champ or two, or vary based on counter picks? Should my duo partner run support for me, or a diff lane?
Thanks in advance for any replies