[Team] TL B - Page 39
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United States6533 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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United States6533 Posts
On October 22 2011 05:08 BlackPaladin wrote: Yeah we don't have a ryze player. I still think cho will be a strong pick if they run renekton. They seem to really like lategame comps though so they might just run nasus or gp. i play ryze o.o zil also those are like the only aps i play. | ||
United States9316 Posts
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Canada836 Posts
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Canada5484 Posts
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United States9316 Posts
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United States9316 Posts
Game 1: Bans: Graves not allowed sion, Udyr, xerath, kogmaw, morgana, talon Picks: TL: janna, ryze, sona, cait, ww IgI: cass, rumble, vayne, ali, trundle | ||
United States47024 Posts
On October 22 2011 06:15 Juicyfruit wrote: You are right, but at the same time I feel like because of the amount of single-target stuns they had, if we throw rammus at them, they'd have to pick pretty hard between throwing those stuns at rammus or keep trying to bumrush our carries, since their damage was pretty lackluster. If Ezreal tries to kite rammus, then he can just go back to killing Kennen or whatnot. If Ezreal doesn't buy CDR boots his damage and mobility goes way down in teamfight as well, and if he does buy CDR boots then 3 second taunt will absolutely demolish him in 1 flash. This is a pretty tough discussion though because I don't know how much you have actually tried to experiment with DPS rammus. I can usually tell pretty well if a build worked because it's gimmicky/opponents played bad, and when it's genuinely good. In this case I'd say it's pretty good considering I could completely insta-gib fed solo carries (3-0 swain, albeit his flash was down but him being at full health) in 3 seconds while being 0-0-0 out of jungle with just zerker greaves and wriggles. The thing is, if DPS Rammus is enough damage to be a relevant danger to the threats on the enemy team, then what's the point of picking Kog'maw and Brand, who are not self-sufficient in team-fights? If you're not going to bring the necessary support to keep them safe in fights, and don't need their vastly superior damage output, then they're going to end up being a liability, and you'd have been better off picking more supportive/self-sufficient AD/AP. | ||
China26351 Posts
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United States9316 Posts
game 2: bans: sion morg xerath rumble cass kog picks: TL: udyr, taric, ez, brand, akali IgI: ww, ali, cait, ori, renekton Navi will be playing for us in place of ChoBz feeding his sick sis because he didn't just listen and feed her sooner lol. If Navi doesn't get back in 5 mins though we're playing 4v5 lolol. Too strong. edit: and ya, AP janna mid but cass is literally one of the only AP champs that can beat that shit. -_- | ||
United States27922 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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United States9316 Posts
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Canada5484 Posts
On October 22 2011 11:20 TheYango wrote: The thing is, if DPS Rammus is enough damage to be a relevant danger to the threats on the enemy team, then what's the point of picking Kog'maw and Brand, who are not self-sufficient in team-fights? If you're not going to bring the necessary support to keep them safe in fights, and don't need their vastly superior damage output, then they're going to end up being a liability, and you'd have been better off picking more supportive/self-sufficient AD/AP. Wellllll, I think "brute force" is a legitimate strategy to be honest, in which you load up so much high-threat targets making it impossible for the other team to any target before the other ones overcompensate in damage. At the very least their team comp would have trouble dealing with this because of Taric and Renekton being lack-luster when your team can get rolled over. | ||
United States9316 Posts
NOTE: WE KNOW WE HAD BAD PICKS lol No need to diagnose anything. We know where we fucked up. We used this to diagnose what we need to improve and we're going to practice on all of those things. Next tourny we'll do better. =) ![]() ![]() | ||
Canada5484 Posts
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United States6980 Posts
Oh wells, they look like a crazy tough team T_T | ||
United States27922 Posts
But hey, we're still in contention for 3rd, so keep heads high guys! | ||
United States9316 Posts
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