[Discussion] Dominion - Page 37
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United States5834 Posts
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United States1869 Posts
E: CDR question. CDR is maxed at 40% and all CDR is additive, so you get 9 from talents, 20 from frozen heart (gets built every game), and need to make up the remaining 11% elsewhere. Full blue CDR glyphs would only net another ~6% and they cost an outrageous amount of IP so what's the best item on Ryze to fill that gap? There's really nothing except frozen heart that has stat itemized well for him. I'm thinking I either make a second glacial shroud, or build Kindlegem and evenutally turn it into some kind of health item. | ||
United States5834 Posts
I've been doing well using this build. I really want to get rylai's but just end up building my mana items to frozen heart, banshee, and archangel. Situationally I get hextech sweeper which is useful vs stealth and also maxs out Ryze's CDR. Otherwise I suppose you could just make your kindle gem into a spirit visage if you have nothing else to build. | ||
United States1631 Posts
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Netherlands3704 Posts
The AP it gives just doesn't do anything for him. I only end up building it when i literally have nothing else to buy. I get a void staff before i get that thing. It sounds like the perfect match a mana stack champ with an AP/mana scale item but his ratios are just so terrible. Atleast 40% pierce pays off when slamming tanky targets. | ||
United States5834 Posts
On November 04 2011 17:30 R04R wrote: Ryze gets 2% CDR per level in Q. lol Zzzz I knew that I just forgot lol. And yeah I keep hearing that Archangel does nothing for Ryze, but I don't really think about building magic pen on dominion either because few people actually build magic resistance. | ||
United States11761 Posts
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United States1869 Posts
On November 05 2011 00:53 BlackMagister wrote: Zzzz I knew that I just forgot lol. And yeah I keep hearing that Archangel does nothing for Ryze, but I don't really think about building magic pen on dominion either because few people actually build magic resistance. That's because Dominion comps are usually 4 tanky dps bruiser types and like Heimer. I only build archangels if there's nothing else I can do, it's just a bunch of AP that just so happens to scale with your actual DPS stat. Tear, boots, Odin's, and Frozen Heart are the only items I consider "core" on Dominion Ryze. So including a maxed out Q, glacial heart, and talents, Ryze has 39% CDR. It's a 0.03 second difference on your Q cooldown without that last point so I figure it could be closed with 2 CDR runes, which is way better than buying a full page of those 820 IP bastards. | ||
Netherlands3704 Posts
On November 05 2011 00:53 BlackMagister wrote: Zzzz I knew that I just forgot lol. And yeah I keep hearing that Archangel does nothing for Ryze, but I don't really think about building magic pen on dominion either because few people actually build magic resistance. Then build 2x warmog. Never ever dump gold into arch unless it is literally the last option for you. | ||
India3050 Posts
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Dandel Ion
Austria17960 Posts
It's pretty neat and imo outperforms AD ez, better AoE and stronger ult pretty much mean that you wreck more shit. Not sure what you mean with global gold, but gold/10 is significantly increased, plus you get gold with caps, and Ez is a really good capper (and I'd recommend playing like a capper until you have your AP items, since you're not too useful in early fights) In the end, it's just your call if you like to play AD or AP more, Ez is OP with either build. | ||
Singapore410 Posts
Is there any discussion or general consensus on the various strategies one should adopt in these scenarios? How do you spread your team to hold 3 capture points for the last 20s? Or if you're down, do you 5 man attack a third capture point or split, lure enemies away, and hope to backdoor? Plus so many games have been barely won or lost by an ezreal or karthus or lux ult. | ||
Indonesia2978 Posts
cdr / apish runes, ms quints 0/9/21 (or 9/0/21, but i like revive mastery) start boots of mobil + rejuv bead ghost+anything (i run revive for additional tempo/pressure) start with QWW then EWRW (R>W>E>Q) game starts, deceive+ghost straight for the top node. put down a jitb then immediately begin to start capping. keep being annoying, planting boxes and just capping and capping after that fight breaks down (whether you win or lose), keep yourself fluid around the 3 opponent nodes (top and the 2 at btm opponent side). plant boxes at choke points every time it CDs, pick up mana and hp whenever you can. always deceive as you walk into the visible part of the map right before you are going to start capping, and plant a jitb behind you when you cap. when you die or you're super low on hp/mana, it's a good time to recall and buy priscilla blessing, then start stacking CDR. kindlegem, shurelya, fiendish codex -> dfg all work just fine. continue your capping madness and just generally be super annoying. what you attempt to do is force a numbers game where they constantly need at least 1 person to protect against you, yet that 1 person is not as mobile as you and you can thus exert more pressure than they can negate. easy dominion wins as long as your team not retarded ps: plant a surprise jitb on the node when you cap it | ||
United States37500 Posts
Really hard to do bad as AP Shaco on Dom. You can still lose but at least it won't be your fault. | ||
United States4223 Posts
On November 19 2011 01:24 NeoIllusions wrote: I agree with everything except the rejuv. Priscilla's is out. So just open Mobility and go into DFG. Really hard to do bad as AP Shaco on Dom. You can still lose but at least it won't be your fault. is that a challenge, neo | ||
United States37500 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
On November 05 2011 18:29 zalz wrote: Then build 2x warmog. Never ever dump gold into arch unless it is literally the last option for you. You can't build warmogs on dominion. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think Ryze can build up enough mana on an archangels in dominion. That's why you don't build it on him. | ||
United States3977 Posts
Assassins like it for the extra hp buffer and burst Pokey types like it for the large damage boost to each poke and regenerating shield Tanks like it for free extra threat (and durability) Deeps like it for more deeps (and durability) I think it should mainly go to champs like Heimer or Nunu who can trigger it frequently on a long ranged spell. Unless it's solo queue where it goes to me regardless of team comp B[ | ||
United States1980 Posts
I remember a certain Janna game. unibro #1 troll. happy bday as well troll~ | ||
United States355 Posts
On December 01 2011 05:29 Tooplark wrote: Who is storm shield best on? Assassins like it for the extra hp buffer and burst Pokey types like it for the large damage boost to each poke and regenerating shield Tanks like it for free extra threat (and durability) Deeps like it for more deeps (and durability) I think it should mainly go to champs like Heimer or Nunu who can trigger it frequently on a long ranged spell. Unless it's solo queue where it goes to me regardless of team comp B[ Storm shield is an investment of time and gives away vision, so sometimes its not worth getting. If you have a minute to grab it, Storm shield should go to the member of your team who is the most mobile or does the most damage. Basically someone who is in there fighting all the time and can make use of it. | ||
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