Let me set this straight: I gave you a reason why it might be problematic if I tried to join a mostly US team. I never said "I'm in", though. If I'm in, you'll know because I'll tell you directly.
For now, consider me a "maybe". My prefered roles are: pretty much anything with range. That includes most AP.
Phil4994 - i've played with you guys before but usually Support / Tanky Top TL B's been a pretty empty channel...gotta revive it
Can we try to schedule a scrim vs my team tommorow?
On August 27 2011 17:02 HazMat wrote: Can we try to schedule a scrim vs my team tommorow?
They don't even have a team yet.
Actually just let me join your team Shake; I can be a sub and never actually play. I'll be like Boxer or iloveoov coach style
no AD kennen?
On August 27 2011 18:03 dnastyx wrote:Show nested quote +On August 27 2011 17:02 HazMat wrote: Can we try to schedule a scrim vs my team tommorow? They don't even have a team yet. Actually just let me join your team Shake; I can be a sub and never actually play. I'll be like Boxer or iloveoov coach style noty.
I wanne be in TL B again, but I have the same problem as spines when it comes to training times etc (though I ain't as good as him :< )
Updated all the signups.
@Hazmat We have no team yet lol
@Soloside I've seen you play AD kennen. All I'm going to say is no thanks.
Anyway the reason I wanted to do tryouts and cut down the amount of people is because this is meant to be a small LoL team not all of LiquidParty. I was thinking about the 5 + 2 alternates, and after some more though I figure it *might* be good to have enough for 2 5's teams within TL B to practice a bit together within TL B itself. Means we can mix and match people better too. Maybe do something like 5 + alternate for each so we'll have 12 recruits total and those 12 will constantly to scrims vs one another to practice together. Mix and match so everyone played together often. I'm thinking this only because there are so many people signing up, but we do need to cut some people off.....
We can still do scims vs regular TLers and such, and once we feel comfortable together, yes, HazMat, we can scrim your reddit team. Basically I don't want TL B to have 30 people again while only like 10 actually ever play together. :x
A few months back "TL B" that actually played together constantly, and i mean CONSTANTLY, not ONCE, or maybe 2-3 times, were people like, TapiocaBall, rhavanna, random_Korean, navitar and the yango (traitors!), rawrzr, lanzoma, mcmilo, vlanitak, sometimes two down, sometimes exadra (plays AD TF and feeds), dnastx when he's not with his gay lover, jassyp, and I think that's it of people who actually played together often back then. -_- That's 13 right there + me....out of the 30 or so people who "signed up" and were "on TL B." I don't want that.
Need to talk to Tap more about what he wants but that's simply how I feel about the whole thing. Like if you're going to make a team why are you having 30 people on it? We're not playing dodgeball. You don't have 30 people on each team.
Here's my opinion on the matter.
Strictly speaking, we don't need a "tryout" right from the bat. This is because it's not particularly easy to gauge how successful a member is by any conventional method. Most important attributes to have are:
- Good team morale
- Know their role and accomplishing them. If you can go above and beyond, that's great, but the base minimum requirement is to do what your character is good at. - Proactive in helping out each other.
What we should aim for is NOT individual skill (though it helps), but rather good team chemistry. This can only be determined by playing with each other often enough and see who works and who don't.
This is important to me because in retrospect, the last TL B team would have been better off without me, as I didn't try to promote good team spirit, and I don't think I want to make the same mistake again.
navitar and the yango (traitors!)
Who do they play with now?
oo.. can we sign up even if we are noobs?
I can play any ranged ad carry/ap carry my ID is: GosuTyRanT
coming from an experienced captain here's some thoughts that might help
bare minimum you want 8 people on your team. getting 5 people together is hard as fuck. ideally you want 10-11 people so that you can in-house with your own squad
chemistry is more important than skill but it's also important to know who the best players at each role on your team are. if you have 8 people show up to a match they can't all expect to play. back-ups need to know that they're back-ups and not be bitter about it.
your squad needs to consist of people that can lose a game and not quit the team out of frustration. losing to a team that's much worse than you is fucking demoralizing, so you need to make sure all your players can still be cordial with each other even after one of them feeds 10 blue buff to enemy brand 10 times in one game.
start a team forum somewhere that isn't TL so that you can discuss strategies, game times, availabilities, contact information, etc etc
need to pick a captain and stick with that captain. captain should be expected to make wrong calls when you start, and the team should still follow his orders. if it was a bad decision and you lose because of it, at least you learned something from it. impossible to improve if you have 5 people trying to make decisions. likewise captain needs to be assertive. if someone's not following your directions, shout at them until they do
if you have a "bad apple" on your team, just cut them, regardless of skill. not worth the disdain of 4 people being dragged to a win by a total toolbox. better to lose and improve than hate playing and win
gl TL!
I'll give this a go Summoner name :Astarwulf Roles: Jungler and tanky dps mainly with a bit of support+ veigar/karma
If you haven't already filled up your roster, I'm kinda interested:
Summoner name: Zhaso Roles: Tanky DPS, jungle Lee Sin (not really good at jungling anyone else yet, lol), most AP carries
I'll help you guys scrim and get some experience, as well as practice if you want.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I will help 2 and scrim with my "reddit team" haha i can play all roles (lol)
Not true, you can't play support. Always stealing dat farm.
uh, what's the purpose of this team? competitive play in tournaments?
United States3241 Posts
I'm 1100 Elo can I join :D?
United States37500 Posts
On August 28 2011 05:56 broz0rs wrote: uh, what's the purpose of this team? competitive play in tournaments?
Practice in serious mode obv. Competitive play is a possibility if people are up for it.
I think it's a good endeavor. gl to you guys.