I think the flash nerf will cause a lot of people to start flashing into walls.
Warmogs being removed on dominion and fortify being removed will change the game for me a lot. Same with the graves nerf.
People are gonna be confused about the new masteries and summoners for a while, but other than that not much has changed. There's a lot of changes, but if you didn't know about the patch notes, you wouldn't notice a difference (except maybe you'd have an easier time against graves).
I'd like to see mass promote being tried again. You'd have to do it on three lanes when the enemy was grouped together though. Getting all three lanes to naturally push would be pretty big.
On November 15 2011 14:54 Theoren wrote: Why does Hotshot always insist on going double gp5 on every champ top. On top of that he tries to trade with Voyboy and predictably gets owned.
It's actually not bad to go double gp5 on nocturne because they build into items that are incredibly useful on him. The problem is that philostone is really useless on nocturne and he should be getting avarice blade instead if he insists on going double gp5. I'm not the biggest fan of ghostblade but it's a great item on nocturne.
On November 15 2011 14:38 koreasilver wrote: saint doing lane nocturne again, against skarner
"Are you guys happy with this team?"
"no we have no fucking cc"
LOOLLLL, gg all AD team
"this is the worst team comp ever"
If that was TSM/Other team they wouldn't have given up though.
TSM in their first scrim vs CLG was in a much worse situation, 5 towers, 3 dragons, 5 kills, a bunch of cs down, but they played and won LOL CLG just doesn't enjoy playing the game as much as other teams do I feel. they talk about scrimming as if it was only necessary for practice whilst TSM/Other teams genuinely enjoys their scrims
On November 15 2011 14:54 Theoren wrote: Why does Hotshot always insist on going double gp5 on every champ top. On top of that he tries to trade with Voyboy and predictably gets owned.
It's actually not bad to go double gp5 on nocturne because they build into items that are incredibly useful on him. The problem is that philostone is really useless on nocturne and he should be getting avarice blade instead if he insists on going double gp5. I'm not the biggest fan of ghostblade but it's a great item on nocturne.
That's my point though, he goes philo, hog on every champ and then tries to play aggressively in lane. He was doing it earlier today on Irelia with similar results. I don't understand why he doesn't build aggressive when he plays aggressive.
On November 15 2011 14:53 obesechicken13 wrote: I think the flash nerf will cause a lot of people to start flashing into walls.
Warmogs being removed on dominion and fortify being removed will change the game for me a lot. Same with the graves nerf.
People are gonna be confused about the new masteries and summoners for a while, but other than that not much has changed. There's a lot of changes, but if you didn't know about the patch notes, you wouldn't notice a difference (except maybe you'd have an easier time against graves).
I'd like to see mass promote being tried again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUdRzi98BOg You'd have to do it on three lanes when the enemy was grouped together though. Getting all three lanes to naturally push would be pretty big.
mass promote wont really work because promote only works on seige creeps which spawn every 2-3 waves depending on game length. old promote could be used on any creep if I remember correctly.
Kind of amuses me how many people were expecting some massive nerfs to caith and all they did was bring her movement speed down to most other AD carries.
Poor Noc got rolled tho. Oh well been on the Udyr train for awhile now anyways.
On November 15 2011 14:54 Theoren wrote: Why does Hotshot always insist on going double gp5 on every champ top. On top of that he tries to trade with Voyboy and predictably gets owned.
It's actually not bad to go double gp5 on nocturne because they build into items that are incredibly useful on him. The problem is that philostone is really useless on nocturne and he should be getting avarice blade instead if he insists on going double gp5. I'm not the biggest fan of ghostblade but it's a great item on nocturne.
Gold per ten items are really overrated on top lanes. Avarice blade is easily the worst gold per ten item to get because ghostblade is a midgame item and the longer you sit on the gold per ten the better it is. It's counter productive to make the ghostblade basically, and if you're free farming up top there are much stronger damage items to build. If you want the movespeed active you'd probably be better off making a reverie ^_^
It has it's purpose though, but it is easily countered if you know what you're doing like people doing atmogs.
On November 15 2011 14:54 Theoren wrote: Why does Hotshot always insist on going double gp5 on every champ top. On top of that he tries to trade with Voyboy and predictably gets owned.
It's actually not bad to go double gp5 on nocturne because they build into items that are incredibly useful on him. The problem is that philostone is really useless on nocturne and he should be getting avarice blade instead if he insists on going double gp5. I'm not the biggest fan of ghostblade but it's a great item on nocturne.
Gold per ten items are really overrated on top lanes. Avarice blade is easily the worst gold per ten item to get because ghostblade is a midgame item and the longer you sit on the gold per ten the better it is. It's counter productive to make the ghostblade basically, and if you're free farming up top there are much stronger damage items to build. If you want the movespeed active you'd probably be better off making a reverie ^_^
It has it's purpose though, but it is easily countered if you know what you're doing like people doing atmogs.
But since avarice blade builds into ghostblade, you're going to have to build it anyway and so building it will bring you to ghostblade faster than not building it.
I dunno. Playing nocturne in lane probably is quite different from jungling, and since my experiences with nocturne lies almost entirely in the jungle, maybe I'm missing something. I only play in lanes as support.
ok so. we've been talking about nocturne and ad carries, and i've only seen orianna mentioned once.
i think that with the range increase for orianna and her increased mana regen, she will probably once again be one of the ap picks again.
oh and fizz is ap, at least that's how phreak played fizz. in the champion spotlight the damage seemed kind of underwhelming, and i like fizzes passive a lot though.
I love how they make it seem like they're making these earth shattering readjustments to ranged ADs, and aside from the Graves/Kog'Maw nerf, none of them are that significant.