He should play the AD carries he enjoy. Trist, graves and cait are all viable.
[Role] Ranged AD - Page 11
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Denmark4564 Posts
He should play the AD carries he enjoy. Trist, graves and cait are all viable. | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
On August 16 2012 01:11 Mondeezy wrote: Hey jcc/TL, I've got a question for you. My friend is a somewhat new player (he's level 23, but has been playing with my level 30 friends and I since the beginning so he has SOME experience over other players at his level), and he has decided he likes ad carry. The problem is, however, that he never really "carries". He's got the rune page set up, as well as masteries, so I don't think it's a "stat" issue. His main weaknesses as far as I can tell are last hitting. He tends to have about 100-110 at the 20min mark, and usually says his auto attacks don't do much damage (due to not having items). Also, his positioning in team fights isn't too solid (it has improved, but he still spends more time running away from someone and not putting out too much damage, even with peels). I guess what I'm trying to ask is -- how do I help him improve his mechanics and his positioning? He's a pretty casual player, but he can be pretty competitive and hard-headed at times. I don't think he would sit in a bot game and practice last hitting minions. Any advice to help him improve? Thanks in advance! Edit: One more question -- which AD carries would you recommend to start? I've recommended Trist and Graves as those seem to be his favorites, and he kind of likes Caitlyn but I feel like she is weak other than in lane. Last hitting is just a mechanic. Feeling for it comes over time. He should practice it over and over in bot games. Goals like 60-70 at 10 minutes or 150 at 20 minutes are good for a beginner. But to be honest, I really think 100-110 CS at 20 minutes is pretty good for a lvl 23 player. I have lvl 30 mates that don't hit three digits in 20 minutes neither when playing solo lanes nor when playing AD carry. And very important: remind him that these marks only apply when playing a standard game with 20 minute lane phase and without too much pressure. I used to be disappointed while learning AD carry and not reaching the marks in a real game. But when there is a lot of action going on the lane (constant ganks from both sides, you're losing because the enemy plays better or you picked an AD with weak laning capabilites, laning phase ends early etc.) your goal is to get as many last hits as possible in the time you're given the possibility to farm. Maybe you can show him the OGN vids from the latest CLG.na matches where even famous carry players like Doublelift don't even scratch 200 CS at 20ish minutes because the enemy korean team played so aggressively (even the best don't have this impressive numbers at any given time when shit's going down for you team, it's only natural). Positioning: I'd say spam as many games as you can and make him learn by doing. Certain situations occur again and again and once he found out what works he will remember and apply next time. Some high end pro shit like perfect orbwalking / attack animation cancel and a-move can be ignored until he got the basics (staying in the background, only attack what's near and when it's safe etc.). Next big thing after that is kiting IMO. If he has achieved this stage he is probably better at AD carry than 90% of people that play LoL. €dit: slap him in the face whenever he becomes greedy. He has to be patient and is NOT the one that's diving for kills. Make sure he realizes he is the big damage dealer that should never die. Some time ago a friend of mine scored a pentakill at the 50ish minute mark and ended the game as 12/12 Vayne. He just couldn't believe that it was a bad score for an AD carry although he got a pentakill. Many people have that wrong mindset. | ||
United States1938 Posts
On August 16 2012 02:07 little fancy wrote: Last hitting is just a mechanic. Feeling for it comes over time. He should practice it over and over in bot games. Goals like 60-70 at 10 minutes or 150 at 20 minutes are good for a beginner. But to be honest, I really think 100-110 CS at 20 minutes is pretty good for a lvl 23 player. I have lvl 30 mates that don't hit three digits in 20 minutes neither when playing solo lanes nor when playing AD carry. And very important: remind him that these marks only apply when playing a standard game with 20 minute lane phase and without too much pressure. I used to be disappointed while learning AD carry and not reaching the marks in a real game. But when there is a lot of action going on the lane (constant ganks from both sides, you're losing because the enemy plays better or you picked an AD with weak laning capabilites, laning phase ends early etc.) your goal is to get as many last hits as possible in the time you're given the possibility to farm. Maybe you can show him the OGN vids from the latest CLG.na matches where even famous carry players like Doublelift don't even scratch 200 CS at 20ish minutes because the enemy korean team played so aggressively (even the best don't have this impressive numbers at any given time when shit's going down for you team, it's only natural). Positioning: I'd say spam as many games as you can and make him learn by doing. Certain situations occur again and again and once he found out what works he will remember and apply next time. Some high end pro shit like perfect orbwalking / attack animation cancel and a-move can be ignored until he got the basics (staying in the background, only attack what's near and when it's safe etc.). Next big thing after that is kiting IMO. If he has achieved this stage he is probably better at AD carry than 90% of people that play LoL. €dit: slap him in the face whenever he becomes greedy. He has to be patient and is NOT the one that's diving for kills. Make sure he realizes he is the big damage dealer that should never die. Some time ago a friend of mine scored a pentakill at the 50ish minute mark and ended the game as 12/12 Vayne. He just couldn't believe that it was a bad score for an AD carry although he got a pentakill. Many people have that wrong mindset. Thanks for the detailed response man, I appreciate it ![]() | ||
China26351 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
On August 16 2012 05:58 zulu_nation8 wrote: i think only thing you need to be a good AD is manning up in fights, CS isn't that big of a deal. I'd tend to agree. Worst thing you can do as an AD is run away at the first sign of a fight. Kiting/escaping from a bruiser is one thing, but leaving a fight altogether because you got initiated on is probably the #1 reason for losing teamfights in solo queue. Not saying it's only ADs that do it, but they seem to be the most common for some reason. | ||
United States1938 Posts
On August 16 2012 05:58 zulu_nation8 wrote: i think only thing you need to be a good AD is manning up in fights, CS isn't that big of a deal. I would say it's a pretty big deal..if you're 100 cs behind the other AD at the 20min mark, that's pretty much a BF sword ahead of you, and between two equally skilled players that damage is what's gonna help in the team fight. I definitely agree with you though on the manning up. Not like diving in, but not bitching out when your team is fighting and you have one guy on you. | ||
China26351 Posts
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United States1938 Posts
On August 16 2012 06:59 zulu_nation8 wrote: its obv bad to be down by a lot of cs with no trades but if youre bad at lasthitting to begin with chances are you'll focus too much on lasthitting and give up trades. At all elos you should prioritize trading over lasthitting meaning if you have a chance to poke the other AD out of lane you should do so instead of going for creeps. Like if you get an auto in but a ranged creep is dying but youre not taking too much minion damage you should go for another one instead of killing the creep. When you reach a certain elo the other AD won't take more than one autoattack of harass, then you'll need to learn to position yourself to zone and just lasthit. Yeah, I tried to teach him how to trade and he kinda gets it. Sometimes he gets too aggro though and not only misses CS, but ends up overcommiting to the trade and gets outdamaged/out-traded. I feel like learning to trade will come with experience as he has to learn all of the bot lane champs and their abilities, where as learning to last hit is a more "safe" way to be effective and easier to learn early on. I'm sure he'll get the hang of it in time though. | ||
China26351 Posts
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Valhalla18444 Posts
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Ivory Coast6262 Posts
On August 16 2012 08:58 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: how does ashe qualify as a hypercarry Cause lategame a 3s stun on their out of position ad without qss is game winning! CARRIED SON! | ||
Canada6210 Posts
On August 16 2012 09:08 Zdrastochye wrote: Cause lategame a 3s stun on their out of position ad without qss is game winning! CARRIED SON! She's not truly a hypercarry in the way that vayne/kog are. She just happens to have very good base attackspeed endgame and volley is still really really good lategame. She has the most utility and best kiting ability of any AD lategame but not anywhere near the damage that kog/vayne can dish out. | ||
United States17234 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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United States472 Posts
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Vietnam10817 Posts
In theory, Ashe can kite forever but its not true with some many bruiser/jungler has gap closer and stun/slow themselves. If both teams are equal at 35 mins mark, Ashe will shine cos her OP ulti is a risk free initiator. I still think Graves is better than Ashe, as you can see most games nowadays has a Graves in it. | ||
United States2300 Posts
On August 16 2012 11:02 Caphe wrote: Ashe is scary late game, but getting her there is quite difficult. Ashe can be shut down very easily esp with all the Korean 4 man gank bot recently. She can't trade well with some one like Graves, has to rely on summoner spell to actually get away if someone sticks to her face. In theory, Ashe can kite forever but its not true with some many bruiser/jungler has gap closer and stun/slow themselves. If both teams are equal at 35 mins mark, Ashe will shine cos her OP ulti is a risk free initiator. I still think Graves is better than Ashe, as you can see most games nowadays has a Graves in it. Is that really true? I see Corki vs. Ezreal in at least half of my games, and it would probably be more if Ez weren't starting to get some ban attention. Graves is probably still third, though, ahead of Ashe for sure. | ||
Vietnam10817 Posts
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United States12679 Posts
Biggest two types of nub AD carries that piss me off to no end: 1. They have the biggest vaginas on the team. When a teamfight starts, they're dancing around on the edge of the fight not doing anything. They're too scared to auto-attack an enemy and literally don't do shit except dance around in circles and maybe auto-attack once or twice. 2. They have the biggest balls and smallest brains on the team. They blow their gap closing abilities or simply just walk straight into the bruiser v. bruiser AP aoe fuckfest in to try to hit that squishy in the backline. Kiting is also a nonexistent skill and they love duking it out in melee range with anybody. These guys tend to be Tristana players for some reason. As an AD carry, you just have to stand on the outskirts of the teamfight and rightclick something. Always be attacking SOMETHING, even attacking the 300 armor Rammus is better than not attacking anything. Don't ever, EVER use your gapclosers aggressively in teamfights unless you've already won the fight and are cleaning up (there may be exceptions to this rule, but very few and unless you're high elo just don't do it). Hit the highest priority target possible w/out exposing yourself to the bruiser on bruiser AP aoe burst fuckfest. | ||
United States33802 Posts
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