United States47024 Posts
On September 01 2011 03:32 r.Evo wrote:Show nested quote +On September 01 2011 02:42 Seuss wrote:On September 01 2011 02:17 r.Evo wrote:On September 01 2011 01:39 NeoIllusions wrote:On September 01 2011 01:29 NeoIllusions wrote: @r.Evo, not sure how to implement from the TL side but after this fiasco, I'm definitely going to make users ID themselves in game so we know what elo all these comment are coming from. Otherwise a warning is in place. Actually... you know these little banners people use to show around their achievements in WoW and such in their quote below posts? I don't know if anyone made a thing like that for LoL elo, but it shouldn't be too hard to get something like that. People could just throw a thing like that which includes gamemmode/elo/high elo/server in some random thread and everyone who's not doing that will be easy to ignore as random noise. @r.Evo, I honestly can't "request" anything more from the TL admins for our little subforum. R1CH is swamped with plenty to do on the SC2 side of things. If we want anything done (like what you suggested), it has to be done the old fashion way with me moderating arguments so they don't turn into mindless flaming banter. You kinda got me wrong. I'm theorycrafting if it would make sense to have a thread where everyones elo/name etc. is stored. If there was some LoL page that pulls the elo out of the online database and displays it as some kind of nice banner that actually would be practical. I just can't find such a site. =P Signatures/banners in that vein aren't really enforceable on a website dedicated to an entirely different game. Having a thread/wiki which people/Neo can search for people's summoner names would probably be sufficient as long as it was kept accurate and up to date (my summoner name was misspelled in the original thread and never corrected). Yeah true. Though keeping a list like that (including elo) up to date is a hell of a horrible punishment for whoever makes the OP. =S TBH we just need to keep the Summoner Name List thread up to date.
Anyone who wants to look up someone's account can just do so through the client or through the ladder website.
On September 01 2011 03:39 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On September 01 2011 03:32 r.Evo wrote:On September 01 2011 02:42 Seuss wrote:On September 01 2011 02:17 r.Evo wrote:On September 01 2011 01:39 NeoIllusions wrote:On September 01 2011 01:29 NeoIllusions wrote: @r.Evo, not sure how to implement from the TL side but after this fiasco, I'm definitely going to make users ID themselves in game so we know what elo all these comment are coming from. Otherwise a warning is in place. Actually... you know these little banners people use to show around their achievements in WoW and such in their quote below posts? I don't know if anyone made a thing like that for LoL elo, but it shouldn't be too hard to get something like that. People could just throw a thing like that which includes gamemmode/elo/high elo/server in some random thread and everyone who's not doing that will be easy to ignore as random noise. @r.Evo, I honestly can't "request" anything more from the TL admins for our little subforum. R1CH is swamped with plenty to do on the SC2 side of things. If we want anything done (like what you suggested), it has to be done the old fashion way with me moderating arguments so they don't turn into mindless flaming banter. You kinda got me wrong. I'm theorycrafting if it would make sense to have a thread where everyones elo/name etc. is stored. If there was some LoL page that pulls the elo out of the online database and displays it as some kind of nice banner that actually would be practical. I just can't find such a site. =P Signatures/banners in that vein aren't really enforceable on a website dedicated to an entirely different game. Having a thread/wiki which people/Neo can search for people's summoner names would probably be sufficient as long as it was kept accurate and up to date (my summoner name was misspelled in the original thread and never corrected). Yeah true. Though keeping a list like that (including elo) up to date is a hell of a horrible punishment for whoever makes the OP. =S TBH we just need to keep the Summoner Name List thread up to date. Anyone who wants to look up someone's account can just do so through the client or through the ladder website. This. We dont want shake to be spammed by people who just got another reason for asking to increase their elo:x
On August 31 2011 23:40 SHr3DD3r wrote: Thats funny cause I still play swain every now and then, he is still strong as fuck but in certain match ups. As Southlight(Uta) mentioned he rapes almost all if not all melees (yes he does). And he certainly does dominate certain AP lanes too. I for one never ever have a problem against Malz or Vlad when I am Swain.
Would you to care to elaborate on how you play him against Vlad? It only happened once to me and I got beat pretty badly (several deaths and less cs, had to switch lanes with Gragas). His Q seems to have a longer range and he was "poking" me with it (didn't look at his rune setup but from level 3 onward it was 150-200 damage each time), without me being able to retaliate (add to it that I opened sapphire and him boots, he just went in, Q, went out, couldn't do much), so I shrugged and told myself I may have learned a losing match-up for Swain the hard way, but since you say he dominates it...
I tend to max W after E on him rather than Q though. I'd believe you if you told me it's not optimal, I guess it's because I'm quite new (and bad, let's face it, it's just that a lot are even worse than me) and I play rather defensive naturally. Plus I'm a CDR whore, so that 16s CD spell is making me cringe, and I can't resist the urge to lower that Eldritch abomination. I don't feel comfortable as a mage without some AoE to soften the creeps before I lose them to my tower when I'm in an unfavorable position and pushed hard.
Regarding Morgana, she can't OS mages at level 5 with W and DR alone, she lets them leave at something akin to 15hp. Noticed that since I mained her almost from the start and I couldn't wait for my level 20 and those AP runes. I chose AP/level marks since by level 5 they're equal if not better, and are enough AP with DR to the one-shotting. I didn't really pay attention at when the creeps start survivng again since I'm usuall farmed enough to get that AP item for RoA by the time it occurs.
I agree with some sort of system that encourages or requires people to post their in-game statistics, but how it's going to be implemented is far beyond me. I think it's just difficult for newer forum-goers (including myself since I've only been posting on the LoL subforum for the past few months) to know and understand the level of a lot of the people who post here. I'm still learning summoner names, forum names, etc etc... Like anyone can show up, read Loci's posts, and think to themselves "I can play morg better than this nub," without knowing that Loci got to top 10 on the NA solo queue ladder and plays one of the best morgs that I've ever seen.
I'm just starting to feel comfortable with playing with a lot of TL'ers in games, since I just got myself over 1200 elo, and still often make retarded mistakes in TL games that make people facepalm at me I'm sure (apologies to everyone who was in the game where i tried to jungle fiddle for the first time, i'm getting better). Before that I was hovering around 1000, and still thought I knew a shitload about LoL until I started looking up the summoner profiles of people on this forum (Chrispy and Loci surprised me the most, they were 2200 elo and I didn't even know that anyone but pros could get up there). I don't think there's anything wrong with having an opinion with regards to champions and such - I think the line has to be drawn where someone who is 700 elo above you is saying something completely different, and you're telling him that he's wrong.
Edit: The way to play against vlad is to realize that he has essentially no damage output after he uses his Q, since it's cooldown is very high at early levels, and even at level 9 the CD is still 3-4 seconds. Open boots+3 against vlad, if he's running at you don't let him land a Q, and zone the hell out of him when you know his Q is on CD.
What are some champions that can make good use of the Manamune? It seems like a cool item in theory but most champs seem to take ages to max it out. Urgot seems like a given for it, I've tried it on Alistar with just constant E spamming every time it is off cooldown, still takes forever to max out.
On September 01 2011 04:14 Alzadar wrote: What are some champions that can make good use of the Manamune? It seems like a cool item in theory but most champs seem to take ages to max it out. Urgot seems like a given for it, I've tried it on Alistar with just constant E spamming every time it is off cooldown, still takes forever to max out.
I used to run it on a lot of champs a long time ago but like you said it takes very long to max out. It works pretty well on Yorick because he really spams a lot. Some people build it on Blitz, i would disagree with that but it's not horrible or anything.
It's just a very long term item and the game just feels like it gets decided so very early on.
Urgot and Yorick are two that I can think of right away, Lamia was going manamune on Urgot non-stop at the most recent IEM.
Lokan, I was thinking about our Skarner build that we were working on a while ago - we were just going tear, but manamune would likely work real well, no?
On September 01 2011 04:14 Alzadar wrote: What are some champions that can make good use of the Manamune? It seems like a cool item in theory but most champs seem to take ages to max it out. Urgot seems like a given for it, I've tried it on Alistar with just constant E spamming every time it is off cooldown, still takes forever to max out. Urgot Yorick Blitz Corki are some common ones. The thing is though, for the most part, champs that can use manamune generally don't need it. Take Corki for example, Manamune is boss on him since it lets him spam nonstop in and out of battles without really ever running out of mana. The problem is though, that Manamune isn't as cost-effective or as good as other items and getting a Manamune sets you behind by like 2.5k-ish gold.
If you can avoid getting a Manamune to play your champ optimally, you should.
On September 01 2011 01:09 Caller wrote:Show nested quote +On September 01 2011 01:06 zalz wrote:On September 01 2011 01:04 Caller wrote: no but seriously if you join tl net a mere 6 months ago, start playing lol for less than that, and then proceed to state that you're definitely better than the former literally #1 kassadin from beta (even if he sucks now) and proceed to tell him as such (and from eu no less) you should at least have a little bit of respect. Because people can't play LoL before they join TL, this is fact And because you say a certain champion sucks doesn't make it true. By that logic you shouldn't exactly be jumping at Southlight either for he only approaches Swain from a different perspective. who cares you're from eu that automatically means you're on a high horse of inflated elo thats almost as high as the greek version of the euro
LOL shit got real EU personal
Only hero I can endorse manamune on is urgot. Item is just terrible tbh, past the first few hundred mana is a dump stat for 9/10 heroes that even have it in this game.
also lol@jazriel returning as zalz
On September 01 2011 00:44 Caller wrote: goddamn i didn't think you guys could do it, now there are at least five people in this thread that piss me off more than shikyo. shikyo has actually been pushed off my shitlist. congrats.
wish I was one of them but I don't have a chance... I mean I have obnoxious opinions but I'm just not loud enough voicing them. Need to be more strident.
Also is viability a function of:
A) Meta-game (ie. Common champions picks, bans, and team comps?)
B) Lane-ing power (ie. Wins against X type of champion, but loses to Y type of champions)
5 Viable champions =/= A good team
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On September 01 2011 01:23 r.Evo wrote: Neo, we totally need a system where users are stopped from posting until they upload a screenshot with their summoner name+elo. If it's below the elo of one of the other people who argumented for the other side they get an autoban for a few days.
The defendent may then challenge a summoner appointed by the plaintiff for a 1n1 to reestablish his reputation. If he loses he gets a one month ban.
Please forward this to the TL tech team.
...even though it would make GD less fun if you're eating popcorn. =/ If this happened, I would be banned every day because I am terrible at this game hahahahaha.
On September 01 2011 04:14 Alzadar wrote: What are some champions that can make good use of the Manamune? It seems like a cool item in theory but most champs seem to take ages to max it out. Urgot seems like a given for it, I've tried it on Alistar with just constant E spamming every time it is off cooldown, still takes forever to max out. Urgot is obvious. He loves everything it gives him. I like it on Corki a lot. That extra mana really gives you a buffer when you just want to camp lanes and afk farm and then suddenly need to spam spells to keep getting Sheen procs in teamfights all of a sudden. Yorrick I have never played so I can't comment but I can imagine it would work well.
As for Blitz... I have had some success but I feel that I'd rather have a Cata+Mercs instead to live longer. The extra mana is nice, but you shouldn't be terribly low on mana unless you use Q to farm or something. You're mostly gated by CD. Also, you shouldn't rely on his passive. THat shield isn't actually affected by Armour/MRes iirc so it depletes really fast. And if it goes off when you have full mana, you've done something wrong. I prefer playing Blitz tanky and putting down lots of CC with Q+E+R. With a Triforce, you have a lot of innate burst anyway. Get Atmas if you want more damage in my opinion.
Although, if you're against a bad team, Manamune lets you pull off some really funny stunts. More of something in fun normals than something I would play when I'm in serious mode imoimo.
I definitely wouldn't dismiss Manamune on Kog Maw. He can burn 200+ mana per second easily. If you want to be able to siege with his R for a while, you definitely need a large mana pool AND blue buff (because blue buff scales with max mana). Manamune seems like a solid option here. Then again it seems like Kog can build anything and still do amazingly well.
Ok, I know I'm real late to the party (and the /popcorn was delicious, so thank you for the last few pages) but no one ever mentioned a Xin Zhao going against Swain top lane.
Uta mentioned Swain shitting on all bruisers with sustain including Irelia and at least staying on par with ww/Udyr but in my low-elo (yes I mentioned it so people know I'm bad before I express my opinion, sigh) brain, wouldn't Xin have an early sustain as well as damage exchange advantage? Not only does he have a great gap/closer but at level 3 his combo is brutal and not to mention FAST. If the Swain did not immediately drop a W to get away then he eats a full 3-talon strike and will eventually lose the lane due to Xin's superior sustain pre-6, no?
Post-6 I can see Xin losing but couldn't he stretch his early advantage long enough to beat Swain?
The gap closer isn't the issue for Swain, it ends up being more of a one-way ticket for the bruisers as they get locked into a full duration lazerbird. As I mentioned Swain doesn't even need to drop the W, the melee heroes get locked in a full duration snare. Which also means it can be hard for him to land the full 3TS.
Can't tell you for sure how the lane turns out based on numbers though because I don't play a remotely decent Swain and I also don't play XZ. You'd have to test individual cases out. Irelia can't do shit to Swain though because she just gets locked in the middle.
On September 01 2011 03:52 Alaric wrote:Show nested quote +On August 31 2011 23:40 SHr3DD3r wrote: Thats funny cause I still play swain every now and then, he is still strong as fuck but in certain match ups. As Southlight(Uta) mentioned he rapes almost all if not all melees (yes he does). And he certainly does dominate certain AP lanes too. I for one never ever have a problem against Malz or Vlad when I am Swain. Would you to care to elaborate on how you play him against Vlad? It only happened once to me and I got beat pretty badly (several deaths and less cs, had to switch lanes with Gragas). His Q seems to have a longer range and he was "poking" me with it (didn't look at his rune setup but from level 3 onward it was 150-200 damage each time), without me being able to retaliate (add to it that I opened sapphire and him boots, he just went in, Q, went out, couldn't do much), so I shrugged and told myself I may have learned a losing match-up for Swain the hard way, but since you say he dominates it... I tend to max W after E on him rather than Q though. I'd believe you if you told me it's not optimal, I guess it's because I'm quite new (and bad, let's face it, it's just that a lot are even worse than me) and I play rather defensive naturally. Plus I'm a CDR whore, so that 16s CD spell is making me cringe, and I can't resist the urge to lower that Eldritch abomination. I don't feel comfortable as a mage without some AoE to soften the creeps before I lose them to my tower when I'm in an unfavorable position and pushed hard.
What I normally do is that I each time I land an E I get a few auto attacks as well - I willingly take dmg from his Q. But most vlads don't/can't spam Qs on your for every combo that they take as they will suffer from it. Your EQ combo hits Vlad (anyone for that matter) really hard, even during early levels. And if you land some auto attacks as well it makes it worthwhile as you win the exchanges. I dont start Sapphire+pots, almost always I go boots. And yea you should level up Q>W. The combo dmg is quite insane. Just try that and you should beat him ezpz and then land some Ws especially when he is near your creeps for some REAL damage. And if he uses his Q on a creep for csing - just deny the fuck outta him.
Swain used to rape prenerf Hextech Vlad.
^^^^ the problem for Vlad is that he's historically very weak early game, because it takes a while for his bloodsucking to actually become a quick, constant net positive for him. This plays into Swain's hands as he has a cheap, sustainable harass that does medium-level damage, which is enough to hurt Vlad.
Follow that up with a post-6 infinite sustain that trumps even that of Vlad and as long as you do footsies correctly you can usually just keep rolling.
United States47024 Posts
On September 01 2011 04:42 WaveofShadow wrote: Ok, I know I'm real late to the party (and the /popcorn was delicious, so thank you for the last few pages) but no one ever mentioned a Xin Zhao going against Swain top lane.
Uta mentioned Swain shitting on all bruisers with sustain including Irelia and at least staying on par with ww/Udyr but in my low-elo (yes I mentioned it so people know I'm bad before I express my opinion, sigh) brain, wouldn't Xin have an early sustain as well as damage exchange advantage? Not only does he have a great gap/closer but at level 3 his combo is brutal and not to mention FAST.
Torment does more damage than Audacious Charge. Full Decrepify does more damage than Three Talon Strike. Torment damage amp, plus Xin getting creep aggro when going in closes the gap between their natural AD.
Xin should not get additional autoattacks beyond that because of how the Audacious Charge slow is shorter than Decrepify.
On September 01 2011 04:42 WaveofShadow wrote: If the Swain did not immediately drop a W to get away then he eats a full 3-talon strike and will eventually lose the lane due to Xin's superior sustain pre-6, no? "Immediately" or "in the time it takes Xin to make 3 autoattacks"?
Cuz the second is WAY longer than the first.
Xin probably has an even worse time against Swain than a lot of the aforementioned bruisers (Warwick, Udyr, Garen, etc.).
On September 01 2011 04:48 SHr3DD3r wrote: What I normally do is that I each time I land an E I get a few auto attacks as well - I willingly take dmg from his Q. But most vlads don't/can't spam Qs on your for every combo that they take as they will suffer from it. Your EQ combo hits Vlad (anyone for that matter) really hard, even during early levels. And if you land some auto attacks as well it makes it worthwhile as you win the exchanges. I dont start Sapphire+pots, almost always I go boots. And yea you should level up Q>W. The combo dmg is quite insane. Just try that and you should beat him ezpz and then land some Ws especially when he is near your creeps for some REAL damage. And if he uses his Q on a creep for csing - just deny the fuck outta him.
Swain used to rape prenerf Hextech Vlad. Does laserbird stay tethered/continue to do damage even if Vlad uses W?
On September 01 2011 01:12 NeoIllusions wrote:zalz, why you dodge my post for an entire page? Show nested quote +There are like 3+ people all saying Swain is viable and perfectly fine up top lane. Yet some how, zalz wants to continue saying he's trash and god awful. So it's time to put your money where your mouth is.
What server are you on and what matchup do you want to play? I'll ask Tojarra to come play you. He's a snarky NA player who got to legit plat with Swain for like 90% of his games. If you can't beat a Swain during lane phase, there's no chance of stopping him in a team fight. I think we can all agree that Swain's weakest point in the game is during pre-6.
Edit: the more I read your replies, the more it's starting to irk me.
I'm a level 3 Swain who's gone EQE. I'm in the middle of the lane last hitting. You walk into range, I'm going to throw a E on you. You try to dash onto me, I'm going to EQ and you're going to eat the full laserbird. No more of this 1 second nonsense. Your theorycraft is shit if you think a competent Swain is going to Q you at max range.
Any time you do an exchange by jumping on to me: 1. you draw creep aggro 2. I EQ you for full duration.
Tell me how you're going to counter 2 as any melee. There's no melee that I can think of that can sustain that kind of exchange. Jax QWQ will take more damage from Swain. Irelia QEE also takes more damage. Garen and Udyr can't even get into range. AP caster burst vs early Bruiser burst. I honestly don't know why the fuck this is even a discussion. More interested in your server and ingame name than the replies tbh.
Good luck with that one. I recall someone earlier (possibly within this thread even) asking Zalz the same question on a different matter. First he dodged the question and then said it doesn't matter.
United States37500 Posts
On September 01 2011 04:50 BloodNinja wrote:Show nested quote +On September 01 2011 01:12 NeoIllusions wrote:zalz, why you dodge my post for an entire page? There are like 3+ people all saying Swain is viable and perfectly fine up top lane. Yet some how, zalz wants to continue saying he's trash and god awful. So it's time to put your money where your mouth is.
What server are you on and what matchup do you want to play? I'll ask Tojarra to come play you. He's a snarky NA player who got to legit plat with Swain for like 90% of his games. If you can't beat a Swain during lane phase, there's no chance of stopping him in a team fight. I think we can all agree that Swain's weakest point in the game is during pre-6.
Edit: the more I read your replies, the more it's starting to irk me.
I'm a level 3 Swain who's gone EQE. I'm in the middle of the lane last hitting. You walk into range, I'm going to throw a E on you. You try to dash onto me, I'm going to EQ and you're going to eat the full laserbird. No more of this 1 second nonsense. Your theorycraft is shit if you think a competent Swain is going to Q you at max range.
Any time you do an exchange by jumping on to me: 1. you draw creep aggro 2. I EQ you for full duration.
Tell me how you're going to counter 2 as any melee. There's no melee that I can think of that can sustain that kind of exchange. Jax QWQ will take more damage from Swain. Irelia QEE also takes more damage. Garen and Udyr can't even get into range. AP caster burst vs early Bruiser burst. I honestly don't know why the fuck this is even a discussion. More interested in your server and ingame name than the replies tbh. Good luck with that one. I recall someone earlier (possibly within this thread even) asking Zalz the same question on a different matter. First he dodged the question and then said it doesn't matter.
Well, he doesn't get a freebie anymore from me until he answers me who he is in game.