On December 01 2011 05:29 Tooplark wrote: Who is storm shield best on? Assassins like it for the extra hp buffer and burst Pokey types like it for the large damage boost to each poke and regenerating shield Tanks like it for free extra threat (and durability) Deeps like it for more deeps (and durability)
I think it should mainly go to champs like Heimer or Nunu who can trigger it frequently on a long ranged spell. Unless it's solo queue where it goes to me regardless of team comp B[
I'd say it's best for those guys on your team that dive enemy nodes to clear them for your capturer. They typically need all the survivability they can get so they probably get the most things done with it.
So, how's everyone feeling about Dominion? Been playing it a bit more lately, both as a break from ranked, for a (usually) 10min first win of the day with the new Dominion bot game option if my partner is home and I might have to AFK, and to play champs with builds I can't really get away with in SR (AP/Lichbane Maokai, tanky/CDR Warwick, etc).
Considering there's no blue buff, what are the good CDR options for mages? Not sure if my leeriness of Morello's Evil Tome is a holdover from "never build this" SR mentality; have done OK with Hextech Sweeper, too. Alternately, with all the bruiser-y melees running rampant in Dominion, should I just build Glacial Shroud/Frozen Heart?
On February 09 2012 23:08 Haasts wrote:
Considering there's no blue buff, what are the good CDR options for mages? Not sure if my leeriness of Morello's Evil Tome is a holdover from "never build this" SR mentality; have done OK with Hextech Sweeper, too. Alternately, with all the bruiser-y melees running rampant in Dominion, should I just build Glacial Shroud/Frozen Heart?
hextech sweeper is too good of an item not to have in every game. Its active of revealing an area, is akin to having a ward on dominion.
Does Anyone else primarily play Dominion?
United States37500 Posts
I play Dom only when I need a break from SR. :X
Not sure if it is just my imagination but I feel that I'm getting a lot more ip in dominion, a 20 minute game in dominion gives around 50 ip win or lose, 10 minute games gives 30ish ip, feels like a lot... maybe just my imagination.
Also my q's had started to be longer 3-5 minutes and dominion qs are instant.
I play mostly Dominion because at my (low) level, SR games just take way too long. Like average ~45 minutes every game. But recently I've found the wonders of ARAB (all random all bottom) on Dominion and it's a blast. Everyone can level up adequately unlike SR ARAM and you still get lots of money, mostly with everyone ending on 4-5 items by the game's end. And each game is maybe 20-25 minutes. Great for when I have to play so sporadically throughout the week.
Does anyone know if they are going to add ranked dominion ques, wishing they would i like the quickness of these games.
Dominion is already ranked, there's an elo recorded to your games. However, with the recent Lulu patch they took it out from being able to be detected by Jabebot. Blind and draft pick share the same elo. I was 2050 elo before they took it out and now have lost interest in Dominion because I can't keep track of my elo anymore lol.
Didn't know about jabebot, I saw the stats the only day they had riot control up.
So, what's dominion like at 2k elo? you play draft or blind?
I play blind because once people start picking OPs in draft other people follow up with even more OPs which gets stale; and counterpicking is even more significant in dom than sr because you're fighting all the time. For the most part dom at 2k elo people are good with their champs and people rarely waste time. It's all about maximizing the effeciency of your time spent on the map, because it's obvious win or lose the game is based on a ticking time bomb. If I lose the first fight top and the enemy team has established a strong defense, the first thing I'll do is look for a gank opportunity bottom. Even if it doesn't net me a kill or a tower, it'll swing the momentum in the bot lane into my ally's favor. This slow churning will eventually make our bot laner overwhelm the enemy bot laner, forcing 2 bottom on their side and gives us a window of opportunity to force something top.
Well, banning ops and getting ops is how draft works... but who are the ops in dominion?
The only thing I've come up with is to have a strong pusher bot taht can just stay in lane forever like Soraka or Yorick, I've been playing a lot of Yorick and I've lost some lanes (a lot actually ^^') vs wukong or panth, maybe I shouldnt start with a tear when they are gonna have a brutalizer >.>
Top, dunno I play Blitz.
I think people overstate the imbalance of dominion. There is a lower pool of viable champs than SR, maybe, but still there are a lot of champs that are good and I think it would be a fantastic competitive game. Just the strategy is not very well established and it is veeeery hard to coordinate a strategy. Like, everyone in SR knows the general roles, whereas team comp and roles in dominion are largely unknown outside of a pusher bot and bruisers top.
That being said, just play whoever you like and chances are, the champ will work. Its a great way to learn a champ as well.
Dominion is a heaven for Poppy. Not sure if she is op in dominion or what, everytime someone picks her she carries really hard . I think its because she is strong at 1v1s and 1v2s, plus dominion has lots of walls = lots of stuns for poppy. Also, she doesn't need to farm, which was the main downside of poppy. And I guess most tanks suck at dominion.
But so far I enjoy it. More than SR sometimes.
Imo 4 fighters top are not good in dominion. Versus just a couple of mages or even ad ranged, they can never stay in range of the tower for capture, they will get poked and they will have to concede the tower. Then again, I dont have that much experience, maybe with appropriate summoners.
Bottom is essentially half the battle. Or rather, it's an equally important fight between the two people and the eight people. Securing an advantage bottom forces pressure from top to bottom, making top a 4v3 fight.
From my limited experience, the most well-rounded bottom picks at their job are Yorick/Heimer for brick wall pushing, Urgot/Pantheon for agressive stuff, Ryze for a good balance between the two. These champs have a small amount of bad matchups and can handle/delay 1v2s for a decent amount of time.
I'm completely clueless about top composition though. I don't really have anyone to properly experiment with.
One thing that has lost more games than I can count; if you win a fight but are personally low, do NOT linger if they're not going to be there in the next 10 seconds, you can't win the fight or would be forced to fight super passively. It is almost always not worth delaying the enemy a few seconds for your death. Go back to base and immediately rush back. A champion at full health for the next skirmish is almost always better than a tower advantage and a champion at 30% health.
Heimer was one the champs that I would have never consider even buying, I dislike him so much. But in dominion he is so strong, think I'm gonna have to start to farm me a heim.
Pitcairn19291 Posts
ARAB is quite possibly the most fun I've ever had playing LoL.
Dominion is amusing but silly. Played my first 2 games of it at PAX and it just felt like it would be a bad idea for competitive play, but actually pretty good at conventions like PAX when you want to get games in faster and have more brutal action more quickly.
On April 11 2012 04:45 Mogwai wrote: Dominion is amusing but silly. Played my first 2 games of it at PAX and it just felt like it would be a bad idea for competitive play, but actually pretty good at conventions like PAX when you want to get games in faster and have more brutal action more quickly.
a lot of people play a handful of games of dom, don't know what they are doing or the strategy, and decide that it has no depth. I think it is silly to dismiss the competitive viability of dom after two(!) games.
I think it just needs greater incentive to play (i.e. a ranked ladder) and the strategy would take a leap forward.