First competitive Draven game that I've personally seen, Dignitas vs RoMg in OGN. Not as entertaining as doublelift stomping 1700 ELOs but still cool to see.
To get high quality, between the volume and the wrench buttons in the bottom right, click that and then click 超清 -〉bottom left button.
It's mandarin commentary.
First full-on teamfight at 22 minutes. If you watch qtpie, he focuses on getting cooldowns out to nuke someone, not catching axes.
I had to finally register to TL after lurking for years after reading this. I am trying pretty hard to get higher ELO as AD lately, and I'm doing it with a friend of mine who supports Janna (he refuses to do alistar, leona, soraka, taric because he believes Janna is the best) and I run 90% of the time with Vayne. Now we started from around 1100 rating, having bad cs and bad opponents.
We gradualy got better and now I am on 1550 elo while hes on 1450ish because I play a few solo games each day. So heres the problem I have:
He's always forcing to make plays, and fails to realise that people are not as bad as they were on 1100 to get caught by my stun and killed, especialy if they have a Taric with 85 armor on lvl 3 with, or Leona Ezreal premade. So we rush in mostly trade kills or even come out with us dying and it goes downhill from there.
How do I convince him to just protect me while I farm with Vayne and not go suicidal? It's ok to make plays with a super tanky / burst comp like Leona Graves sometimes but still, not 3 times a min like he wants to.
Sry for semi long post!
How do I convince him to just protect me while I farm with Vayne and not go suicidal? It's ok to make plays with a super tanky / burst comp like Leona Graves sometimes but still, not 3 times a min like he wants to. Janna/vayne is really weak in laning phase if he doesnt understand that he is most likely not good and you might have carried him while playing duo q. Tell him to stop doing it if he doesnt do it... you might consider stop playing duo q with him and maybe play normals every now and then with him (if you want to increase your elo further)
On July 12 2012 19:52 Tilorn91 wrote: I had to finally register to TL after lurking for years after reading this. I am trying pretty hard to get higher ELO as AD lately, and I'm doing it with a friend of mine who supports Janna (he refuses to do alistar, leona, soraka, taric because he believes Janna is the best) and I run 90% of the time with Vayne. Now we started from around 1100 rating, having bad cs and bad opponents.
We gradualy got better and now I am on 1550 elo while hes on 1450ish because I play a few solo games each day. So heres the problem I have:
He's always forcing to make plays, and fails to realise that people are not as bad as they were on 1100 to get caught by my stun and killed, especialy if they have a Taric with 85 armor on lvl 3 with, or Leona Ezreal premade. So we rush in mostly trade kills or even come out with us dying and it goes downhill from there.
How do I convince him to just protect me while I farm with Vayne and not go suicidal? It's ok to make plays with a super tanky / burst comp like Leona Graves sometimes but still, not 3 times a min like he wants to.
Sry for semi long post! Honestly, I just say I'm not going. and if he still goes, let his dumbass die. Also, either you or he could change up the characters because vayne doesn't really do that great compared to others in lane.
Well it's not that he's bad, he's just really subborn and fails to realise that people actualy know how to not die, since we stomped previous 400 elo pretty hard, and I really like Vayne, her skill set and damage is really fun to play with, I pick Graves if their lane has some sort of a kill lane or Caitlyn (dat zoning).
Thanks for the replies.
Graves is not that great vs Caitlyn (hes ok though) and if he just wants to play Janna that is kinda a bit of a problem. Janna is good but not always the best choice. And yes Vayne gets crushed by kill lanes
On July 12 2012 20:50 Tilorn91 wrote: Well it's not that he's bad, he's just really subborn and fails to realise that people actualy know how to not die, since we stomped previous 400 elo pretty hard, and I really like Vayne, her skill set and damage is really fun to play with, I pick Graves if their lane has some sort of a kill lane or Caitlyn (dat zoning).
Thanks for the replies. People still die really stupidly in gold elo. That includes me.
Also if the Caitlyn isn't bad (read: most Caitlyns are TERRIBLE), graves is a poor choice since you will end up harassed out of lane in no time, 525 range feels really bad, However, most Caitlyns decide their character is good for brawling... .
Also tell your friend that Vayne is super lategame. Actually, why not learn trist? She has an arguably even better lategame with a great early game (although a notoriously bad midgame)
Also tell your friend that Vayne is super lategame. Actually, why not learn trist? She has an arguably even better lategame with a great early game (although a notoriously bad midgame)
I would value vayne as a midgame carry which has a decent lategame (yes decent by FAR not the best) Vayne gets a lot of free stats (AD from the ultimate extra dmg from the w) which makes her less item dependend then lets say Ashe Tristana or Caitlyn(notice lategame caitlyn is very item dependend and has a weaker early game). Vayne lategame suffers a bit from not having a real escape (esp with the nerf on the q its not as good as it used to be ) and compared to Trist/Caitlyn/Ashe low range. But with the general idea in that post I agree Vaynes early game is not great (even though she snowballs like crazy if she gets the upper hand in the lane) so you want to play defensive (esp before the ultimate which is a huge boost for vayne)
Tristana always felt like 0 dmg AD to me, yeah the atkspd steroid is great and a free ignite is cool (does it work on summoner heal?) but meh, she really has 0 play making possibilities (putting it bluntly, ofc she does, but not as much as Vayne or Graves in terms of possitioning or punishing). But she's cheap if I remember correctly, so why not?
On July 12 2012 23:01 Tilorn91 wrote: Tristana always felt like 0 dmg AD to me, yeah the atkspd steroid is great and a free ignite is cool (does it work on summoner heal?) but meh, she really has 0 play making possibilities (putting it bluntly, ofc she does, but not as much as Vayne or Graves in terms of possitioning or punishing). But she's cheap if I remember correctly, so why not? Do you know what trists ult is? Do you know what trist does at level 18 with full build? Do you know how strong rocket jump is?
Unless you are talking about her midgame, which is terrible
On July 12 2012 23:34 101toss wrote:Show nested quote +On July 12 2012 23:01 Tilorn91 wrote: Tristana always felt like 0 dmg AD to me, yeah the atkspd steroid is great and a free ignite is cool (does it work on summoner heal?) but meh, she really has 0 play making possibilities (putting it bluntly, ofc she does, but not as much as Vayne or Graves in terms of possitioning or punishing). But she's cheap if I remember correctly, so why not? Do you know what trists ult is? Do you know what trist does at level 18 with full build? Do you know how strong rocket jump is? Unless you are talking about her midgame, which is terrible
yeah but she doesn't amount to a vayne or a graves as far as raw damage if you put the same items on a vayne or a graves you're going to get more damage from either of those champs than tristana. She's still a really good champ and can still deal the damage out. She has a different set of utility than a graves or a vayne and I personally prefer trist simply because she has her ult to push back anyone trying to stick to her but also rocket jump to reposition and also buy herself another couple seconds, which isn't including a potential flash. Trist is a really hard champ to kill and with her range scaling endgame she's very fearsome. Where she lacks in damage she makes up for utility.
Trist early game is pretty much just as strong as a few other of the strongest picks. It's just that when she goes in she has to commit being her only problem. I find a good way to engage with trist is to pick taric up and get a slight minion advantage and just smash them :D.
I'm mainly talking about on average, vayne can put out more consistent damage than tristana can. Comparing skills is completely situational, because essentially you can get stunned by a vayne and you have 0 damage output. So~ I'm not talking about a 1 on 1 fight mainly because this isn't a 1v1 game but more or less through out a team fight or through out a game vayne/graves is going to have more raw damage based off of the items. Using the character is more situated to how good of a player you and/or your team are.
Edit: Lol as you edit it out. ^__^
Tristana always felt like 0 dmg AD to me, yeah the atkspd steroid is great and a free ignite is cool (does it work on summoner heal?) but meh, she really has 0 play making possibilities (putting it bluntly, ofc she does, but not as much as Vayne or Graves in terms of possitioning or punishing). But she's cheap if I remember correctly, so why not?
Yes Tristanas dmg is below average in the mid/lategame her early game damage is really good though cause you play her basically as an AP carry (your casts are your most damage) Her Midgame is just straight up weak compared to other ADs in the real lategame with 3-4 offensive items she really starts to shine again due to her superior range (703 only topped by Kogmaw during w with 710 and twitch with ultimate with I believe 1100)
Thanks for the nice guide. I just started to play AD carry (also new to the game in general) and I found it helpful to get an idea over what items I should get and when to get them.
I am encountering some problems though that you perhaps can help me with:
1 - I am that annoying noob that only have 1/2 rune pages with AD carry runes etc so I usually pick my char and lock in. (I am usually the first one to appear in the char selection screen also). Anyway - more then often I pick like Vayne first and then the other ones joine and pick Ashe, then one pick Graves and all say 'me bot'. How do I make the best out of it? How will that affect me and my plan for the game/items etc.
2 - Can be connected to above; Sometimes I end up bot with other players that also need to get them cs. This is extremely annoying but unavoidable, specially with melee chars I am having trouble with getting the last hit as it seems they can hit the mob with more HP then me. (yes I have the AD dmg runes too!). Do you have any tips for situations like this? I have started spamming skillshots all the time and it helps a bit, but still I feel i get the short end of the stick.
3 - I struggle against ultra offensive laners, Nidalee with that throwing arrow comes to mind. Even though I do my best to avoid all of these things (and have the def runes/talents) I just end up taking too much damage and I quite frequently need to teleport in order to buy more potions, wich ruins all my cs and gold. Do you have any tips for this occation?
Besides that I have a lot to improve on general game knowledge, map awareness, getting enough CS etc in any case I found your guide very helpful!
I will just throw in a quick one at the end; Why is everyone getting Trinity Force for Ezreal? I've seen it daily on some streams I have been watching. IE looks much better for any situation?
On July 19 2012 04:31 ArcTear wrote:Thanks for the nice guide. I just started to play AD carry (also new to the game in general) and I found it helpful to get an idea over what items I should get and when to get them. I am encountering some problems though that you perhaps can help me with: 1 - I am that annoying noob that only have 1/2 rune pages with AD carry runes etc so I usually pick my char and lock in. (I am usually the first one to appear in the char selection screen also). Anyway - more then often I pick like Vayne first and then the other ones joine and pick Ashe, then one pick Graves and all say 'me bot'. How do I make the best out of it? How will that affect me and my plan for the game/items etc. 2 - Can be connected to above; Sometimes I end up bot with other players that also need to get them cs. This is extremely annoying but unavoidable, specially with melee chars I am having trouble with getting the last hit as it seems they can hit the mob with more HP then me. (yes I have the AD dmg runes too!). Do you have any tips for situations like this? I have started spamming skillshots all the time and it helps a bit, but still I feel i get the short end of the stick. 3 - I struggle against ultra offensive laners, Nidalee with that throwing arrow comes to mind. Even though I do my best to avoid all of these things (and have the def runes/talents) I just end up taking too much damage and I quite frequently need to teleport in order to buy more potions, wich ruins all my cs and gold. Do you have any tips for this occation? Besides that I have a lot to improve on general game knowledge, map awareness, getting enough CS etc  in any case I found your guide very helpful! I will just throw in a quick one at the end; Why is everyone getting Trinity Force for Ezreal? I've seen it daily on some streams I have been watching. IE looks much better for any situation? Thanks!
1 - It'd be best if you learn to play top lane as well as bottom lane on a champion like udyr/leesin/jax, characters that can also use the AD carry page as well so you aren't forced to instalock. The other solution would be to play normal draft. You get a lot of instalocks in blinds so that happens quite a bit, if you're familiar with vayne, you shouldn't have too much trouble taking her top in a 1v1 lane. A 2v1 lane would be rather difficult for vayne.
2 - Don't spam skillshots, you'll run oom rather quickly on every AD without soraka. There's always a creep or two that the melee cannot possibly get without getting shot by the enemy bot laners. Take those and try for the melee creeps. Melee laners only do ~10 more damage than ranged ones at most, if you're last hitting correctly, you should still get some. Try to get every cs you can and most likely, you'll wind up with a 70/30 split between you and the melee you're with.
3 - Nidalee and most aggressive laners you have to rely primarily on positioning to deal with. Her spear does more damage the further it travels before hitting you so similar to blitzcrank, stand between your creeps and nidalee. If you ward the bush, you can both abuse her proximity to the wall with condemn and avoid her spears more easily.
Triforce makes ezreal's Q/W hit like a truck at the expense of some autoattack damage. It's a difficult argument either way as to which is definitively better since the utility that triforce gives is hard to compare to the raw damage of an IE.
How about Twitch AD carry? Is it normal? (In this patch Twitch was remade). I played Ezreal while he was free champ. And he is pretty good for me. So many saves. But in terms of consistent damage i don't tink that Ez is good. I am deciding now between Ez, Twitch and Kog Want to know opinion of TL community.
in my opinion about those 3 ads:
Ezreal the safest pick you basically cant counterpick him Kogmaw a bit harder to play due to not having an escape and you need to position better a bit more situational in perfect scenarios the best pick (no real great gapcloser and so on) Twitch is in my opinion just worse then kogmaw with a skillbuild which is not too different.
You can't counter trist
At least not at my elo -.-
I talked about those 3 ads and yes you can "counter trist" by winning ~20-30 mins in where tristana is fairly weak but yes tristana is one of the safer picks aswell (with corki + to a bit lesser extend Graves)