TL LoL Team Thread
Sign-ups are Closed
Confirmed members: Soniv (captain) TapiocaBall (captain) Astarwulf BlackPaladin ChoBz CloudN1ine De4ngus dnastx Montegomery Necrosed Phil4994 Rackdude Rhavanna Stoppin TechniKal Two_Downs_Syndrome
Known roles: BlackPaladin: AP carries/solo top TapiocaBall: Jungle/support Astarwulf: jungle Rhavanna: lots of niche champions huehuehue ChoBz: AD carry/support CloudN1ine: jungle/support De4ngus: solo top dnastx: jungle/support Necrosed: jungle Rackdude: jungle/AP carry Soniv: solo top/AP carry Stoppin: AD carry/solo top/jungle TeckniKal: Jax the dodger Phil4994: support/tanky top Two_Down: jungle Montegomery: jungle/support/AP mid
Known Scrim partners: 1. Navitar, The Yango, lanzoma, MCMilo's reddit team (who's the 5th? o.o) 2. Severity Gaming 3. Hazmat's reddit team 4. unichan the great dodger's team
What? "confirmed"? That sure is stretching my words.
On August 27 2011 07:21 spinesheath wrote: What? "confirmed"? That sure is stretching my words.
Didn't you say you'd practice with us as AD/support? -_- Only problem you said was finding time to practice cause you're EU....
Hmmmm I'd be up for this. I dunno if I have any specific role I'm best at
On August 27 2011 07:29 Haemonculus wrote: Hmmmm I'd be up for this. I dunno if I have any specific role I'm best at
I know you play jungle ww pretty well. When we make a team comp and you're jungling ww we can always put tap as support bitch for example. You play malz, temmo, and cait well too. So, you're kind of niche overall even though you're a generally good player and can carry the shit out of teams. I dunno, the roles are more or less to make it easier for us as a team to practice cause we already know our roles and just need to pick our champions that would make a strong team comp.
I just don't like the "what role am I playing? Okay, and what champ am I playing?" deal we used to always do because everyone played "everything." It's generally better for us to improve by playing specific roles until we just know the ins and outs of every little thing of what we play.
i like how theres a TL B but no TL A
Hahahah yeah you guys are TL A now.
TL A sounds bad. TL B all the way ~^.^~
I will be streaming all of our games since I have internet capable of doing that now :D
Can just be "TL" Anyway, Chrispy and such, do you guys want to join to remake the team?? :DD
We need a good solid ingame leader. Tap is okay but he likes to rage a lot and I don't always agree with his calls. I'm not the leader type. More of an adviser type.
Msg me if you want to set up a scrim vs my Reddit team :o
WOW. Way to forget me in TL B.
Coming home from China in a few hours, so I'll be more than happy to join.
I play dem AP or AD carries.
Been practicing AP carries lately climbing China's LOL Ladder...straight Annie up to 1800...HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE
hey, i'm interested. i'm a great ap carry (main cass/annie/brand in that order). have a mumble server available. and i'm a pretty good in-game leader calling out strats.
Hmmm...this concerns my interests.
I consider myself best at Singed top and AP carries (Brand/Cass/Swain). I am capable of jungling, but I'm not GREAT at it. Definitely something I want to improve on though. I've been playing a LOT of Talon in the last couple days (normals). Haven't jumped into ranked with him yet cuz I'm not sure of his viability in an actually structured team.
IGN is Soniv.
I would join but I am bad.
Wow. Real left out of the classic list.
On August 27 2011 08:08 Two_DoWn wrote: Wow. Real left out of the classic list.
There were like 25 people on the old TL B. I got tired so just said "etcetc" Do you still want to play? I like how nobody gave the info that I plainly stated and just resorted to the whole "why u no??" meme lol.
And well, we can always do tryouts if we get more than like 7-10 people or so. ._.
I'm interested in signing up for this. =] My roles are usually Support or Tanky top champ. But I've been using lots of AD and AP carries recently, I can jungle but would prefer not to as I only do noc/gp most of the time.
Have only really done ranked 5s with RL friends where it's just kinda messing around but I do lots of solo queue.
IGN same as TL name
On August 27 2011 07:50 HazMat wrote: Msg me if you want to set up a scrim vs my Reddit team :o
Your reddit team? Traitor.
Is ruru on it?
On August 27 2011 09:38 red_ wrote:Show nested quote +On August 27 2011 07:50 HazMat wrote: Msg me if you want to set up a scrim vs my Reddit team :o Your reddit team? Traitor. Is ruru on it? No lol. It's a couple of cool redditors I met. No one is super high elo, some fake plats though.
On August 27 2011 07:50 Soloside wrote: WOW. Way to forget me in TL B.
Coming home from China in a few hours, so I'll be more than happy to join.
I play dem AP or AD carries.
Been practicing AP carries lately climbing China's LOL Ladder...straight Annie up to 1800...HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE
Soloside is a huge noob pick me instead