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United States13684 Posts
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United States11761 Posts
"the tower will be there dragon/players will not" | ||
Canada1528 Posts
On July 13 2011 01:53 Mogwai wrote: you're saying you're far above the 1100 elo that you're at but then you're also going into the Jarman thread and saying that Irelia ruins him in lane. I'm guessing you're much worse mechanically than you think you are. Its not like I can look at people I play with and learn from them, right? ^_^ I'm quite sure that I'm worse than I say by the standards of people on here, but I'm trying to take in as much knowledge as I can. Pro streams I don't find very useful since most of them don't comment on their play as much as starcraft players do. Do you guys play much in liquidparty, or not? Every time I go in there people generally idle, but I'd love to get a game or two in with people here to tell me how shitty I am. ^_^ | ||
United States1980 Posts
On a related note soloing Dragon is a free 190 gold around this time as well if both teams are not really doing anything exciting | ||
United States11761 Posts
On July 13 2011 02:08 HyperionDreamer wrote: Its not like I can look at people I play with and learn from them, right? ^_^ I'm quite sure that I'm worse than I say by the standards of people on here, but I'm trying to take in as much knowledge as I can. Pro streams I don't find very useful since most of them don't comment on their play as much as starcraft players do. Do you guys play much in liquidparty, or not? Every time I go in there people generally idle, but I'd love to get a game or two in with people here to tell me how shitty I am. ^_^ On June 29 2011 03:41 Southlight wrote: I have serial commitment issues and tend to get bored really fast, but if anyone looking for help wants to upload a replay or something I can try to look through a couple and point some stuff out. I'm notoriously bad at pointing things out/giving advice during games no matter how relaxed because competitive spirit takes over and I tend to be looking at/thinking about a dozen things at once and end up giving terse, sharp remarks instead of being helpful :x | ||
Canada1528 Posts
On June 29 2011 03:41 Southlight wrote: I have serial commitment issues and tend to get bored really fast, but if anyone looking for help wants to upload a replay or something I can try to look through a couple and point some stuff out. I'm notoriously bad at pointing things out/giving advice during games no matter how relaxed because competitive spirit takes over and I tend to be looking at/thinking about a dozen things at once and end up giving terse, sharp remarks instead of being helpful :x I'm the same when I play with lower level friends. I still actually haven't been able to get them to understand the importance of only last hitting. Their only argument: "but if I autoattack constantly I'll get more hits than trying to time it properly". I've given up trying to get them to understand. I'll post a replay here if I ever get away from work today. TL keeping me sane. ^_^ | ||
France3578 Posts
On July 13 2011 02:24 HyperionDreamer wrote: I'm the same when I play with lower level friends. I still actually haven't been able to get them to understand the importance of only last hitting. Their only argument: "but if I autoattack constantly I'll get more hits than trying to time it properly". I've given up trying to get them to understand. What's the purpose of last hitting apart getting gold and not pushing the lane ? | ||
Canada1528 Posts
On July 13 2011 02:49 -Zoda- wrote: What's the purpose of last hitting apart getting gold and not pushing the lane ? That's what I mean. They AA creeps constantly, get less cs than they would by just last hitting, push the lane like mad, and rage when they get ganked by a jungle. It's not a big deal, at level 7 games there are few things done right. | ||
Gabon6219 Posts
On July 13 2011 02:24 HyperionDreamer wrote: I'm the same when I play with lower level friends. I still actually haven't been able to get them to understand the importance of only last hitting. Their only argument: "but if I autoattack constantly I'll get more hits than trying to time it properly". I've given up trying to get them to understand. I'll post a replay here if I ever get away from work today. TL keeping me sane. ^_^ But if I push lane I get more xp faster and I ding faster! | ||
United States3216 Posts
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United States11761 Posts
On July 13 2011 03:14 0123456789 wrote: Orianna + janna combo is getting really annoying, especially because you can't really ignite shields so you always get full protection. Hmm hero swap for the ghetto support nukers team... swap Morgana for Ori and run Karm/Ori/Jarv/Ezreal+Sona Profit | ||
United States1980 Posts
On July 13 2011 03:14 0123456789 wrote: Orianna + janna combo is getting really annoying, especially because you can't really ignite shields so you always get full protection. Played a game with shen, janna, lee sin, karma, and trist (before orianna was released) Needless to say SOMEONE IN TROUBLE NEED MORE SHIELDS Shield Team is a new troll comp i wanna try EDIT: ALSO! Excellent RUNE GUIDE! (not mine) | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States13684 Posts
If whoever wants to put the rune guide together wants to message me I can pass along the Jungle rune guides for champs I have found work the best. On July 13 2011 03:21 Mogwai wrote: pushing lanes early is underrated. I try to explain this shit while I'm streaming, so I'll shamelessly plug that people should watch my stream so that they can learn LoL. Agree. I love nothing better than forcing an enemy onto tower pre 4 because A) most junglers cant gank until about 4:30-5 minutes so you can deny easy last hits safely, B) having a ton of creeps on your side means that enemy harass is extremely dangerous since your minions can kill them and C) the enemy tower means that as soon as you let pressure up the lane will automatically swing back in your favor, opening the enemy up for ganks by your jungle. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On July 13 2011 03:18 rwrzr wrote: EDIT: ALSO! Excellent RUNE GUIDE! (not mine) Also very out of date. I think that guide predates even the ArPen rune nerf/AD rune buff. With regard to pushing lane--if you can push the lane hard, it's probably the best way to stalemate against "strong" laners that you would otherwise lose to (e.g. Lanewick/Lanedyr), because they're slow at pushing it back. At low levels they can't hurt you too hard if you build up a creep advantage, they'll lose CS to tower, and you'll get an opening to bluepill and buy, letting you hopefully get an item advantage. | ||
United States1980 Posts
On July 13 2011 03:28 TheYango wrote: Also very out of date. I think that guide predates even the ArPen rune nerf/AD rune buff. With regard to pushing lane--if you can push the lane hard, it's probably the best way to stalemate against "strong" laners that you would otherwise lose to (e.g. Lanewick/Lanedyr), because they're slow at pushing it back. At low levels they can't hurt you too hard if you build up a creep advantage, they'll lose CS to tower, and you'll get an opening to bluepill and buy, letting you hopefully get an item advantage. WHOA BRAH its an old guide (Last update Feb/2011) But it DOES have the ArPen nerf AND the AD buff. HOWEVER your inability to check and incorrectness isn't the point :D All of the information is still relevant and useful. | ||
United States13274 Posts
EDIT: it's also pre-mana regen changes and is all out of whack with that and also lists AD Seals as the worst seal when, again, many carries are running them right now. | ||
United States13684 Posts
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United States17233 Posts
On July 13 2011 02:49 -Zoda- wrote: What's the purpose of last hitting apart getting gold and not pushing the lane ? ? How else are you gonna have #1 damage dealt at end of game? | ||
Italy3402 Posts
On July 13 2011 03:45 Mogwai wrote: best thing about that rune guide is that flat AD quints haven't even been buffed and they're sitting in D tier while everyone is using them. Note that Locicero has actually been doing this forever on Pantheon so everyone should dickride him for being like 8 months ahead of the meta. EDIT: it's also pre-mana regen changes and is all out of whack with that and also lists AD Seals as the worst seal when, again, many carries are running them right now. Heart of gold change, aegis being acknowledged as a fucking worthless item, triforce buff. | ||
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