If your [Stream] thread was moved to the general TL Stream subforum (aka SC stream land), find your thread and PM it to me and I'll move it back to LoL territory. I can argue with staff that moving a non-SC thread into a SC subforum is just asking for that thread to get buried.
- Neo, Dec. 15 2011, 6:33 KST
I have admin approval. I'll be moving LoL streams back to the subforum. Stream name will be based on Summoner name.
On December 16 2011 03:09 barbsq wrote: actually i would disagree with heal necessitating more passive play in mid. I've actually tried twice to run dorans openings and use heal as a sort of sustain device such that i can trade early on and can trade more and avoid some of the drawbacks of a pot-less opening.
Boots 3 gives you 450 hp, heal heals for 440 without the mastery @ lvl12 and, 449@ lvl10 with the mastery. Running heal over boots3 doesn't give you any more sustain, all it does is give you a burstheal, and if they plan to do kill you they'll have ignite up while you won't.
On December 16 2011 03:11 Craton wrote:
On December 16 2011 03:08 JackDino wrote: No we were comparing Heal mid vs ignite mid and getting kills mid with ignite that heal wouldn't get you. If you're mid, ignite outheals heal unless you're not running 21/0/9 on an AP mid.
You brought up going ignite/cv on your support.
Heal mid is more for obnoxious ungankable laners so that they can afk push w/o wards and never die even if they screw up their free escapes.
I brought it up because spine mentioned running ignite on your bot and heal on your mid, either spine or yango. The actual discussion was about running heal vs ignite mid.
I never said a single word about heal mid.
On December 16 2011 03:06 Parnage wrote: Man mode supports run CV and Heal. Just saying. I mean you can't get ganked(many wards<3!) now without knowing it, so long as you have some form of crowd control, you can tend to get away in the laneing phase. Flash is nice but running CV/heal is nicer I've found and no matter what happens you'll end up baiting people to die at least once a game.
Now if you say Exhaust/Heal. I've considered it. It seems nice.
What the hell is man mode? What you describe sure isn't manly.
Support with Exhaust + Ignite, carry with Heal + Flash/Ghost. THAT is manly. Even if you play 2 females (not exactly unlikely).
LB/Jarvan/GP support + Ashe, distribute 2x Exhaust+Ignite around those two, win every lane. Not even funny.
Nah, you really should have 1 Heal. You can't stack Exhaust/Ignite anyways.
Ahri is crazy insane and if she's not nerfed in 2 patches Riot's going to leave this game completely imbalanced. Her numbers are whatever, I don't really care about that--the fact that she can force anyone out of lane at level 6 at literally any point is retarded. Just start pushing right before 6 and when you ding it and your wave doubles up, preferably with a siege minion in it, blow them the fuck up. They'll bluepill or die and lose 2 waves either way.
On December 16 2011 05:55 Yttrasil wrote: Ahri is so sick op you guys can't imagine, you heard it here! Seeing people on high elo play her crushing everyone after 1 day should be a pointer. Her ulti is great, but her scaling that's what hurts and her heart which is actually not a skillshot since it's so fast and on shit low cooldown, it's like blitzcranks q with lower cd, low cost and no fucking way to miss as its speed is insane.
It's on a 12 second cooldown which isn't really short and while I don't play much Blitz I don't think it's faster than his Q.
I haven't seen many streamers own with her other than Chaox who was playing on low ELO smurf accounts.
Blitzcrank Q is 20/19/18/17/16 seconds, and you leave it at rank 1 through level 14. Unless you meant missile speed, which is something else entirely.
Yeah, I was just sayin' that Ahri E is definitely not on "shit low cooldown" and I think the missile speed is slower than Blitz Q.
On December 16 2011 06:15 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Ahri is crazy insane and if she's not nerfed in 2 patches Riot's going to leave this game completely imbalanced. Her numbers are whatever, I don't really care about that--the fact that she can force anyone out of lane at level 6 at literally any point is retarded. Just start pushing right before 6 and when you ding it and your wave doubles up, preferably with a siege minion in it, blow them the fuck up. They'll bluepill or die and lose 2 waves either way.
On December 16 2011 05:09 Two_DoWn wrote: Q has an effective .66 ratio, W should be .75 (which is 2 foxes), and ulti should .9 to at least whatever your primary target is. WIth proper play those are some boss ratios.
by boss ratios do you mean barely serviceable ratios on a skillshot based AP carry?
Brand is .65, .6, .55, and an unreliable .5 per target (best case 1.5)
Compared to .66 (with .33 of that being true damage (to as many targets as you can hit)) .75 (with the possibility for.375 on another target) an admittedly weak .35, and a fairly reliable .9, with another 1.8 spread to other targets.
Doesnt seem as though its all that much worse.
You're forgetting brand does percent max health burn damage - you can't look at brand 's ratios alone
On December 16 2011 06:16 NotSorry wrote: Build for jungle Kayle? Runes/Masteries/Items?
Attack Speed/Armor runes. 21/9/0 masteries. EWEQ R>E>Q>W. Build whatever makes sense given your team composition. Sometimes that's Stark's + BC. Sometimes it's Malady + BC. Sometimes it's Gunblade and Wit's End. Sometimes it's straight up standard AD carry. The key is to do enough damage and be enough of a threat that the enemy team is either screwed because they tried to focus someone else and wasted their burst on your ult, or screwed because they focused you while the real carries went to town.
Edit: Fun Team Composition with Jungle Kayle: Tryndamere/Yorick Top, Morgana/Zilean Mid, Vayne/Kog'maw + Janna/Soraka Bottom
On December 13 2011 13:14 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: VEIGARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Yay for Veigar being viable again.
Honestly, I'm feeling not as much of a difference. The mana changes are nice, sure, but his laning remains comparably weak and is heavily reliant on getting to a certain point where your opponents can't afford to trade with you without having to fear to instantly drop. It's a LITTLE better now, but I still think he has an incredibly hard time against anyone who can be aggressive early on. Played against him as Brand today and forced trades from level 2 onwards and he had a bad time laning against me. On the other hand, I got majorly zoned as Veig by an Ahri today. Went 0-3 or something (I hate it when the opposing team has a Skarner and I'm being stupid) in lane, farmed up my DFG within a reasonable time (12 minutes) and dominated her from that point on. I don't know, it might be just me, but I feel like Veigar is (and has been before this patch) in that awkward place where he needs to be shut down completely early on if you don't want him to oneshot squishies left and right later in the game. The patch made it a little easier for him because he occasionally can throw a Q at his enemies now, but all in all, I feel like he is in a very similar spot like before.
On December 16 2011 06:15 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Ahri is crazy insane and if she's not nerfed in 2 patches Riot's going to leave this game completely imbalanced. Her numbers are whatever, I don't really care about that--the fact that she can force anyone out of lane at level 6 at literally any point is retarded. Just start pushing right before 6 and when you ding it and your wave doubles up, preferably with a siege minion in it, blow them the fuck up. They'll bluepill or die and lose 2 waves either way.
I think she's probably going to be hit like Orianna was once people learn how to play her. Her low cooldowns, high range and low mana costs give her a lot of lane presence just like old Orianna. She doesn't zone as well as Ori, but she still seems pretty strong to me.
Well, Sivir got hit hard as fuck with the nerf bat. That is about as big a nerf as you can possibly get. Q being back to AP makes her 100% not scale into late game now. Her late game was questionable already after the W change, but now she is back to sad face status.
On December 16 2011 07:00 Gooey wrote: Well, Sivir got hit hard as fuck with the nerf bat. That is about as big a nerf as you can possibly get. Q being back to AP makes her 100% not scale into late game now. Her late game was questionable already after the W change, but now she is back to sad face status.
you're late to teh party and they didnt' remove AD ratio. They just added AP ratio on top of it. Sivir got buffed.