Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
Part 3: Client Modifications This section will talk about making modifications to your client such as changing splash art or adding in custom fan-made skins. Please back up all files to somewhere safe before you attempt to modify them! I am not responsible if you end up breaking your client due to following any of these steps. Also note that should your client encounter issues, you can fix them with a client repair. Instructions for this are in Part 4 underneath.
IMPORTANT WARNING! The use of Third Party Tools when playing League of Legends is done at your own risk. Furthermore, any third party tools that interferes with the client or packets is considered a breach of the ToS and your account may be penalised as a result. The only third party tool that has been given a clear (at the time of posting) is LoLRecorder.
How to access CFG and internal game assets (Please Read First) + Show Spoiler +The LoL Folder structure is now much more cleaner. To access game.cfg, go to the directory you installed LoL in, then go to League of Legends -> Config and you will find it there. In order to modify internal assests such as the game art, you will need to download and install the ItzWartys RAF Manager. This is the most convenient way of managing Mods and changes to Client Assets. This is because RADS packs and compresses all in-game data assets into a few seperate files. This means that even if you only wanted to change, say, the Ezrael slash art, you would need to unpack the appropriate CFG file and then look for the compenent that corresponded to Ezrael's Splash Art and then repack the whole thing and hope there wasn't any errors. Using ItzWartys' Manager makes it much easier to do this without as much hassle. As always, back up any file before you attempt to modify/replace it.
I am colour-blind. What Mod should I use? + Show Spoiler +Patch has introduced colour modifications that help red-green colour blind players! This means that modding is not completely necessary depending on your colour-blindness.  Please enable colour blind options through the in-game menu. For those interested in further colour blind support, more information is available below for Client Mods. Use the "ItzWarty's Colourblind No More" Mod which works with his RAF Manager program. The RAF Manager can be found here while the Colour Blind No More Mod can be found here and the LoL Forum thread is here. These files will modify the in-game colours of champions, hp bars, spells, etc. to make it easier for colour-blind people to play. When official colour-blind support is released I will update this section.
How can I change the in-game art to fan-art/the Chinese Client Art? + Show Spoiler +To change specific files for the splash art, go to your LoL installation directory. Then go to RADS -> solutions -> lol_game_client_sln -> releases -> (or whatever the new number will be in future patches) -> deploy -> DATA -> Images. Unpack the file To change specific files for in-game art, go to RADS -> projects -> lol_game_client -> filearchives. Find the appropriate folder with the data and unpack the RAF file and modify it. The latest image pack for the Chinese Client Art can be found in this thread on the LoL Official General Forums. Download the latest art pack and use the ItzWartys RAF Manager to install the art. Instructions are in the linked thread. The pack of Chinese Art is regularly updated as new art is added too!
I want force LoL to run on a resolution setting but the menu doesn't give me the option to. + Show Spoiler +Before you do this, be aware this can make your client a little unstable. It graphics may also not resize properly and you may end up with wonky textures or particles as a result. You have been warned. It's easiest explained if I give an example. Here I'll pretend you want to run LoL at 2300x1900 but the current setting is 1204x768. Just use the appropriate values. Go to the directory that you installed LoL in. Go to the directory you installed LoL in and then RiotGames -> Config. Now open the file game.cfg in Notepad. In lines 4 and 5 are the options for running the Client at different resolutions. Replace them with the appropriate values. In line 10, set the option to equal 1. Your files should now look something like: (I'm not showing the other stuff we're not modifying. Don't actually delete it though.) [General] ... Width=2300 Height=1900 ... UserSetResolution=1 ...
Save this file. Now, RiotGames -> RADS -> solutions -> lol_game_client_sln -> releases -> (or whatever the most recent one is) -> deploy -> DATA and open menu -> hud. You should have an existing file with the name hud1024x768.ini (or something similar depending on your existing setting). This files contains things like how big your in-game minimap is and stuff. Open this file and copy everything in it. Create a new Notepad file in this folder called hud2300x1900.ini, open it and then then paste all the data into it. Save it. You should now have a file called hud2300x1900.ini with something that looks like the following: (Exact values may differ) [Globals] GlobalScale=1.0000 [Minimap] Scale=1.0000 [MinimapFlipped] Scale=1.0000 [MapOverlay] Scale=1.0000 [PlayerHudChat] Scale=1.0000 [PlayerHudChatFlipped] Scale=1.0000 [ItemShop] Scale=1.0000 [ChampionsFriendly] XPos=0.0000 [ChampionsEnemy] XPos=0.0000
The next time you play you may need to readjust all your graphics options. Do this in a Custom Game in case something goes wrong.
I want to forcibly rebind my hotkeys because the in-game menu won't let me. + Show Spoiler +Firstly, remember than when changing hotkeys through the in-game menu, you need to press the "OK" button before they take effect. Check that this isn't the case before you go editting Client Files. Otherwise, I assume you want to change the smartcast options (such as using shift-qwer for regular cast) but the client won't let you or something similar. Go to the directory that you installed LoL in.Go to the directory you installed LoL in and then RiotGames -> Config and open the file input.ini in Notepad. This is where all the hotkey settings are kept. Now just change the values on whatever you want. Remember not to accidentally use the same hotkey for more than one purpose. Bad things might happen. It is worth mentioning that there is a function that forces your mouse to only be able to select enemy Champions. For example, it means if you want to use ignite you would only be able to use it on enemy champions and not on minions like an idiot. This function does not have a default hotkey though. If you're going to modify hotkeys, I recommend you add a hotkey for this. I use the ` key for this purpose. This is what my input.ini file looks like with this hotkey. I have highlighted it in bold. [GameEvents] [b]evtChampionOnly=[`][/b] <-- pressing this will mean you can only hit enemy champions evtLevelSpell1=[Ctrl][q] evtLevelSpell2=[Ctrl][w] evtLevelSpell3=[Ctrl][e] evtLevelSpell4=[Ctrl][r] evtChatHistory=[z] evntPlayerPingCursor=[g] ... etc. etc.
If you can't find the description of the hotkey you're looking for, create a custom game, go to the in-game menu and assign random buttons to the hotkey you want to change. PageUp, }, + and other random keys are fun to use. Then just exit the game and go back to the input.ini file. The full list of all events and keyboard inputs are below. + Show Spoiler + ; Here are all the key codes. Note they are case insensitive. ; ;"[Esc]", //DIK_ESCAPE 0x01 ;"[1]", //DIK_1 0x02 ;"[2]", //DIK_2 0x03 ;"[3]", //DIK_3 0x04 ;"[4]", //DIK_4 0x05 ;"[5]", //DIK_5 0x06 ;"[6]", //DIK_6 0x07 ;"[7]", //DIK_7 0x08 ;"[8]", //DIK_8 0x09 ;"[9]", //DIK_9 0x0A ;"[0]", //DIK_0 0x0B ;"[-]", //DIK_MINUS 0x0C /* - on main keyboard */ ;"[=]", //DIK_EQUALS 0x0D ;"[Back]", //DIK_BACK 0x0E /* backspace */ ;"[Tab]", //DIK_TAB 0x0F ;"[q]", //DIK_Q 0x10 ;"[w]", //DIK_W 0x11 ;"[e]", //DIK_E 0x12 ;"[r]", //DIK_R 0x13 ;"[t]", //DIK_T 0x14 ;"[y]", //DIK_Y 0x15 ;"[u]", //DIK_U 0x16 ;"[i]", //DIK_I 0x17 ;"[o]", //DIK_O 0x18 ;"[p]", //DIK_P 0x19 ;"[[]", //DIK_LBRACKET 0x1A ;"[]]", //DIK_RBRACKET 0x1B ;"[Return]", //DIK_RETURN 0x1C /* Enter on main keyboard */ ;"[L Ctrl]", //DIK_LCONTROL 0x1D ;"[a]", //DIK_A 0x1E ;"[s]", //DIK_S 0x1F ;"[d]", //DIK_D 0x20 ;"[f]", //DIK_F 0x21 ;"[g]", //DIK_G 0x22 ;"[h]", //DIK_H 0x23 ;"[j]", //DIK_J 0x24 ;"[k]", //DIK_K 0x25 ;"[l]", //DIK_L 0x26 ;"[;]", //DIK_SEMICOLON 0x27 ;"[']", //DIK_APOSTROPHE 0x28 ;"[`]", //DIK_GRAVE 0x29 /* accent grave */ ;"[L Shift]", //DIK_LSHIFT 0x2A ;"[Backslash]", //DIK_BACKSLASH 0x2B ;"[z]", //DIK_Z 0x2C ;"[x]", //DIK_X 0x2D ;"[c]", //DIK_C 0x2E ;"[v]", //DIK_V 0x2F ;"[b]", //DIK_B 0x30 ;"[n]", //DIK_N 0x31 ;"[m]", //DIK_M 0x32 ;"[,]", //DIK_COMMA 0x33 ;"[.]", //DIK_PERIOD 0x34 /* . on main keyboard */ ;"[/]", //DIK_SLASH 0x35 /* / on main keyboard */ ;"[R Shift]", //DIK_RSHIFT 0x36 ;"[*]", //DIK_MULTIPLY 0x37 /* * on numeric keypad */ ;"[L Alt]", //DIK_LMENU 0x38 /* left Alt */ ;"[Space]", //DIK_SPACE 0x39 ;"[CapsLock]", //DIK_CAPITAL 0x3A ;"[F1]", //DIK_F1 0x3B ;"[F2]", //DIK_F2 0x3C ;"[F3]", //DIK_F3 0x3D ;"[F4]", //DIK_F4 0x3E ;"[F5]", //DIK_F5 0x3F ;"[F6]", //DIK_F6 0x40 ;"[F7]", //DIK_F7 0x41 ;"[F8]", //DIK_F8 0x42 ;"[F9]", //DIK_F9 0x43 ;"[F10]", //DIK_F10 0x44 ;"[NumLock]", //DIK_NUMLOCK 0x45 ;"[ScrollLock]", //DIK_SCROLL 0x46 /* Scroll Lock */ ;"[Num7]", //DIK_NUMPAD7 0x47 ;"[Num8]", //DIK_NUMPAD8 0x48 ;"[Num9]", //DIK_NUMPAD9 0x49 ;"[Num-]", //DIK_SUBTRACT 0x4A /* - on numeric keypad */ ;"[Num4]", //DIK_NUMPAD4 0x4B ;"[Num5]", //DIK_NUMPAD5 0x4C ;"[Num6]", //DIK_NUMPAD6 0x4D ;"[Num+]", //DIK_ADD 0x4E /* + on numeric keypad */ ;"[Num1]", //DIK_NUMPAD1 0x4F ;"[Num2]", //DIK_NUMPAD2 0x50 ;"[Num3]", //DIK_NUMPAD3 0x51 ;"[Num0]", //DIK_NUMPAD0 0x52 ;"[Num.]", //DIK_DECIMAL 0x53 /* . on numeric keypad */ ;"Ux54", // unknown 0x54 // NOTE: unknown keys were missing in the direct input defines where these DIK codes were taken. ;"Ux55", // unknown 0x55 ;"OEM_102", //DIK_OEM_102 0x56 /* <> or \| on RT 102-key keyboard (Non-U.S.) */ ;"[F11]", //DIK_F11 0x57 ;"[F12]", //DIK_F12 0x58 ;"Ux59", //unknown 0x59 ;"Ux5A", //unknown 0x5A ;"Ux5B", //unknown 0x5B ;"Ux5C", //unknown 0x5C ;"Ux5D", //unknown 0x5D ;"Ux5E", //unknown 0x5E ;"Ux5F", //unknown 0x5F ;"Ux60", //unknown 0x60 ;"Ux61", //unknown 0x61 ;"Ux62", //unknown 0x62 ;"Ux63", //unknown 0x63 ;"[pc-98 F13]", //DIK_F13 0x64 /* (NEC PC98) */ ;"[pc-98 F14]", //DIK_F14 0x65 /* (NEC PC98) */ ;"[pc-98 F15]", //DIK_F15 0x66 /* (NEC PC98) */ ;"Ux67", //unknown 0x67 ;"Ux68", //unknown 0x68 ;"Ux69", //unknown 0x69 ;"Ux6A", //unknown 0x6A ;"Ux6B", //unknown 0x6B ;"Ux6C", //unknown 0x6C ;"Ux6D", //unknown 0x6D ;"Ux6E", //unknown 0x6E ;"Ux6F", //unknown 0x6F ;"[jKana]", //DIK_KANA 0x70 /* (Japanese keyboard) */ ;"Ux71", //unknown 0x71 ;"Ux72", //unknown 0x72 ;"[bzAbnt_C1]", //DIK_ABNT C1 0x73 /* /? on Brazilian keyboard */ ;"Ux74", //unknown 0x74 ;"Ux75", //unknown 0x75 ;"Ux76", //unknown 0x76 ;"Ux77", //unknown 0x77 ;"Ux78", //unknown 0x78 ;"[jConvert]", //DIK_CONVERT 0x79 /* (Japanese keyboard) */ ;"Ux7A", //unknown 0x7A ;"[jNoConvert]", //DIK_NOCONVERT 0x7B /* (Japanese keyboard) */ ;"Ux7C", //unknown 0x7C ;"[jYen]", //DIK_YEN 0x7D /* (Japanese keyboard) */ ;"[bzAbnt_C2]", //DIK_ABNT_C2 0x7E /* Numpad . on Brazilian keyboard */ ;"Ux7F", //unknown 0x7F ;"Ux80", //unknown 0x80 ;"Ux81", //unknown 0x81 ;"Ux82", //unknown 0x82 ;"Ux83", //unknown 0x83 ;"Ux84", //unknown 0x84 ;"Ux85", //unknown 0x85 ;"Ux86", //unknown 0x86 ;"Ux87", //unknown 0x87 ;"Ux88", //unknown 0x88 ;"Ux89", //unknown 0x89 ;"Ux8A", //unknown 0x8A ;"Ux8B", //unknown 0x8B ;"Ux8C", //unknown 0x8C ;"[Num=]", //DIK_NUMPADEQUALS 0x8D /* = on numeric keypad (NEC PC98) */ ;"Ux8E", //unknown 0x8E ;"Ux8F", //unknown 0x8F ;"[Prev]", //DIK_PREVTRACK 0x90 /* Previous Track (DIK_CIRCUMFLEX on Japanese keyboard) */ ;"[pc-98 @]", //DIK_AT 0x91 /* (NEC PC98) */ ;"[pc-98 :]", //DIK_COLON 0x92 /* (NEC PC98) */ ;"[pc-98 _]", //DIK_UNDERLINE 0x93 /* (NEC PC98) */ ;"[jKanji]", //DIK_KANJI 0x94 /* (Japanese keyboard) */ ;"[pc-98 Stop]", //DIK_STOP 0x95 /* (NEC PC98) */ ;"[jAX]", //DIK_AX 0x96 /* (Japan AX) */ ;"[J3100-unlabeled]", //DIK_UNLABELED 0x97 /* (J3100) */ ;"Ux98", //unknown 0x98 ;"[Next]", //DIK_NEXTTRACK 0x99 /* Next Track */ ;"Ux9A", //unknown 0x9A ;"Ux9B", //unknown 0x9B ;"[NumEnter]", //DIK_NUMPADENTER 0x9C /* Enter on numeric keypad */ ;"[R Ctrl]", //DIK_RCONTROL 0x9D ;"Ux9E", //unknown 0x9E ;"Ux9F", //unknown 0x9F ;"[Mute]", //DIK_MUTE 0xA0 /* Mute */ ;"[Calc]", //DIK_CALCULATOR 0xA1 /* Calculator */ ;"[Play/Pause]", //DIK_PLAYPAUSE 0xA2 /* Play / Pause */ ;"UxA3", //unknown 0xA3 ;"[Stop]", //DIK_MEDIASTOP 0xA4 /* Media Stop */ ;"UxA5", //unknown 0xA5 ;"UxA6", //unknown 0xA6 ;"UxA7", //unknown 0xA7 ;"UxA8", //unknown 0xA8 ;"UxA9", //unknown 0xA9 ;"UxAA", //unknown 0xAA ;"UxAB", //unknown 0xAB ;"UxAC", //unknown 0xAC ;"UxAD", //unknown 0xAD ;"[Vol-]", //DIK_VOLUMEDOWN 0xAE /* Volume - */ ;"UxAF", //unknown 0xAF ;"[Vol+]", //DIK_VOLUMEUP 0xB0 /* Volume + */ ;"UxB1", //unknown 0xB1 ;"[webHome]", //DIK_WEBHOME 0xB2 /* Web home */ ;"[Num,]", //DIK_NUMPADCOMMA 0xB3 /* , on numeric keypad (NEC PC98) */ ;"UxB4", //unknown 0xB4 ;"[Num/]", //DIK_DIVIDE 0xB5 /* / on numeric keypad */ ;"UxB6", //unknown 0xB6 ;"[SysRq]", //DIK_SYSRQ 0xB7 ;"[R Alt]", //DIK_RMENU 0xB8 /* right Alt */ ;"UxB9", //unknown 0xB9 ;"UxBA", //unknown 0xBA ;"UxBB", //unknown 0xBB ;"UxBC", //unknown 0xBC ;"UxBD", //unknown 0xBD ;"UxBE", //unknown 0xBE ;"UxBF", //unknown 0xBF ;"UxC0", //unknown 0xC0 ;"UxC1", //unknown 0xC1 ;"UxC2", //unknown 0xC2 ;"UxC3", //unknown 0xC3 ;"UxC4", //unknown 0xC4 ;"[Pause]", //DIK_PAUSE 0xC5 /* Pause */ ;"UxC5", //unknown 0xC6 ;"[Home]", //DIK_HOME 0xC7 /* Home on arrow keypad */ ;"[Up Arrow]", //DIK_UP 0xC8 /* UpArrow on arrow keypad */ ;"[PgUp]", //DIK_PRIOR 0xC9 /* PgUp on arrow keypad */ ;"UxCA", //unknown 0xCA ;"[Left Arrow]", //DIK_LEFT 0xCB /* LeftArrow on arrow keypad */ ;"UxCC", //unknown 0xCC ;"[Right Arrow]", //DIK_RIGHT 0xCD /* RightArrow on arrow keypad */ ;"UxCE", //unknown 0xCE ;"[End]", //DIK_END 0xCF /* End on arrow keypad */ ;"[Down Arrow]", //DIK_DOWN 0xD0 /* DownArrow on arrow keypad */ ;"[PgDn]", //DIK_NEXT 0xD1 /* PgDn on arrow keypad */ ;"[Ins]", //DIK_INSERT 0xD2 /* Insert on arrow keypad */ ;"[Del]", //DIK_DELETE 0xD3 /* Delete on arrow keypad */ ;"UxD4", //unknown 0xD4 ;"UxD5", //unknown 0xD5 ;"UxD6", //unknown 0xD6 ;"UxD7", //unknown 0xD7 ;"UxD8", //unknown 0xD8 ;"UxD9", //unknown 0xD9 ;"UxDA", //unknown 0xDA ;"[L Win]", //DIK_LWIN 0xDB /* Left Windows key */ ;"[R Win]", //DIK_RWIN 0xDC /* Right Windows key */ ;"[App Menu]", //DIK_APPS 0xDD /* AppMenu key */ ;"[Power]", //DIK_POWER 0xDE /* System Power */ ;"[Sleep]", //DIK_SLEEP 0xDF /* System Sleep */ ;"UxE0", //unknown 0xE0 ;"UxE1", //unknown 0xE1 ;"UxE2", //unknown 0xE2 ;"[Wake]", //DIK_WAKE 0xE3 /* System Wake */ ;"UxE3", //unknown 0xE4 ;"[webSearch]", //DIK_WEBSEARCH 0xE5 /* Web Search */ ;"[webFavs]", //DIK_WEBFAVORITES 0xE6 /* Web Favorites */ ;"[webRefresh]", //DIK_WEBREFRESH 0xE7 /* Web Refresh */ ;"[webStop]", //DIK_WEBSTOP 0xE8 /* Web Stop */ ;"[webForward]", //DIK_WEBFORWARD 0xE9 /* Web Forward */ ;"[webBack]", //DIK_WEBBACK 0xEA /* Web Back */ ;"[My Computer]", //DIK_MYCOMPUTER 0xEB /* My Computer */ ;"[Mail]", //DIK_MAIL 0xEC /* Mail */ ;"[Media Select]", //DIK_MEDIASELECT 0xED /* Media Select */ ;"UxEE", //unknown 0xEE ;"UxEF", //unknown 0xEF ;"UxF0", //unknown 0xF0 ;"UxF1", //unknown 0xF1 ;"UxF2", //unknown 0xF2 ;"UxF3", //unknown 0xF3 ;"UxF4", //unknown 0xF4 ;"UxF5", //unknown 0xF5 ;"UxF6", //unknown 0xF6 ;"UxF7", //unknown 0xF7 ;"UxF8", //unknown 0xF8 ;"UxF9", //unknown 0xF9 ;"UxFA", //unknown 0xFA ;"UxFB", //unknown 0xFB ;"UxFC", //unknown 0xFC ;"UxFD", //unknown 0xFD ;"UxFE", //unknown 0xFE ;"UxFF", //unknown 0xFF ;"[Button 1]", //Mouse button 1 (Left Mouse) ;"[Button 2]", //Mouse button 2 (Right Mouse) ;"[Button 3]", //Mouse button 3 (Middle button) ;"[Button 4]", //Mouse button 4 ;"[Button 5]", //Mouse button 5 ;"[Button 6]", //Mouse button 6 ;"[Button 7]", //Mouse button 7 ;"[Button 8]", //Mouse button 8 ; ; Shift modifiers: ; [L Shift] - Left Shift ; [R Shift] - Right Shift ; [Shift] - Both shifts ; [L Ctrl] - Left Ctrl ; [R Ctrl] - Right Ctrl ; [Ctrl] - Both Ctrls ; [L Alt] - Left Alt ; [R Alt] - Right Alt ; [Alt] - Both Alts ; ; ; You can assign multiple keys to the same event using comma
[General] LogitechSupport=0
[DisableKeys] disableCapsLock = 0 disableWinKey=0 disablNumLock = 0 disableLinkedModifers = 0
[MouseSettings] PointerSpeed = 2 RollerButtonSpeed = 1
[ModifierEvents] evtShiftL = [L Shift] evtShiftR = [R Shift] evtCtrlL = [L Ctrl] evtCtrlR = [R Ctrl] evtAltL = [L Alt] evtAltR = [R Alt]
[GameEvents] evtCastSpell4 = [r] evtCastSpell3 = [e] evtCastSpell2 = [w] evtCastSpell1 = [q] evtCastAvatarSpell1 = [d] evtCastAvatarSpell2 = [f]
evtLevelSpell4 = [Ctrl][r] evtLevelSpell3 = [Ctrl][e] evtLevelSpell2 = [Ctrl][w] evtLevelSpell1 = [Ctrl][q]
evtSelfCastSpell1 = [Alt][q] evtSelfCastSpell2 = [Alt][w] evtSelfCastSpell3 = [Alt][e] evtSelfCastSpell4 = [Alt][r] evtSelfCastAvatarSpell1 = [Alt][d] evtSelfCastAvatarSpell2 = [Alt][f]
evtSmartCastSpell1 = [Shift][q] evtSmartCastSpell2 = [Shift][w] evtSmartCastSpell3 = [Shift][e] evtSmartCastSpell4 = [Shift][r] evtSmartCastAvatarSpell1 = [Shift][d] evtSmartCastAvatarSpell2 = [Shift][f]
;evtUseItem7 = [7],[b] evtUseItem7 = [b] evtUseItem6 = [6] evtUseItem5 = [5] evtUseItem4 = [4] evtUseItem3 = [3] evtUseItem2 = [2] evtUseItem1 = [1] evtShowCharacterMenu = [c] evtShowScoreBoard = [o] evtOpenShop = [p] evtDisplayHudText = [h] evtCycleStatsDisplay = [Ctrl] [p] evtToggleTROYFiles = [Alt] [Ctrl] [t] evtDebugEvent0 = [Alt] [Ctrl] [0] evtDebugEvent1 = [Alt] [Ctrl] [1] evtDebugEvent2 = [Alt] [Ctrl] [2] evtDebugEvent3 = [Alt] [Ctrl] [3] evtDebugEvent4 = [Alt] [Ctrl] [4] evtDebugEvent5 = [Alt] [Ctrl] [5] evtDebugEvent6 = [Alt] [Ctrl] [6] evtDebugEvent7 = [Alt] [Ctrl] [7] evtDebugEvent8 = [Alt] [Ctrl] [8] evtDebugEvent9 = [Alt] [Ctrl] [9] evtToggleDeveloperGUI = [Ctrl] [TAB] evtShowConsole = [Return],[NumEnter] evtShowAllConsole = [Shift] [Return], [Shift] [NumEnter] evtChatHistory = [z] evtCameraLockToggle = [y] evtCameraSnap = [Space] evtSelectSelf = [F1] evtSelectAlly1 = [F2] evtSelectAlly2 = [F3] evtSelectAlly3 = [F4] evtSelectAlly4 = [F5] evtScrollUp = [Up Arrow] evtScrollDown = [Down Arrow] evtScrollLeft = [Left Arrow] evtScrollRight = [Right Arrow] evtToggleMinionHealthBars = [l] evtShowHealthBars = [Shift][l] evtReloadScripts = [Shift][p] evtShowSummonerNames = [Shift][k] evntPlayerPingCursor = [g] evntPlayerPing = [alt][Button 1]
evtPlayerSelectClick = [Button 1] evtPlayerMoveClick = [Button 2] evtPlayerAttackMoveClick = [Shift] [Button 2] evtPlayerAttackMove = [a],[x] evtPlayerHoldPosition = [h] evtPlayerStopPosition = [s] evtPetMoveClick = [Alt] [Button 2] evtPetReturn = [Alt] [Button 1] evtSysMenu = [Esc]
evtChampionOnly = [`]
evtShowTools = [Tab] evtHideTools = [Shift][Tab] evtShowCameraSliders = [Shift][m]
evtInsertLight = [Ins] evtDeleteLight = [Del] evtBakeLights = [F11]
evtDrawNavGrid = [Alt] [v]
evtShowSimClockStatus = [;] evtToggleProfiler = [Alt] [;]
evtDrawHud = [F5]
evtAIDrawDebug = []]
evtFPSForward = [Num8] evtFPSBackwoods = [Num5] evtFPSStrafeLeft = [Num4] evtFPSStrafeRight = [Num6] evtFPSPitchUp = [Num3] evtFPSPitchDown = [Num1] evtFPSYawLeft = [Num7] evtFPSYawRight = [Num9] evtFPSToggleXZConstrainedMovement = [Alt] [Num5]
evtKeyboardEntryBegin = [Alt] [Ctrl] [F12]
evtOnUIMouse4Pan = [Button 3]
[HUDEvents] evtQuit = [Alt] [F4] evtOnUIMouse1 = [Button 1] evtOnUIMouse2 = [Button 2] evtOnUIMouse3 = [Button 3] evtMakeScreenShot = [F12] evtHideHUD = [Alt] [-] evtToggleHUDSystem = [Alt] [z] evtHideCI = [Ctrl] [h] evtToggleMap = [m] evntToggleHudMoveable = [Alt][m] evntHudMoveableSelect = [Button 1] evntHudScale = [MouseWheel] evtOrbitCamera = [Ctrl][Button 1] evtResetCamera = [Ctrl][Space] evtHoldShowScoreBoard = [Tab] evtToggleFPSAndLatency = [Ctrl] [f] evntToggleFullscreen = [Alt] [Return]
[MenuEvents] evtBackToGame = [Esc]
[ChatEvents] evtChatConsoleReturn = [Return], [NumEnter]
[KeyMapEvents] evtBackToGame = [Esc]
evtKeyboardEntryReturn = [Return], [NumEnter] evtKeyboardEntryCommit = [Shift] [F12] evtKeyboardEntryEnd = [Alt] [Ctrl] [F12] evtKeyMappingWrite = [Alt] [Ctrl] [s] evtKeyMappingRead = [Alt] [Ctrl] [l] evtKeyMappingClear = [Alt] [Ctrl] [c] evtKeyMappingDefault = [Alt] [Ctrl] [Home] , [Alt] [F3] [g] evtKeyMappingNextGroup = [Tab] evtKeyMappingNextField = [Right Arrow] , [Right Arrow] evtKeyMappingNextEvent = [Down Arrow] evtKeyMappingPrevField = [Left Arrow] evtKeyMappingPrevEvent = [Up Arrow]
I want to run LoL full-screen but I also want to be able to alt-tab and not have LoL minimise but just be in the background instead. This can now be done through the in-game menu, under Video Options. Select Borderless Mode instead of Full-Screen or Windowed. + Show Spoiler +Go to the directory that you installed LoL in. Go to RiotGames -> RADS -> solutions -> lol_game_client_sln -> releases -> (or whatever the most recent one is) -> deploy -> DATA -> CFG and open the file game in Notepad. Under "Windowed=1" (or "Windowed=0" if you don't have League of Legends currently set to windowed mode) make a new line and put "BorderlessWindow=1".
I want to change between the NA/EU servers and/or change my language settings. Can now be done by the client interface thanks to Patch 1.22
I'm in SEA but my client won't let me get onto the EU/US Servers and I can't play with my friends. Help! + Show Spoiler +Method 1:Download and extract files to your League of Legends installed folder (overwrite files). As I did not make this method I can not vouch for what these files are. Method 2:Go to the directory that you installed LoL in. Go to RiotGames -> RADS -> projects -> lol_launcher -> managed files -> (or whatever the most recent one is). Edit NA_*_*.tra, EUW_*_*.tra and EUNE_*_*.tra and en_US.tra files. For EU use en_GB.tra, pl_PL.tra, de_DE.tra, es_ES.tra, fr_FR.tra. Find these lines: tr "url_host_news" = "" tr "url_path_news" = "/pages/launcher/na" (US) or tr "url_path_news" = "/pages/launcher/eu?lang=pl" (EU/PL) or tr "url_path_news" = "/pages/launcher/eu?lang=en" (EU/EN) or tr "url_path_news" = "/pages/launcher/eu?lang=es" (EU/ES) or tr "url_path_news" = "/pages/launcher/eu?lang=fr" (EU/FR) or tr "url_path_news" = "/pages/launcher/eu?lang=de" (EU/DE) Replace them with: tr "url_host_news" = "" tr "url_path_news" = "/raw.php?i=BAYpxAWN" (US) or tr "url_path_news" = "/raw.php?i=FMqKS9Cw" (EU/PL) or tr "url_path_news" = "/raw.php?i=0HFG9mCY" (EU/EN) or tr "url_path_news" = "/raw.php?i=q636RkYq" (EU/ES) or tr "url_path_news" = "/raw.php?i=Ws3uvYQv" (EU/FR) or tr "url_path_news" = "/raw.php?i=DnytMQm6" (EU/DE) With this method, the Launcher will always say ONLINE even if the Server is not. Do be aware. Instructions were taken from:
I want to modify the in-game recommended items but not have to update it each patch. How can I do this? Thanks to Patch 3.7 you can now edit Recommended Items though the PvP Client in your Profile section.
Can I modify the size of the HUD elements without changing my resolution? + Show Spoiler +Go to the directory you installed LoL and go to RADS -> solutions -> lol_game_client_sln -> releases -> (or the most recent number) -> deploy -> data -> menu -> hud. You want to look for an existing file with the name hud1024x768.ini (or something similar depending on your existing resolution setting). This files contains things like how big your in-game minimap is and stuff. Here you can modify the size of various parts of the HUG. This is what a default HUD Setting might look like: [Globals] GlobalScale=1.0000 [Minimap] Scale=1.0000 [MinimapFlipped] Scale=1.0000 [MapOverlay] Scale=1.0000 [PlayerHudChat] Scale=1.0000 [PlayerHudChatFlipped] Scale=1.0000 [ItemShop] Scale=1.0000 [ChampionsFriendly] XPos=0.0000 [ChampionsEnemy] XPos=0.0000
The values 1.0000 basically mean to use the default settings of your HUD Resolution. Making this number larger makes the HUD Scale appropriately. So, for example, setting minimap to 2.0000 will make it larger. At the bottom of the file, add: [Scoreboard] Scale=1.0000 If you want to make it larger, of course use a biger value than 1.0000 in the file. For example, you might end up with: [Globals] GlobalScale=1.0000 [Minimap] Scale=1.0000 [MinimapFlipped] Scale=1.0000 [MapOverlay] Scale=1.0000 [PlayerHudChat] Scale=1.0000 [PlayerHudChatFlipped] Scale=1.0000 [ItemShop] Scale=1.0000 [ChampionsFriendly] XPos=0.0000 [ChampionsEnemy] XPos=0.0000 [Scoreboard] Scale=2.1235
Are they are cool extra hotkeys I can add in for things such as timers calling MIA? + Show Spoiler +PLEASE NOTE THAT USE OF THIRD PARTY PROGRAMS FOR LEAGUE OF LEGENDS IS AT YOUR OWN RISK.Thanks to Alkow, you now can! Instructions are below.. I have not personally used it but it has received quite a lot of praise from lots of other people. Instructions:- Download AutoHotkey.
- Download Alkow's script here.
- In game you want to go to your key bindings and unbind F1-F5, which correspond to select self (F1) and select allies (F2-F5)
- Run the script
- F1 = mia
- F2 = re
- F3 = Blue Timer
- F4 = Dragon Timer
- F5 = Baron Timer
On October 08 2011 alkow wrote: you'll see a tooltip appear over your mouse cursor when you activate the timer just to confirm it has started and you'll see an in-game team chat saying "blue 30s" or when there're 30 seconds left until whatever respawns.
originally i had it as blue/red for f3 but i primarily play ap heroes and don't give a shit about red buff so fuck that. feel free go edit the script for it to say whatever you want. it's pretty self-explanatory where you need to edit what.
it gets really complicated coding a script to track two things with the same timer, that's why red/blue are on one hotkey. however, don't get confused and think that you can only track one blue or one red buff. you can track all four buffs at once with this script and you'll get four reminders that they'll respawn in 30 seconds. you just have to remember which one. - Reddit Quote
I want to spectate games on other servers but I'm too lazy to make a new account! + Show Spoiler +For a quick and easy way, you can use: you want to modify the client spectate panel, this is going to be a bit harder... Go to the directory you install LoL in, then go to League of Legends -> Config and open game.cfg in Notepad. Underneath the section called [GENERA  add the following line at the end: DisableCameraSnapOnRespawn=1
I want to have an invisible mode! + Show Spoiler +You're in luck! Boompje (creator of the Mac Client and great Wrench) has created this addon that solves your problem!