On June 24 2011 00:44 Two_DoWn wrote:Show nested quote +On June 24 2011 00:34 Phrost wrote:On June 24 2011 00:20 Two_DoWn wrote:On June 24 2011 00:12 Phrost wrote:On June 23 2011 23:30 Two_DoWn wrote:On June 23 2011 23:28 Phrost wrote:On June 23 2011 22:57 Mogwai wrote: how'd the marcou interview go? Basically he has no idea what to say or what he's talking about and let Sir Scoots from team EG and wheat walk all over him. it was quiet dissapointing, I could have made a better case lol. Only you wouldnt because you know Riot has failed miserably in all aspects besides fronting the check. And you're obviously so qualified to say this? Please don't judge people you don't know. There were a lot of questions that have been answered by designers and engineers as to when/how/why new features are coming out and he did not capitalize on the positive publicity he could have had. Riot has stated multiple times that they have made the CHOICE to not push those features out because they do not feel they are all that important. What possible design/engineering defense can you give that? Show me evidence of that? I'm fairly certain that is not true but rather there are other issues that are taking priority at the moment. You may be misinterpreting a "is not the most important thing right now" for "not important at all" Biggest counter argument to what you're saying is that the newest version of the launcher (implemented maybe a month or so ago) was a preparation for replays. There was a post by morello to a comment I made on the general forum a while back when I asked about replays and obs mode and the answer he gave was something along the lines of "We dont feel that those features are as important as other things we are working on." Even in the interview last night Marcou made the point that the he was convinced by the upper management at Riot that they were doing things the right way despite not pushing out these features. And the biggest counter to the new launcher is that replays and obs mode have been demanded for over a year, at this point probably closer to 2. Yet the only thing we have to show for it is a new launcher? I know stuff like this takes time. You cannot argue against that. However, you cannot tell me that this is THE FASTEST POSSIBLE WORKING SPEED.
I'm fairly certain you have no appreciation for what has been done in those two years. Did you play in beta when the client was beyond shit and just after the explosion of players when servers were constantly down and clients constantly crashed?
I duno about you but I'd rather be able to play the game anytime i want without any problems than have replays or obs mode.
Since release we have had so many quality of life and game play features added that I don't think you truly realize what they've been doing.
To name a few: - Vastly increased server stability - Vastly increased patching capability and stability - Draft mode - Increased rune and mastery pages - Twisted Treeline map - Improved client and friends list interface - Increased store stability and performance - In beta- obs mode - dealing with the arising bugs with champions/items
Also take into consideration that there are people working for this company and ocassionally they like to sleep, go on vacation, relax a little. They don't need eat sleep and breathe their job at the cost of mental or physical health.
Personally, I'd rather play the game and enjoy it to its maximum potential than have replays or obs mode.
just got cut from my korean team i think its about time i stop playing league of legends
On June 24 2011 01:10 locodoco wrote: just got cut from my korean team i think its about time i stop playing league of legends You can always start streaming and making a living trough cam sites I guess.
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
Just to second Phrost here for a bit. I remember writing a long post about the tech stuff at Riot. I'm tired so not going to post a huge wall of text. But the tech team at Riot is very hard working. There's a huge amount of stuff they're working on (Project Shiny, Back Testing, Server Upgrades, complete re-write of the PvP Client Code, etc.) but it's all incredibly time consuming and they're understaffed. Have a look at the Jobs Pages for Riot. A good 50% or more of the jobs are all for Engineers.
The work they're currently doing also tends not to be noticed too much. A new module for the PvP Client that improves data packet retention is probably not going to be noticed by anyone since you probably won't even know it's in the patch for instance.
The other thing is that the Engineers, especially the server guys, are really dedicated. Even if the servers go out at like 3am Pacific they'll still crawl out of bed and go to check up on them. Patch Days tend to be really hectic too since there has to be at least one Engineer who has to stay in the office and ensure constantly monitor the whole process from the compiling to distribution and troubleshoot anything that occurs.
The problems on EU are slightly more complicated than this. I'll post on that at a later point in time.
On June 24 2011 01:10 locodoco wrote: just got cut from my korean team i think its about time i stop playing league of legends Wait, what? What happened? I wanted to see you at WCG!
On June 24 2011 01:10 locodoco wrote: just got cut from my korean team i think its about time i stop playing league of legends Woah...this is really big news. Hearing that makes me feel as if I heard Bisu is retiring.
On June 24 2011 01:10 locodoco wrote: just got cut from my korean team i think its about time i stop playing league of legends
Will we see you as a SCII progamer?
So I just played some Poppy and it seemed as if that "E now makes you autoattack your target" thing is quite buggy/doesn't work. Sometimes it worked nicely, but it doesn't seem very reliable.
Or am I imagining things? How's it for Blitz?
On June 24 2011 01:04 Phrost wrote:Show nested quote +On June 24 2011 00:44 Two_DoWn wrote:On June 24 2011 00:34 Phrost wrote:On June 24 2011 00:20 Two_DoWn wrote:On June 24 2011 00:12 Phrost wrote:On June 23 2011 23:30 Two_DoWn wrote:On June 23 2011 23:28 Phrost wrote:On June 23 2011 22:57 Mogwai wrote: how'd the marcou interview go? Basically he has no idea what to say or what he's talking about and let Sir Scoots from team EG and wheat walk all over him. it was quiet dissapointing, I could have made a better case lol. Only you wouldnt because you know Riot has failed miserably in all aspects besides fronting the check. And you're obviously so qualified to say this? Please don't judge people you don't know. There were a lot of questions that have been answered by designers and engineers as to when/how/why new features are coming out and he did not capitalize on the positive publicity he could have had. Riot has stated multiple times that they have made the CHOICE to not push those features out because they do not feel they are all that important. What possible design/engineering defense can you give that? Show me evidence of that? I'm fairly certain that is not true but rather there are other issues that are taking priority at the moment. You may be misinterpreting a "is not the most important thing right now" for "not important at all" Biggest counter argument to what you're saying is that the newest version of the launcher (implemented maybe a month or so ago) was a preparation for replays. There was a post by morello to a comment I made on the general forum a while back when I asked about replays and obs mode and the answer he gave was something along the lines of "We dont feel that those features are as important as other things we are working on." Even in the interview last night Marcou made the point that the he was convinced by the upper management at Riot that they were doing things the right way despite not pushing out these features. And the biggest counter to the new launcher is that replays and obs mode have been demanded for over a year, at this point probably closer to 2. Yet the only thing we have to show for it is a new launcher? I know stuff like this takes time. You cannot argue against that. However, you cannot tell me that this is THE FASTEST POSSIBLE WORKING SPEED. I'm fairly certain you have no appreciation for what has been done in those two years. Did you play in beta when the client was beyond shit and just after the explosion of players when servers were constantly down and clients constantly crashed? I duno about you but I'd rather be able to play the game anytime i want without any problems than have replays or obs mode. Since release we have had so many quality of life and game play features added that I don't think you truly realize what they've been doing. To name a few: - Vastly increased server stability - Vastly increased patching capability and stability - Draft mode - Increased rune and mastery pages - Twisted Treeline map - Improved client and friends list interface - Increased store stability and performance - In beta- obs mode - dealing with the arising bugs with champions/items Also take into consideration that there are people working for this company and ocassionally they like to sleep, go on vacation, relax a little. They don't need eat sleep and breathe their job at the cost of mental or physical health. Personally, I'd rather play the game and enjoy it to its maximum potential than have replays or obs mode.
You should be happy you don't play on EU or you wouldn't be able to mention these stability improvements with a straight face.
3-4 hour queue > chat DC > start game with 120 - 200 ms > session closed crash > 3 hour queue > chat DC > start game with 120 - 200 ms > session closed crash. Rinse repeat all day.
If anything, the client has decreased in performance as of late. It didn't use to be this bad. In the past you could actually play the game, nowadays its actually difficult to get a proper play session in.
T_T Locodoco nooooo You will be missed. I hope you decide to come back eventually...
Position in que 1
Waiting time 1 second
You a funny man Riot, i think ill kill you last.
Sorry to see you go, Loco. It looks like you might be raging pretty hard right now (understandably so) so take some time to relax and maybe you'll come back sooner than you think.
I will admit that the servers are MUCH better than they were, on US at least (although this argument, again, is deflated when you just look at the shit EU has to deal with). I also do appreciate rune pages, but I personally dont care all that much about mastery pages and in fact find them kind of annoying to deal with.
That being said. WIth the game in the state that it is in now. Is there any reason that pause, obs and replays should not be priority #1? Shiny? Do I really care all that much about a graphics update (hint: no). My point is merely that the game IS fun to play as is, and we dont need to waste any more time building maps and new content or code in new interactions for champs when instead Riot could just finish the damn game.
But I dont think they care enough. Thats the vibe you get from the forums, the vibe you get from Marcou's interveiw, ect. Hell, I had a post on the general forum talking about fixing the competitive scene before they even had obs mode in beta, and the only red post I got was Tryndamere saying how they just released the new patcher when that wasnt even the point of my post, making it clear he didnt actually read it. And now all the devs keep mentioning really cool things that they are working on that they cant tell anyone but "trust us because they're really cool." I just want the shit that I KNOW I want, not the stuff that you may think that I want. Hell, I might want it down the road, but right now I want you to fit the game with the stuff that NEEDS to be done.
I agfree with you at some point Two_DoWn. Seriously it seems like they just wanna pump out shitloads of money as it is right now, with all the new champions. I bet 80% of the people buying the new champions are with RP. RP=cash for RIOT, win win. I mean there's like 77 champions or so in the game right now, why make more? Or to put it another way, why keep making a new champion every 3rd week. There's plenty to try as it is...
Damn sad to see Loco go. He was always pretty fun to watch bc of how much he interacted with community.
i think the important thing to realize about the new champs/new features debate to realize is this
there are umpteen bajillion casual players out there who can't be assed to learn how to play gragas or sion or udyr or shen (boring old champs) etc. but they get PUMPED when they hear there's a new GRAVE DIGGER champion. tons of people with the attention span of about 2 weeks that are willing to buy the fresh new champ and the skin pack even when it's a rehash of old champs.
in fact it's gotten to the point where RIOT is going to have to either just recycle skills and make subpar champs with no role (lee sin, yorick) or go out on a limb and create new mechanics (orianna, to some extent)... but either way it doesn't matter. a fresh coat of paint is enough for some people. hopefully with new champs they start introducing new mechanics more often (and i don't mean new resources like Fury/Heat, i mean legit new mechanics like the ball).
on the flipside of that, how many people actually play twisted treeline? like maybe 1/10th of the LoL population? putting a ton of effort into a new, balanced map might not pan out. people are comfortable on SR. they might not switch over to Magma Chamber even if it rules. i mean people used the same map on dota for like a decade (and are still using it). so i can see why RIOT is hesitant to rush something like that.
but then back on the other side, if they're hesitant about it they shouldn't keep dangling it in front of us >:|
basically i see both sides of the debate and while i'm eager for new *real* content, i can totally understand why RIOT is happy to just release new skins and run half-assed tournaments because let's face it, LoL is the most popular "e-sport" right now and RIOT's business plans are working.
Been lurking the TL LoL subforum for a while now but this Marcou interview motivated me to throw in my two cents.
I understand that Riot has problems that it needs to address - server stability, infrastructure, coding problems, but when they hit 200,000 viewers I don't know how that wasn't a huge wakeup call for them. Marcou had an off-putting vibe in that interview, he basically was saying the same stuff that Riot has been feeding us for almost a year now, "Yeah we understand that you want all that stuff but we're also working on some other stuff. Oh, I can't give an ETA on that other stuff, or the stuff you want. New champ on tuesday."
Honestly I don't care that they have priorities before observer mode/replays/pause feature, or the fact that they aren't willing to give an ETA for anything. That wouldn't bother me in the slightest if they just came out and gave some concrete info so it seemed like the game/company actually had a direction. I would have loved for Marcou to say "Yes, 200k viewers was huge for us and prompted us to redirect a lot of resources towards ESPORTS related features" or even "Right now we have too many infrastructure problems to address pause/replays/obs mode in a satisfying way, so we will continue focusing on current projects for season 2". LoL is going to get old very fast if they don't give us anything to look forward to other than new champions and skins every few weeks.
Mind telling the story?
u has fanboys out there~!
Fuck. I'll miss you loco!
Also, sorry to vlan, rhavanna, phrost for playing bad in premade Sorry to acynic for forgetting zil ult 2 times