On July 13 2011 00:17 Woony wrote: I guess the rewards will be skins but its kinda lame if you get one for a champ you never play time to make that champ fotm
On July 13 2011 00:17 Woony wrote: I guess the rewards will be skins but its kinda lame if you get one for a champ you never play kinda like how for winning a tourney, you just get triumphant ryze whether you ever play Ryze or not?
On July 13 2011 00:11 0123456789 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 13 2011 00:10 Southlight wrote: Stop making me tempted to actually try to raise my rating in solo q :[ You get a cool prize. What's better than that. I want to be platinum=(. Bet they get a platinum limited skin, that only around 50 or so people will get.
I'd still entail some amount of zzz grinding :x
Damn, I gotta make it back into masters in starcraft.... Now this?
So. Many. Computer. Games. ^_^
On July 13 2011 00:35 Southlight wrote:Show nested quote +On July 13 2011 00:11 0123456789 wrote:On July 13 2011 00:10 Southlight wrote: Stop making me tempted to actually try to raise my rating in solo q :[ You get a cool prize. What's better than that. I want to be platinum=(. Bet they get a platinum limited skin, that only around 50 or so people will get. I'd still entail some amount of zzz grinding :x I'd be happy to help your rating by duoing with LeBlanc or Karma on my smurf =3.
Leblanc noooooooooooo! /o\
That aside I'd be fine duo q with your smarf.
Nooo why did I fuck my rating up after I heard about the reset. Turns out they're doing soft reset so now I have to grind my rating back up to at least 1500 to get some kind of milestone.
Don't let scrub friends play on your acc, even if you think a hard reset is imminent -___-
Speaking of rating raise, what do you guys recommend as a good role to take for carrying out of elo hell?
I had someone in liquidparty tell me yesterday just go jungle xin and carry everyone, but isn't he pretty easy to counter with a tiny bit of CC?
On July 13 2011 01:08 HyperionDreamer wrote: Speaking of rating raise, what do you guys recommend as a good role to take for carrying out of elo hell?
I had someone in liquidparty tell me yesterday just go jungle xin and carry everyone, but isn't he pretty easy to counter with a tiny bit of CC?
The only way to consistently carry is by using the Enter key. Play champs you're good with and provide your team with superior decision making.
Suddenly going jungle Xin won't do you any good unless you know how to play him well.
there isn't really any easy way to free rating
The best way is just to play your best champ in a solo and just grind out those games. Don't breathe another word about elo hell and bad teammates, just carry harder next game. /ignore all at the slightest hint of rage, or if your team is getting to you.
Get better.
Also know what you CAN'T play.
Like me. Playing AD. Lulz. Best way to lose rating.
Btw always wondered, everyone says omg i'm in elo hell omgomgomgomogmoomgomg. So actually, <1200 elo is mostly ppl that think who is in elo hell but, as they are often bad, deserve it.
I mean, once in my team they were all saying omg i hate elo hell omg. They were all so bad (no one last hitted, they were solo baron 6, support farming and no wards) Almost everyone who swears being in elo hell are very, very, very bad players. ...
Even worse than me Q_Q
Xin like most junglers is good for carrying in lower rated games. He is easy for good players to counter assuming he isn't fed, but against not so good players he is quite easy to get fed on and from there he scales reasonably well.
Xin has a couple of advantages over some other common junglers, he has strong ganks pre-6, so you can start your team snowballing really early and scales well from gold. Compare this to someone like Warwick who really can't do much unless he has his ultimate which comes later in the game, or someone like Nunu or Shaco who have really strong early ganks but don't scale too well when fed. The disadvantage of Xin is that just power farming the jungle generally wont get you enough gold to be effective, so if your ganks aren't successful don't expect to be carrying.
Having said that I think nearly any jungler can get you 1500+ quite easily.
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
Wut, free Kayle skin? I want it on my NA smurf but it's still lvl 3 and I'm away and can't play on it to get it to lvl 30. Darn. Maybe someone is willing to play on it for me? XD
Also, there is now a Tech Thread for LoL like I said I would make. Hope you guys find it useful.
On July 13 2011 01:30 Falco252 wrote: Btw always wondered, everyone says omg i'm in elo hell omgomgomgomogmoomgomg. So actually, <1200 elo is mostly ppl that think who is in elo hell but, as they are often bad, deserve it.
I mean, once in my team they were all saying omg i hate elo hell omg. They were all so bad (no one last hitted, they were solo baron 6, support farming and no wards) Almost everyone who swears being in elo hell are very, very, very bad players. ...
Even worse than me Q_Q Obviously most people consider <1200 elo to be elo hell. There are more people between 1000 and 1200 than there are between 1200 and 1400 and so on.
On July 13 2011 01:22 starfries wrote: there isn't really any easy way to free rating
The best way is just to play your best champ in a solo and just grind out those games. Don't breathe another word about elo hell and bad teammates, just carry harder next game. /ignore all at the slightest hint of rage, or if your team is getting to you. Fair. I'm best at Irelia and Singed right now, have been playing both of those since level 10 or so. Jarvan is also up there, bought him after watching how OP he was at DH and play him a lot in the jungle. Regarding knowing what I CAN'T do, I can't play ranged AD to save my life, mostly because I don't own any.... My AP characters are also not very good, since everyone instalocks AP in my elo and I end up jungling etc...
Btw always wondered, everyone says omg i'm in elo hell omgomgomgomogmoomgomg. So actually, <1200 elo is mostly ppl that think who is in elo hell but, as they are often bad, deserve it.
I mean, once in my team they were all saying omg i hate elo hell omg. They were all so bad (no one last hitted, they were solo baron 6, support farming and no wards) Almost everyone who swears being in elo hell are very, very, very bad players.
I of course still have a long way to go, but I am far above the ~ 1100 elo that I am currently at. I understand last hitting, team compositions, wards, and have reasonably good decision making. A lot of people that I play with are like you described.
Speaking of decision making, I have a few questions. In the past few days, I played a game where our team was up by 20+ kills, had amazingly fed carries, but still lost the game because we couldn't push our lanes out past our first tower. There was one bad team fight in the midgame where they stole baron and got 2 kills, just used that to push to infinity.... No inhibs though. You would think that because we had superior feed (and team comp) we would be able to push the lanes back, but it didn't work that way.
In the midgame, is it better to sacrifice things like buffs, big creep waves, and even dragon if it means saving a tower and keeping lanes pushed? I've always played under the impression that dragon is way more important than a single tower, but I'm probably wrong.
Xin like most junglers is good for carrying in lower rated games. He is easy for good players to counter assuming he isn't fed, but against not so good players he is quite easy to get fed on and from there he scales reasonably well.
Yeah, I played him once yesterday and just stomped a solo queue game. He's really easy against a team who doesn't know what they're doing. I counter jungled a nunu pretty hard, but I'm thinking that it would be pretty easy to shut down since xin is inherently one of the slower characters.
On July 13 2011 01:49 HyperionDreamer wrote: I of course still have a long way to go, but I am far above the ~ 1100 elo that I am currently at. I understand last hitting, team compositions, wards, and have reasonably good decision making. A lot of people that I play with are like you described. you're saying you're far above the 1100 elo that you're at but then you're also going into the Jarman thread and saying that Irelia ruins him in lane. I'm guessing you're much worse mechanically than you think you are.
Also probably not realizing the extent of bad decisions being made :p
Soloing baron is never a bad decision because the reward of baron buffs outweigh cost of a death to baron.
United States47024 Posts
On July 13 2011 01:49 HyperionDreamer wrote: In the midgame, is it better to sacrifice things like buffs, big creep waves, and even dragon if it means saving a tower and keeping lanes pushed? I've always played under the impression that dragon is way more important than a single tower, but I'm probably wrong.
Yep, that's wrong.
Dragon is 190 gold per person (plus 25 for the lasthit) with no real additional benefits (excepting that your opponents can't threaten Dragon for the next 6 minutes). A tower is 150 gold per person plus the map control benefits of having a tower there/destroying an enemy tower there--which can translate into way more of an advantage than the 225 gold difference in global gold value. Obviously it'll come down to the situation (e.g. how much farm people are losing coming to Dragon, etc.), but most of the towers in the game are worth more than Dragon. The outer towers are situationally worth it for Dragon, the inner towers probably not worth it, and the inhib/nexus towers definitely not worth losing for Dragon.