[Role] Ranged AD - Page 12
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Canada23833 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
On August 16 2012 13:29 Requizen wrote: Has anyone been running Jayce bot? I'm going to be playing down there a lot, I'd like to mix him in with Cait/Ez if I can. I wonder what his good matchups are as AD, other than running kill lanes like Leona/Jayce or Ali/Jayce for mega knockbacks. No. Jayce is not a good AD bot. The reasons are: 1. No steroid. His only steroid is his W, which nullifies his other AS bonuses. Not very useful. 2. Short range. 500 is unacceptable. Sure, Sivir is at 500 too, but she kites really hard with her passive and she has spellshield. 3. Jayce's kit is not too useful as an AD carry. First of all you probably don't want to switch to hammer stance if you are playing the AD carry role... it's just way too unsafe and in the melee form you will do little damage. So you are limited to your Q, W and E in the cannon form. W is described as before, his Q as a poke is merely passable, and his E can only be abused for so long. 4. Escape. His only non-situational escape is his E in cannon form. Speed boost is nice, but it's not good enough against most bruisers who typically have a way to CC you. Once you are CC'ed you are in major trouble... Jayce is actually pretty squishy in cannon form. | ||
United States19573 Posts
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Australia3856 Posts
On August 16 2012 15:19 cLutZ wrote: Speaking of Sivir. Am I the only one who finds her AA animation really clunky? I feel like out of all the ADCs I lose the most last hits on her because of a canceled AA. Like, she swings her arm, and is in range, but I move "too soon". Trist is my favorite AD but I hate her animation. Her abilities also suck. Speaking of Trist do you guys think of her in a kill lane? Her mod game sucks but if you win early game you break even, and late game you just shit on everything. | ||
Vietnam10817 Posts
On August 16 2012 15:29 schmutttt wrote: Trist is my favorite AD but I hate her animation. Her abilities also suck. Speaking of Trist do you guys think of her in a kill lane? Her mod game sucks but if you win early game you break even, and late game you just shit on everything. Nah, I don't see Trist fit in any kill lane. Surely her Q is good but early on in lane phase you don't have enough damage to make the AS count. Her truly strong point is her passive which make her a good carry late game with nearly maximum range. Problem with her is she can't really trade early on with Graves/EZ/Urgot. Shes better than Ashe at getting away if being stuck in the face by bruisers but her ultility late game is no where near Ashe level. Still, once you farmed enough to get to late game, a trist can melt anything at a very safe distance. | ||
United States12679 Posts
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Canada6210 Posts
On August 16 2012 15:47 Caphe wrote: Nah, I don't see Trist fit in any kill lane. Surely her Q is good but early on in lane phase you don't have enough damage to make the AS count. Her truly strong point is her passive which make her a good carry late game with nearly maximum range. Problem with her is she can't really trade early on with Graves/EZ/Urgot. Shes better than Ashe at getting away if being stuck in the face by bruisers but her ultility late game is no where near Ashe level. Still, once you farmed enough to get to late game, a trist can melt anything at a very safe distance. wtf? You don't play trist at all do you? She is one of the absolute strongest ADs in a kill lane. Her level 2/3 burst is insane when paired with leona/ali/taric. She continues to be one of the strongest kill lane ADs until around level 7 when she begins transitioning from AD carry/caster to more of a pure AD. | ||
United States6533 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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Canada10660 Posts
On August 16 2012 17:20 De4ngus wrote: lol trist big dmg level wewewr Yeah, she literally has higher base skill damage than Annie at 6. In fact, Annie needs like 40 AP to do more burst damage than Tristana at level 6. Level 6 Annie Q(125)+W(180)+R(200)=505+(2.15 bonusAP) Level 6 Trist W(115)+E(170)+R(300)=585+(3.3 bonusAP) Trist=big burst. Imo trist good in kill lane. | ||
United States472 Posts
Also i feel Jayce would be really strong in a Jayce / Leona lane, similar to Jarvan Leona. I agree that sivir's attac animation is a little clunky, but it has quick responsiveness, just an awkward release animation. | ||
United States907 Posts
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little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
On August 17 2012 04:07 YouGotNothin wrote: Trist is my favorite AD carry and amazing in kill lane, I particularly like a Ali/Trist lane. I do really wish she would get some QoL buffs like making her e range equal to her current AA range and maybe making her AA animation a bit smoother. I also feel her jump is a little slow to start up. I hate getting caught mid jump by a stun or getting knocked up mid jump and then dropping to ground without going whole distance. Also while I'm ranting, her skins blow especially now that Firefighter isn't for sale (overpriced anyways). I agree with you on the E changes (although a 703 range ability would be maybe too strong?!), but her W is fine right now. Just like Corki's W, a gap closer that covers a decent range (more than a Vayne Q or Graves E) should have cast animation and thus be interruptable. If it was instant you could make full use of Trists superb AA range and just "super flash" away in the blink of an eye. Wouldn't be belanced IMO. | ||
United States19573 Posts
On August 17 2012 03:31 jcc wrote: Trist is an amazing kill lane, as described in the guide. Also i feel Jayce would be really strong in a Jayce / Leona lane, similar to Jarvan Leona. I agree that sivir's attac animation is a little clunky, but it has quick responsiveness, just an awkward release animation. But you can cancel the release, its seems like. I can post a video of it happening if you want, all i have to do is DL a recording program, make a custom, and demonstrate it. | ||
United States1471 Posts
the lack of escape and true steroid probably hurt his viability for some, but your r and e both are useful for defensive purposes and varus passive also is not bad. the buff to his ult width makes the skill feel a lot better, imo. it was so goddamn small before this recent patch, now it is still on the small side but much more workable. i havent vs a cait or ez yet but i could see those being his tougher matchups. | ||
United States1275 Posts
On August 17 2012 08:01 Vaporized wrote: anyone else playing varus these days? if your support understands how varus works you can do pretty good. i think hes one of the more interesting ad carries to play for several reasons. his range is 575, which lets you poke many of the other ad's. the way his w works (AAx3 then pop an ability on them for % health damage), also makes things a bit more involving then just right clicking. i had been maxing q first, but once i started maxing w my win % with varus has gone up a lot. the lack of escape and true steroid probably hurt his viability for some, but your r and e both are useful for defensive purposes and varus passive also is not bad. the buff to his ult width makes the skill feel a lot better, imo. it was so goddamn small before this recent patch, now it is still on the small side but much more workable. i havent vs a cait or ez yet but i could see those being his tougher matchups. I've been supporting my buddy's varus a lot lately Its a very interesting lane, but melts compared to the current graves+taric/ez+whoever lane.I wish he could carry harder late game, but he wants vayne-like blow up encounters, but doesnt have an AA reset to get the three stacks off fast enough. One build that has really been wrecking house on him is getting a black cleaver early and snowballing from there. To be honest, his play feels a lot like mf. good range, hasa magic damage AA supplement for ez last hitting. Big long range aoe ult that is always dissapointing damage. an aoe slow useful in escaping, and his passive feels the same as her W. Frightfully similiar play, actually. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On August 17 2012 08:01 Vaporized wrote: anyone else playing varus these days? if your support understands how varus works you can do pretty good. i think hes one of the more interesting ad carries to play for several reasons. his range is 575, which lets you poke many of the other ad's. the way his w works (AAx3 then pop an ability on them for % health damage), also makes things a bit more involving then just right clicking. i had been maxing q first, but once i started maxing w my win % with varus has gone up a lot. the lack of escape and true steroid probably hurt his viability for some, but your r and e both are useful for defensive purposes and varus passive also is not bad. the buff to his ult width makes the skill feel a lot better, imo. it was so goddamn small before this recent patch, now it is still on the small side but much more workable. i havent vs a cait or ez yet but i could see those being his tougher matchups. I think he needs a true steroid, his % damage isnt true damage or done by something derpy like auto attacking like vayne, and you wont be able to rely on his passive until a while into a teamfight no like graves or trist where you hit a button and right click atleast | ||
United States1471 Posts
the point u made about the stacks and proccing them is so true. varus is just kind of clunky to play. theres no getting around it. his late game is worse then kog, vayne, trist, etc, but i imagine that is built into his design as his 575 range is on the long side. i find i can carry satisfactorily on varus if i have a good enough early game, or get my farm on. i wouldnt necessarily try to 1v1 anyone late game like a vayne, but its not bad all the same. with 4-5 items i expect to wreck dudes and that happens well enough. i dont think his ult was designed for the damage, having a long range immobolize on an ad carry is kinda nuts. its probably my favorite part of his kit, especially late game when you can turn on someone and melt them, and in team fights a good ult can win you the fight. | ||
United States1471 Posts
On August 17 2012 09:04 arb wrote: I think he needs a true steroid, his % damage isnt true damage or done by something derpy like auto attacking like vayne, and you wont be able to rely on his passive until a while into a teamfight no like graves or trist where you hit a button and right click atleast thats all true. but there are few things more satisfying in LoL then sniping someone with a max range q. once every few games you get the perfect q off and it makes varus shortcomings all worthwhile. | ||
D u o
Canada381 Posts
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