United States47024 Posts
On January 19 2011 08:48 R04R wrote: Lol I used to play lane amumu when I didn't know any better. The bandage is nice but not really viable for zoning. His E is pretty awesome with minion aggro taking off 1 second for each hit. W is useless and shouldn't be leveled until really late unless you think you need that tiny extra DPS to seal an early kill. The thing is, it's super awkward to set up situations where that will matter--where you can get 2 tantrums onto the enemy, even with minion aggro--because it's range is so small. A skill with that short of range, and that requires you to push the lane pretty hard (by pulling minion aggro and with AoE damage hitting the minions), and which cuts noticeably into your mana is just no good.
On top of which, Amumu has no real sustainability skills. You can't poke, and even when you can push damage with E, it's often not going to be a good trade, because the guy on the other team probably has a more reliable way of recovering his health.
I'm thinking rageblade should be mandatory on the new champion.
On January 19 2011 09:06 Dgiese wrote: I'm thinking rageblade should be mandatory on the new champion. aside from the fact only his ult scales off ap
RAGEblade on a champ that uses FURY. Seems like a no-brainer to me.
Makes no sense. Battlefury would be cool thogh
Caller only doesn't like the new champ because he hasn't been stacking enough Tiamats to use with his W.
Ladies and gentleman it's the first WTFPWNED melee AoE normal physical nuke. Let trolling ensue!
loco's renekton build
red:armor pen yellow:flat armor blue:mr/lvl
1~3 doran swords,merc,brut,thirster,ghostblade,bansheen or sunfire depending on comp
R>W>Q>E 2 levels in Q by level 5 though and level 1 in all 3 by level 3
try to use ghost and ult together,try use ur fury for W and Q,never for E if u can't hit people with ur E than u wont be doing damage in teamfights use ur shitty attack speed to ur advantage and always animation cancel
ps.i tried cdr build mine's better
Why skill W first, both Q and E (especially E) scale better (with skill points) both damage wise and CD wise than W. I can understand 1 point but why do you need more? Is the CD on it that important? Because that's all you're really getting...
Not saying that I know better but leveling W just seems like such a waste.
well i skill W first cuz it does retarded amount of dmg,i dont know the ad ratios on any of his skills but do take note that W hits 3 times with 50 fury,so while it might not look like it scales well it probably scales best out of all his spells
The fuck, loco got unbanned?
On January 19 2011 08:43 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote + Amumu: Garbage, now a lane champion, i took him into about 5 practice games and tried many routes. armor runes, mres runes, mpen runes, flat health runes, tried tantrum first at golem, tantrum first at wolves, tantrum first and mini golems. and despair first blue and mini golems, all are extremely sketchy, unsafe, and really slow...
You mean now a useless champion? Amumu has one of the worst laning skillsets in the game IMO. I'd rather run a slow, unsafe, sketchy jungle Amumu than lane Amumu. EDIT: Did you try wraith jack or wraith-based starts?
I think he was ok before even though better players than me said he'd become a bad pick, but with this change he is 100% trash tier
I would definitely try tantrum first at wraiths if I still had any intention of playing this junk champ, I think that was always the best route for him
On January 19 2011 13:44 dnastyx wrote: The fuck, loco got unbanned?
Yea, apparently he did. :D
Do they release number on the hero when it gets released? Where can I find info on specific info on this new hero?
amumu can do fine in a duo lane. he won't get kills but he won't die either. his Q and E combo combined with his high health and defenses provided enough incentive not to dive him or be too aggressive, especially if he's duo laning with someone that can provide a heal. as long as you don't keep despair on or spam tantrum, you'll get as much farm as any other melee champ without a ranged skill
United States47024 Posts
On January 19 2011 14:23 gtrsrs wrote: amumu can do fine in a duo lane. he won't get kills but he won't die either. his Q and E combo combined with his high health and defenses provided enough incentive not to dive him or be too aggressive, especially if he's duo laning with someone that can provide a heal. as long as you don't keep despair on or spam tantrum, you'll get as much farm as any other melee champ without a ranged skill Most of the melee champs without a ranged skill are either less farm-dependent, better played in some other role (e.g. jungling), or have some sustainability skill that allow them to recover their HP from being harassed.
On January 19 2011 14:23 gtrsrs wrote: amumu can do fine in a duo lane. he won't get kills but he won't die either. his Q and E combo combined with his high health and defenses provided enough incentive not to dive him or be too aggressive, especially if he's duo laning with someone that can provide a heal. as long as you don't keep despair on or spam tantrum, you'll get as much farm as any other melee champ without a ranged skill But why waste a spot on a team for someone who will struggle in lane when the bonus is an ulti that can be planned around to avoid by the other team. I mean, the thing with jungle amumu was a flash stun and 2 abilities that were good at leaching health from enemies in short bursts. Lane amumu needs a babysitter, and where shen or malphite can be useful in the laning phase, amumu just isnt. His ulti is good, but im not sure its worth throwing away a lane for.
On January 19 2011 14:38 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On January 19 2011 14:23 gtrsrs wrote: amumu can do fine in a duo lane. he won't get kills but he won't die either. his Q and E combo combined with his high health and defenses provided enough incentive not to dive him or be too aggressive, especially if he's duo laning with someone that can provide a heal. as long as you don't keep despair on or spam tantrum, you'll get as much farm as any other melee champ without a ranged skill Most of the melee champs without a ranged skill are either less farm-dependent, better played in some other role (e.g. jungling), or have some sustainability skill that allow them to recover their HP from being harassed.
can you name said champs?
On January 19 2011 14:39 Two_DoWn wrote:Show nested quote +On January 19 2011 14:23 gtrsrs wrote: amumu can do fine in a duo lane. he won't get kills but he won't die either. his Q and E combo combined with his high health and defenses provided enough incentive not to dive him or be too aggressive, especially if he's duo laning with someone that can provide a heal. as long as you don't keep despair on or spam tantrum, you'll get as much farm as any other melee champ without a ranged skill But why waste a spot on a team for someone who will struggle in lane when the bonus is an ulti that can be planned around to avoid by the other team. I mean, the thing with jungle amumu was a flash stun and 2 abilities that were good at leaching health from enemies in short bursts. Lane amumu needs a babysitter, and where shen or malphite can be useful in the laning phase, amumu just isnt. His ulti is good, but im not sure its worth throwing away a lane for.
whoa whoa i never said amumu was your best option in a duo lane or that he was even good in a duo lane but everyone in the past few pages has been making it seem like amumu is the worst champ in the game right now which is not true. if you want to play amumu, duo lane with him, if you want to play a champ that's better in lane, play shen or malphite. you're not throwing a lane away with amumu is all i'm saying. no more so than picking jax, olaf, soraka, teemo, etc etc
United States47024 Posts
On January 19 2011 14:39 gtrsrs wrote:Show nested quote +On January 19 2011 14:38 TheYango wrote:On January 19 2011 14:23 gtrsrs wrote: amumu can do fine in a duo lane. he won't get kills but he won't die either. his Q and E combo combined with his high health and defenses provided enough incentive not to dive him or be too aggressive, especially if he's duo laning with someone that can provide a heal. as long as you don't keep despair on or spam tantrum, you'll get as much farm as any other melee champ without a ranged skill Most of the melee champs without a ranged skill are either less farm-dependent, better played in some other role (e.g. jungling), or have some sustainability skill that allow them to recover their HP from being harassed. can you name said champs? Less farm dependent - Alistar (also has a sustainability skill) Better played in other roles - Eve, Rammus, Yi, etc. etc. Sustainability skills - Garen (passive), Xin (passive), Tryndamere, Irelia, etc.
Champs that have none of these - Singed, Jax, Poppy
Hrmm, I see what your saying. But still, you may not throw away a lane, but you pretty much lose the ability to win it. Its like flipping a coin: He gets a chance to hit ulties and can change the game, or the enemy team is smart and stops him from doing that. At least with other weak lane champions like trynd or jax the payoff from getting fed is guaranteed and huge: your gonna carry. Amumu? Your gonna get the possibility to hit an ulti and survive it?
Can he win you the game still? Yes. Is it worth the risk with better options available? I'm not so sure.