We are extremely close to shutting down this thread for the same reasons the PUA thread was shut down. While some of the time this thread contains actual discussion with people asking help and people giving nice advice, it often gets derailed by rubbish that should not be here. The moderation team will be trying to steer this thread in a different direction from now on.
Posts of the following nature are banned: 1) ANYTHING regarding PUA. If your post contains the words 'alpha' or 'beta' or anything of that sort please don't hit post. 2) Stupid brags. You can tell us about your nice success stories with someone, but posts such as 'lol 50 Tinder matches' are a no-no. 3) Any misogynistic bullshit, including discussion about rape culture. 4) One night stands and random sex. These are basically brags that invariably devolve into gender role discussions and misogynistic comments.
Last chance, guys. This thread is for dating advice and sharing dating stories. While gender roles, sociocultural norms, and our biological imperative to reproduce are all tangentially related, these subjects are not the main purpose of the thread. Please AVOID these discussions. If you want to discuss them at length, go to PMs or start a blog. If you disagree with someone's ideologies, state that you disagree with them and why they won't work from a dating standpoint and move on. We will not tolerate any lengthy derailments that aren't directly about dating. |
Well seeing as how my love life is terrible it made me think... what makes someone feel better when they have no relationship? Looking at other people who don't have one!
Now before you get offended, I don't mean this in a jerky, mean way. But I'm sure there are some of you with great dating stories of disaster and would love to enlighten the TL community with them. As for myself, I've always been a pretty nice guy, I remember when i graduated, everyone I knew came up to me that day and said to me "I (or we, depending on which group of friends was talking) know we give you a ton of shit, but you're actually a really awesome guy." But yet, I never felt like one. I always held doors open, I gave people rides when they were too drunk from our high school escapades, and yet, I always seem to get some of the bitchiest girlfriends in existence.
+ Show Spoiler + I remember the first date I had with a more recent ex-girlfriend, almost as if I'm reliving it all now. I've been saving up money for college since I was 14 and never was a big spender, every cent I've earned has gone to my bank account and has never left since, even to this very day. So grated being the first date, I'd do something frugal, and free.
It was a simple date, a stroll through a park along our river-side and then to a coffee shop and maybe to a music club.... WELL let's say this broad was very demanding in what went on during the date. I remember picking her up and parking the car about 3-4 blocks away from the river and she said "Why are we stopping here?! there is a parking garage near riverside-park!" My initial plan was to kind of set the mood, and walk through the more... historical part of my town, seeing as how this girl has only been in La Crosse for a couple months. So I thought I would teach her about the town and some of the interesting on-goings that have happened in the past 200 years.
But sadly, It was more of just a 5 minute walk along the river with her scoffing and complaining about how cold she is when SHE IS WEARING MY JACKET, during the whole walk. Oh it's fine, you know? It's 45 degrees and I'm in a t-shirt, and you're in a dress and I gave you my jacket cause you didn't think it would be that cold!
The coffee shop was the worst part of the evening. She kept wearing my favorite jacket, even in the coffee shop and you know what she does? she spills coffee on my jacket. One of the reasons why the relationship between me and this girl didn't work out, is that to be frank, she's a dunce; not very smart, not very observant-- So she takes my jacket off and sets it on the table in the booth and while she does so she knocks over my coffee, and spilling it onto the jacket. I kept smiling, even as she was saying "oh god damn it." and didn't even apologize for spilling my coffee! Or for spilling my coffee onto my jacket! But whatever, there was still one more part of the evening left, the local music club.
So as I learned that night, girls can find the smallest things to complain about, when it comes to music "it's too loud!" "why are all of these idiots here, and have gauged ears?" "this music sucks" "when's the next act?" You may think that this went on across a mild amount of time, but no, every 30 seconds, some complaint to where I couldn't even enjoy music "ugh, that chick with the mohawk needs a nose job." I'm a patient guy, but it just started widdling away at me until I said, "I'm feeling tired... I should take you home."
So i'm interested, what's the worst date, or relationship you've been in?
edit: im not in highschool, im 20 now
+ Show Spoiler +http://www.justin.tv/sc2cress this mofo plays sc2 on an xbox controller.
One time I thought I dated a girl, but it turns out she was just waving to someone else across the room
Well I dated a girl about 4 years ago and it only took her becoming and whore and an attention crazy person and bitch for everyone to realize she is retarded and I have had to deal with shit for the last 4 years including getting cockblocked in front of girls I like. so.... I guess that would be the worst relationship Ive been in
One time I thought I saw a girl, but it was actually just a funny looking mutalisk.
Unfortunately, most of the better looking girls are extremely selfish and vain. Drop these girls, looks are only fun for the first month. Find the girl you find attractive emotionally as well as physically, despite what other people might say or think about her.
Been in a relationship twice. One lasted 2 years, other about 2 months.
In no hurry to go for Round #3.
Perfectly content never have being in a relationship
Never been in a relationship, never dated.
And the word "love life" makes me cringe. I dunno why, but there's just something wrong with that word. Maybe it's too feminine.
On October 09 2011 15:47 Mr. Nefarious wrote: Unfortunately, most of the better looking girls are extremely selfish and vain. Drop these girls, looks are only fun for the first month. Find the girl you find attractive emotionally as well as physically, despite what other people might say or think about her.
truer words have never been spoken. that being said, penis rage is awfully hard to argue with sometimes. biology conspires against us, resulting in a lot of barking up wrong trees.
Sounds like you have a common problem of dating someone your not even remotely intrested in. i've had the problem for awhile but its a learning experience. I'd say this, your talking about highschool? you're young bro who cares about dating someone, just go out and have some fun. I've been hell bent over the same girl for 3 years and all i got was misery from her but in reality im to young to try worry about that shit to begin with.
+ Show Spoiler +I'll share 2 bad experiences with women, there are more that aren't so bad and kinda funny how shittty my luck is but thats ok lol.
My last girlfriend I had was completely broke because she never felt like working so i ended up spending money and driving her places, which was fine because i wouldn't spend jack shit and hardly hang out with her as a result. She slowly makes minor signs that she isn't really intrested but i dont pick up on them because they're very sudtle.(we chilled a lot in my car listening to music watching planes fly in at the airport parking lot, so one day she said she likes being in my car listening to music, but never said she liked being with me doing it.) One night i pick her up and she is drunk as shit, im mad because she has an inflammed liver and drinking is the last thing she should be doing. We dont say much and she goes home without a kiss. Few days she leaves me with a 5 letter text, i say fine guess its goodbye. I find out through facebook that she adds her bestfriend as a boyfriend a few days later. im pissed. i find out a little bit later from friends that she was seeing him while we were dating, what the fuck. Naturally i just want to call up my friends and get both those fuckers beat up but i held back.
Next story is the girl i knew and liked for 3 years. This girl is really special to me because we are so very similar its scary. when i first met her she was dating someone (a person i'd never want to cross) but she flirted with me hardcore about how our kids could look ect... I didnt even know she was dating someone so i thought about asking her out until it slipped out one day. She apologized and i was left confused. In the last 3 years i've made a lot of progress with women so i couldn't exactly make sense of the fact that iwas being teased. fast forward about 3 years about 3 months ago. We had a huge fight because i got pissed of with her disrespecting me, lasts about a year. right before we got into that fight she had broken up with her bf and was single ever since. (suprising since she bf hoped for almost 7 years) Her birthday arrives and she invites me to come. All my old feelings come back and i say yes. It was a simple outting to the movies with her friends so we didnt talk much, but i was dettermined to make my last attempt to start a relationship.
In the past i made a habit of beating around the bush and never really asking a girl out which i slowly cured over in the year i was appart from her. We're both big on electronic dance music and got to raves often but this time around i started taking her hands and dancing with her. She loved it. Unfortunately she started doing some of those things with other guys when i wasn't around to. I was annoyed but not done yet. Then i took her out swimming, literally went to her house and told her we're swimming. She was reistant and didnt want to but i got her there. She had a blast i was throwing her around int he water, the whole speal. Everytime i talked to her afterwards she wanted to go swimming. That very day i told her that i liked her for the full 3 years i met her and i've never liked a girl like you, that i wanted to start something with you. Her response? "damnit why didnt you say something sooner? I just started dating someone." "damnit damnit damnit" I'm not mad im actually happy, i didnt expect a yes at all, i kind've expected a no, but i got hope. I knew the guy she just started dating and i knew it was doomed for failure so this gave it hope. Ofcourse i find out 2 days later from her best friend she broke up with him. I'm all excited waiting for her to call. She never does. I quite positive the girl i liked didnt tell her best friend about me because we all know eachother and she usually doesnt share information about guys, so im quite sure it wasnt a game plan to get me to ask again. The next time i see her im out with her best friend and we met up with her at some guys house, shes drunk and cuddling with this dude. I'm fucking pisssed right the fuck off. me and her friend leave after watching a movie leaving her there drunk with this fucking guy. Im really pissed off, but it gets wierder. a week later we go to two raves back to back. I hardly even acknowledge her the first night and she's with her ex boyfriend the whole night, not looking like shes having a good time. I'm sober this night because im driving for my best friend that night. the second night me and my best friend switch roles so he drives i drink. Then it gets wierd. She starts taking shots with me with her friends, ex bf, ect.. and eventually out of the blue she just grabs my hand and pulls me to the dance floor. Im drunk and just say fuck it lets have some fun. We get to the front of the rave close to the dj (ferry corsten yeye) and just start grinding. My mind was completely blown at that point, not that she was the best girl that i grinded with, but because this is the first time i've ever seen her grind in the whole 3 years i knew her. She didnt even do it with her boyfriends. She's grabbing my neck, im sliding my hands up her legs, shes doing the same. Even wasted i felt so much emotion. Finally the night comes to an end with us dancing and the dj closes it up. She does something stupid and books it back stage to try and get an autograph, idont risk it because the bouncers wouldn't hesitate to beat my ass and let her go. Meet up with her out side and she pretends like nothing happened. We've talked once since and it wasn't really about much other then what we've been doing. she doesnt invite me out anywhere and doesnt really talk to me. I feel that i already put myself out there and she just shit all over me so im trying to completely tie it off.
Jesus that was a long write. I got tons of other minor ones about bad my luck is with picking up women but w/e lol
just ended 2 year relationship :'( single and ready to mingle? slowly getting there
I have only ever had good dates/girlfriends who I respect and care for still.
Though bitches be crazy!
Single on purpose. Last relationship was 7 months of good to eh to holy shit i'm out of here. Would rather not be in a committed relationship at this point.
Except to Esports.
What is dating? I play Starcraft 2 
Just kidding, I know that plenty of people in the community have no trouble. I don't really know what my problem is, but it isn't really that important (don't argue, I like telling myself this).
Btw OP, I like the story. Sorry about the jacket though.
Edit: Good luck Wasteweiser
maybe its because you call them bitches?
I feel your pain man. I literally was your stereotypical nice guy who tried to never hurt anyone, etc. throughout high school. I also fell for the wrong type of girls sadly. + Show Spoiler +I totally fell for this one girl in grade 9 - and I just learned recently she was head over heels for me. I was too naive at the time to figure this out however, and frankly, I had no idea wtf to do with girls, so she stayed my friend.
Come next year, and she was still crazy about me but I guess we were still too shy to do anything about it. She went to this one dance and then ended up with this friend of mine. Lo and behold they start dating. He was the overprotective type who would always run up when he saw us together and wouldn't leave us alone even though I would never have done anything to jeopardize the relationship.
Anyways, FFW to beginning of senior year, she ends up breaking up with him after consulting me. I just listened to her for about 2 hours and just asked her questions about how she felt and such and had no part in her decision making. I wait a few months for her to get back up on her own two feet before doing anything, so in February I finally get around to kissing her. Shit got pretty intense and I ended up spending till 3 AM at her place while having an English final the same morning at 8. This happened on one more night then she kind of stopped talking to me. After about 2-3 weeks of this she found a bullshit excuse to cut me out of it and flipped shit at me for the smallest thing.
Turns out I was so into her I completely misjudged who she was - turns out she was a total drama queen and kind of a bitch, so I'm glad it never went very far between the 2 of us. Recently I just learned that when she was dating her ex, she was keeping me on the side as a kind of dessert for when she would be older - she literally wanted my kids. How fucked up is that?
Now she acts all close with me when I can barely stand to be in her company.
THANKFULLY all that is behind me and I managed to catch the attention of a wonderful young lady the 2nd week of university and we've been seeing each other since. Couldn't ask for anything better atm.
I'm normally borderline asexual in the sense of having an insanely low sex drive. Don't date much, but when I do I can only seem to be attracted to women who are crazy. Everything else is dull
you have to know which women are actually good for you or is it "an easy fuck" Trust me i have had many option B's and sure its great to have a great looking gal you can sleep with all the time... but when you get past college there are more things that matter. ( like will she smash your SS camaro into the garage). ect. Yeah... im bitter. Good luck in your search.
I haven't even tried.
I dunno.
On October 09 2011 15:56 Probe1 wrote: Single on purpose. Last relationship was 7 months of good to eh to holy shit i'm out of here. Would rather not be in a committed relationship at this point.
Except to Esports.
bro, i'm with you there. threesome with esports?