On October 01 2011 12:10 Caller wrote: In LoL, Casters have scaling damage, cheap access to mana (when spells are very low mana as it is) and just in case that wasn't enough they boosted passive mana regen so people could have more fun.
This is a good thing. Gameplay is very stale when you can rarely use spells or constantly run out of mana.
The game should be designed so you have to make choices about when you use your mana, if you are spamming spells in lane then go for a fight it makes sense you shouldn't have full mana. There's a huge difference in being able to rarely use spells and having to actually thinking about your mana usage. Blue buff pretty clearly illustrates crappy design imo, mid lane starts off as a proper lane but then becomes a lane where both champs instantly jib their creep wave this infinite mana over and over again.
My main problem with ap casters apart from retarded blue buff is that they all do the same thing basically, they just blow up people in fights and spam their cooldowns. It would be great to see more champs like janna designed and ones that actually made sense to be go mid as the carry. Ofc, this would require pretty big changes to the whole game.
but all melee assassins do basically the same thing, all tanky dps do basically the same thing. all ranged dps do the same sort of thing isnt really an argument in lol :d
So busy these days that i simply can't keep up with the new champs but still want to keep playing. All things considered money/played wise LoL still beats out any other game ive ever played.
Riot has done a great job imo so guess it's about time i stopped leeching lol.
Yeah Dignitas is really impressive in their teamfight control. Also, Jatt has got to be one of the best junglers in the world with his recent displays, and scarra and Voyboy are certainly world class. The bot lane is easily the weakest aspect of the Dignitas team currently.
On October 01 2011 22:21 tyCe wrote: Yeah Dignitas is really impressive in their teamfight control. Also, Jatt has got to be one of the best junglers in the world with his recent displays, and scarra and Voyboy are certainly world class. The bot lane is easily the weakest aspect of the Dignitas team currently.
Idk about other games but dude that was kogmaw nunu vs cait gp... cait being the most op thing in the world in that lane and kog/nunu aren't exactly great when it comes to displaying skill in a 20 minute game
On October 01 2011 23:34 Zhiroo wrote: Question: How good is jungle Tryndamere?
Not very imo
He doesn't get enough gold and needs to spend a good chunk of the gold he does get on stuff like wriggles wich really doesn't help him much at all.
Tryn is best on the solo top where he gets the gold he needs. That said he gets stomped by a lot of champions so you allready have to go out and expect the enemy player to be bad.
trynds past 6 ganks are brutal. Also he doesnt need wriggles to jungle. His early game and early ganks are pittyfull.
If you want to play him solo top then you should probably go all-in with your runes and mastery setup. get teleport, get flat ap blues and anything that eases your early game.
Just started using tribunal yesterday, anyone know how long it takes to recieve IP and how much would it be? (i know the official faq say is its undetermined, but a rough range is ok wiht me)
Team WeDontNeedHardCC. Kinda hilarious to watch, but honestly they just played a lot better. With Cait/Maokai/Brand/Cass/GP 2 assassins really shouldn't be that much of an issue - Maokai drops their burst by a ton, GP keeps the rest of the team away, Brand and Cass have huge stuns for people charging in, and Cait is Cait.
On October 02 2011 01:13 godemperor wrote: Just started using tribunal yesterday, anyone know how long it takes to recieve IP and how much would it be? (i know the official faq say is its undetermined, but a rough range is ok wiht me)
Iirc it's 5 IP for each case you "answered right". Doesn't seem much, but if you spend an average of 90 seconds on each case it's more than you get for playing. Plus you can do other stuff inbetween ect.
I think it can take up to 2-3 weeks until you get your first bunch of IP.
Can anyone provide the video with Voyboy doing his Ezreal pentakill? Or was that too long ago to find. I google'd but too many videos (20+ min), I have no idea which one it is :/