People have to remember that Dominion is in beta still and will always be getting balanced. It will be interesting to see if they end up making Champions themselves different in the two game modes. Maybe they already have?
I also think that it will get plenty strategic and less hectic when people actually figure things out more, although hopefully it always retains the constant action, which I think it should.
After my first day of playing I'm loving Dominion more than Summoner's Rift.
farm worth so much gold. just farm up until your nexus is at 50% health then just build super tanky and cap every point on the map like a boss.
I played 12~ games straight last night as a group of 5 to 3 at all times, dropped one game through the night because of theorycrafting and previous games based on this idea.
Notes of dominance:
If you have a snare aoe of any kind that puts you ahead of any other hero. The ability to stall, wait and delay is beyond valuable in every scenario.
Hypermobile characters are also incredibly valuable, evelynn and kassadin both saw incredibly high return for their ability to half cap towers and give my team a delay or a point advantage for absolutely free.
Global AOE's, Be it mobility or damage, you need them. Period. No questions.
Hard cc's are nice but the more AOE's you get onto your team for consistent spread damage is not only necissary, but critical in offense and defense.
Heros with beyond sight range ability shots. Kogmaw / cait is incredibly incredibly strong on this map. I would be able to go dual top kog/cait and take on 3-4 people as karthus/kog and there would be nothing the team could do. Diving wasn't able to be done, fleeing was difficult. We got precedence on buffs and we dictated where the fighting happened. Very Very key to have these things here on the team.
Karthus: I main karthus up until 1700 elo~ granted not high but I haven't been able to play as much, so take this for what its worth. Karthus we say is OP, but the flexibility and gravity of his overpoweredness is not mentioned yet. Example, I played this at pax with a janna, a singed, a shen, a panth and my self. We set the PAX speed win record by 3 minutes. Why? Karthus can take on near infinite numbers of players if played correctly.
Defensively he is a monster - the wall is not only an amazing kill initiator but the debuff on it, ensures a tower kill if you are dived, not just the slow but the armor/mr debuff is just awesome.
Offensively his q range is retarded long and forces people off their own tower, his W spots the lane next to you to negate ganks or ensure a ganks success. His e... well its OP duh. His ult interrupts captures, good fucking game there. All of these abilities ensure that Karthus can 2-3v1 bottom while the rest of the team goes top and does a clean sweep of top lane.
Sustainability is key. An early catalyst the protector gives you massive longevity. I don't have to go back until i have enough for CDR boots and Roa. Going immediate cata ensures that you never ever leave lane, your CS becomes retarded high, like the last game of the night we played I was at max build by 27 minutes with a 1:05 minute ult. No one could cap or kill anything with out skylasers becoming a factor. Mass health build is suggested, Roa/rylais, tanky karthus as we saw at DH finals was incredibly potent as a constant dps factor and it holds true here as a defensive karthus method of build.
The visability of the map takes away karthus' primary weakness, surprise ganks. On this map I seriously cannot imagine a better champ to permaban.
For a continuation of the team strategy that should be in place for Dominion this returns to a place of familiarity to me, competitive node based defensive and offensive play ala Arathi Basin in WoW, which this game is a nigh carbon copy of.
Your team MUST have space occupiers and stallers. At minimum two characters that when you see them beneath a tower you go "fuck, thats really not going to work". Fiddlesticks, is an amazing hero in this regard, a walking killing ccing aoeing, silencing, self healing death machine that ignores anything you do to him.
Your team MUST have a hero with retarded good mobility, the wind buffs are a big boon in this sense but a hero like kassadin which starts VERY strong due to guaranteed gold/skips his worst levels. Evelynn whom was nothing short of the most annoying piece of shit possible for the opposing team due to her constant "lol appear, dissapear, stalling a tower cap".
Two Walking Death Tanks. Ren and Jax; super good at this. The ability to ignore people and then punish them for standing still on a turret is very good to have on a team and few characters have this capability to the extent that these two have.
Supports can be annoying, but insofar the only one that made a difference was Janna, and thats because shes a dick slowing, knocking up, ridiculous range on tornado and an ult that totally saves towers AND everyone on them. A+++ hero.
TLDR: Get high health high speed champs with CC and you will do astoundingly well. This game mode does not operate like summoners rift and acts like World of warcraft, a lot more action and almost no farming. So to think of this game in a LoL mind set is a ridiculously big mistake.
Glhf guys, gonna try and continue the streak later today! Though I'll be trying Anivia, another hero in which I will bet my bottom dollar fucking rapes this map in every way shape and form.
On September 24 2011 03:16 Requizen wrote: Tyler, just curious, who would you put at "God Tier" for Dominion? I'd probably say Lee Sin, Rammus... Maybe Noc/TF/Panth because their globals are amazing for attack/defend.
Leesin definitely doesn't guarantee a win hahaha, my team beat three lee sin teams last night without blinking, hes just another hero as far as I've been able to tell.
Noc, panth very good heros. TF is alright but needs more dependable damage. Panth and Noc come into a fight already attack with no opportunity for a counter to stop them or prep for them.
Karth and Renekton cause more pain and suffering that I can imagine. Ren because he never fucking dies and is retardedly mobile, like its beyond frustrating.
So where do you Teamliquid chaps meet in client to play together? I'm especially interested in EUW.
Just played 6-7 games , OMG Riot great fucking job! dominion is like a whole different game, Its AMAZING. You really feel like a BADASS when they last 10 seconds kick in and the countdown starts. :D.
On September 24 2011 04:18 DanielZKlein wrote: So where do you Teamliquid chaps meet in client to play together? I'm especially interested in EUW.
Chat Channel Liquidparty.
@Thurokiir, your post is too long to quote lol.
Yeah, I totally agree that Jax is probably one of the best assaulters in Dominion. If an enemy just sits on a turret to defend, you just get Gunblade and pounce them, ignoring the turret for the most part and blowing them up before it kills you.
And yeah, Fiddle just denies attacks from less than 3 people for the most part.
I'd say another to look out for is Malzahar as a defender. Yeah, he's squishy, but if someone attacks your tower, silence wall -> suppress + tower and voidlings... they go poof. It's pretty nice, one of my friends plays him a lot.
I played 12 games of Dominion yesterday. I only won 1 game. BUT IT WAS SO AMAZING. I don't even care if I lost, because it was honestly SO MUCH fun. Me and my friends were on skype and we'd get so excited and it was so much more.. entertaining than summoner's rift. So fast paced!
I played Caitlyn for 11, and Miss Fortune for one. Miss Fortune I found didn't do as well, but Caitlyn I did pretty well with most of the time. Her Ult helps a lot, and the traps are even more useful. Super fun! Can't wait to play again!
On September 24 2011 04:58 Raeleigh wrote: I played 12 games of Dominion yesterday. I only won 1 game. BUT IT WAS SO AMAZING. I don't even care if I lost, because it was honestly SO MUCH fun. Me and my friends were on skype and we'd get so excited and it was so much more.. entertaining than summoner's rift. So fast paced!
I played Caitlyn for 11, and Miss Fortune for one. Miss Fortune I found didn't do as well, but Caitlyn I did pretty well with most of the time. Her Ult helps a lot, and the traps are even more useful. Super fun! Can't wait to play again!
Yeah, Cait with Boots/PD/Speed buff on map can run to basically any point and ult/Q anyone attacking it. It's not bad, she's just kind of squishy if caught out of position.
akali is good because of how well she scales early in dominion. double passive going strong, and she can simply roll over a lot of champs w/ superior damage and self-healing. she can be beaten, but it's not just her stealth that is making her strong, esp. in the early engagements when trying to establish a point advantage. i wouldn't ban her at this point, like i would rammus, but she's a very solid pick.
nocturne seemed underplayed. his ult range @ 6 isn't very good for stopping backcaps, but at 11 and 16, he is pretty good at stopping backcaps and being unpredictable at assaulting points. if there's one thing wrong with the crystal scar, it's that fog of war isn't all that important. noc is one of the few champs that ppl can't see coming, and he's a decent duelist so he can win a lot of 1v1s over people guarding points.
On September 24 2011 05:01 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On September 24 2011 04:58 Raeleigh wrote: I played 12 games of Dominion yesterday. I only won 1 game. BUT IT WAS SO AMAZING. I don't even care if I lost, because it was honestly SO MUCH fun. Me and my friends were on skype and we'd get so excited and it was so much more.. entertaining than summoner's rift. So fast paced!
I played Caitlyn for 11, and Miss Fortune for one. Miss Fortune I found didn't do as well, but Caitlyn I did pretty well with most of the time. Her Ult helps a lot, and the traps are even more useful. Super fun! Can't wait to play again! Yeah, Cait with Boots/PD/Speed buff on map can run to basically any point and ult/Q anyone attacking it. It's not bad, she's just kind of squishy if caught out of position.
i tried corki for the same reason but with rockets it worked quite well i couldnt take on bruisers 1on1 but any CCer guy + me killed 2 bruisers
On September 24 2011 04:50 Requizen wrote: @Thurokiir, your post is too long to quote lol.
Yeah, I totally agree that Jax is probably one of the best assaulters in Dominion. If an enemy just sits on a turret to defend, you just get Gunblade and pounce them, ignoring the turret for the most part and blowing them up before it kills you.
And yeah, Fiddle just denies attacks from less than 3 people for the most part.
I'd say another to look out for is Malzahar as a defender. Yeah, he's squishy, but if someone attacks your tower, silence wall -> suppress + tower and voidlings... they go poof. It's pretty nice, one of my friends plays him a lot.
I want malz to be good at defending, I really do but as far as from what I've experienced dominion follows the laws of MMO Arena based node game play too closely for that. Need stuff that slows, fears and silences in large amounts, not just double aoe that is skill shotted. That said, holy shit is malz good at peeling people off turrets, you wanna take a turret? Make sure malz is with you, he'll make it possible.
On September 24 2011 04:58 Raeleigh wrote: I played 12 games of Dominion yesterday. I only won 1 game. BUT IT WAS SO AMAZING. I don't even care if I lost, because it was honestly SO MUCH fun. Me and my friends were on skype and we'd get so excited and it was so much more.. entertaining than summoner's rift. So fast paced!
I played Caitlyn for 11, and Miss Fortune for one. Miss Fortune I found didn't do as well, but Caitlyn I did pretty well with most of the time. Her Ult helps a lot, and the traps are even more useful. Super fun! Can't wait to play again!
Go cait defend with a trynd, you will get so many kills it will be embarassing. Trap spam your tower as well it makes you want to nerd rage smash your desk when you click on the tower, it goes off and then suddenly SHAIINK, and your timer is reset.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
I'm already after 7 games of Dominion, haven't lost single one yet, one was fucking close, we had like 3 hp left, lol.
My favourite champ now is Ezreal, pew pewing much and disrupting with ulties a lot. Gonna play more !!! ROAR
i found that cassiOPia is pretty strong in dominion
United States17233 Posts
Just had a game with a team of xin,kat,noc,ww & panth, the enemy team went 4 thornmails. Not very much fun. Also, don't think I've had a game without blitz yet. And yet, not a single good one has been on my team.
Dominion lags me pretty hard, have to lower the quality.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
So, I've played about 13 games of Dominion today and lost 2 of them only with my team trying to make some crappy picks, like 5 AD's only and stuff and didn't work out well. Also I had a game when opposing team rushed Guardian Angels, damn shit was pretty heavy to counter, especially when they had Heimer/Irelia/Shaco/Rammus, lol.
Dominion is pretty much fun. For me, the most important thing is the first teamfight @ the top tower. We always run 1 bot to cap it and we run 4ppl on ghost to take the top tower immediately and fight if necessary. The 2nd one near the respawn is taken after this, or being re-capped if enemy team tries to counter-cap it if we rush top.
Pretty tense all of the games, after ~ 40 games I see that we kinda improved and it's not OMG LEZZ RUSH FOR TEH KILLZ games but some strategical moves about pushing and defending.
If they gonna balance it out, it's gonna be really heavy action packed mode ;-)