On March 01 2012 09:30 Seuss wrote: It's a shame they won't be able to do a commentary of the game where a pub midlane Ahri responded to my call to deal with the Shaco in our jungle sooner than you did.
monte kept trying to save blues for me but to no avail as lee would steal
i think people have tried to re-discuss scrims on the threat because 1 person was obsing and not in the game (two down i think) and it was not productive and ended up into semantic arguing and just bullshit that did nothing for anyone. you were there on the vent so you prob dont need to re-discuss this here either.
don't save when its that high risk that blue fight went so badly because i used w and q to finish it off, if i could use that on ahri or lee that fight would have been fine it was in smite range when lee was approaching it, so if i used that on lee udyr and ahri would have cleaned up while lee would get level 3 and be able to w to one of them but again u know this so dont waste your time responding, if anything focus on improvements and how you plan on achieving them