United States37500 Posts
zalz, why you dodge my post for an entire page?
There are like 3+ people all saying Swain is viable and perfectly fine up top lane. Yet some how, zalz wants to continue saying he's trash and god awful. So it's time to put your money where your mouth is.
What server are you on and what matchup do you want to play? I'll ask Tojarra to come play you. He's a snarky NA player who got to legit plat with Swain for like 90% of his games. If you can't beat a Swain during lane phase, there's no chance of stopping him in a team fight. I think we can all agree that Swain's weakest point in the game is during pre-6.
Edit: the more I read your replies, the more it's starting to irk me.
I'm a level 3 Swain who's gone EQE. I'm in the middle of the lane last hitting. You walk into range, I'm going to throw a E on you. You try to dash onto me, I'm going to EQ and you're going to eat the full laserbird. No more of this 1 second nonsense. Your theorycraft is shit if you think a competent Swain is going to Q you at max range.
Any time you do an exchange by jumping on to me: 1. you draw creep aggro 2. I EQ you for full duration.
Tell me how you're going to counter 2 as any melee. There's no melee that I can think of that can sustain that kind of exchange. Jax QWQ will take more damage from Swain. Irelia QEE also takes more damage. Garen and Udyr can't even get into range. AP caster burst vs early Bruiser burst. I honestly don't know why the fuck this is even a discussion.
More interested in your server and ingame name than the replies tbh.
lol Neo, the two moments that made me give up was when he replied to my reply maintaining max-range Q (lol) and then bit on my super snarky comment. Laugh and shrug~ and then he keeps bringing it up like I actually meant it? I'm really confused whether he really believes it or is playing the joke along.
Also can you ask Loci if he maxes W first?
A couple of points about swain (considering I started this mess). First: if q range was 50, it wouldnt mean anything. You NEVER use it unless someone is right next to you. Second: mana really isnt that much of an issue. The only skill you really want to use regurally is e. E auto. E auto. Third: Swain has the ability to win every exchange that doesnt burst him to 0. and fifth: you cant atoo a fed late game swain.
Swain is perfectly viable, if he wasnt then every game id have with a swain would be an auto-lose.
Which im 95% sure ive been carried/see my younger brother carry people with swain before.
End disscussion.
On September 01 2011 00:52 zalz wrote:Show nested quote +On September 01 2011 00:48 STS17 wrote:On September 01 2011 00:42 zalz wrote:On September 01 2011 00:34 r.Evo wrote:On September 01 2011 00:24 Shikyo wrote: It's nice to see that I don't need to post here anymore as zalz takes care of everything =) He's being worse than you ever were. Yes, I said it. The last page is like... zalz 0 - Southlight 24 ggnore. The only thing Southlight had going for him was the majority of people that instantly flocked to him for whatever reason. Last i checked he broke down after i directed his post of infinite wisdom to the garbage bin. A lengthy post based on the notion of imaginary champions played by imaginary morons. People trashed Eve, then she was the most broken champ in the game. She was on the bottom of every tier list whilst at that point she was allready the strongest champion in the game, allowing a single player to ride her to the top of the ELO ladder whilst people even on this forum were still saying she was just a pubstomper. People in LoL are rather slow to catch on to new trends and changes, more content with recycling what the next guy said. This Swain debate is hardly much different. Just people repeating one another about how great he is. Some months down the road people might catch on. Kindly direct my post to the trash bin then. And for the record, Southlight's post wasn't "directed to the trash bin" as you say, just becuase you refuse to accept what someone else is saying (especially when others are confirming what they are saying) doesn't mean it's trash. Since you can so easily deal with posts that contain "infinite wisdom" it should be trivial for you to dismiss the imaginary champions in my post no? Majority vote does not make champions top tier or Mordekaiser would be first pick/first ban in all tournaments.
Not that post you dolt, try the one where I was talking about swain. Where I told you how to play him at each level in lane, and where I detailed how to play him against the three champions you mentioned.
+ Show Spoiler +On September 01 2011 00:21 STS17 wrote: Swain is like...stupidly easy to play. How are you failing that hard at him zalz? Now I'm hardly the best player in the world but I've never lost* a lane as Swain when I'm solo top.
Level 1: Melee champs can't harass you because you do more damage with E+Auto attacks then they do (though arguably it's not favorable for either of you to be harassing at this level). So the two of you either trade blows once, then pop a health potion and farm up to level two, or you skip the fruitless harassment and just farm to level 2.
Level 2: Melee champions can probably win in a trade with you now, especially ones with a gap closer, but here's how you handle that. Once they blow their gap closer you put a W right under them. If they (stupidly) continue to trade with you they get rooted in place and you walk away before they can deal their full set of damage, eating your W, E and a few auto attacks from you (which against anyone with a gap closer is favorable for you and not them). You want W here if they have a gap closer (because when they are standing on you it's a free hit which lets you walk away) or Q if they don't have a gap closer (because now they can never close on you).
Level 3-5: If you took E at level 3, re-read level 2, but now you do more damage. If you took Q/W, now anyone without a gap closer can never harass you. See them walking at you? Let them get about halfway into the range of your Q then say "Hey asshole, have you met my bird? He shoots lasers" into all chat and use it on him, then land a W and E (props for getting E off before Q). Free farm with impunity. Against those with a gap closer, See level 2, but add in your slow with nevermove to ensure they can't catch you and are punished even for retreating.
Level 6+: It's all about mana management now, I typically get a catalyst -> RoA which really helps your mana in lane, especially if you're purple and don't have easy access to a blue buff. Hextech Revolver is also a good choice for the extra spell vamp (I always go for WotA in a game) but I prefer the catalyst first because the earlier RoA makes you that much beefier in the mid game which is vital, plus the bonus mana from it is great for your ult and you don't charge a tear fast enough for my liking. Itemization aside, the same principals from level 1-5 exist here, but now you have innate sustain of your own which only helps.
Udyr can do literally nothing to you because laserbird and nevermove let you kite him forever. If he goes BEARSTANCE you just hit him with your Q and walk away, and he can't catch you. If he walks at you with turtle shield active do the same, but laugh at him because he's so much slower without the ms boost from bear so landing everything is much easier (try to wait on your full combo for his shield to wear off, the slow from Q alone will be enough to keep him off of you, it's also wise to time a nevermove to land on him right as Q is about to expire so he does't just BEARSTANCE right at you when your slow is on cooldown.
WW is basically a farmfest for the two of you, since neither of you can really do anything to the other. If you don't let yourself get horribly out of position he can't use his Q on you so he has to regen off minions and your Q + W allow you to play keep away from the wolf if he tries to Q you (since they both have longer range) so just farm up knowing he can't do anything to you but also understanding that the opposite is also basically true.
Irelia's gap closer is shorter range than any of your abilities and it's fairly predictable when she is going to use it so you should never really be caught off guard. Note: I'm not saying it's impossible for her to use it on you, in fact she will, I'm saying it should never surprise you when she is going to use it so you should always be ready to use your combo to get away from her. Are you afraid of her dash stun? You know what needs to be the case for that to work? She needs to be lower health than you, so you're already winning when she does this. If she stuns you, it will even the score, but she's still commiting to eating a full combo from you since she can't get out of a well placed nevermove once Q is on her and she's standing right next to you.
You should also remember that your kit is extremely helpful for assisting ganks, so coordinate with your jungler so he frequents top lane for food and it makes the lane even easier. If your ganks are going well, pink ward the brush so they can't even ward it which makes your ganks that much more potent. If they buy a pink ward to get rid of yours, horray for you! They just put themselves even more behind then they already were and it shows you that they are scared. Don't forget that since we are assuming the most basic level of competence on your behalf you clicked on them when they returned to lane and saw the ward, so you positioned yourself in such a way that they have to eat your combo to place that ward down. If they ran through their jungle to do it, you had a ward there so you saw that, and they have to eat your combo to return to the lane.
* I define losing a lane as either getting zoned, feeding the other team, or coming out of the laning phase behind on cs. Unless you're absolutely horrible and are utterly incapable of seeing how Swains abilities interact with each other, it is extremely difficult to lose a lane with him.
United States37500 Posts
On September 01 2011 01:17 Southlight wrote: lol Neo, the two moments that made me give up was when he replied to my reply maintaining max-range Q (lol) and then bit on my super snarky comment. Laugh and shrug~ and then he keeps bringing it up like I actually meant it? I'm really confused whether he really believes it or is playing the joke along.
Also can you ask Loci if he maxes W first?
Hm, we talking about Morg or Swain here? lol...
On September 01 2011 01:12 NeoIllusions wrote:zalz, why you dodge my post for an entire page? Show nested quote +There are like 3+ people all saying Swain is viable and perfectly fine up top lane. Yet some how, zalz wants to continue saying he's trash and god awful. So it's time to put your money where your mouth is.
What server are you on and what matchup do you want to play? I'll ask Tojarra to come play you. He's a snarky NA player who got to legit plat with Swain for like 90% of his games. If you can't beat a Swain during lane phase, there's no chance of stopping him in a team fight. I think we can all agree that Swain's weakest point in the game is during pre-6.
Edit: the more I read your replies, the more it's starting to irk me.
I'm a level 3 Swain who's gone EQE. I'm in the middle of the lane last hitting. You walk into range, I'm going to throw a E on you. You try to dash onto me, I'm going to EQ and you're going to eat the full laserbird. No more of this 1 second nonsense. Your theorycraft is shit if you think a competent Swain is going to Q you at max range.
Any time you do an exchange by jumping on to me: 1. you draw creep aggro 2. I EQ you for full duration.
Tell me how you're going to counter 2 as any melee. There's no melee that I can think of that can sustain that kind of exchange. Jax QWQ will take more damage from Swain. Irelia QEE also takes more damage. Garen and Udyr can't even get into range. AP caster burst vs early Bruiser burst. I honestly don't know why the fuck this is even a discussion. More interested in your server and ingame name than the replies tbh.
Neo, we totally need a system where users are stopped from posting until they upload a screenshot with their summoner name+elo. If it's below the elo of one of the other people who argumented for the other side they get an autoban for a few days.
The defendent may then challenge a summoner appointed by the plaintiff for a 1n1 to reestablish his reputation. If he loses he gets a one month ban.
Please forward this to the TL tech team.
...even though it would make GD less fun if you're eating popcorn. =/
On September 01 2011 01:23 r.Evo wrote:Show nested quote +On September 01 2011 01:12 NeoIllusions wrote:zalz, why you dodge my post for an entire page? There are like 3+ people all saying Swain is viable and perfectly fine up top lane. Yet some how, zalz wants to continue saying he's trash and god awful. So it's time to put your money where your mouth is.
What server are you on and what matchup do you want to play? I'll ask Tojarra to come play you. He's a snarky NA player who got to legit plat with Swain for like 90% of his games. If you can't beat a Swain during lane phase, there's no chance of stopping him in a team fight. I think we can all agree that Swain's weakest point in the game is during pre-6.
Edit: the more I read your replies, the more it's starting to irk me.
I'm a level 3 Swain who's gone EQE. I'm in the middle of the lane last hitting. You walk into range, I'm going to throw a E on you. You try to dash onto me, I'm going to EQ and you're going to eat the full laserbird. No more of this 1 second nonsense. Your theorycraft is shit if you think a competent Swain is going to Q you at max range.
Any time you do an exchange by jumping on to me: 1. you draw creep aggro 2. I EQ you for full duration.
Tell me how you're going to counter 2 as any melee. There's no melee that I can think of that can sustain that kind of exchange. Jax QWQ will take more damage from Swain. Irelia QEE also takes more damage. Garen and Udyr can't even get into range. AP caster burst vs early Bruiser burst. I honestly don't know why the fuck this is even a discussion. More interested in your server and ingame name than the replies tbh. Neo, we totally need a system where users are stopped from posting until they upload a screenshot with their summoner name+elo. If it's below the elo of one of the other people who argumented for the other side they get an autoban for a few days. The defendent may then challenge a summoner appointed by the plaintiff for a 1n1 to reestablish his reputation. If he loses he gets a one month ban. Please forward this to the TL tech team. ...even though it would make GD less fun if you're eating popcorn. =/
Only problem with that is that if a lower level player comes up with a way to play a champion that is actually good, but a higher level player has some preconceived notion against it, that player gets banned for offering his ideas. Nobody would want to discuss anything for fear of the banhammer unless they were amongst the highest rated players on TL, which ultimately stifles the growth of innovation
On September 01 2011 01:21 NeoIllusions wrote:Show nested quote +On September 01 2011 01:17 Southlight wrote: lol Neo, the two moments that made me give up was when he replied to my reply maintaining max-range Q (lol) and then bit on my super snarky comment. Laugh and shrug~ and then he keeps bringing it up like I actually meant it? I'm really confused whether he really believes it or is playing the joke along.
Also can you ask Loci if he maxes W first? Hm, we talking about Morg or Swain here? lol... Morg, your take about maxing W came up elsewhere and I was like lol why don't we ask Loci too.
United States37500 Posts
@r.Evo, not sure how to implement from the TL side but after this fiasco, I'm definitely going to make users ID themselves in game so we know what elo all these comment are coming from. Otherwise a warning is in place.
If LoCicero wants to come in and say Swain is shit, I'll take it with a grain of salt. He has the experience and skills that outclasses 99% of this subforum and he plays with some of NA's best regularly. zalz on the other hand, I have no idea what kind of player he is and he literally riled up the entire subforum for almost 2 pages now with nothing substantial to show for it besides his own opinion. I don't think anyone else is saying Swain is as bad as he is. He isn't a superb AP pick but his strength is definitely vs Bruisers in lane.
On September 01 2011 01:25 STS17 wrote:Show nested quote +On September 01 2011 01:23 r.Evo wrote:On September 01 2011 01:12 NeoIllusions wrote:zalz, why you dodge my post for an entire page? There are like 3+ people all saying Swain is viable and perfectly fine up top lane. Yet some how, zalz wants to continue saying he's trash and god awful. So it's time to put your money where your mouth is.
What server are you on and what matchup do you want to play? I'll ask Tojarra to come play you. He's a snarky NA player who got to legit plat with Swain for like 90% of his games. If you can't beat a Swain during lane phase, there's no chance of stopping him in a team fight. I think we can all agree that Swain's weakest point in the game is during pre-6.
Edit: the more I read your replies, the more it's starting to irk me.
I'm a level 3 Swain who's gone EQE. I'm in the middle of the lane last hitting. You walk into range, I'm going to throw a E on you. You try to dash onto me, I'm going to EQ and you're going to eat the full laserbird. No more of this 1 second nonsense. Your theorycraft is shit if you think a competent Swain is going to Q you at max range.
Any time you do an exchange by jumping on to me: 1. you draw creep aggro 2. I EQ you for full duration.
Tell me how you're going to counter 2 as any melee. There's no melee that I can think of that can sustain that kind of exchange. Jax QWQ will take more damage from Swain. Irelia QEE also takes more damage. Garen and Udyr can't even get into range. AP caster burst vs early Bruiser burst. I honestly don't know why the fuck this is even a discussion. More interested in your server and ingame name than the replies tbh. Neo, we totally need a system where users are stopped from posting until they upload a screenshot with their summoner name+elo. If it's below the elo of one of the other people who argumented for the other side they get an autoban for a few days. The defendent may then challenge a summoner appointed by the plaintiff for a 1n1 to reestablish his reputation. If he loses he gets a one month ban. Please forward this to the TL tech team. ...even though it would make GD less fun if you're eating popcorn. =/ Only problem with that is that if a lower level player comes up with a way to play a champion that is actually good, but a higher level player has some preconceived notion against it, that player gets banned for offering his ideas. Nobody would want to discuss anything for fear of the banhammer unless they were amongst the highest rated players on TL, which ultimately stifles the growth of innovation
We're in the process of defusing the troll by creating enough new topics while he's typing in blind rage so that people rather continue the new topics than feed him more.
So, don't take my post too seriously. =P
Also, shhh, don't tell him.
On September 01 2011 01:29 NeoIllusions wrote: @r.Evo, not sure how to implement from the TL side but after this fiasco, I'm definitely going to make users ID themselves in game so we know what elo all these comment are coming from. Otherwise a warning is in place.
Actually... you know these little banners people use to show around their achievements in WoW and such in their quote below posts? I don't know if anyone made a thing like that for LoL elo, but it shouldn't be too hard to get something like that.
People could just throw a thing like that which includes gamemmode/elo/high elo/server in some random thread and everyone who's not doing that will be easy to ignore as random noise.
Salce played swain @ mlg and despite losing the match he wrecked.
I was more following up last night's PM exchange regarding Morg, lol.
United States47024 Posts
On September 01 2011 01:27 Ecael wrote:Show nested quote +On September 01 2011 01:21 NeoIllusions wrote:On September 01 2011 01:17 Southlight wrote: lol Neo, the two moments that made me give up was when he replied to my reply maintaining max-range Q (lol) and then bit on my super snarky comment. Laugh and shrug~ and then he keeps bringing it up like I actually meant it? I'm really confused whether he really believes it or is playing the joke along.
Also can you ask Loci if he maxes W first? Hm, we talking about Morg or Swain here? lol... Morg, your take about maxing W came up elsewhere and I was like lol why don't we ask Loci too. I remember Chauster maxing W on stream. I would assume that he and Loci play reasonably similarly.
United States37500 Posts
On September 01 2011 01:25 STS17 wrote:Show nested quote +On September 01 2011 01:23 r.Evo wrote:On September 01 2011 01:12 NeoIllusions wrote:zalz, why you dodge my post for an entire page? There are like 3+ people all saying Swain is viable and perfectly fine up top lane. Yet some how, zalz wants to continue saying he's trash and god awful. So it's time to put your money where your mouth is.
What server are you on and what matchup do you want to play? I'll ask Tojarra to come play you. He's a snarky NA player who got to legit plat with Swain for like 90% of his games. If you can't beat a Swain during lane phase, there's no chance of stopping him in a team fight. I think we can all agree that Swain's weakest point in the game is during pre-6.
Edit: the more I read your replies, the more it's starting to irk me.
I'm a level 3 Swain who's gone EQE. I'm in the middle of the lane last hitting. You walk into range, I'm going to throw a E on you. You try to dash onto me, I'm going to EQ and you're going to eat the full laserbird. No more of this 1 second nonsense. Your theorycraft is shit if you think a competent Swain is going to Q you at max range.
Any time you do an exchange by jumping on to me: 1. you draw creep aggro 2. I EQ you for full duration.
Tell me how you're going to counter 2 as any melee. There's no melee that I can think of that can sustain that kind of exchange. Jax QWQ will take more damage from Swain. Irelia QEE also takes more damage. Garen and Udyr can't even get into range. AP caster burst vs early Bruiser burst. I honestly don't know why the fuck this is even a discussion. More interested in your server and ingame name than the replies tbh. Neo, we totally need a system where users are stopped from posting until they upload a screenshot with their summoner name+elo. If it's below the elo of one of the other people who argumented for the other side they get an autoban for a few days. The defendent may then challenge a summoner appointed by the plaintiff for a 1n1 to reestablish his reputation. If he loses he gets a one month ban. Please forward this to the TL tech team. ...even though it would make GD less fun if you're eating popcorn. =/ Only problem with that is that if a lower level player comes up with a way to play a champion that is actually good, but a higher level player has some preconceived notion against it, that player gets banned for offering his ideas. Nobody would want to discuss anything for fear of the banhammer unless they were amongst the highest rated players on TL, which ultimately stifles the growth of innovation
I'm not going to impose action against someone for having an opinion. Just back it up with something beyond your personal belief. It would help to know the background of the person who's making said statements (read: give your server and account info so we can look you up)
Most importantly, it would be great if you can actually prove what you're saying. If you say Swain is bad, more power to you. Can you beat one of the best Swain players to validate your opinion?
United States37500 Posts
On September 01 2011 01:32 Southlight wrote: I was more following up last night's PM exchange regarding Morg, lol.
Just making sure, mate.
On September 01 2011 01:33 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On September 01 2011 01:27 Ecael wrote:On September 01 2011 01:21 NeoIllusions wrote:On September 01 2011 01:17 Southlight wrote: lol Neo, the two moments that made me give up was when he replied to my reply maintaining max-range Q (lol) and then bit on my super snarky comment. Laugh and shrug~ and then he keeps bringing it up like I actually meant it? I'm really confused whether he really believes it or is playing the joke along.
Also can you ask Loci if he maxes W first? Hm, we talking about Morg or Swain here? lol... Morg, your take about maxing W came up elsewhere and I was like lol why don't we ask Loci too. I remember Chauster maxing W on stream. I would assume that he and Loci play reasonably similarly.
I did use Chauster as reference because Chau played Morg on stream last night and he did max W first.
For reference, Uta and I were talking about whether or not Morg should max W first (my stance) or level W to 3 (enough to one shot creep waves), then max Q first (his stance). My argument is that max W is not to farm creep waves but more so you have maximum AOE potential in team fights.
Thing is, most people want out of your pool damage, and i personally find it more as a farming/harassment tool than a "must max first cuz all my damage is because of this particular spell"
United States37500 Posts
Show nested quote +On September 01 2011 01:29 NeoIllusions wrote: @r.Evo, not sure how to implement from the TL side but after this fiasco, I'm definitely going to make users ID themselves in game so we know what elo all these comment are coming from. Otherwise a warning is in place. Actually... you know these little banners people use to show around their achievements in WoW and such in their quote below posts? I don't know if anyone made a thing like that for LoL elo, but it shouldn't be too hard to get something like that. People could just throw a thing like that which includes gamemmode/elo/high elo/server in some random thread and everyone who's not doing that will be easy to ignore as random noise.
@r.Evo, I honestly can't "request" anything more from the TL admins for our little subforum. R1CH is swamped with plenty to do on the SC2 side of things. If we want anything done (like what you suggested), it has to be done the old fashion way with me moderating arguments so they don't turn into mindless flaming banter.
On September 01 2011 01:33 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On September 01 2011 01:27 Ecael wrote:On September 01 2011 01:21 NeoIllusions wrote:On September 01 2011 01:17 Southlight wrote: lol Neo, the two moments that made me give up was when he replied to my reply maintaining max-range Q (lol) and then bit on my super snarky comment. Laugh and shrug~ and then he keeps bringing it up like I actually meant it? I'm really confused whether he really believes it or is playing the joke along.
Also can you ask Loci if he maxes W first? Hm, we talking about Morg or Swain here? lol... Morg, your take about maxing W came up elsewhere and I was like lol why don't we ask Loci too. I remember Chauster maxing W on stream. I would assume that he and Loci play reasonably similarly.
depending on your farm, you need about lvl 4 in W anyways to 1-pool the caster minions, else they stay around with 3hp left after a few minutes of having pool 3, which is annoying.
One of the major factors of Q>W for me is the duration, although I grossly underestimated how high the duration is at level 1 (thought it scaled 1-3). Regardless the 0.6 difference to tenacity is still nice, and I much prefer it as a standalone poke skill. Hence why I'm still ruminating, and am wondering if Loci does max W>Q, as I'd heard he maxed Q>W.
On September 01 2011 01:44 LaNague wrote:Show nested quote +On September 01 2011 01:33 TheYango wrote:On September 01 2011 01:27 Ecael wrote:On September 01 2011 01:21 NeoIllusions wrote:On September 01 2011 01:17 Southlight wrote: lol Neo, the two moments that made me give up was when he replied to my reply maintaining max-range Q (lol) and then bit on my super snarky comment. Laugh and shrug~ and then he keeps bringing it up like I actually meant it? I'm really confused whether he really believes it or is playing the joke along.
Also can you ask Loci if he maxes W first? Hm, we talking about Morg or Swain here? lol... Morg, your take about maxing W came up elsewhere and I was like lol why don't we ask Loci too. I remember Chauster maxing W on stream. I would assume that he and Loci play reasonably similarly. depending on your farm, you need about lvl 4 in W anyways to 1-pool the caster minions, else they stay around with 3hp left after a few minutes of having pool 3, which is annoying.
Nay with DRing opening and flat AP quints you raze all the creep at level 3 W from the onset.