[Patch Ahri] General Discussion - Page 53
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United States13274 Posts
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Germany8679 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
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United States12679 Posts
On December 16 2011 04:12 TheYango wrote: Ionic Spark doesn't feel worth it just for the damage boost of the chain lightning proc (which should be pretty minor). As with Maelstrom/Mjollnir in DotA, I feel like you have to benefit from the farming power for it to be worth having in SR, and the only ranged AD carry that I can think of that doesn't have enough innate creep clearing ability to warrant getting it is Vayne. Every other AD carry has enough AoE power to push/farm quickly without it. Vayne could probably use it pretty well tho. She wants aspd and the health makes her a little more durable which is nice for her short range. I'd probably rather have a zeal item tho lol | ||
United States13274 Posts
660 gold worth of HP 120 damage to 4 targets every 4 attack (average 30 damage/attack on your target + 3 others) for 2300 gold. vs. 1050 gold worth of attack speed 500-700 gold worth of MRes 42 damage to your target/attack for 2000 gold hmm, I dunno, guess it's closer than I originally thought. Maybe just get both? I dunno, just feels like wriggle's + wit's end + triforce is so nicely balanced in terms of the stats they provide already, I don't see where it's supposed to fit in even if the cost efficiency looks pretty OK atm. | ||
United States47024 Posts
Though Ezzy still probably wouldn't buy it because the stat mix isn't exactly the greatest for him. On December 16 2011 04:16 Mogwai wrote: 1400 gold worth of attack speed 660 gold worth of HP 120 damage to 4 targets every 4 attack (average 30 damage/attack on your target + 3 others) for 2300 gold. vs. 1050 gold worth of attack speed 500-700 gold worth of MRes 42 damage to your target/attack for 2000 gold hmm, I dunno, guess it's closer than I originally thought. Maybe just get both? I dunno, just feels like wriggle's + wit's end + triforce is so nicely balanced in terms of the stats they provide already, I don't see where it's supposed to fit in even if the cost efficiency looks pretty OK atm. A couple things: 1) Most of the guys who get Wit's now (e.g. WW, Udyr) naturally favor resists over HP. 2) How much they benefit from the AoE farming power of Spark varies greatly. Warwick probably likes it a lot, for example, while Udyr doesn't care for it all. 3) How big is the AoE on the Chain Lightning proc? A lot of these guys can put themselves in situations where if the proc radius isn't that big, the proc is only going to hit 1 guy. | ||
Canada580 Posts
On December 16 2011 03:58 SnK-Arcbound wrote: She sucks in lane, and anyone with a lot of ap can blow people up quickly. Unless people can figure out how to farm with her or get tons of kills or go roaming or something, she's pretty bad. Major case of deja-vu. Riven anyone? | ||
United States17233 Posts
On December 16 2011 04:16 Mogwai wrote: hmm, I dunno, guess it's closer than I originally thought. Maybe just get both? I dunno, just feels like wriggle's + wit's end + triforce is so nicely balanced in terms of the stats they provide already, I don't see where it's supposed to fit in even if the cost efficiency looks pretty OK atm. Feels like that path would stick you with too many smallish items. | ||
United States4423 Posts
Riven's shit isn't all skill shots. Better to compare her to a similar ap like brand. | ||
United States13684 Posts
Actually, now that I think about it, BT, spark, Wits, Mallet, Greaves, and an atmas could be a real fun tank graves build. | ||
United States12679 Posts
On December 16 2011 04:16 TheYango wrote: Anyone who's tried the item on Ezreal on Dominion? How does the proc interact with his Q? Though Ezzy still probably wouldn't buy it because the stat mix isn't exactly the greatest for him. A couple things: 1) Most of the guys who get Wit's now (e.g. WW, Udyr) naturally favor resists over HP. 2) How much they benefit from the AoE farming power of Spark varies greatly. Warwick probably likes it a lot, for example, while Udyr doesn't care for it all. 3) How big is the AoE on the Chain Lightning proc? A lot of these guys can put themselves in situations where if the proc radius isn't that big, the proc is only going to hit 1 guy. aoe is 400 according to wiki | ||
United States9006 Posts
On December 16 2011 03:58 SnK-Arcbound wrote: She sucks in lane, and anyone with a lot of ap can blow people up quickly. Unless people can figure out how to farm with her or get tons of kills or go roaming or something, she's pretty bad. She will probably end up like Kennen or Swain and be run solo top because of how hard she shits on melee champs. Just max W, last hit near your melee minions, press W anytime enemy melee champion comes near minion wave. You zone melees at level 1 npnp. | ||
Canada5009 Posts
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United States1892 Posts
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United States12679 Posts
On December 16 2011 04:46 Alzadar wrote: So does the chain lightning proc on your target and bounce from him, or does it come out of you? procs on your target then bounces to a target in 400 range, repeat 'til it hits max 4 targets. | ||
Canada3508 Posts
On December 16 2011 04:16 TheYango wrote: Anyone who's tried the item on Ezreal on Dominion? How does the proc interact with his Q? Though Ezzy still probably wouldn't buy it because the stat mix isn't exactly the greatest for him. his Q does proc it. it's only really useful as a Wriggle's substitute though to help with pushing. I think it would be interesting if they did a Tiamat-like interaction and had it deal damage based on your AD. either that, or something like Morde where targets that are alone take extra damge. | ||
Gabon6219 Posts
On December 16 2011 04:41 overt wrote: She will probably end up like Kennen or Swain and be run solo top because of how hard she shits on melee champs. Just max W, last hit near your melee minions, press W anytime enemy melee champion comes near minion wave. You zone melees at level 1 npnp. You won't be zoning a jax pantheon riven udyr or a lot of others with 80dmg @ lvl1. | ||
United States9006 Posts
On December 16 2011 04:47 Sabin010 wrote: How is Foxy's base attackspeed compared to say Ashe? I want to play her AD and kite all day. She has slightly more base attack speed and base attack damage than Ashe. Dunno how much it scales though 'cause LoL wiki hasn't added that yet. I'm also a bit worried about Ahri's scaling. Most of her spells only have a .3 AP ratio. | ||
Gabon6219 Posts
On December 16 2011 04:52 overt wrote: She has slightly more base attack speed and base attack damage than Ashe. Dunno how much it scales though 'cause LoL wiki hasn't added that yet. I'm also a bit worried about Ahri's scaling. Most of her spells only have a .3 AP ratio. Her Q hits twice, her W hits 3 times(.75ap ratio if they all hti the same target), her E is a CC lol and her ult hits 9times. She would be way too strong with higher AP ratios. | ||
United States12679 Posts
On December 16 2011 04:52 overt wrote: She has slightly more base attack speed and base attack damage than Ashe. Dunno how much it scales though 'cause LoL wiki hasn't added that yet. I'm also a bit worried about Ahri's scaling. Most of her spells only have a .3 AP ratio. I think her Q only having .3 ratio is okay, since it's true damage, which means given resists it's actually quite a bit more than 0.3 comparatively. Her W only have .3 ratio is kinda bleh considering how unreliable it is to hit all 3 W charges on the same target. E isn't meant to be a damage skill so w/e ratio on that is fine imo. R ratio could be a bit higher, but it isn't bad considering you can hit somethign 3 times with it reliably. | ||
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