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On December 16 2011 14:48 NeoIllusions wrote: Goose very stronk. Almost A tier imoimo They still need a take over the game player IMO. Saint for CLG, Regi/Chaox for TSM, Salce/west for EG. Until they have that guy they wont be A tier.
On December 16 2011 14:55 Two_DoWn wrote:Show nested quote +On December 16 2011 14:48 NeoIllusions wrote: Goose very stronk. Almost A tier imoimo They still need a take over the game player IMO. Saint for CLG, Regi/Chaox for TSM, Salce/west for EG. Until they have that guy they wont be A tier. When you say take over the game player do you mean shot caller? Because I was under the impression that Dan dinh called shots for EG.
On December 16 2011 14:57 Ryuu314 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 16 2011 14:55 Two_DoWn wrote:On December 16 2011 14:48 NeoIllusions wrote: Goose very stronk. Almost A tier imoimo They still need a take over the game player IMO. Saint for CLG, Regi/Chaox for TSM, Salce/west for EG. Until they have that guy they wont be A tier. When you say take over the game player do you mean shot caller? Because I was under the impression that Dan dinh called shots for EG. No. I mean someone who will regularly just be flat out the best player in the game. Like you look at Salce play an ap carry, more often than not at some point he just goes godmode and starts ripping apart the enemy team. West on riven and akali does the same thing. Saint on a carry jungler can be everywhere at once. And regi owns early game for TSM while Chaox owns the late game.
United States47024 Posts
On December 16 2011 14:49 dnastyx wrote: Evasion was a generally pointless and weak mechanic. The characters who had it passively were basically only good for pubstomping, and otherwise it was placed on spells so you could actually interact with it, like an AoE smoke cloud. "I know my damage output is going to be lowered by about 30% in this area of the fight, so I'll avoid it." If your opponents stayed in that area, they risked getting nuked. When you bought it on an item, it was enough of a midgame item to make a significant dent in your income, so it was a choice of delaying items that could be better suited to helping you win a game. In laning, evasion was a 30% miss chance if you attacked uphill, so you could choose not to position yourself badly and get put into a situation where you would lose a fight because of it.
My point is, there were (mostly) meaningful choices for evasion when it mattered. What? The two bolded points are distinctly wrong.
1) Not all evasion heroes are simply pubstomers. Faceless Void is a very reasonable competitive pick.
2) The only big itemized form of Dodge comes from Butterfly, which is NOT a midgame item--it's a lategame secondary DPS item that costs 6000 gold.
Although one thing about Dodge in DotA is that Monkey King Bar is actually a cost-effective DPS item. Having to get SotD in LoL feels like it sucks, but a lot of non-Agi heroes in DotA would go to MKB as their most likely physical DPS item anyway, even without the anti-dodge component.
Oh, forgot about Void.
And yeah, I guess they are late game items. I could have sworn another item gave physical evasion, but maybe I'm crazy.
United States47024 Posts
On December 16 2011 15:05 dnastyx wrote: Oh, forgot about Void.
And yeah, I guess they are late game items. I could have sworn another item gave physical evasion, but maybe I'm crazy. Talisman of Evasion, but nobody gets Talisman unless they're going to build it into BFly.
Oyeah. Either way, my point still stands!
I honestly didn't think there was a problem with dodge as a stat. It's just that Riot made dodge way too accessible to every champ via ruens/masteries/tabis. IMO, Riot should actually keep dodge on Jax (maybe buff the numbers a bit) and have dodge be a champion-unique mechanic and remove all other sources of dodge.
So yeah Goose are really fucking good.
That just makes specific champions incredibly obnoxious to deal with since you just have to hope the RNG gods roll in your favor.
On December 16 2011 12:33 gtrsrs wrote: the new damage reduc is a replacement for dodge
i don't see why you'd think you'd get reduced damage from parrley when you couldn't dodge it and the damage reduc is a direct replacement for dodge
do you think you'll get reduced damage from tibbers aura, sunfire, and xin's E too? because that would be following the same line of logic - aka no line of logic Ultimately, gtr, you're assuming competence and zero design oversight on the part of riot, heh. I agree that it SHOULD work like this, but that doesn't mean it won't reduce 10% damage from "On-Hit" skills.
Really need to doublecheck it on the PBE (and probably clue riot in if it IS reducing damage from On-hit skills.)
My final verdict on Ahri from seeing her from my elo through 2000+ elo games is that she is a hybrid Morgana/LeBlanc. In each of their respective specialties she is worse (control poke and ap assassin) but an interesting side effect of the combo is that she seems to snowball better than either. In the end I dont believe she will be a top pick in tournament play as she stands now but she is a lot of fun if you dont get destroyed early.
She seems like a really good pubstomper thanks to her auto-lock abilities, low-level players can use her well even without landing her CC.
She's a heavy solo queue stomper though.
I really don't understand why people are comparing Ahri to Morgana. They don't seem remotely similar. Ahri is a mobile caster that excels at picking off individual targets while also outputting consistent aoe damage via her Q and her laning is more about dicking your opponent with W. Morgana is more of a utility monster with excellent cc and strong laning capabilities that focus on being untouchable while farming up a shitton.
On December 16 2011 16:07 Ryuu314 wrote: I really don't understand why people are comparing Ahri to Morgana. They don't seem remotely similar. Ahri is a mobile caster that excels at picking off individual targets while also outputting consistent aoe damage via her Q and her laning is more about dicking your opponent with W. Morgana is more of a utility monster with excellent cc and strong laning capabilities that focus on being untouchable while farming up a shitton. Charm is kind of the same as binding so I can see the Ahri = LB+Morg comparison.
Eh, skillshot CC, Spellvamp passive (though Morg's is infinitely better), they kinda have some similar bits. Not the same, but enough for a comparison.
So I was queing with my level 20 friend doing normal blind picks with him playing Lux support and I was playing Twitch...so much stomping. Snared into slow into slow and so much damage.
I haven't really played Twitch much but he is really fun. I really don't agree with the "countered by oracles" reasoning of him not being viable, if the other team buys oracles (which they will,) he just plays like every other AD carry, then if you kill the guy with oracles they need to spend more G on it, while regardless of whether or not they have oracles you still get your AS steroid.
I can see his short range being an issue but Graves seems to be doing fine at that range, and I think Twitch's ult is better than Grave's.
Why is Twitch never played ever?
because his laning is incredibly weak due to how squishy he is and how his burst (expunge) is not only on the back end, but requires a significant investment into a trade before it gets good.
Graves' range is not an issue in a lot of matchups because he has a dash to get in, and combined with his passive, can force some very good trades with his frontloaded burst.
Basically he gets shit on in pretty much every lane if you try to play him as a carry. If you try to play him as a roamer/ganker, you might have more success.
On December 16 2011 16:23 Shifft wrote:Show nested quote +On December 16 2011 16:07 Ryuu314 wrote: I really don't understand why people are comparing Ahri to Morgana. They don't seem remotely similar. Ahri is a mobile caster that excels at picking off individual targets while also outputting consistent aoe damage via her Q and her laning is more about dicking your opponent with W. Morgana is more of a utility monster with excellent cc and strong laning capabilities that focus on being untouchable while farming up a shitton. Charm is kind of the same as binding so I can see the Ahri = LB+Morg comparison. They both have lane sustain, something most mana-based casters don't have. Ahri relies on her ult if you're looking for a free escape, but it's short enough CD that you can usually use it as such without too much of a problem. As such, both are pretty tough to push out of lane. Ahri also doesn't have the shortest non-melee range in the game, which helps a lot in this department.
Bind and charm are pretty similar. (Bind hits like a truck but the cc-effect of charm is stronger for positional reasons, and this has incredible utility. Both are awesome Low-CD initiation abilities, particularly for skirmishes and tower sieges.)
Both of them are bosses at clearing minion waves (though max-W ahri less so, but even level 2 Q with some AP pushes decently hard.)
Both of their ulti's expect you to go running into the enemy team in fights (well, ahri really is more of a "skirt around the edge of the fight. Morg just goes F. R. 1.")
Also, Ahri really isn't very mobile outside of her ult (which is short CD and sick mobility, true.)
@Twitch, if he's CSing, he's not stealthed. If he's not stealthed, he's not a threat. If he's not CSing, he can't get the farm to become a threat. That's why you generally have to play him as a roamer... and the meta isn't very kind to roamers these days.