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United States3216 Posts
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United States1372 Posts
On July 13 2011 04:11 r33k wrote: Heart of gold change, aegis being acknowledged as a fucking worthless item, triforce buff. wait, what? aegis is pretty damn good... | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
The only downside is if you are already filling slots like a boss with gold items and want to buy more items. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On July 13 2011 04:20 Slayer91 wrote: Aegis is one of the best items to have on a team. It's the only aura item that usefully buffs the whole team. The only downside is if you are already filling slots like a boss with gold items and want to buy more items. It's good even when you don't consider the aura--seeing as based on tank stats alone, the only items that beat it on cost-effectiveness are Doran's Shield or charged Leviathan/Warmogs (Glacial/FHeart are technically better on cost-effectiveness, but they also arguably over-spend on mana). Prior to the HoG change, it was possibly better to have 2 HoGs + Negatron midgame, but at this point, that's obviously not a possible point of contention. The only real argument against Aegis, IMO, is that if it gets to super-late game you might want to ditch it for a higher gold-value item, but that situation is exceedingly rare, particularly with gp10 stacking being much less common than it used to be. The argument that it's "too much of an all-rounder" item hold no weight, because Aegis is cost-effective enough that Aegis+Negatron and Aegis+Chain Vest provide superior defense in comparison to Sunfire Cape, Banshee's Veil, or Randuin's Omen, even vs. highly single-typed damage sources, while being comparably costed. | ||
United States1372 Posts
It's good even when you don't consider the aura--seeing as based on tank stats alone, the only items that beat it on cost-effectiveness are Doran's Shield or charged Leviathan/Warmogs (Glacial/FHeart are technically better on cost-effectiveness, but they also arguably over-spend on mana). uhhhhhhhh Aegis isn't even cost efficient when compared to ruby crystal, null magic, and cloth armor. | ||
9871 Posts
On July 13 2011 05:04 APurpleCow wrote: uhhhhhhhh Aegis isn't even cost efficient when compared to ruby crystal, null magic, and cloth armor. it's 135 gold above chain vest/negatron/belt/bf sword efficiency, not including bonuses given to your teammates | ||
United States1372 Posts
On July 13 2011 05:06 UniversalSnip wrote: it's 135 gold above chain vest/negatron/belt/bf sword efficiency, not including bonuses given to your teammates he said based on tank stats alone, which I didn't take to mean the +8 damage. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On July 13 2011 05:08 APurpleCow wrote: he said based on tank stats alone, which I didn't take to mean the +8 damage. Yeah I accidentally added that in too. The point still stands, though, seeing as it still wastes less gold on non-tank stats than every other non-baseline tank item. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
Starting with some fancy "lost connection to the server" thingy in champ select, getting me random Janna. I didn't see that though, after I get reconnected to chat I had to ask my team what champ I was playing. Then I had to restart the client because the game wouldn't start loading. So I'm in this game: Janna Sivir Mordekaiser Karthus Gangplank vs Lee Sin Amumu Morgana Ashe Nidalee I'm laning bottom with Sivir against Morg and Ashe. Karthus vs Lee Sin mid, Morde vs Nidalee top. Sivir is playing really weird, moving way farther into enemy terrain than she should. Whatever, GP grabs first blood on mid and nets us a couple of kills bottom. Around 16-20 minutes the game goes mad. People are running around the map all the time, fights happen all over the place. But those fights are special: They last well over 30 seconds and cover a quarter of the map. I am mostly luring Lee Sin away from the fights because all of my team has already chased past him. Once the fighting settles down for 10 seconds, a new fight starts. Again covering a huge part of the map. And the area and duration increases from fight to fight. Somewhere in this mess, Gangplank goes 28-9-15 or so. Triple killing Ashe, Nidalee and Amumu with 3 hits each on his way from enemy red to enemy nexus. I get 31 assists and have no idea how. Sivir with 3 BTs and a Reverie. Lee Sin with Warmogs Thornmail FoN etc so tanky that it takes ages to kill him with multiple people, including GP. Somewhere in there we steal a baron too because one of those 10 second breaks the enemy team has the upper hand, but half our team is already on their way back to the combat area. I don't think my description comes even close to how weird this game was... | ||
Mexico813 Posts
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Canada1528 Posts
On July 13 2011 05:24 Lanzoma wrote: Disregard objectives, acquire teamfights. That needs to be a photoshop. | ||
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
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is awesome32269 Posts
On July 13 2011 05:18 spinesheath wrote: I just played the weirdest game ever. At least that's what it felt like. I wish I had lolreplay for just this one game. Starting with some fancy "lost connection to the server" thingy in champ select, getting me random Janna. I didn't see that though, after I get reconnected to chat I had to ask my team what champ I was playing. Then I had to restart the client because the game wouldn't start loading. So I'm in this game: Janna Sivir Mordekaiser Karthus Gangplank vs Lee Sin Amumu Morgana Ashe Nidalee I'm laning bottom with Sivir against Morg and Ashe. Karthus vs Lee Sin mid, Morde vs Nidalee top. Sivir is playing really weird, moving way farther into enemy terrain than she should. Whatever, GP grabs first blood on mid and nets us a couple of kills bottom. Around 16-20 minutes the game goes mad. People are running around the map all the time, fights happen all over the place. But those fights are special: They last well over 30 seconds and cover a quarter of the map. I am mostly luring Lee Sin away from the fights because all of my team has already chased past him. Once the fighting settles down for 10 seconds, a new fight starts. Again covering a huge part of the map. And the area and duration increases from fight to fight. Somewhere in this mess, Gangplank goes 28-9-15 or so. Triple killing Ashe, Nidalee and Amumu with 3 hits each on his way from enemy red to enemy nexus. I get 31 assists and have no idea how. Sivir with 3 BTs and a Reverie. Lee Sin with Warmogs Thornmail FoN etc so tanky that it takes ages to kill him with multiple people, including GP. Somewhere in there we steal a baron too because one of those 10 second breaks the enemy team has the upper hand, but half our team is already on their way back to the combat area. I don't think my description comes even close to how weird this game was... I had a similar game like 1 week ago. It started off with a battle near dragon, and battles extended for a long while, to the point where while people are chasing each other or luring fights around dragon, the people who revive have to run to dragon again so it's not taken, or teleport in, etc. I was LeBlanc and since I didn't see this type of fights coming up I had to start saving mana up because I wouldn't have enough to escape. Really really fun game. I don't know If I had LOLreplay loaded on, I will check later. I feel though it turned like this because our teams were kind of stupid trying to take dragon first instead of the other team. I hope more games could be like that ; [ | ||
United States9109 Posts
we just had a game where lourlo was smurfing with me in duo queue and our team was down huge and then all of the sudden teamfights just started taking 25 minutes each. what would start out as a 2v1 gank would turn into a 2v3 which would turn into a 4v3 and people would spread out and die and respawn and generally the first 3 people killed would all make it back to get revenge kills we ended up winning after a really drawn out game but i haven't had that much fun in a long time playing lol | ||
Sweden2226 Posts
It's good to see that as a whole the entire LoL community regardless of land of origin is just biggoted, racist, hypocritical bunch of asshats. I feel priviliged to be among them. | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
The characters I currently have are: Shen, Galio, Mumu, Swain, Kayle, Xin Zhao, Gragas, Maokai and soon to have Leona. Any advice on what runes I should be buying now to fit my chars? | ||
Sweden2226 Posts
On July 13 2011 05:54 57 Corvette wrote: OK, so after I buy Leona, I am gonna get some IP for additional Runes and if needed an additional rune page. I currently have the runes listed in the Swain (but I also use them on all beefy APs like Maokai and Gragas) guide here (mpen reds, flat armour yellows and quinds, flat MR blues), as well as Apen marks. The characters I currently have are: Shen, Galio, Mumu, Swain, Kayle, Xin Zhao, Gragas, Maokai and soon to have Leona. Any advice on what runes I should be buying now to fit my chars? Well it depends on which character you want them to fit. I however always found the cooldown reduction per level and mana regeneration per level is something I could just throw in on most champs and it would work. But since I'm fortunate enough to be able to custom build all my hereos now I might not be the best to give advice on general runes. | ||
United States12679 Posts
On July 13 2011 06:05 Hynda wrote: Well it depends on which character you want them to fit. I however always found the cooldown reduction per level and mana regeneration per level is something I could just throw in on most champs and it would work. But since I'm fortunate enough to be able to custom build all my hereos now I might not be the best to give advice on general runes. eh...I thought scaling cdr was considered inferior to flat cdr since by the time you want to hit 40% you usually can chug blue pot or have items for cdr? and i also thought mana regen wasn't worth it since the nerf? | ||
Germany8679 Posts
On July 13 2011 06:05 Hynda wrote: Well it depends on which character you want them to fit. I however always found the cooldown reduction per level and mana regeneration per level is something I could just throw in on most champs and it would work. But since I'm fortunate enough to be able to custom build all my hereos now I might not be the best to give advice on general runes. Don't get CDR/lvl. Not worth it. Flat CDR is straight up better in most situations, and even those are niche runes. MP5/lvl seals and glyphs are good on a few champs, but none of those listed needs them desperately (casters don't have much of a problem with getting a Doran's or two). You might want flat AP quints (and after those: AP/lvl glyphs), considering that you play a lot of casters. Not 100% sure, but I'd figure they're good on Kayle, Gragas, Galio and Maokai. | ||
United States3977 Posts
Anyways to address the question, mp5/lvl seals are a good buy if you don't want to spend on mana items. Flat AP quints ad AP/lvl glyphs are good. Aspd or armor pen reds are things you should look into if you play a lot of Xin or want to pick up more AD champs. | ||
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