Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On September 27 2011 11:07 Abenson wrote: I finally found all the touhou references in this game:
Wriggle Lantern - Wriggle Nightbug Youmuu's Ghostblade - Youmuu Lux - Final Spark - A skin also looks like marisa Ori's codename was Myon.
I don't think the lux skin looks like marisa... if that's the one you're thinking of
Anyone else just get a patch or something when logging in?
Yay it was a new startup menu thing and probably some other stuff I haven't noticed. Also, Dominion!
Thank you Soloside for teaching me how to smiteless jungle Lee Sin. I now feel prepared to rape ranked games.
I really want to host/play a LoL inhouse tournament, and it seems possible by looking at the previous poll made previously by me. Considering that no everyone looks at that post, its more likely that more people will join the tournament.
However, I need some help hosting this, can't do it alone. Anyone interested?
Here are my latest ranked games (with a few dominion games taken out)
![[image loading]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b282/SnK-Arcbound/NewBitmapImage-3.jpg)
While it is fun to stomp people who are almost all exclusively 1300-1500 top elo players, I sure hope it doesn't continue forever.
Bonus tip: Don't try counter jungling rammus with nunu, 700 movement speed means he hauls ass around the jungle and will pop out of nowhere. Dead junglers can't gank.
edit: wow is loci psychic, I was just thinking he should play shen. Though I was thinking he would get like 45 ap at level one and q people for 100, let's see if he does that.
On September 27 2011 10:05 Two_DoWn wrote: Moonbear, if they wanted to make sure wriggles was balanced for jungle only, they would just switch it to only proc and heal off of neutral monsters. Anything else just dances around the problem.
Since they didnt do it a while ago when they changed the proc to no longer lifesteal, they obviously think that wriggles is fine as is.
I seriously think they needed to this so much longer ago. If you want wriggles to only be attractive to junglers, then you have to make so that laners won't want it. I don't see another way to amke this work.
+ Show Spoiler [MoonBear's Post] +On September 27 2011 09:01 MoonBear wrote: MoonBear goes off on a tangent about jungling and why Wriggles will consistently pose a problem for a while... Jungling in itself is an issue for champions. Any champion can turn up to lane and last hit, some just better than others. However, even with full runes and masteries, many champions forcefully gimp themselves if they try to jungle. Even for champions that can pull it off, even slight counter-jungling can permanently set them back for the rest of the game. In order to successfully jungle, a champion must be able to sustain themselves or be relatively tanky, and be able to clear camps in good time which implies decent dps. Ignoring the aspect of map control and pressure, few champions are arguably more suitable in the jungle than in lane (Amumu and Olaf being some examples). In fact, it is the nature that being able to jungle consistently must make a champion viable or borderline OP, if not even OP due to the requirements they have to meet. (See: pre-nerf Lanewick, Lee Sin, Lanedyr post-mana buff, etc.)
In order to diversify the pool of junglers, Riot has tried to make champions that can jungle but if these champions meet the criteria above, they immediately edge towards borderline OP. Any champion that works great in the jungle (with exceptions such as Olaf) will generally also have an advantage in lane thanks to their in-built damage, tankyness or sustain. Pirate, Chogath and Udyr are prime cases where they work well in the jungle or top lane. Pirate is a horrible case, since he can also be run as support. So we need a way to not make OP champions that can jungle. Enter Madreds and Wriggles.
In order to still allow champions to quickly and safely clear the jungle, Madred and Wriggles are often used as a crutch for many of the lesser junglers. For these junglers, without Madreds/Wriggles they risk falling behind during the mid-ish game stage when they want to clear camps quickly to stronger champion who may not even need Wriggles to clear camps or sustain themselves. (See: Chogath, Phoenixdyr, WW, Yi etc.)
However, we now face the second problem, which is that a jungler's gold is much more limited compared to someone in lane, especially if they do not have strong gank opportunities. They also need to be able to exert pressure, counter-act the pressure of the other jungler and have some responsibility to ward. This means that any items specifically for jungling have to be very cost-effective and easy to obtain.
If we look at Wriggles, it's a ridiculously cost effective item, even more so pre-nerf when everyone and their pet Teemo ran it. It gives good stats that lots of people wouldn't mind having, and as a bonus even gives free wards. Looking at just the lifesteal part, you get a bonus +6% when you combine it for 150g. That's basically half an extra vamp sceptere. A vamp scep costs 450g. So you've already benefited, and that's ignoring the extra armour, damage, wards and 5% increase to proc chance. The extra pressure on Dragon and Baron thanks to the threat of Madred procs doesn't hurt either.
The problem is, that nearly all champions (laners or junglers) look for ways to maximise their power with the limited gold they have. Wriggles, being the incredibly cost-effective item it is, ends up being just as attractive to champions who can use it in lane as it is to a jungler. It provides an efficient form of sustain, decent stats, lets you push hard and pays for itself slowly thanks to free wards. The Wriggles phenomenon at bottom lane just feels right. It helps you stay in lane against other AD carries if you're having a hard time, and free wards means you can feel safer from ganks when pushing or helps you win brush control thanks to that extra 1 ward you can pump in which relieves stress on your support. It works great top lane too (See: Lanedyr and co.).
Here's the problem. How do you deal with the effectiveness of Wriggles? If you nerf it through cost, it feels bad as a jungler who will generally be very limited in gold. If you nerf the stats or sustain, the non-top-tier junglers become even less attractive compared to the top ones and the pool of viable junglers shrinks even more. If you nerf the proc to only target neutral minions, it's still a great sustain tool that pays for itself and helps pressure Dragon/Baron. If you nerf the ward aspect (longer CD, or shorter life ward) that still does nothing about the sustain, and it'll still pay for itself, just slower.
In short then, until Guinsoo's jungle changes, Wriggles will always feel like it's in a bad place because either it's ridiculously cost-effective and lots of people like it for sustain and stats, or the pool of junglers shrinks as the crutch some rely on feels less useful. The jungle changes will also mean it becomes easier to rebalance champions without making them feel bad in the jungle... but that's for another time.
MoonBear now goes off on a tangent on Assassins... Assassins by design are designed to shut down other champions hard and fast, especially against squishies. This means they're designed to want to snowball in lane, and snowball hard. One problem though is that once they snowball hard enough, they pose a threat to everything. But if they can't snowball, they can't assassinate champions. So a balance needs to be struck. Generally, this will err to the side of being more powerful since they don't always snowball in lane and still need to be effective. It also makes them a bit harder to balance since either they do their job and gimp someone fast, or they don't and die. This is Katarina syndrome. In fact, any mechanic where you gain something based on kills/assists is inherently nasty to balance since it suggests really hard snowballing and you need to balance around the threat of suddenly snowballing on everyone.
Talon in particular is probably borderline OP if not OP since he scales so hard, has a blink move, has CC and hurt you more when you're under the effect of CC. His base stats aren't even too far off compared to champions like Alistar, and he gains free MRes per level too. His ult is ridiculous, with a 0.9 AD ratio per blade on an Irelia-style cooldown and higher base damage. (Of course, he lacks the tankyness but stealth helps a bit. I believe it can only hit you twice during the ult, so that's potentially 1.8 AD scaling and AoE to boot.) I wouldn't be surprised it his damage was toned down a bit. Riven is also pretty good. I personally think she has Irelia syndrome where she's being overlooked but this is more my unqualified opinion more than anything else...
Your problem with wriggles can be solved fairly simply while still remaining elegant enough to not seem forced. Bring Wriggles' Life Steal down to 12%, change the proc to only effect neutral minions and allow the proc to heal via life steal once again. Now, the sustain in the jungle remains similar (likely improved over what we have now) while the sustain in lane is weakened fairly significantly. In fact, you may even be able to get away with reducing the armor on the item as well if the heal revert on the proc is still too strong for your liking (if you ask me, it shouldn't be, junglers "always" being at 100% health enables them to be more active on the map, contesting objectives, counter-jungling, attempting ganks, etc. etc. which also *could* help with the passivity problem).
Let's do a little napkin math here: Wriggles right now heals for: .18 * AD per hit With my proposed change, Wriggles will heal for: .12 * (AD + (PROC_CHANCE * PROC_DAMAGE) = .12 * (AD + 100) Setting the two equal to each other and solving for AD yields: .12(AD + 100) = .18AD | .12AD + 12 = .18AD | 12 = .18AD - .12AD | 12 = .06AD | AD = 200
This means the change will result in the champions healing for more damage in the jungle while they have less than 200 AD with the "new" wriggles lantern and less afterwards. Overall, this is a net buff to jungling sustain (potentially enabling more champions to jungle while making the ones who currently struggle a little better off and not effecting the top-tier junglers that much since they either skip wriggles altogether or are at full health in the jungle anyways) while nerfing the sustain benefits that Wriggles brings in lane.
Assassins, by design, should have the goal of getting in there and killing ONE target almost immediately. You gave Talon ridiculous Area of Effect spells and called him an Assassin and are now wondering why he seems OP? Perhaps you should talk to your design team about poor decisions. If an ult did everything Talon's did but was single target instead of AoE, you would probably be looking to buff it instead of nerf it. Talon and Akali are extremely similar, they have single target gap-closers, a single target nuke, an AoE ability, and a short term stealth escape ability. Except Talon's stealth ability is also a massive AoE nuke that hits for it's damage twice. I wonder why he seems strong...
Akali's aoe is a waste of energy on non-creeps
You forgot that his gap closer also silences them and he has a slow.
Xerath = AP Kogmaw (Minus autoattacks + stun) (kinda)
I fucking hate losing a ranked game and 40 points because teammates type when there is 5 people on the other team in front of him and then dies and blames us for not defending him while he typed.. GG
On September 27 2011 11:06 tyCe wrote:Show nested quote +On September 27 2011 10:15 Ryuu314 wrote:On September 27 2011 10:04 tyCe wrote: What do people feel about Jax's power curve? Should it be made flatter? I kinda feel that he snowballs too hard for LoL's current state. There are counters to him like SotD but no other champion comes close to his strength with full item builds. Is the passive broken? Is his ulti broken? I know many people like the fact that there are different power curves among LoL champs but is Jax too far of an outlier? Thoughts? I like his power curve tbh. One thing I don't like about LoL is the fact that Riot seems to be homogenizing power curves, which is boring. I want there to be champs that dominate early, but taper off hard. I want there to be champs that suck early, but once farmed are insane. It makes for more interesting gameplay imo What if it gets to the point where Jax can pretty much 1v5? Doesn't the game seem like a forgone conclusion by then? Even if the other team deserves it, well it's not exciting once it gets to that stage is it? the thing is that the amount of farm it takes for Jax to get to that point is ridiculous. honestly, I see nothing wrong with a champ being able to 1v5 if the other team is bad enough to not be able to finish the game. The problem because when said 1v5 champ also has a strong early/mid game and never has a weak moment when he can be shut down.
On September 27 2011 11:49 Blitzkrieg0 wrote: You forgot that his gap closer also silences them and he has a slow.
I intentionally left a lot out of that comparison because I was simply illustrating a point that Talon is extremely poorly designed. The obvious things (like the sheer amount of CC he has) that I left out only serve to reinforce my point and psychologically speaking, causing the reader to go "hey you forgot to mention..." when they are bringing things up which reinforce your point makes your point significantly stronger in their eyes then you mentioning them yourself.
On September 27 2011 03:02 Liquid`Tyler wrote:Show nested quote +On September 27 2011 02:52 arnath wrote: Haha, the things you hear on stream.
Hotshot: "Where is Arizona? I don't even know ..." It's not uncommon for foreigners to not know the geography of some of our lesser known states. Calling him out on that is a bit harsh. I'm sure he knows American geography better than the average American knows Canadian geography I don't know where Arizona is. Is it just west of California? Actually, one of my biggest gripes is when people ask where you're from on the internet, the American guy will almost always say his state rather than his country. Not everyone is from America, dammit!!
On September 27 2011 11:54 tyCe wrote:Show nested quote +On September 27 2011 03:02 Liquid`Tyler wrote:On September 27 2011 02:52 arnath wrote: Haha, the things you hear on stream.
Hotshot: "Where is Arizona? I don't even know ..." It's not uncommon for foreigners to not know the geography of some of our lesser known states. Calling him out on that is a bit harsh. I'm sure he knows American geography better than the average American knows Canadian geography I don't know where Arizona is. Is it just west of California? Actually, one of my biggest gripes is when people ask where you're from on the internet, the American guy will almost always say his state rather than his country. Not everyone is from America, dammit!!  East. West of California is the Pacific Ocean. :p
Got carried for the 1st time this season, God it felt good I was thanking the crap out of my team lol. This game is so much funner when you get a team of random people who don't know each other and everyone gets along great and can make nice jokes and have a good time (winning helps this heh).
Where dat snitch at?36920 Posts
I can't find anything on google.
How does draft mode choose the first slot person?
Everytime my friends and I play draft mode, we have no idea how that 1st slot person is chosen. And that first slot gets to ban the champions.
Is it randomized? Or some requirements? How is it done?
On September 27 2011 12:01 Seeker wrote: I can't find anything on google.
How does draft mode choose the first slot person?
Everytime my friends and I play draft mode, we have no idea how that 1st slot person is chosen. And that first slot gets to ban the champions.
Is it randomized? Or some requirements? How is it done?
I'm pretty sure it's random for normal games, sometimes I'm captain and sometimes I'm last pick, even when playing with the same two friends.