Teamliquid League of Leagends Tech Support and FAQ Thread
Hi there. This thread is designed to be the general purpose thread for any tech stuff for LoL-ers on TL. I'll try and keep this up to date as much as I can. Please keep in mind I am not an employee at Riot (a Red) nor am I a Wrenchperson (an Orange). I am now a Wrenchperson on NA and EU!
This thread is not an alternative to submitting a Ticket to Customer Support. If you really have a severe problem with your client, don't ask me to fix your client.
If you have any suggestions for extra stuff to add to this thread, feel free to post something and if I think it's relevant I'll add it.
Most of the information here is designed to be used for people playing on Windows and on the NA/EU servers. I have included some information for those playing on Macs and for those who wish to play on the Garena/Chinese servers though.
There is currently a rare bug with both Meowkai and Poppy.
The following is some terminology you may or may not know. This is aimed at newer players more than anything else.
Useful Terminology I use in this thread
LoL: Leage of Legends. It doesn't mean I'm laughing at you. (Maybe.)
Riot: Riot Games is the company that created LoL and manages the NA and EU servers.
PvP Client: The all-purpose LoL Client you use to play LoL.
Log File: Every time you play a game or access the LoL servers through the PvP Client, your system will create a file that logs the details of what happened. This is used for diagnosing and fixing problems.
RADS: The new system used by the PvP Client to patch and manage your game.
NA: North America (generally refers to servers or players)
EU: European (generally refers to servers or players)
QQ: Does not actually mean rage. QQ is an online service offered by Tencent, the distributor of LoL in China the the company that bought Riot Games. is massively popular in China.
Garena: South East Asia (generally refers to servers or players). Can also mean the company that manages the distribution and publishing of LoL in South East Asia.
LiquidParty: The TL Group on LoL. Does not actually mean drunken parties and dubious activities with various liquids.
Terminology not tech related but you should know anyways
Huehuehue: How you should laugh.
TL: If I have to explain this to you, I'm not sure why you're on this site. But it means Teamliquid.
Starcraft II: A game that apprently takes more skill then LoL and is more deserving of being an e-sport according to many people on this forums. But HotshotGG drama is more entertaining.
OP: Overpowered. Every champions you don't play.
UP: Underpowered. Every champion you play.
Buff: Can mean either an increase in power from a balance patch or a boost that can be gotten in game from neutral monsters. You champion always needs more of both types of buff.
Nerf: A reduction in power from a balance patch. Everyone else's champions need one. Always.
FOTM: Flavour of the Month. The latest most popular "fad" in LoL. Generally the latest popular OP champion. Not actually the ice cream flavour on special this month at the local cafe.
Shikyo Memorial Thread: All rage about bad teams in LoL and stuff should go here.
This section contains information for people who are interested in playing LoL and want to know more about the game tech-wise or for existing players who may be interested in other servers or recently bought a Mac. It is not meant to be a newbie guide despite covering a lot of basic details. If you are a new player and want advise that is not tech related, you are better off looking for help elsewhere. The General/Off-Topic Thread is a good place to try.
IMPORTANT: When installing LoL, do not use directories or file paths that use non-english characters as the game may not recognise itself as a result. (So don't use things like ấǽǿǘṹ in your folder names.)
What system requirements do I need to play LoL? + Show Spoiler +
LoL is designed to be accessible to as many people as possible. This means that most machines made in the last few years can probably play LoL, unless they're one of those netbooks that were only designed to run Office and IE. You may need to turn down the graphics options to do so though. This shouldn't detract too much from the gameplay unless you zoom in however.
Specifications-wise, it is recommended you have at least 2.0 Ghz Processor, 1GB RAM and DirectX 9.0 capable video card but I do know of people who have run LoL on less (but it may lag).
As an online game, you will also need a functioning internet connection. As a rule of thumb, if you can load Youtube videos without much problem, it's good enough for LoL. Do be aware you might get occassional lag spikes though.
My internet has a data cap. How much internet bandwidth does LoL require? + Show Spoiler +
Generally speaking, each game of LoL takes around 10MB of bandwidth (unless things have changed). If you are not in a game and your client is idle or you are chatting through the client chat system, there will be some minor traffic in the background but not much (a few kb every second, sometimes not even that). Do be aware that there may be additional overhead that can vary depending on your ISP Provider.
I am colour-blind. Is there support for people like me? + Show Spoiler +
Patch has introduced colour modifications that help red-green colour blind players! This means that modding is not completely necessary depending on your colour-blindness. For those at require further support, there are community made mods that can be installed. See Part 3 for more details!
I want to play on more than one server. Do I have to download more than one client? + Show Spoiler +
It depends. Thanks to Patch 1.22 you now only require one client for playing on either the NA or EU servers. The Garena and China servers however will require their own individual clients as these are not managed by Riot games but are managed by seperate companies.
The Chinese Client can be downloaded from the Tencent QQ LoL Homepage. Do be aware however that in order to create an account on the China Servers you will need a People's Republic of China Social Security Number. In other words, you will need to be a chinese citizen or be really good friends with someone willing to give you their SSN.
There are ways to get your client to access more than one server. See Part 3 for details.
I want to play on more than one server. Will I need more than one account? + Show Spoiler +
Yes. You will need an account for each server you play on. Currently there is no way to transfer accounts between servers.
What is the difference between EU East and EU West? + Show Spoiler +
Due to the huge number of players on the EU servers, Riot decided that the EU servers needed to be split in order to cope with the constantly growing userbase. Thus, they partitioned the servers based on geographical location of EU players.
Practically speaking though, the only difference between the two servers is who plays on them. They are otherwise functionally the same. Most of TL EU Liquidparty is on the West server however.
Are there going to be any other server locations? I don't want to/can't play on NA/EU/Garena/China. + Show Spoiler +
Korea Servers are up and online now.
Yes, more servers are coming to other places such as Korea soon*.
* Soon is used as a reference of time pretaining to some time in the future and should not be taken as an official Riot position that this feature may or may not be coming any time in a specified and certain time frame in the future. The above poster also makes no guarantees and gives no ETA either. For more, please contact Riot Customer Service for more details on how ambiguous the word "soon" means.
First, go to the LoL Homepage and create an account. This will be the username and password you use to log into the PvP Client. You can however ask people here on the TL Forums for a Referral Link. It functions the same as the Create an Account link on the LoL Homepage, but the person who refers you gets some nice freebies for doing so. Feel free to PM someone from this sub-forum for their referral link.
Once you have created an account, you will be presented with the download link for the client installer. Download the installer if you have not done so already and instal LoL.
The other alternatvie is to buy the LoL Retail Edition Game Pack from places such as Gamestop (NA Only I believe). This will come with a CD which you can use to install LoL without the need to download files.
How does the LoL Installation and Patching Process work? What are all these other things like Pando Media Booster? + Show Spoiler +
When you first open the LoL Installation Program, it will prompt you to install Pando Media Booster. This is a program that is used to help the LoL PvP Client handle data. Some anti-virus programs might flag it as suspicious though. Don't worry about that though.
Installation of LoL from the installer will mean downloading up to 1.5GB of files from over the internet as these files are not contained in the installer. Do be aware this may take some time and needs to be uninterrupted.
Please note that the Mac Beta has been closed by Riot. Details regarding this are below. I have answered questions regarding this from Page 3 onwards of this thread.
How can I continue playing LoL on a Mac? Method 1: Installing the Windows Client + Show Spoiler +
One way of playing LoL on a Mac is to use Bootcamp or other similar software (such as VMWareFusion and Parallel). I am only familiar with Bootcamp and it comes with all Macs. Also, not all of you Mac users here on TL may own other software so I will only explain how to use Bootcamp to play LoL on a Mac. These instructions are courtesy of Boompje, the Mac expert amongst the Wrenchies.
You will need:
Your DVD of OS X (doesn't matter whether it is Leopard, Snow Leopard or Lion)
Get a working copy of Windows
A burnable CD (700MB) for Windows XP or a burnable DVD (4.7GB) for Windows 7. You can burn the copy of Windows to as an ISO but if you know how to do that, you probably don't need instructions on how to use Bootcamp! ^^
If you just want to get Windows running to play LoL, then Windows XP will probably be the best choice. If you want to play around with Windows for other stuff and have good hardware, then Windows 7 is worth a look.
Burn Windows onto the CD.Then launch Boot Camp (Applications - Utilities - Boot Camp Assistant). Insert the burned CD. The Boot Camp Assistant will guide you through. As soon as the installation is done, insert your OS X DVD and install BootCamp Tools.
If I install Windows, what if I get viruses or other malware? One fun thing about Macs is that if you get a virus on the Windows part, just remove it completely and reinstall Windows. Problem solved. When you partition the disk to install Windows, it separates the Mac and Windows parts so there's no risk of contamination. Also, Windows Viruses won't work on the Mac OS anyway because they're not made to run in UNIX.
Is there any other way to get a full proper client on the Mac (i.e. no Windows?)? This is being looked into. I will post when I get more details.
How can I continue playing LoL on a Mac? Method 2: iLoL Client + Show Spoiler +
One of the Wrenchies, Boompje, has created and maintains a standalone Mac Client that is currently in Beta. Details and download can be found here. It's pretty neat and Boomjpe is an awesome guy. Please do donate if you like it!
About the Mac Beta Closure
What is the RP Refund? The RP Refund is an option for Mac users to have all RP Purchases refunded to them. This will however close your account. This means that if you come back to LoL, you may have to start all over again. You will also lose any unique special skins (e.g. King Rammus, UFO Corki) which have no RP value.
Am I eligible for the free Champions? If you were a participant of the Mac Beta, you will qualify for the rewards. I am not certain about those who used the Mac Beta Client but were not formal beta testers. I am under the impression you will qualify if most of your logins were from the Mac Client, but do not quote me on this.
From September 2nd to the 6th (Friday to Tuesday) you will need to visit the store using the Mac Client. Your account will then be rewarded at the end of September. If you are not rewarded, contact Riot Support about the issue with a Support Ticket. This information is now out of date as the refund period is now over.
Where can I find more help on this issue? The Official NA LoL Forums have a dedicated Mac Testing Subforum. It can be found here. For EU players, there is an equivalent thread here. The resident Wrenchy is Boomjpe who is a really great guy. He also answers questions regarding LoL on Macs on the official LoL Forums and on his Mac Forum on his website.
Any further questions I will see what I can answer.
The following is what was contained previously, and is no longer up-to-date. It is left here for reference purposes.
For Mac users, there is a closed-beta LoL Client for the Mac. While development on this client has been put on hold for a bit, the installer and Mac Client can be downloaded and are fully functional (although it occassionally has a few minor bugs). Full insructions can be found here and here and contain the most up to date mirrors to download the Mac Client from.
I have recently learnt that this also works on a Mac but I have not tried it nor can confirm any details about it. Do be aware of this before trying it.
I want to play LoL on a Linux machine. Can I do this? + Show Spoiler +
There is now a method that has been tested by a SysAdmin at Riot Games. Instructions are found here!
I am not sure how to run LoL on a Linux Machine without resorting to dual boot or a virtual machine. I don't have a Linux machine to try and figure someting out either. Sorry.
I can now give a proper answer! There is a group of people who are working to get LoL running on Linux machines. Check out their efforts here!
I can't seem to download the files I need during the installation process. Help! + Show Spoiler +
There are several things you should check. Firstly, do you have Pando Media Booster? If no, then relaunch the installer and it should promt you. Secondly, is the installer being blocked by your firewall? If it is, then you will need to change your firewall settings and place the LoL Installer on the "Allowed/Expempted" List. Thirdly, does your Network Provider block certain TCP ports? LoL requires the usage of several specific TCP Ports in order to function and if these are blocked you will not be able to run LoL.
The exact ports that are required are: 5000 - 5500 UDP (League of Legends Game Client), 8393 - 8400 TCP (Patcher and Maestro), 2099 TCP (PVP.Net), 5223 TCP (PVP.Net), 5222 TCP (PVP.Net), 80 TCP (HTTP Connections), 443 TCP (HTTPS Connections). Access to 6881 is helpful but not required.
If you are unsure of the settings on your network, you can use the ICSI Netalyzr to see what Ports are blocked, if any.
The launcher will generally prefer peer-to-peer download in order to speed up the process but if you cannot use peer-to-peer for whatever reason this should not cause issues. For networks that ban peer-to-peer usage, this can be disabled at the launch screen.
This section deals with issues about the Client Launcher, the PvP Client while in use, and issues related to the in-game store including billing problems.
When I patch, sometimes my bandwidth usage spikes massively. Is there a way to patch slower? (For people with throttled connections or shared connections) + Show Spoiler +
The RADS Patcher will use peer-to-peer connections in the patching process. This can use a lot of bandwidth on some connections. If you want to limit the bitrate from the peer-to-peer connections, this can be done by clicking the Gear Icon in the top right of the PvP Launcher Screen and setting the maximum bitrate that is appropriate for you.
When you have a client version error, it means that the server does not recognise your LoL Patch Version.
When this number is too big, it means the patcher messed up and carried a one somewhere or something. Generally a Client Repair should fix it. An alternative is to delete your client game data folder which will force a repatch and correct your client version.
When this number is too big, this is often due to ISP Caching. This is means you ISP has cached previous patch data onto their servers. So, instead of getting all the new patch data from the Riot Servers, your ISP is making you download old data from their servers instead to save them bandwidth.
There are two ways to solve this. One method is to use a proxy or VPN to update to the latest LoL Client Version as you will no longer be connecting to your ISP's cached version. However, do be aware that there are risks when using certain types of proxies and VPNs. Also, if you reconnect to the server without your VPN/Proxy, you will redownload your ISP's cached version.
Another way to solve this problem is to contact your internet provider and ask them to stop caching as this will then allow you to download the newer data from Riot. In particular, you want to clear everything from:
There are two Riot recommended solutions detailed in the articles here and here about improving your fps. I personally found that changing the memory priority through the task manager and carrying out a client repair to clean the game files helped improve my fps when I'm running multiple programs while playing LoL.
There also seem to be problems with dual-core Windows 7 machines, due to "Core Parking". As such, it's also recommended to clean your registry files. Brentmeister has more details here.
The PvP Launcher says the Server is Busy. How will I know when the Server is Online? + Show Spoiler +
The PvP Launcher automatically tries to ping the Login Server every 30 seconds for an update. Just leave the Launcher running and it will automatically update for you.
I tried to log in but it said "Incorrect Username/Password" but I know I typed it correctly. What gives? + Show Spoiler +
Currently the PvP Client only has one error message it can display during the login process which is incorrect username/password. Most likely there is something wrong with the servers. The engineers are working on adding in more accurate error message later. Just close the client, open it again and try and log in again. Most of the time, this should solve the problem unless the servers are down.
How do I join a Chat Channel such as Liquid Party? + Show Spoiler +
Once you have logged in, at the bottom right of your client is your friends list. Open this and click on the middle speech bubble. Type in "Liquidparty" and press enter. You should now join Liquidparty. Sometimes the chat channels bug out and a duplicate clone of Liquidparty gets made and not everyone ends up in the same channel. If this occurs, just quit the channel by pressing the X next to the channel name and enter the channel again. To automatically join a chat channel after logging in, click on the Gear Icon in the top right of the chat channel box and choose the "Auto-join" option.
I don't like the music in Champion Select. Can I turn it off? + Show Spoiler +
Yes. Click on the Gears Icon in the top right of the PvP Client and select the option to turn off music in champion select.
The Riot Point Card I bought isn't redeeming for some reason. Why is this? + Show Spoiler +
There have been known cases where the manufacturer or these cards has made a mistake and sometimes the card does not work properly. The best solution is to submit a Support Ticket under the Billing category. If the card is faulty, then Customer Service can just directly add RP to your account.
I bought RP but it hasn't been added. Why is this? + Show Spoiler +
Sometimes RP does not immediatelly update after payment. Attempt to make a purchase in the In-Game Store but do not confirm the purchase at the screen where you choose between IP or RP. The value there should show your real IP/RP value. Closing the screen should then update the numbers next to your Summoner Name.
If you purchased RP from a credit/debit card and the RP total has not changed, this may be because your bank has not released the funds from your account yet. In this case, you will need to wait for your bank to transfer the money. If money has been deducted from your account but you have not recieved your RP, then you will need to submit a Support Ticket under the Billing Category to check what the problem is. Depending on the issue, you may also need to contact you bank. (For example, they might not have actually paid Riot and just removed money from your account. This has actually happened before.)
I should have gotten IP from a game but it hasn't been added. Why is this? + Show Spoiler +
IP totals are run through the same servers that manage the Store. When there is intability with the store servers, your IP may not be updated correctly. Your IP is still logged however and will be added eventually once the problem has been resolved.
The PvP Client randomly closed on me when I wasn't in a game fo no reason. What happened? + Show Spoiler +
During an idle state (chatting still counts as being idle) the PvP Client maintains an idle TCP Connection in the background in order to ping the servers to check for any hotfixes or updates. Some firewalls may view an idle TCP connection as suspicious and forcibly terminate them which will result in the Launcher closing. You may recieve an "Error Session Closed" Message from the Client if this happens. If this is the case, check that the Client is on the "Allowed/Exemptions" List in your Firewall Settings.
There is another possible reason for Client Termination. During times when there is excessive demand on the Game Servers, the servers will automatically log out anyone who is idle for an excessive amount of time to make space for other players. Chatting only still counts as idling. To remedy this, join/create a custom game every hour or so and then quit.
The final reason is simply that all the servers everywhere died. You can check by seeing if the Offical LoL General Forums have exploded with silly spam about the servers. If this occurs I recommend reading a book or something. Maybe even playing/watching Starcraft like most of TL does, who knows. Hopefully LoL does not dominate your life so much that this ruins your day.
I crashed from a game but the Login Server is down/PvP Launcher says Busy so I can't log in to reconnect to my game. Help! Ever since the EU Server split, this method is not supported anymore. + Show Spoiler +
The EU Riot Customer Support has created a wonderful tool you can use to reconnect to both the EU and NA Servers. You can download the files [url blocked]. If it is urgent, you can directly run this file here. But please download the file if possible to save bandwidth.
Instructions: 1. Start a game 2. If the game and Client crash, just execute reconnect.exe! 3. You'll reconnect to the last game you've played without being logged in. 4. If the game doesn't exist or is already over, you'll get an error: Can't connect.
For more details and to post bug reports, the official LoL Forum Thread is here. Please say thank you to the Riot Staffers and Wrenchmen for creating and hosting this for you.
For those who want to be safe, here is a virus scan report to read. Note that every tool written with AutoIt causes Heuristic Detection. Download links are copied from the LoL Forum Thread so should be safe.
I finished a game but instead of the home page I get a message telling me to reconnect to a game that does exist! Help! + Show Spoiler +
This is a condition known as a "Ghost Game". An indicator this might happen is if you lag getting into the score screen, or it takes a long time to load or does not load at all. This condition is caused when your client doesn't get an update from the server telling it that the game has ended even though it has. This causes you to see a reconnect button to a game that doesn't exist. This will go away by itself after a while (sometimes several hours) when the server begins to purge memory of all past games and send out an update to clients.
If you don't want to wait (who does?) there are several things you can try. Logging out of the client and logging back in can help sometimes. Exitting LoL and restarting your computer can also help. These are not 100% guaranteed fixes though. If you are inconvenienced by this, you can submit a support ticket and ask for some free IP, although this is up to the discretion of Riot.
This section will talk about making modifications to your client such as changing splash art or adding in custom fan-made skins. Please back up all files to somewhere safe before you attempt to modify them! I am not responsible if you end up breaking your client due to following any of these steps. Also note that should your client encounter issues, you can fix them with a client repair. Instructions for this are in Part 4 underneath.
The use of Third Party Tools when playing League of Legends is done at your own risk. Furthermore, any third party tools that interferes with the client or packets is considered a breach of the ToS and your account may be penalised as a result. The only third party tool that has been given a clear (at the time of posting) is LoLRecorder.
How to access CFG and internal game assets (Please Read First) + Show Spoiler +
The LoL Folder structure is now much more cleaner. To access game.cfg, go to the directory you installed LoL in, then go to League of Legends -> Config and you will find it there.
In order to modify internal assests such as the game art, you will need to download and install the ItzWartys RAF Manager. This is the most convenient way of managing Mods and changes to Client Assets. This is because RADS packs and compresses all in-game data assets into a few seperate files. This means that even if you only wanted to change, say, the Ezrael slash art, you would need to unpack the appropriate CFG file and then look for the compenent that corresponded to Ezrael's Splash Art and then repack the whole thing and hope there wasn't any errors. Using ItzWartys' Manager makes it much easier to do this without as much hassle.
As always, back up any file before you attempt to modify/replace it.
Patch has introduced colour modifications that help red-green colour blind players! This means that modding is not completely necessary depending on your colour-blindness. Please enable colour blind options through the in-game menu. For those interested in further colour blind support, more information is available below for Client Mods.
Use the "ItzWarty's Colourblind No More" Mod which works with his RAF Manager program. The RAF Manager can be found here while the Colour Blind No More Mod can be found here and the LoL Forum thread is here. These files will modify the in-game colours of champions, hp bars, spells, etc. to make it easier for colour-blind people to play. When official colour-blind support is released I will update this section.
How can I change the in-game art to fan-art/the Chinese Client Art? + Show Spoiler +
To change specific files for the splash art, go to your LoL installation directory. Then go to RADS -> solutions -> lol_game_client_sln -> releases -> (or whatever the new number will be in future patches) -> deploy -> DATA -> Images. Unpack the file
To change specific files for in-game art, go to RADS -> projects -> lol_game_client -> filearchives. Find the appropriate folder with the data and unpack the RAF file and modify it.
The latest image pack for the Chinese Client Art can be found in this thread on the LoL Official General Forums. Download the latest art pack and use the ItzWartys RAF Manager to install the art. Instructions are in the linked thread. The pack of Chinese Art is regularly updated as new art is added too!
I want force LoL to run on a resolution setting but the menu doesn't give me the option to. + Show Spoiler +
Before you do this, be aware this can make your client a little unstable. It graphics may also not resize properly and you may end up with wonky textures or particles as a result. You have been warned.
It's easiest explained if I give an example. Here I'll pretend you want to run LoL at 2300x1900 but the current setting is 1204x768. Just use the appropriate values.
Go to the directory that you installed LoL in. Go to the directory you installed LoL in and then RiotGames -> Config. Now open the file game.cfg in Notepad. In lines 4 and 5 are the options for running the Client at different resolutions. Replace them with the appropriate values. In line 10, set the option to equal 1.
Your files should now look something like: (I'm not showing the other stuff we're not modifying. Don't actually delete it though.)
Save this file. Now, RiotGames -> RADS -> solutions -> lol_game_client_sln -> releases -> (or whatever the most recent one is) -> deploy -> DATA and open menu -> hud. You should have an existing file with the name hud1024x768.ini (or something similar depending on your existing setting). This files contains things like how big your in-game minimap is and stuff. Open this file and copy everything in it. Create a new Notepad file in this folder called hud2300x1900.ini, open it and then then paste all the data into it. Save it.
You should now have a file called hud2300x1900.ini with something that looks like the following: (Exact values may differ)
The next time you play you may need to readjust all your graphics options. Do this in a Custom Game in case something goes wrong.
I want to forcibly rebind my hotkeys because the in-game menu won't let me. + Show Spoiler +
Firstly, remember than when changing hotkeys through the in-game menu, you need to press the "OK" button before they take effect. Check that this isn't the case before you go editting Client Files.
Otherwise, I assume you want to change the smartcast options (such as using shift-qwer for regular cast) but the client won't let you or something similar.
Go to the directory that you installed LoL in.Go to the directory you installed LoL in and then RiotGames -> Config and open the file input.ini in Notepad. This is where all the hotkey settings are kept. Now just change the values on whatever you want. Remember not to accidentally use the same hotkey for more than one purpose. Bad things might happen.
It is worth mentioning that there is a function that forces your mouse to only be able to select enemy Champions. For example, it means if you want to use ignite you would only be able to use it on enemy champions and not on minions like an idiot. This function does not have a default hotkey though. If you're going to modify hotkeys, I recommend you add a hotkey for this. I use the ` key for this purpose. This is what my input.ini file looks like with this hotkey. I have highlighted it in bold.
[GameEvents] [b]evtChampionOnly=[`][/b] <-- pressing this will mean you can only hit enemy champions evtLevelSpell1=[Ctrl][q] evtLevelSpell2=[Ctrl][w] evtLevelSpell3=[Ctrl][e] evtLevelSpell4=[Ctrl][r] evtChatHistory=[z] evntPlayerPingCursor=[g] ... etc. etc.
If you can't find the description of the hotkey you're looking for, create a custom game, go to the in-game menu and assign random buttons to the hotkey you want to change. PageUp, }, + and other random keys are fun to use. Then just exit the game and go back to the input.ini file.
The full list of all events and keyboard inputs are below.
I want to run LoL full-screen but I also want to be able to alt-tab and not have LoL minimise but just be in the background instead. This can now be done through the in-game menu, under Video Options. Select Borderless Mode instead of Full-Screen or Windowed. + Show Spoiler +
Go to the directory that you installed LoL in. Go to RiotGames -> RADS -> solutions -> lol_game_client_sln -> releases -> (or whatever the most recent one is) -> deploy -> DATA -> CFG and open the file game in Notepad. Under "Windowed=1" (or "Windowed=0" if you don't have League of Legends currently set to windowed mode) make a new line and put "BorderlessWindow=1".
I want to change between the NA/EU servers and/or change my language settings. Can now be done by the client interface thanks to Patch 1.22
I'm in SEA but my client won't let me get onto the EU/US Servers and I can't play with my friends. Help! + Show Spoiler +
Method 1: Download and extract files to your League of Legends installed folder (overwrite files). As I did not make this method I can not vouch for what these files are.
Method 2: Go to the directory that you installed LoL in. Go to RiotGames -> RADS -> projects -> lol_launcher -> managed files -> (or whatever the most recent one is). Edit NA_*_*.tra, EUW_*_*.tra and EUNE_*_*.tra and en_US.tra files. For EU use en_GB.tra,pl_PL.tra, de_DE.tra, es_ES.tra, fr_FR.tra.
Find these lines:
tr "url_host_news" = "" tr "url_path_news" = "/pages/launcher/na" (US) or tr "url_path_news" = "/pages/launcher/eu?lang=pl" (EU/PL) or tr "url_path_news" = "/pages/launcher/eu?lang=en" (EU/EN) or tr "url_path_news" = "/pages/launcher/eu?lang=es" (EU/ES) or tr "url_path_news" = "/pages/launcher/eu?lang=fr" (EU/FR) or tr "url_path_news" = "/pages/launcher/eu?lang=de" (EU/DE)
Replace them with:
tr "url_host_news" = "" tr "url_path_news" = "/raw.php?i=BAYpxAWN" (US) or tr "url_path_news" = "/raw.php?i=FMqKS9Cw" (EU/PL) or tr "url_path_news" = "/raw.php?i=0HFG9mCY" (EU/EN) or tr "url_path_news" = "/raw.php?i=q636RkYq" (EU/ES) or tr "url_path_news" = "/raw.php?i=Ws3uvYQv" (EU/FR) or tr "url_path_news" = "/raw.php?i=DnytMQm6" (EU/DE)
With this method, the Launcher will always say ONLINE even if the Server is not. Do be aware.
I want to modify the in-game recommended items but not have to update it each patch. How can I do this? Thanks to Patch 3.7 you can now edit Recommended Items though the PvP Client in your Profile section.
Can I modify the size of the HUD elements without changing my resolution? + Show Spoiler +
Go to the directory you installed LoL and go to RADS -> solutions -> lol_game_client_sln -> releases -> (or the most recent number) -> deploy -> data -> menu -> hud. You want to look for an existing file with the name hud1024x768.ini (or something similar depending on your existing resolution setting). This files contains things like how big your in-game minimap is and stuff. Here you can modify the size of various parts of the HUG.
This is what a default HUD Setting might look like:
The values 1.0000 basically mean to use the default settings of your HUD Resolution. Making this number larger makes the HUD Scale appropriately. So, for example, setting minimap to 2.0000 will make it larger.
At the bottom of the file, add:
[Scoreboard] Scale=1.0000
If you want to make it larger, of course use a biger value than 1.0000 in the file.
Are they are cool extra hotkeys I can add in for things such as timers calling MIA? + Show Spoiler +
Thanks to Alkow, you now can! Instructions are below.. I have not personally used it but it has received quite a lot of praise from lots of other people.
In game you want to go to your key bindings and unbind F1-F5, which correspond to select self (F1) and select allies (F2-F5)
Run the script
F1 = mia
F2 = re
F3 = Blue Timer
F4 = Dragon Timer
F5 = Baron Timer
On October 08 2011 alkow wrote: you'll see a tooltip appear over your mouse cursor when you activate the timer just to confirm it has started and you'll see an in-game team chat saying "blue 30s" or when there're 30 seconds left until whatever respawns.
originally i had it as blue/red for f3 but i primarily play ap heroes and don't give a shit about red buff so fuck that. feel free go edit the script for it to say whatever you want. it's pretty self-explanatory where you need to edit what.
it gets really complicated coding a script to track two things with the same timer, that's why red/blue are on one hotkey. however, don't get confused and think that you can only track one blue or one red buff. you can track all four buffs at once with this script and you'll get four reminders that they'll respawn in 30 seconds. you just have to remember which one.
If you want to modify the client spectate panel, this is going to be a bit harder...
Go to the directory you install LoL in, then go to League of Legends -> Config and open game.cfg in Notepad. Underneath the section called [GENERA add the following line at the end:
This is where I put everything else that don't really fit in the other sections.
My client is really messed up/is unusable/I accidentally modified or deleted an important file/My dog rewrote the source code when I went to get a drink. Help! Do I have to reinstall?(a.k.a. How to do a Client Repair) + Show Spoiler +
Luckily for you, thanks to RADS you do not need to uninstall and reinstall LoL if your game files have a problem. On the Client Launcher Window, there is an option in the top right hand corner where you can choose to Repair the Client. By doing so, your client will attempt to check for problems in all game files and actively replace them. Do be aware that Repairing your Client can take a long time depending on your machine and your internet connection. You will also lose any modifications you have made to the game client, such as custom skins, as a result. All saved options such as resolutions, hotkeys, mastery pages, etc. will also be gone.
If you can't even open the Client Launcher for whatever reason, go to the directory where you installed League of Legends. Go to RiotGames -> RADS -> system and then run the file rads_user_kernel.exe
If this doesn't work you've probably really done something bad to you client and will probably have to uninstall and then reinstall. But it shouldn't get to this stage unless your dog rewrote the code for the patcher as well.
Can I take screenshots without having to Print-Screen, alt-tab out and paste? + Show Spoiler +
Yes. The default hotkey for taking a screenshot in game is F12. Screenshots are saved in the directory you installed LoL. To find them, go to RiotGames -> RADS -> solutions -> lol_game_client_sln -> releases -> (or whatever the most recent one is) -> deploy unless it's been changed.
Where can I find my game logs if I'm submitting a Support Ticket? + Show Spoiler +
Be as detailed as possible such as stating the time and date the problem occurred and the steps you did that caused it to happen. If you are reporting about a problem with the client when it was running (such as it suddenly crashing, or other errors) it is extremely useful to attach your game logs. These can be found in the directory you installed LoL in. Go to RiotGames -> Logs. Then go to the relevant folder for R3d Logs or Network Logs. The log files are named based on the time and date of your most recent games/client sessions. Find the corresponding netlog or r3dlog and upload them with your Support Ticket.
R3d logs correspond with games you have played, netlogs are when you connect to the PvP Server or patch.
What is a DxDiag or a Process List and how can I get them? + Show Spoiler +
A DxDiag is a Direct X Diagnostic. It lists the components of your computer. It lets the person reading it know about what's in your computer, such as GPU, Memory, driver status, etc.
To obtain a DxDiag, go to the start menu and choose Run. Then type dxdiag. In a Windows 7 computer, you can type this directly into the search box at the bottom of the start menu instead. In the diagnostic tool, select Save All Information. Choose a folder to save the diagnostic in. Save the file as a simple text document by selecting the type of file you're saving, or typing ".txt" at the end of the file.
A Process List gathers a list of all the programs running at the time you generate the list. Its use is self-explanatory. Instructions on how to obtain one can be read here.
I decided to read random files in my client and I see the word error in all these log/diagnostic/misc files all over the place. Is this a problem? + Show Spoiler +
If your LoL Client still works and you can play games, it's not a problem. RADS is designed to be pretty resilient against small problems so even if errors occur it can generally work its way around them or even fix them actively.
Are there any applications for my phone that are related to LoL? + Show Spoiler +
There is an Android Application made by a member of the community that can let you see the LoL News Feed, view the current champion rotation, see NA/EU server status, access the Tribunal and more. Please note that I do not own an Android phone so I have not tried this application. The LoL Forum Thread is here.
It is also possible to connect to the PvP Client Chat from outside of the client although it's rather fussy. PM me if you want to do something like this on Jabber or other programs.
What Ports are required for LoL and how can I check if my internet connection has problems? + Show Spoiler +
League of Legends requires the following ports:
5000 - 5500 UDP (League of Legends Game Client)
8393 - 8400 TCP (Patcher and Maestro)
2099 TCP (PVP.Net)
5223 TCP (PVP.Net)
5222 TCP (PVP.Net)
80 TCP (HTTP Connections)
443 TCP (HTTPS Connections)
2099 (Log-In Connection)
Access to 6881 is helpful but not required.
If you ever need to check your internet connection for problems, a useful tool is the ICSI Netalyzr, which both the Wrenchies and Rioters use for quick checks. Please give the link to the results if you have any queries so we can have a look at them!
For those interested in configuring exemptions lists, the following may be useful:
North America Login Details:
IP Address:
Europe West Login Details:
IP Address:
Europe Nordic & East Login Details:
IP Address:
Where can I find patch note details for all champions? + Show Spoiler +
I want to run LoL full-screen but I also want to be able to alt-tab and not have LoL minimise but just be in the background instead.
Go to the directory that you installed LoL in. Go to RiotGames -> RADS -> solutions -> lol_game_client_sln -> releases -> (or whatever the most recent one is) -> deploy -> DATA -> CFG and open the file game in Notepad. Under "Windowed=1" (or "Windowed=0" if you don't have League of Legends currently set to windowed mode) make a new line and put "BorderlessWindow=1".
I tried this and got an issue where I couldn't make windows appear on top of LoL. It Alt-Tabbed really smoothly but the client would always be on top for some reason. Has this happened to anyone else?
folders. I am able to start the PvP client though, and every time I try to log in, it just says wrong username/passwort which is due to LoL only having one error message, according to this FAQ. Help is GREATLY appreciated.
Edit: I have these folders and will now try out the guide again. I'll edit once I have some outcomes.
Edit 2: YAY, it worked. Sorry for spamming this awesome thread. Keep it up. <3
Some friends of mine who had shitty processors used to close the client to gain a few FPS. Don't know if this is still possible with the new patcher/client (should work!). The only draw back is that they couldn't see the score screen after a game.
On July 13 2011 22:06 IntoTheWow wrote: I skimmed through and I didn't see this:
Some friends of mine who had shitty processors used to close the client to gain a few FPS. Don't know if this is still possible with the new patcher/client (should work!). The only draw back is that they couldn't see the score screen after a game.
Correct me if I'm wrong!
do you have to login again after every game then?
my comp isnt too good, but possibly having to login again after each game would suck in current EU situation
On July 13 2011 22:06 IntoTheWow wrote: I skimmed through and I didn't see this:
Some friends of mine who had shitty processors used to close the client to gain a few FPS. Don't know if this is still possible with the new patcher/client (should work!). The only draw back is that they couldn't see the score screen after a game.
Correct me if I'm wrong!
do you have to login again after every game then?
my comp isnt too good, but possibly having to login again after each game would suck in current EU situation
Not sure, since I never did this, but yeah, most probably you would need to log back in.
On July 13 2011 22:06 IntoTheWow wrote: I skimmed through and I didn't see this:
Some friends of mine who had shitty processors used to close the client to gain a few FPS. Don't know if this is still possible with the new patcher/client (should work!). The only draw back is that they couldn't see the score screen after a game.
Correct me if I'm wrong!
do you have to login again after every game then?
my comp isnt too good, but possibly having to login again after each game would suck in current EU situation
I would try using It just basically closes everything that isn't needed for you while you play the game. Another way of increasing fps is turning vertical sync off on your video card. As you probably already know low settings, and windows mode actually causes a drop in fps.
Just found out about it, and went from 500 ping with constant dcs to a steady 180-200 ping. It's still pretty bad but playable. You do have to register an account tho, for a 10 free trial.
I crashed from a game but the Login Server is down/PvP Launcher says Busy so I can't log in to reconnect to my game. Help! + Show Spoiler +
The EU Riot Customer Support has created a wonderful tool you can use to reconnect to both the EU and NA Servers. You can download the files [url blocked]. If it is urgent, you can directly run this file here. But please download the file if possible to save bandwidth.
Instructions: 1. Start a game 2. If the game and Client crash, just execute reconnect.exe! 3. You'll reconnect to the last game you've played without being logged in. 4. If the game doesn't exist or is already over, you'll get an error: Can't connect.
For more details and to post bug reports, the official LoL Forum Thread is here. Please say thank you to the Riot Staffers and Wrenchmen for creating and hosting this for you.
For those who want to be safe, here is a virus scan report to read. Note that every tool written with AutoIt causes Heuristic Detection. Download links are copied from the LoL Forum Thread so should be safe.
I should have access to the client again in 2 weeks. Busy with work atm. Will update more as soon as realistically possible. Perhaps this thread could be stickied if people find it useful. Would also make it easier for me to keep track of it and come back to edit it.
Apologies for the double post. Given the nature of this thread though, hopefully I can be forgiven!
I have access to the client again so I will be going through any issues raised in this thread and updating the OP(s). If you have anything tech that needs asking, this is the place to do it.
I want to run LoL full-screen but I also want to be able to alt-tab and not have LoL minimise but just be in the background instead.
Go to the directory that you installed LoL in. Go to RiotGames -> RADS -> solutions -> lol_game_client_sln -> releases -> (or whatever the most recent one is) -> deploy -> DATA -> CFG and open the file game in Notepad. Under "Windowed=1" (or "Windowed=0" if you don't have League of Legends currently set to windowed mode) make a new line and put "BorderlessWindow=1".
I tried this and got an issue where I couldn't make windows appear on top of LoL. It Alt-Tabbed really smoothly but the client would always be on top for some reason. Has this happened to anyone else?
I can't seem to reproduce this although I have a few ideas. Do you mind going to the file game.ini and copy-paste the contents of it into a spoiler tag?
On July 13 2011 22:18 Vlanitak wrote: Amazing moonbear, #1 dude question is there anyway to play on my phone running android?
Theoretically, it would be. But you'd have to modify the client and figure out how to play without a mouse haha.
One a related note, there is an andrioid application that I have learnt about. I don't have an Andriod phone so haven't tested it. But it seems useful. This application will allow you to see the lateset LoL News Feed, Champion Rotation, Tribunal and more. The Official Thread is found here. If anyone tries this, please tell me about what it's like.
I just realized: everytime Ryze uses his Q my game freezes, shuts itself down a couple of seconds later and makes me rage times infinity. I have a 13'' MacBook Pro early 2011 and have never experienced similar issues. And it seriously only happens whenever Ryze Qs. Kinda dumb. Anyone knows how to solve that little issue?
On August 01 2011 09:02 Shiv. wrote: I just realized: everytime Ryze uses his Q my game freezes, shuts itself down a couple of seconds later and makes me rage times infinity. I have a 13'' MacBook Pro early 2011 and have never experienced similar issues. And it seriously only happens whenever Ryze Qs. Kinda dumb. Anyone knows how to solve that little issue?
I'm afraid this is something I can't help you with. You will have to submit a support ticket to Riot and include your game logs with it.
Update: There is a method to access LoL chat from outside the client (say, from an iPhone) but I can not vouch that this is a stable (or even allowed) method right now. More news at 6 (not literally).
I have a problem with LoL that is rendering me unable to play.
During the game I get temporary freezes that can last between 1-10 seconds, most commonly in the 1-2 second range.
My FPS is stable as is my latency; I can see everything going on around me, I just can't control my character in any way shape or form.
I posted on the LoL forums, they said that they're aware of the issue (apparently it's common for canada/alaska) and that the only thing they've had moderate success with with is switching to a public dns server.
I've done that and although it cuts down on the amount of freezes it still sucks to stop mid fight and only be able to watch other people kill me.
If anyone has had a similar experience or any ideas as to what's going on i'd love some help. Getting my ass kicked on nightmare in D2 is fun and super nostalgic but i'd really like to play some LoL.
On August 07 2011 02:33 WirelessWaffle wrote: I have a problem with LoL that is rendering me unable to play.
During the game I get temporary freezes that can last between 1-10 seconds, most commonly in the 1-2 second range.
My FPS is stable as is my latency; I can see everything going on around me, I just can't control my character in any way shape or form.
I posted on the LoL forums, they said that they're aware of the issue (apparently it's common for canada/alaska) and that the only thing they've had moderate success with with is switching to a public dns server.
I've done that and although it cuts down on the amount of freezes it still sucks to stop mid fight and only be able to watch other people kill me.
If anyone has had a similar experience or any ideas as to what's going on i'd love some help. Getting my ass kicked on nightmare in D2 is fun and super nostalgic but i'd really like to play some LoL.
Edit: This only happens for LoL
Because of the fact the servers always have to tell you what is going on, I'm tempted to say that maybe it's just Canadian internet that peters out when there's a massive amount of packets from the server that arrive during a teamfight. But that feels like a cop-out.
Have a read of this article and see if any of the information there is relevant. If not, tell me and I'll have a think over this.
I've gone through most of the common ones on that page like restarting router/modem, disabling firewalls etc
I won't be using a wired connection anytime soon but I don't think that's the issue, when i checked for packet loss with google i had 186/187 packets sent and received, so less than 1% loss.
I'm pretty sure my internet speed isn't the problem since i've heard of people running LoL fine with slower speeds.
And i've already used the berkeley network analyzer and posted in the LoL Help and Support forums. The only thing I remember that was bad on that test was packet loss, and I think that's just because berkeley is so far away. When I ran the test multiple times the packet loss would fluctuate between 0-7%.
This started happening after my ISP replaced my router and modem (they were very old) with a 2 in 1 router/modem combo. My internet connection would drop randomly for 5-10 minutes a couple times a day (TV would be toast along with it, on the old rotuer/modem) and that doesn't happen anymore. I'll edit this post after I finish my breakfast with the router brand/model.
Actiontec V1000H I think this is made specifically for telus because the firmware is insanely restrictive.
Hm. Your internet seems fine. But since you mention it only started happening after you for the new modem+router I can't discount that possibility. Maybe it's the firmware that's playing up with the LoL Client?
I think your best bet is just sending in a Support Ticket to Riot with the stuff you told me and see what they say. There have been issues with Canadians having difficulty with LoL before so they might know what's up. Could be a Telus specific thing. You can tell them that your friendly Wrenchy is also kinda not sure what to do and you tried the regular stuff (like powercycling your router). Sorry I couldn't help you. >.<
Btw, you might want to erase the Netlog stuff. I could probably track down where you live with that IP info. ^^;
On August 08 2011 05:09 MoonBear wrote: Hm. Your internet seems fine. But since you mention it only started happening after you for the new modem+router I can't discount that possibility. Maybe it's the firmware that's playing up with the LoL Client?
I think your best bet is just sending in a Support Ticket to Riot with the stuff you told me and see what they say. There have been issues with Canadians having difficulty with LoL before so they might know what's up. Could be a Telus specific thing. You can tell them that your friendly Wrenchy is also kinda not sure what to do and you tried the regular stuff (like powercycling your router). Sorry I couldn't help you. >.<
Btw, you might want to erase the Netlog stuff. I could probably track down where you live with that IP info. ^^;
Yeah i kinda figured it wasn't the best thing to put on a public forum but i think it's only you and me reading this thread right now considering the view count lol
I'll try customer support but tickets take forever =(
On August 08 2011 05:09 MoonBear wrote: Hm. Your internet seems fine. But since you mention it only started happening after you for the new modem+router I can't discount that possibility. Maybe it's the firmware that's playing up with the LoL Client?
I think your best bet is just sending in a Support Ticket to Riot with the stuff you told me and see what they say. There have been issues with Canadians having difficulty with LoL before so they might know what's up. Could be a Telus specific thing. You can tell them that your friendly Wrenchy is also kinda not sure what to do and you tried the regular stuff (like powercycling your router). Sorry I couldn't help you. >.<
Btw, you might want to erase the Netlog stuff. I could probably track down where you live with that IP info. ^^;
Yeah i kinda figured it wasn't the best thing to put on a public forum but i think it's only you and me reading this thread right now considering the view count lol
I'll try customer support but tickets take forever =(
Thanks anyways for taking the time to try ^.^
Customer Support Tickers should be responded to within 2-3 days now. It's a lot better than before.
Firstly, check your Video Card Drivers are up to date.
Secondly, maybe turn down some of the graphic settings in LoL. Sometimes if you do 'Fast Terrain' it can mess up the graphics.
If that doesn't work, try repairing your files. You can do this by going to the PvP Client Launcher (the one with the big PLAY button), clicking on the gear icon in the top right, and choosing repair.
And if all of that still doesn't help, come back and tell me. Maybe add some details about your game settings and stuff and I'll see what I can do.
I get a five second lag every five minutes or so, most of the time it doesn't matter but it happens enough that it usually matters every match. Is it because my computer or internet? It's very different from lag I've had in other games because it happens on a regular basis and the rest of the match the game runs smoothly.
On August 17 2011 11:29 BlackMagister wrote: I get a five second lag every five minutes or so, most of the time it doesn't matter but it happens enough that it usually matters every match. Is it because my computer or internet? It's very different from lag I've had in other games because it happens on a regular basis and the rest of the match the game runs smoothly.
Since I don't know what your internet or machine is like, I can't comment on what it could be. It might be your internet unable to handle a sudden surge in data packets from the server, or it could be your computer not being able to cope with it.
What settings do you play on, your machine specs, and can you do a speedtest and check what kind of interet you have?
On August 19 2011 02:16 BlackMagister wrote: Well not sure what info is needed but
Online speed check Download Speed: 4595 kbps (574.4 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 605 kbps (75.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
Processor: Intel Core i3 CPU M330 @ 2.13GHz (4CPUs), ~2.1GHz
Hm. They seem fine. Are you playing LoL on max settings? That might cause problems. Also, what programs are normally running in the background when you play LoL? If you're downloading stuff it might cause problems if the client suddenly needs to request a lot of packets from the servers.
On August 19 2011 02:16 BlackMagister wrote: Well not sure what info is needed but
Online speed check Download Speed: 4595 kbps (574.4 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 605 kbps (75.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
Processor: Intel Core i3 CPU M330 @ 2.13GHz (4CPUs), ~2.1GHz
Hm. They seem fine. Are you playing LoL on max settings? That might cause problems. Also, what programs are normally running in the background when you play LoL? If you're downloading stuff it might cause problems if the client suddenly needs to request a lot of packets from the servers.
Ah didn't think about lowering my graphic settings because it ran smooth the rest of the time. Lowered my graphic settings and it works fine now.
Hello, can anybody help me out? I am openeing this application and when its done udpadting and i "click here to play," it shuts the entire program adn the log in screen does not appear. I tried both reinstalling the program and repairing it to no evail. This happened right after I accepted the New EULU as of today. Does anybody have the same problem and where is a forum where i can seek information for my problem? Thank you all
Hi there. You'll have to give more details. What OS do you use? What are your system specs? Do you have anything running in the background when you play LoL? Etc.
I will post soon regarding the termination of the Mac Client and other related information like getting the Windows Client working. Stay tuned for more details Summoners!
How can I continue playing LoL on a Mac? The quickest and easiest way of playing LoL on a Mac is to use Bootcamp or other similar software (such as VMWareFusion and Parallel). I am only familiar with Bootcamp and it comes with all Macs. Also, not all of you Mac users here on TL may own other software so I will only explain how to use Bootcamp to play LoL on a Mac. These instructions are courtesy of Boomjpe, the Mac expert amongst the Wrenchies.
You will need:
Your DVD of OS X (doesn't matter whether it is Leopard, Snow Leopard or Lion)
Get a working copy of Windows
A burnable CD (700MB) for Windows XP or a burnable DVD (4.7GB) for Windows 7. You can burn the copy of Windows to as an ISO but if you know how to do that, you probably don't need instructions on how to use Bootcamp! ^^
If you just want to get Windows running to play LoL, then Windows XP will probably be the best choice. If you want to play around with Windows for other stuff and have good hardware, then Windows 7 is worth a look.
Burn Windows onto the CD.Then launch Boot Camp (Applications - Utilities - Boot Camp Assistant). Insert the burned CD. The Boot Camp Assistant will guide you through. As soon as the installation is done, insert your OS X DVD and install BootCamp Tools.
If I install Windows, what if I get viruses or other malware? One fun thing about Macs is that if you get a virus on the Windows part, just remove it completely and reinstall Windows. Problem solved. When you partition the disk to install Windows, it separates the Mac and Windows parts so there's no risk of contamination. Also, Windows Viruses won't work on the Mac OS anyway because they're not made to run in UNIX.
Is there any other way to get a full proper client on the Mac (i.e. no Windows?)? This is being looked into. I will post when I get more details.
What is the RP Refund? The RP Refund is an option for Mac users to have all RP Purchases refunded to them. This will however close your account. This means that if you come back to LoL, you may have to start all over again. You will also lose any unique special skins (e.g. King Rammus, UFO Corki) which have no RP value.
Am I eligible for the free Champions? If you were a participant of the Mac Beta, you will qualify for the rewards. I am not certain about those who used the Mac Beta Client but were not formal beta testers. I am under the impression you will qualify if most of your logins were from the Mac Client, but do not quote me on this.
From September 2nd to the 6th (Friday to Tuesday) you will need to visit the store using the Mac Client. Your account will then be rewarded at the end of September. If you are not rewarded, contact Riot Support about the issue with a Support Ticket.
Where can I find more help on this issue? The Official LoL Forums have a dedicated Mac Testing Subforum. It can be found here. The resident Wrenchy is Boomjpe who is a really great guy.
Any further questions I will see what I can answer.
So I had the mac beta client, but after it closes I can still run LoL on windows 7 paralleled. However, there is an annoying bug where a high percentage of games, any right clicks at the start of the game don't do anything and I need to restart it.
On September 05 2011 03:22 Shiv. wrote: Just ran Bootcamp and it specifically said I needed a copy of Windows 7. Will it still work if I just use a copy of XP?
Ah. If you're trying to use a 64-bit Windows XP it won't work on Boot Camp 3.0 (Mac OS X 10.6). That might be why.
On September 05 2011 01:55 Nehsb wrote: So I had the mac beta client, but after it closes I can still run LoL on windows 7 paralleled. However, there is an annoying bug where a high percentage of games, any right clicks at the start of the game don't do anything and I need to restart it.
Is there any way to stop this?
I have not heard of this bug before. Is there anything in common with the games where the right-click does not work properly? Maybe programs running in the background, or the champion selected?
On September 05 2011 03:22 Shiv. wrote: Just ran Bootcamp and it specifically said I needed a copy of Windows 7. Will it still work if I just use a copy of XP?
Ah. If you're trying to use a 64-bit Windows XP it won't work on Boot Camp 3.0 (Mac OS X 10.6). That might be why.
Apparently, not even the 32-bit version will work. Bootcamp does not support any versions below Windows 7 anymore. Is there a way to downgrade Bootcamp to a version that still does support Windows XP or am I really bound to pay $160 to play LoL?
Hi. Sorry I have not replied for a while. I can understand this may be frustrating to many Mac Players. Unfortunately, I'm slightly sick and there has been a tonne of work that recently came in so I'm super dooper busy. I will try and get something concrete by/on the weekend.
On September 07 2011 06:48 MoonBear wrote: Hi. Sorry I have not replied for a while. I can understand this may be frustrating to many Mac Players. Unfortunately, I'm slightly sick and there has been a tonne of work that recently came in so I'm super dooper busy. I will try and get something concrete by/on the weekend.
Sorry again!
Hey, any help is greatly appreciated and as far as I am aware, you don't get paid for helping people around here, so don't feel obligated to help asap. I really appreciate what you do for the Mac community. BTW, it's already wednesday in Germany and my client is still working flawlessly.
Sooo, I tend to have an unstable internet connection these days, and tend to disconnect in a game. However, if I sometimes manage to reconnect directly, sometimes the games closes (or I click the wrong button -_-). One It's closed, I can never reconnect again. Never Using, the loading screens show up (or I got a black screen) and after some seconds, just closes. Using the reconnect tool does show the LoL logo (as shown when you start the game) and then nothing happens.
Any idea other than throw modem through a window ?
I keep getting random disconnects from the server even when I know my internet is working. It's been happening more and more frequently. I know this is probably the most vague description ever, but do you have any ideas what might be causing this? Using a modem and wireless, every time I disconnect and try the reconnect that shows up the reconnect button turns gray and doesn't work, so I have to restart the client and open it up again in which time I usually lose close games. Very frustrating.
On September 10 2011 03:11 -Zoda- wrote: Sooo, I tend to have an unstable internet connection these days, and tend to disconnect in a game. However, if I sometimes manage to reconnect directly, sometimes the games closes (or I click the wrong button -_-). One It's closed, I can never reconnect again. Never Using, the loading screens show up (or I got a black screen) and after some seconds, just closes. Using the reconnect tool does show the LoL logo (as shown when you start the game) and then nothing happens.
Any idea other than throw modem through a window ?
That's particularly odd. Okay. 1) Check your firewall and anti-virus configurations. Sometimes a patch may change the base game code and some firewalls/antivirus programmes won't recognise LoL anymore. 2) Check your internet. If it's being unstable, it may be a side effect of this. If you're in France then I think you'll want to check for your connection to Germany. Run a test for packet loss. 3) If none of this works, send me your Logs in a PM and I'll give them a quick look.
On September 10 2011 03:57 Navi wrote: I keep getting random disconnects from the server even when I know my internet is working. It's been happening more and more frequently. I know this is probably the most vague description ever, but do you have any ideas what might be causing this? Using a modem and wireless, every time I disconnect and try the reconnect that shows up the reconnect button turns gray and doesn't work, so I have to restart the client and open it up again in which time I usually lose close games. Very frustrating.
Is this EU or NA server, and where are you playing from?
On September 10 2011 03:11 -Zoda- wrote: Sooo, I tend to have an unstable internet connection these days, and tend to disconnect in a game. However, if I sometimes manage to reconnect directly, sometimes the games closes (or I click the wrong button -_-). One It's closed, I can never reconnect again. Never Using, the loading screens show up (or I got a black screen) and after some seconds, just closes. Using the reconnect tool does show the LoL logo (as shown when you start the game) and then nothing happens.
Any idea other than throw modem through a window ?
That's particularly odd. Okay. 1) Check your firewall and anti-virus configurations. Sometimes a patch may change the base game code and some firewalls/antivirus programmes won't recognise LoL anymore.
I can play before being disconnected, so I guess it's not this. I just played a game versus IA where the loading screen shut down, and after that, I clearly saw that I've been disconnected from internet, so I guess its what happend any moment internet is failing (I managed to connect back tho). I'll try to run a test (I need to find exactly how lulz, guess it's with command lines).
On September 10 2011 03:11 -Zoda- wrote: Sooo, I tend to have an unstable internet connection these days, and tend to disconnect in a game. However, if I sometimes manage to reconnect directly, sometimes the games closes (or I click the wrong button -_-). One It's closed, I can never reconnect again. Never Using, the loading screens show up (or I got a black screen) and after some seconds, just closes. Using the reconnect tool does show the LoL logo (as shown when you start the game) and then nothing happens.
Any idea other than throw modem through a window ?
That's particularly odd. Okay. 1) Check your firewall and anti-virus configurations. Sometimes a patch may change the base game code and some firewalls/antivirus programmes won't recognise LoL anymore.
I can play before being disconnected, so I guess it's not this. I just played a game versus IA where the loading screen shut down, and after that, I clearly saw that I've been disconnected from internet, so I guess its what happend any moment internet is failing (I managed to connect back tho). I'll try to run a test (I need to find exactly how lulz, guess it's with command lines).
Try the ICSI Netalyzr to check for basic packet loss and to check if any ports have restrictions.
Regarding the Mac Client Issue: Firstly, if you have issues with Bootcamp, the official Support Page is here. Please check Bootcamp is up to date before using it. Bootcamp is default on Macs so you should have to install it. If you have somehow uninstalled it, you can reinstall it from the Mac OS Disk.
You do not necessarily have to have a legit copy of Windows to run Bootcamp. It's just not recommended as it is illegal. I do not condone this, and neither does Riot.
VMWare Fusion has been confirmed to work. Please follow the instructions that came with the program as I have never used it before.
A separate semi-client is being tested by some people with Mac know-how. If it works, I will inform everyone ASAP!
On September 10 2011 03:11 -Zoda- wrote: Sooo, I tend to have an unstable internet connection these days, and tend to disconnect in a game. However, if I sometimes manage to reconnect directly, sometimes the games closes (or I click the wrong button -_-). One It's closed, I can never reconnect again. Never Using, the loading screens show up (or I got a black screen) and after some seconds, just closes. Using the reconnect tool does show the LoL logo (as shown when you start the game) and then nothing happens.
Any idea other than throw modem through a window ?
That's particularly odd. Okay. 1) Check your firewall and anti-virus configurations. Sometimes a patch may change the base game code and some firewalls/antivirus programmes won't recognise LoL anymore.
I can play before being disconnected, so I guess it's not this. I just played a game versus IA where the loading screen shut down, and after that, I clearly saw that I've been disconnected from internet, so I guess its what happend any moment internet is failing (I managed to connect back tho). I'll try to run a test (I need to find exactly how lulz, guess it's with command lines).
Try the ICSI Netalyzr to check for basic packet loss and to check if any ports have restrictions.
An all-in one programm, that is exactly what I needed to understand my problems.
Looks like it's not working completely fine (euphemism) : + Show Spoiler +
Major Abnormalities
Your system has an IPv6 address that does not work
Minor Aberrations
Certain TCP protocols are blocked in outbound traffic Fragmented UDP traffic is blocked The network measured bursts of packet loss None of the server's bandwidth measurement packets arrived at the client The network blocks some or all EDNS replies Not all DNS types were correctly processed
My diagnosis is that it is most likely your internet that is causing all these problems due to an unstable connection. If it's a local thing, try power cycling your router. Turn it off, go for a walk for a few minutes, come back and turn it back on. If you leave a router running for a while, it "clogs up" so to speak. But do talk to your provider See if they know if there's anything going on.
I was pretty sure my internet is the problem. My provider is actually one of the worst... I'm wondering also if my wifi card is dying a bit, or the router, it disconnects very frenquently when I run multiple connections (e.g.: watching a stream + refresh two sites, or playing LoL while on Mumble).
On September 11 2011 06:15 -Zoda- wrote: I was pretty sure my internet is the problem. My provider is actually one of the worst... I'm wondering also if my wifi card is dying a bit, or the router, it disconnects very frenquently when I run multiple connections (e.g.: watching a stream + refresh two sites, or playing LoL while on Mumble).
Hm. If you're having frequent problems then it's best to contact your provider. Unfortunately, my speciality isn't in these things so I'm not sure what the best thing to do is. If there's specific advise about internet provision and router work you'd like, perhaps Riot Support can assist you in setting up the optimum online experience for LoL. Specifically, they could tell you how to check that you can get a clear connection to the servers and the optimum MTU for your router and the like.
Also this has some to my attention regarding the Mac Client. Legal Disclaimer: I am not sure if this is considered an exploit (it most likely is) but I have posted it here for reference purposes only. I do not condone this method and neither have I tried it. Use at your own risk.
On September 15 2011 10:16 MoonBear wrote: Thread updated in Section 3 on how to rescale HUD elements in-game without changing resolution.
Which one is the scoreboard?
Instructions are posted again below. You need to add in an additional element to the HUD settings file.
Can I modify the size of the HUD elements without changing my resolution? + Show Spoiler +
Go to the directory you installed LoL and go to RADS -> solutions -> lol_game_client_sln -> releases -> (or the most recent number) -> deploy -> data -> menu -> hud. You want to look for an existing file with the name hud1024x768.ini (or something similar depending on your existing resolution setting). This files contains things like how big your in-game minimap is and stuff. Here you can modify the size of various parts of the HUG.
This is what a default HUD Setting might look like:
The values 1.0000 basically mean to use the default settings of your HUD Resolution. Making this number larger makes the HUD Scale appropriately. So, for example, setting minimap to 2.0000 will make it larger.
At the bottom of the file, add:
[Scoreboard] Scale=1.0000
If you want to make it larger, of course use a biger value than 1.0000 in the file.
On September 17 2011 07:14 ibreakurface wrote: Does anyone else have the "Stuck at 33%" patch error? I've had it for 3 days now. I'm getting deprived of my LoL.
1) There's a TL LoL Tech Thread in the sub-forum... 2) Check all ports are open (see Tech Thread for the exact ports and how to check) 3) Check anti-virus and firewall aren't blocking LoL 4) Check it's not an internet thing. Sometimes it takes a while to download the release manifesto 5) If none of that helps, post in the Tech Thread and tell me more about the nature of the problem. (e.g. Is it getting stuck on Part 1/2 or 2/2? What file does it stop at? What OS are you using? What country are you from? Etc.)
On September 17 2011 07:12 BlackPaladin wrote: You my friend, are very good at this game. So good in fact that they see your name on the loading screen and the game just auto-surrenders the opposing team.
I thought only jesse perring could make that happen....
That explains why my Skype has been so buggy recently!
1) Sorry, thank you for still responding 2) Again, sorry. I can't seem to find it, I went through the the tech thread and saw nothing on ports. 3) I disabled my firewall and antivirus and it did nothing. 4) My internet is mega fast, ethernet cable+college internet=jesus. 5) Ok
I am using windows vista 64bit. I have an "ATI Mobility Radeon Premium Graphics" card. I use norton antivirus. I use an HP Pavilion dv6. I have plenty of memory. I'm East coast U.S. on the NA server.
As for the patcher. It gets stuck on riven.mp3, applying patches (same thing happened for talon with the last patch but after a few days away when I came back after a trip it patched fine). 33% of total update, 99% of step 1. After a long period of time it gives me an error (0xc1e9006) saying it failed to download and extract all files.
I've repaired it several times, and uninstalled/reinstalled, it i still broken for me.
P.S. "Useful Terminology I use in this thread
LoL: Leage of Legends. It doesn't mean I'm laughing at you. (Maybe.)"
@ibreakurface: Hey there. Okay, I spoke to some Techies about your problem. Normally that would be an issue with permissions or something restricting your download. But you have antivirus and firewall off, and I'm assuming you have Admin Privileges (i.e. using Admin Account) so I won't bring that up.
Try the following steps:
Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Cleanup
Check everything and click OK.
Go to C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\downloads and delete everything inside
Go to C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\temp and delete everything inside.
Go to C:\Windows\Temp and delete everything inside
Delete Temporary Internet Files (See here for more details)
Hopefully that should help.
Also, if you get to 33% and it doesn't move, but no error message, let it run for a while. Sometimes the loader pauses at 33% but it continues to download.
So I figured I'd just ask here since I pretty much have no idea what is going wrong.
I used to play LoL on my Laptop. A couple of years old, Win Vista. I always had ~60 ping to EU and ~220 ping to US, sometimes going quite a bit higher, but that wasn't the norm and usually related to other people in the house using the internet at the same time.
I am in the process of migrating to my PC, Win 7. I installed LoL, had to try a couple of times to get the patcher running (some lol patcher kernel not reacting error), but that issue went away once I got it running once and patched the game. Then I played a coop. I had terrible ping, 1200-2000 for the majority of the time. I tried reconnecting, but I would get "server is busy" errors after inserting my password. I also got this error for the EUW server and when I tried to connect via my laptop. After a restart I was able to reconnect. Ping went from 400 to 1600 to 400 over ~10 minutes. I tried to "repair installation" from the patcher. Same thing again. I'm currently trying to play a game on the EUW server on my Laptop with my PC shut down.
I have a feeling that this could be related to LoLLauncher and/or PandoMediaBooster as those (apparently) don't shut down after I close the game.
I'd like to avoid a full reinstall as my internet is so damn slow. I still have the folder with the installation files though.
I will obviously continue trying to figure out what causes these issues...
Playing on EUW from my Laptop with my PC shut down: Everything works nicely. After closing the game, both PMB and lollauncher are gone from the taskmanager. So I really guess that something is wrong with these 2 programs and I kinda want to fix it without having to redownload everything...
So after some reading, it seems that Pando Media Booster is most likely the reason for these issues (no idea why it doesn't cause the same issues on my Laptop though). It also seems to be useless after installation. I even have to disable peer-to-peer for patching as it actually slows down my download IMMENSELY.
Is it safe to uninstall Pando Media Booster? Is it allowed or does Riot somehow require you to run it?
On September 19 2011 02:27 spinesheath wrote: So after some reading, it seems that Pando Media Booster is most likely the reason for these issues (no idea why it doesn't cause the same issues on my Laptop though). It also seems to be useless after installation. I even have to disable peer-to-peer for patching as it actually slows down my download IMMENSELY.
Is it safe to uninstall Pando Media Booster? Is it allowed or does Riot somehow require you to run it?
PMB is pretty much just used for the installation and patching distribution systems. Despite all the scare-posts floating around the internet, it's not actually dangerous for your computer. Uninstalling it shouldn't create any problems afaik. It will remove the ability to patch through peer-to-peer systems, but if you're not using that in the first place it's not an issue.
For actually playing LoL, only the main Client is necessary. PMB shouldn't slow down your computer though since I thought it terminates after the file scan check though. Hm. Well, if removing it improves performance then there's not much I can say. It could be something to do with Windows 7 or the hardware on your PC. Since I'm not aware of any issues with W7, it might be hardware related.
Well, I have a suspicion that most peer to peer stuff messes with my modem in some way.
Anyways, after restarting my PC, PMB started by itself without me touching anything related to it. It does take up some bandwidth and I don't have much of that to begin with.
Uninstalling PMB seems to have completely solved the issue. At least for now.
So I just thought I'd post about the problem I had/have now.
I mentioned this in general discussion since I was blind and Moonbear pointed me here:
I'm basically getting this error: Where after hero selection and the LoL logo, the client will just time out and crash. Trying to reconnect almost never works as I basically have a stuck in reconnect problem (where I load 100%, or just crash before that). Really not sure what to do
I'm getting pretty much the same thing. After champion select, the LOL logo will come up, but then just stay there, and I won't go to the champion loading screen. I can't reconnect in anyway. However, if I restart my computer it tends to let me reconnect (though everyone is level 4 at least :S). The part which I don't understand at all though, is that this only happens on the first game of my session. Once I'm logged in and have played a game, everything is fine in subsequent games. I even pre-empted it today by doing a training game, and after that crashed was able to play normally.
I've just started playing from China (on their server), which I assumed was causing the problem. Any ideas on a fix?
@PartyBiscuit: Normally when you get a black screen and no option of reconnecting, it's likely an internet based problem. Can you do a Netalyzr analysis to check your internet connection and post the results link here? If you don't want random people reading it, you can also PM it to me.
Also, repair your client and see if it helps. Go to the PvP Launcher (the one with the big PLAY button) and click the gear icon in the top right and choose on repair. You will need to reset your in-game options and Masteries Pages afterwards though.
@Tal: Hm. If it's just the first game... Can you send me an r3d log from a game where you had this error? I've posted how to find your logs in part 4 of of the first page on this thread. PM them to me or you can ask me for my e-mail through PM.
Also, are you in China playing on NA Server or in NA playing on Chinese Server or in China playing on Chinese Server? Little confused by that there.
I was playing today and anytime abilities were used in the top right side of my screen (purple side), their sound effects were distorted. However if I moved my camera further towards purple side, they would sound normal. This happened with Vlad, Malz, and Talon, as well as any abilities used by other players on that side of the screen.
I looked for an option for surround sound or something but no luck. Any other game I play sounds fine, and it's only when abilities are used "in the distance" toward the corner of the screen.
whenever i play LoL (or SC2 occassionally), after a few minutes, my computer freezes. the speakers/headphones play a buzzy noise, something like the last few milliseconds of sound on infinite loop.
also, this tends to only happen at UCLA and not at home.
@BlackHat: If abilities are used away from your character at a distance, you can still hear them but they will be quieter than normal. If they're to the right of your champion, they will come out through your right speaker and vice versa for the left. Is this what you're talking about? Or is it actual distortion of game? If there is actual distortion of the game sounds, do a Client Repair (see Part 4 of the first page for instructions). That should fix any sound files if they're broken.
@Alex: If LoL is working fine at home, it might be something with your connection at UCLA. If you're on a different computer, it could be an issue with the hardware. Alternatively it could be latency based. I can't comment much further unless I know more about the problem and other details like the machine you're using, etc.
Well Transfusion, Rake, etc were making sounds like a blown out speaker, so that's what I thought it was at first. However they were making normal sounds on the "close" side of the screen, so it wasn't my speakers. I just played two games and it appears to be fixed, so I am going to chalk it up to a freak glitch that I hope never happens again.
It's been getting more and more frequent and for longer periods of time. This is really really annoying...I just submitted the logs for a game in which I had it happen 4 or 5 times and for almost a full minute each time.
So, i want to rebind my tab key so that it doesn't do anything, but reading info in the OP about hotkey rebinding and google didnt help much. Since o is the only option to change to set the score screen it's not immediately obvious as to how to go about doing this.
alternatively i could use something to somehow suppress the tab keystroke, but google surprisingly wasn't terribly helpful in that regard
basically, since i have some really awful habits and borderline ocd, i mash the tab button all game, so while i dont mind terribly, its a really awful viewing experience for any1 watching.
@HeroHenry: I can't really say much unless I know more about the problem. The reason for that occuring could be anything from your internet connection not set up properly, overloaded router, ISP blocking ports, corrupted files in the client or server instability.
@Barbsq: I think TAB might be an unbindable key... What you can do is to redefine the scan codes for your keyboard. Every time you press a key, it generates a scan code that Windows then interprets. That's why the "G" Key creates a "G". If you modify the scan code, then you can get that key to do something else. If you want, you could redefine the scan code for the TAB key so it functions as something else? A nifty program that does the hard work for you is KeyTweak.
On September 24 2011 05:54 Craton wrote: It is really fking annoying how frequently the game crashes after logging it, when trying to load up the landing screen.
It happens at least 50% of all logins.
I'm afraid you're going to have to give me more information than just that. I'm not a wizard.
On September 26 2011 06:29 -Zoda- wrote: Is there any way to make chat rooms highlight when there are new messages ? It would be easier than having to open the chat everytime to check.
None afaik. You could potentially do it by modifying the client I guess... but that's a little too much hassle for a simple feature.
On September 24 2011 05:54 Craton wrote: It is really fking annoying how frequently the game crashes after logging it, when trying to load up the landing screen.
It happens at least 50% of all logins.
I'm afraid you're going to have to give me more information than just that. I'm not a wizard.
You log in > the program crashes You log in again > it [usually] goes through fine
On September 24 2011 05:54 Craton wrote: It is really fking annoying how frequently the game crashes after logging it, when trying to load up the landing screen.
It happens at least 50% of all logins.
I'm afraid you're going to have to give me more information than just that. I'm not a wizard.
You log in > the program crashes You log in again > it [usually] goes through fine
Send me a netlog from when this happened and I'll have a look. Also, can you do a Netalyzr and send me the link to the results?
No really, there must be something. I play two entire games. Then go in a 3rd (that looked hella fun damn...) I disconnect on loading screen. I launch game again, connect, reconnect the game, then here it tells me (first time I see this) that it can't connect to the game I must check my firewall etc. I click button reconnect and it works, I load to 100% and then... it closes. After that, each attempt resulted in having the black screen of a fullscreen game launching and then nothing. Can't connect on chat service either, but I surf on TL and other site without troubles.
Direct UDP access to remote DNS servers (port 53) is blocked.
The network you are using appears to enforce the use of a local DNS resolver. Direct UDP access to remote NTP servers (port 123) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote NetBIOS NS servers (port 137) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote NetBIOS DGM servers (port 138) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote IKE key exchange servers (port 500) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote OpenVPN servers (port 1194) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote Slammer servers (port 1434) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote L2 tunneling servers (port 1701) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote IPSec NAT servers (port 4500) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote RTP servers (port 5004) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote RTCP servers (port 5005) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote SIP servers (port 5060) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote VoIP servers (port 7078) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote VoIP servers (port 7082) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote SCTP servers (port 9899) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote Steam gaming servers (port 27005) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote Steam gaming servers (port 27015) is blocked.
We recorded a packet loss of 100%. This loss is very significant and will lead to serious performance problems. It could be due either to very high load on our servers due to a large number of visitors, or problems in your network. Of the packet loss, at least 100.0% of the packets appear to have been lost on the path from your computer to our servers.
On October 01 2011 07:00 -Zoda- wrote: No really, there must be something. I play two entire games. Then go in a 3rd (that looked hella fun damn...) I disconnect on loading screen. I launch game again, connect, reconnect the game, then here it tells me (first time I see this) that it can't connect to the game I must check my firewall etc. I click button reconnect and it works, I load to 100% and then... it closes. After that, each attempt resulted in having the black screen of a fullscreen game launching and then nothing. Can't connect on chat service either, but I surf on TL and other site without troubles.
Direct UDP access to remote DNS servers (port 53) is blocked.
The network you are using appears to enforce the use of a local DNS resolver. Direct UDP access to remote NTP servers (port 123) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote NetBIOS NS servers (port 137) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote NetBIOS DGM servers (port 138) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote IKE key exchange servers (port 500) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote OpenVPN servers (port 1194) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote Slammer servers (port 1434) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote L2 tunneling servers (port 1701) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote IPSec NAT servers (port 4500) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote RTP servers (port 5004) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote RTCP servers (port 5005) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote SIP servers (port 5060) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote VoIP servers (port 7078) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote VoIP servers (port 7082) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote SCTP servers (port 9899) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote Steam gaming servers (port 27005) is blocked. Direct UDP access to remote Steam gaming servers (port 27015) is blocked.
We recorded a packet loss of 100%. This loss is very significant and will lead to serious performance problems. It could be due either to very high load on our servers due to a large number of visitors, or problems in your network. Of the packet loss, at least 100.0% of the packets appear to have been lost on the path from your computer to our servers.
Wow. That's uh, really bad. LoL Specifically, having Ports 5000-5500 UDP prevents the LoL Client from functioning properly. But having 100% packet loss basically means you have no connection to some parts of the web. I think you need to talk to your internet provider or check your router. If you router is overloaded, powercycling should help but if it's a more structural problem, you'll need to talk to your provider.
Packet loss is definitely a problem from the provider yeah, still surprising I can go around on TL and stuff without problems with that... I asked the modem to let ports 5000-5500 open also, it may be useful.
I have updated the original part of the thread on Page 1 with some more information. Also, I'll keep a list of important bugs users may experience depending on the current patch.
Couldn't find this, but I have a problem with my account where it says "logging on to chat service", and it doesn't go away when relogging or anything. I even tried logging on with another computer.
Hello, I've been a long time lurker here, but finally a problem arose, which requires you guys' help I moved to Lancaster University yesterday, but I cannot log into LoL for some reason. When I start the launcher the server status reads -undefined-. Furthermore, there are no news articles and the play button is grayed out. I also can not log into the official forums. I browsed them and I found out that this is a very common problem. There was a solution posted by this guy:
Unfortunately, it may have been outdated, since the thread is several months old, because that solution did not work for me. I would deeply appreciate anyone, who could be able to help me in any way.
edit: I forgot to mention, I found a post by a summoner from Lancaster named Drathnor, who apparently can currently play LoL. The problem is that I don't know how to contact him, as I can't log into the official forums. I also have no idea how to find him on campus.
@Goshawk: I don't know if this is actually a bug, or if it's Working As Intended since the update to the game engine... if I catch a sound technician I'll ask.
@EquilasH: I'm a little confused. Are you saying you can log on and play fine, but the chat doesn't work?
@Soverelgne: Sounds like your university internet provider is blocking some ports that mean your PvP Launcher can't connect to the servers. Run a Netalyzr and send me the link to the results. It'll probably just confirm my suspicions.
The solution you linked is a proxy method that allows you to bypass university filters. So again, back to my point above.
As for logging into the forums, try deleting the your internet cache and other temporary files. That should help.
You might want to contact your university IT department about this since they are the ones who would be controlling the filters.
Oddly specific question. I swapped the minimap to the left side of the screen thinking, "Ah, now chat and the minimap will be in the same area, making tracking them both together easier." To my dismay swapping the position of the minimap also swapped chat to the right side of the screen.
Is there a way to customize the UI to move the chat back to the lower left corner?
@Usagi: From what I can see, it seems like you need your university VPN to be able to access the general LoL Client as non-VPN connections block certain ports. However, once you're connected to the VPN it then blocks the ports that LoL needs for you to connect to the game servers to run the game. Disconnecting from the VPN re-allows you to connect to the game server. It might also be your university VPN incorrectly handling packets due to the mismatched MTU settings, although this would generally result in lag instead of not being able to connect at all...
Have you tried forwarding your ports and perhaps contacting your university IT Department about whether they block any connections used by LoL?
I no longer see a random button in the champ list during champ select. I haven't seen anyone else complain about this and people I've played with have said they still see the option.
On October 03 2011 05:52 MoonBear wrote: @Usagi: From what I can see, it seems like you need your university VPN to be able to access the general LoL Client as non-VPN connections block certain ports. However, once you're connected to the VPN it then blocks the ports that LoL needs for you to connect to the game servers to run the game. Disconnecting from the VPN re-allows you to connect to the game server. It might also be your university VPN incorrectly handling packets due to the mismatched MTU settings, although this would generally result in lag instead of not being able to connect at all...
Have you tried forwarding your ports and perhaps contacting your university IT Department about whether they block any connections used by LoL?
I will give them a call tomorrow afternoon and ask if they can unlock those ports. (5000 to 5500 UDP right?)
I forgot to mention, that is 1 single change a have with that person, in my university home I can not connet to the internet unless it is throught the VPN tunel, otherwise I can oly access the university intranet.
I dont ever have lag, actually, this is the best I have ever played LOL, with under 30 ms delay, better than at home.
On September 24 2011 05:54 Craton wrote: It is really fking annoying how frequently the game crashes after logging it, when trying to load up the landing screen.
It happens at least 50% of all logins.
I'm afraid you're going to have to give me more information than just that. I'm not a wizard.
You log in > the program crashes You log in again > it [usually] goes through fine
Send me a netlog from when this happened and I'll have a look. Also, can you do a Netalyzr and send me the link to the results?
A netlog is not generated.
Actually, not going to post the netalyzr here. I will PM it.
I have the same problem as Equilash. first it was only happening when I logged onto EUWest. but now it is happening on EUEN aswell, NA is still fine but who knows for how long...
Once you log in you can join games, but where usually displays the chatrooms friendslist etc it seems stuck on the "Logging onto chat service" with the loading wheel on the right side. If you want a netalyzer log I'll make one and PM you, but can it really be something at my end when it happens on two servers with different accounts? (I have ofc restarted my router and computer :< )
seems to have fixed itself on EUEN but not on EUWest
@Vlanitak: Yup, send me a Netalyzr link and I'll have a look at it. Also, run a client repair and see if it helps. If it doesn't, it'll help me rule out some possibilities.
guys I have some streaming problems.. when i stream other games i have 150 / 60-100 fps , like sc2 i can play at high gfx and its not lagging, but when i play LOL and use xsplit through owned/ i have 24-30 fps.. can i fix this somehow? this is my spec :
4850 512mb GPU
i5 760 2,4ghz Intel Quad core
4000 RAM
need more info?`please help if anyone know how to fix this.
@Zoda: No idea. Hm. Maybe it's your computer? I can't really say much without knowing more. If it's a client problem, then try a repair. That should iron out most bugs. See Part 4 of the thread on first page for more info.
@Rezzan: I don't know much about Streaming. Check your graphics options perhaps. Some options can be more demanding on your graphics cards than others. Also, what GCard do you use? There are some known issues with several series.
press f1: mia press f2: re press f3: starts a 5 minute timer. tooltip to confirm timer has started. reminder in-game team chat at 30s. in the script i named it "blue" because that's all i care about. f4: dragon timer f5: baron timer
Alright, so I have been playing on my Mac w/o Bootcamp with the help of this little trick..
After a while though, I have gotten a strange problem. Whenever I finish a game, I get a window asking me if I wanted to debug my client. Won't see the score screen and the client just stays black. This was pretty annoying as I couldn't report players after games and such, so I decided to have LoL repair itself. Turns out, this was not much of a good idea. First, I got the message that the Mac beta is over, so I replaced the the .exe with the one of the windows-installer. Now, the launcher itself works perfectly, but whenever I hit play, it just minimizes itself and won't launch Anybody with an idea of what to do?
Edit: oh yeah, and if I close the launcher, it says is still running. No window is actually opening up, tho.
@alkow: Look neat. I don't own a fancy mouse but might be useful for some people. Will add later today.
@Shiv: Hm. That's rather odd. My recommendation is to switch to a Mac Client made and supported by a fellow Wrenchy. Details and download is here. It's pretty neat and Boompje is an aweomse guy. ^^
Not sure if this is tech-support, but I imagine it would be in the options somewhere... is there a way to let me see how each level of the spell scales in-game before actually skilling the next point into something? I really miss that from dota/hon.
@Thermia: Not that I know of sadly. Generally though most people stick to certain patterns with their skilling order, or vary it based on what they need rather than mathcraft. You can hover over the skills when you have a point active but then that's not terribly useful. :/
On October 13 2011 10:24 MooMooMugi wrote: Anyone level 1-5 getting match search queues that lasts over 30 minutes? I can't find a game..
You might have problems with matchmaking at some times of the evening at certain levels as the algorithm tries not to pair you up with people the wrong level too often... If it's consistently too long give me a shout.
When I log onto an account that isn't ShakeDrizzle (like a smurf or an Elo Welfare account) I can't join chat. Actually, this happens whenever I switch accounts. Has been happening to my friends too.
Tried searching and failed: However I was watching a video and a guy had his ui switched to the minimap was on the left side and chat on the right and was wondering how to do this.
On October 18 2011 10:43 NotSorry wrote: Tried searching and failed: However I was watching a video and a guy had his ui switched to the minimap was on the left side and chat on the right and was wondering how to do this.
?? Do not understand. If you are asking about swapping the minimap and HUD stuff the other way around:
Open Menu (Esc) -> Interface (I think) -> Swap HUD Display (something like that). Not on client, can not confirm. But it's something like that.
Re Bugs everyone has been submitting to me here and by PM: Tyvm. Will be confirming these later on. Very busy atm.
On October 16 2011 04:54 HazMat wrote: When I log onto an account that isn't ShakeDrizzle (like a smurf or an Elo Welfare account) I can't join chat. Actually, this happens whenever I switch accounts. Has been happening to my friends too.
I temporary fixed this by deleting my "global properties" folder.
Hey I have new shit on my comp ! I had a few disconnect so I need to restart my PvP client before playing, and the patcher begins to check (calculating differences) every .dds, .sks, .gfx files of my game. How can this happen ?
@Zoda: Every time you open the PvP Launcher, it does a quick scan of your LoL files. It's a safety check it makes based on what the server says to make sure you're up to date. Generally this shouldn't take too long.
The fact is that it wasn't a "quick" scan. Took about 15min. I tried to restart the patcher many times, but it didn't change anything. Works fine now, but was very annoying.
I've been trying to make a few chat channels not auto-join but the client just won't let them go. I set them to auto-join a while back but now I don't want them anymore. I unchecked auto-join but they always come back. It's not a really big deal but I'm just wondering if something is bugged on my end.
edit: I tried the repair and it got rid of all of the channels so I just had to re-add the channels that I want and it was all good.
On October 24 2011 16:02 JBright wrote: I've been trying to make a few chat channels not auto-join but the client just won't let them go. I set them to auto-join a while back but now I don't want them anymore. I unchecked auto-join but they always come back. It's not a really big deal but I'm just wondering if something is bugged on my end.
edit: I tried the repair and it got rid of all of the channels so I just had to re-add the channels that I want and it was all good.
Was it AFKParty you're trying to get rid of? I'm tempted to do this myself. Does the repair mess with anything else? I don't really want any other settings and stuff screwed up....
@JBright: Repairs tend to fix most simple problems ^^
@Wave: Repairs will reset all your options because it cleans everything. That means you lose things such as graphics settings, whether you want music at the login screen, chat channels, and masteries pages. It's nothing major, but a tad annoying.
Basically what happened to me (and a lot of other people) is after a game finished it lagged at the "waiting for stats" screen, I clicked "skip waiting for stats", and the client has started to think that I'm still in a game in progress. Even when I restart the client it gives me that screen, the "You have left a game in progress. Please reconnect to the game." every time I load. And if hit reconnect it tells me it can't and asks me to check my firewall or somethingAccording to other people who've had the problem the solution is just to wait, so thats what I'm doing, and I'm not too worried about it yet. What I'm wondering is if Riot actually knows about this issue - because in the various lists of common bugs and issues I've seen on their website nothing like this is ever mentioned.
Sorry if this isn't the right place to mention it, I'll submit a ticket if thats what I should do just I'm less worried about the problem (since apparently waiting is the solution, we'll see on that) than I am curious as to whether you guys actually know about this.
Edit: and hey, it fixed itself finally. It did take about half an hour which was rather annoying. Riot should be aware that it's a common problem (again I'm posting this not because the problem was really pissing me of or something but because there are around a million threads about this and it isn't mentioned in any tech support FAQ or anything that I've seen - granted I don't know the riot website very well so maybe I just missed it).
@Treadmill: What you had was a "Ghost game". Lagg getting into the final score screen can sometimes be an indicator of this. A "Ghost game" is when your client doesn't get an update from the server telling it that the game has ended even though it has. So it has that reconnect button to a game that doesn't exist. Generally it should go away by itself after a while when the server begins to purge data of past games.
A few things you can do that help include restarting client and restarting your computer to try and request an update from the server which will get rid of the reconnect screen.
Surprised it was not in the FAQ. Will add it in later when I have time.
@Shiv: Boompje deserves a medal, as do a lot of the other people in the Mac Community who work to keep you guys able to play. Unfortunately, I don't have any experience with UNIX so I can't help out with situations like this.
Boompje is a hero, no doubt there! I never wanted to downplay any of is work, I think he is amazing! I was not trying to blame him here, he's the reason I was able to play this game for a good while now. As far as I know, he's ''only'' a benchy too, not a Riot employee, or is he? I'm not sure here. But what I was trying to say is that it is incredibly unnecessary to ruin the attempts of the mac community, especially boompje, over and over again.
Haha, dw, I didn't think you were downplaying Boom. Yeah, he's a Community Volunteer like me. Several Wrenchies have gone on to becomes full time Rioters though.
Hm... Problem with the Mac version is that Riot doesn't officially recognise it, and patches are designed for the Windows Platform specifically. Since it's not optimised for Mac, it means you get knock-on effects some times which is a highly unfortunate consequence. Beyond that, I think it would be inappropriate for me to comment on this issue.
On November 02 2011 22:23 MoonBear wrote: Haha, dw, I didn't think you were downplaying Boom. Yeah, he's a Community Volunteer like me. Several Wrenchies have gone on to becomes full time Rioters though.
Hm... Problem with the Mac version is that Riot doesn't officially recognise it, and patches are designed for the Windows Platform specifically. Since it's not optimised for Mac, it means you get knock-on effects some times which is a highly unfortunate consequence. Beyond that, I think it would be inappropriate for me to comment on this issue.
Thanks for commenting in the first place, though! I really appreciate it and hope BOOMpje and his followers will find a solution quickly.
On November 06 2011 05:17 Seeker wrote: I see people typing Korean in LoL. I want to be able to type Korean as well. How can I set this up?
Regular foreign language input from the keyboard should work. The client only really accepts foreign language input during Summoner Name creation and in-game though.
On November 06 2011 05:17 Seeker wrote: I see people typing Korean in LoL. I want to be able to type Korean as well. How can I set this up?
Regular foreign language input from the keyboard should work. The client only really accepts foreign language input during Summoner Name creation and in-game though.
everytime I write in Korean in-game I always get [][][][][][][][][].
also.. if there is a way to change to the Korean client (everythings in Korean) how would one go about doing this?
On November 06 2011 05:17 Seeker wrote: I see people typing Korean in LoL. I want to be able to type Korean as well. How can I set this up?
Regular foreign language input from the keyboard should work. The client only really accepts foreign language input during Summoner Name creation and in-game though.
everytime I write in Korean in-game I always get [][][][][][][][][].
also.. if there is a way to change to the Korean client (everythings in Korean) how would one go about doing this?
Hm. Are the language packs on your computer up to date?
Korean Client has not been official released yet afaik. There are Korean assets in the client, but it's not a full localisation. There's a link to the full localisation assets on DCInside Forums I think(?), as I do know Riot is using a fully localised client for the Korean WCG. Just not sure where to get it from.
I talked with Boompje today and he mentioned to me he had a Mac Thread on the EU Forums, so I have update the first page with that information. I also passed on the many thanks of Mac Players on TL to him. He's totally awesome.
I and a few of my teammates have an annoying bug when switching accounts. Say we have account 1 and account 2; if I switch from account 1 to 2, play a few games, and then try to log back in to account 1, the chat will never connect. If I go back to account 2, it will connect, but not on any other account I try (it will be "locked" on account 2).
Currently the way to fix this is to log on account 2 on another computer at the same time I'm currently on in the computer I want to fix (disconnecting from chat by force).
On November 22 2011 06:16 Lanzoma wrote: I and a few of my teammates have an annoying bug when switching accounts. Say we have account 1 and account 2; if I switch from account 1 to 2, play a few games, and then try to log back in to account 1, the chat will never connect. If I go back to account 2, it will connect, but not on any other account I try (it will be "locked" on account 2).
Currently the way to fix this is to log on account 2 on another computer at the same time I'm currently on in the computer I want to fix (disconnecting from chat by force).
That's odd. I'll talk to someone from Tech and get back to you on this.
My internet connection at home is undergoing infrastructure changes and is extremely unreliable right now, but I'll get the other people experiencing this issue to send you the results.
Also, if you haven't tried already, a Client Repair might fix things. Generally chat bugs go away after a repair so might be worth a shot just in case. ^^
edit: Ok, now that i'm not typing during a loading bar, let's try to make this sane.
Hey MoonBear, is Riot aware of the game-ruining error where your client decides it wants to load the game window in the bottom right corner of your screen? I just lost the first 3 minutes of a ranked game to it doing so twice in a row. I don't have a screenshot of it myself, but I can get you one if you need it.
It's kind of a serious bug and can fuck up ranked games really badly, so I hope it gets fixed very soon.
@Niton: I personally am not aware of such an issue. What exactly happens? Does the Client minimise itself and not appear but continue running in the background without you knowing? Or are you referring to when the PvP Client minimises itself to the taskbar but the game client (the one that actually loads the game to play) does not appear? Or something else?
The client itself doesn't load properly - when it loads, it winds up looking like this (not my pic, but the same result):
Attempting to close just that window and re-open the game results in an error (or a buggy game upon load), so you need to restart the launcher as well to get back in. On a slower computer like the laptop I'm playing on right now, it means getting back in between 2:30 and 3:30, which means that whatever lane i'm in is now behind.
@Niton: Huh... that's odd. Haven't seen other people with that issue. Might be something in the patch that didn't download correctly. Can you try a Client Repair first to see if it helps? Instructions are here. Maybe test in a Custom Game after to check.
@Niton: That is unexpected behaviour. Not sure if it's a problem due to ISP caching or something with your machine. Ok. Firstly, can you get your patcher and client logs and send them to me? Would like to know more about what exactly this error is. You can PM them to me.
Next, can you try a clean reinstall of League of Legends then? Instructions are here should you require them. Do this after getting the logs because you will probably lose them when you remove all files during the uninstall. Doing a reinstall should solve the problem if it's an incorrectly updated patch.
If it's still having errors, I'd appreciate logs from this state to check if it's the same problem or something different. Also, if it's still having problems, can you do a DxDiag and send me that as well?
I had the problem again tonight, I'm going to get my logs together and send them to you once I figure out how to do that! It didn't reappear in any of the dozen or so tests I did in a custom game, but the first time I tried to play tonight it happened. My current thoughts are it might be related to sitting in the client too long before playing a game.
For some reason when i try to record the game with fraps the fps drops to 30 and the game becomes unplayable even despite being fine in more resource hungry games. Low or high graphics settings make no difference the drop in performance seems identical
@Sfydjklm: Wow you name is hard to type, lol. Hm. I haven no experience with fraps so I do not know what the cause might be. It might be the way your Graphics Card is trying to allocate memory. Perhaps try messing around the the settings and try borderless/fullsreen, whichever is currently not being used.
So I got an error trying to update to the latest patch. Since yesterday I had added the line about smartcast on key release to game.cfg, I removed it and the updater worked again.
Ever since the Volibear path my latency has been extremely unstable. Going from 70 up to 200 every 10 or 15 seconds and then back again. It was fine before this patch. Is there anything I can do? I don't think it's my internet connection but I'm not doubting anything at this point.
@Craton: Hm. Yeah, I'm generally not a huge fan of modding the game.cfg file because since quite a lot of features got bundled into the RAF files it can be unstable sometimes. Perhaps I should ask one of the Engineers for a full list of what the cfg files cover, but they're generally busy and I don't want to bother them on something not majorly important.
Thanks for taking the time to help me out Moonbear. I ran Netalyzr and got 1 major abnormality: Your DNS Revolver returns IP addresses for names that do not exist And 2 Minor Aberrations The network path does not reply when it needs to fragment traffic Not All DNS types were correctly processed.
@cSc: I'd have to see the Netalyzr myself to comment. You could PM the result link to me if you like. There also have been some hiccups at Riot HQ recently so it might have been a one-off thing. Unless you're experiencing this regularly, it's probably not something to worry about.
MOONBEARUUU plz halp me! My chat on EU west doesn't load.I tried to repair and reinstall the game but still never loads. Fore some reason chat works for me on my NA account.The chat on EU west works fine on my other computer just not on my laptop.Any ideas?
1) If you password contains characters such as %^&*(";+[ or letters with accents on them, it can cause you not to be able to enter chat. If so, change your password. 2) If it's a connection problem to the EU Chatrooms then you could run a Netalyzr to see if it's your internet (although I doubt it). 3) Try going to the directory you installed LoL in. Go to RADS -> projects -> lol_air_client -> releases -> (or the latest one) -> deploy -> preferences. Back up the stuff in here first just in case! Then delete the preferences for your accounts named there. Don't think you need to delete the global folder but can try that if there are still problems. This should clear all client chat settings to default. You'll need to rejoin all chat rooms, create a new status message, etc. but it should help. 4) Message me again if none of that works.
Yea it still doesn't work,idk. 1)I have a password without those things. 3)Still doesn't work.I have 2 folders tho.1 is and the other one is 36 doesn't have anything in the preference folder,the 106 one had my preferences stored but it didn't help deleting them(deleted the global one as well).:< bummer
@Kefka: Ah. Check your computer clock is correctly set. According to netalyzr it's too fast, and that's likely causing a UNIX error with the chat system. Also, you can remove the pasted log there. Next time just PM me the result link. (It also means you won't give people information about your internet if you're not comfortable with that.)
I played a couple games yesterday and today and my LoL is running smoothly now, guess the hiccup has passed me by. Thanks for your time and all your help MoonBear!
Store hasn't worked for me since the patch. Just get a black screen and nothing ever loads. They brought the store down and back up, but the problem still persists.
Getting "Client version 1.49.11_11_29_17_56 is rejected by server" when I try to log in. Did a quick google and it seems to be happening to a few people but I haven't seen any answers to what it is or how to fix it. Hoping its not another 'new patch broke boompje' problem
Recently been getting an issue, everytime I get out of motifying masteries menu in game lobby, a pop up saying "error" will popup, but my masteries are changed. Its just annoying, any known fixes?
On December 14 2011 08:41 wei2coolman wrote: Recently been getting an issue, everytime I get out of motifying masteries menu in game lobby, a pop up saying "error" will popup, but my masteries are changed. Its just annoying, any known fixes?
There's a known mastery bug where if You're using an illegal mastery setup, like 11 in your first 3 tiers of 21 defense, it just says ERROR when you save it, and it doesn't actually give you the mastery stats when you go ingame. Clear your mastery tree and put them in again, and make sure you're not pulling masteries out that should be illegal to pull out, and you should be fine.
On another note, I keep getting these framerate spikes down to ~1 FPS. I'm not sure why, and although they dont perfectly correspond with big fights (some big fights have them, other big fights don't, sometimes it just happens randomly but less often than in a fight) No idea what's causing it.
k- For some reason I'm now getting bad lat spikes as the game wears on. I then get dcd, have to lo shut down the client and end all the processes before I can reconnect to the servers. Any ideas on a fix?
"I am currently away and unable to access TL for a period of time and therefore will not be checking this thread. Please don't expect any replies for a few weeks. If you have a serious problem, submit a support ticket to Riot here."
I posted this in the general discussion, actually forgot about this thread!
This night there was a server maintenance in Europe, where the new skins and Viktor was being prepared for release. Since the servers got up my lol client has been crashing upon starting a game. When the crash occurred it looked very similar to a graphiccard crash or something like that, so I assumed an update of my gfx driver would fix it. Turns out it didn't. So I reinstalled lol and ran as admin to see if that fixed the crashing, it didn't.
Has there been other similar problems like this? My gfxcard is running at normals temps and it doesn't fail in other games
For some reason I'm getting extreme client lag which translates to dropped FPS. Browsing my champions in my profile, looking through the store, and even typing in chat is incredibly delayed. One of those situations where I type a sentence in chat, wait 3 seconds, and then the letters start typing.
My FPS in game is usually 120+, but now its capping at 15-20 and battles drop to slideshow status (<10 fps).
Why cant I buy a Champion? I have enough influence points for it, nearly 2300, yet I can't even buy the cheapest, wich is cost 450. The Unlock button is Inactive.
Why cant I buy a Champion? I have enough influence points for it, nearly 2300, yet I can't even buy the cheapest, wich is cost 450. The Unlock button is Inactive.
Came here to ask exactly the same thing. I'm only level 9 maybe its that ?
Hey guys, I've recently tried installing league of legends onto my computer but am getting met with an error message saying "Your system is currently not allowing access to our servers."
I've tried everything in the book. I turned my firewalls off, allowed pando to run in my firewalls, redownloaded pando, but for some reason my computer will not run pando media booster. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Would there be a reason pando wouldn't be compatible with my machine?
Anybody have any problems installing the PBE client? I let mine run for like 3 hours last night and it got stuck in an infinite loop of "applying patches." Watching the file names scroll across the bottom for a few minutes i saw it try to process the same files over and over and over. Any tips on how to fix?
Hello hello everyone! I am back. Apologies for any trouble you've all been having during my absence. Without furtherado:
From Page 10: @Craton: I assume store is now fine for you?
@Hyren: Client Version Errors are due to incorrectly applied patches. If your Client Version is too high, then your patcher has bugged and incorrectly installed the patch. If your Client Version is too low, then it's likely an ISP Caching error. Since this seems to be a relatively problematic error from what I've seen on the official LoL Boards, I'll write up some notes on the issue and the solution to it on the first page when I get some time.
@wei2cool: If your masteries are not set correctly then this error will pop up. This can be due to the client-side mastery page system algorithm having a problem, or from improperly modding your client mastery pages. So long as your masteries are set correctly, this shouldn't be a problem.
@Craton: I have never seen this before. Um. I guess so?
@sylverfyre: I get fps drops too haha. It's most likely a memory issue. Closing unnecessary programs helps. Also, do be aware that the regular LoL PvP Client also continues to run while you play and can cause memory problems. This articles explains the problem and what to do to help mitigate it.
@Two_Down: Likely memory or internet problems. Can't say much else without further information. Are you still having these problems?
@R04R: <3
@KOVU: Viktor patch had some issues. Should be fixed now. Are you still having problems?
@FrodaN: Most likely it's a memory issue. If you're worried about bloat in your client, a repair or reinstall should get rid of any legacy files though.
From Page 11: @Koley: Just before Viktor release they made some changes to the store. (Specifically, Viktor was available, but not able to purchase.) This might have affected your client. It should be all fine now, but if you're still having problems, do tell me.
@HeroHenry: I don't understand. Can you explain what you mean?
@Evilmonkey: Most likely your internet doesn't have access to one of the ports that LoL needs to install/patch. A full list of the port required is on the first page Part 1. If you're still having problems, can you run a Netalyzr and PM the results to me?
@Terranasaur: PBE works fine for me. Well, I haven't been on for a while but it was when I last checked. Have you checked that the PBE Server is currently online? Riot takes it down every now and then.
I have this strange problem where when I click on the standard 'Play League of Legands' shortcut / lol.launcher.exe / lol.launcher.admin.exe the splash logo appears for 1-2 seconds and then dissapears. After checking my processes when I do this 'rads_user_kernel' / ' Patcher Kernel' appears for those 1-2 then leaves the process list. I haven't been able to progress any further than this (i.e. have the patcher/launcher open up).
Really mystified how this happened. Pre-emptive thanks!
@ChaoS: Hm. Not sure why this is happening. Perhaps check if your antivirus or something is blocking LoL. You could try disabling it just to see if it's the cause. If so, remember to add it to your exemptions list. If it's a corrupt file in LoL, then do a Client Repair and that should fix the problem. If not, come back and I'll see what I can do.
For several patches I haven't been able to log onto that chat system with my alt account. I play on the main, switch, and then I get a "connecting to chat system". I can play normally and all that jazz, but I never ever log in. There's not even the "reconnect button". When I go back on my main account, it logs all fine. I don't have this every single time, and I never got it after switching from alt to main, tho I don't think it warrants much.
I tried searching on the forums but apparently the most I could get out of it was that people just reinstalled the game to get rid of it. Isn't there any other means?
@Alaric: Ok. Try going to the directory you installed LoL in. Go to RADS -> projects -> lol_air_client -> releases -> (or the latest one) -> deploy -> preferences
Back up the stuff in here first just in case! Then delete the preferences for all accounts named there. Don't think you need to delete the global folder but can try that if there are still problems. This should get your client to default to regular chat configurations. You'll need to rejoin all chat rooms, create a new status message, etc. but it if it's a case of your chat settings improperly configured causing problems on your second account then this should solve the problem.
A reinstall likely solves the problem because it wipes this folder and reinstalls it. This is probably a slightly faster and simpler method.
I tried running the patcher kernal to initiate a client repair, but the problem persisted. In the end I just uninstalled + redownloaded/installed and everything is back to normal now.
So I've known about this thread for the longest time and checked out multiple times but just remembered I've been playing windowed mode (which can be a pain at times) because my mouse disappears when in fullscreen mode and hadn't thought of it until just now. Any idea why the cursor shows up in windowed but not fullscreen?
So i have a big problem, sound is laggy from both announcer and champions, like "you have been killed-illed-illed" and i have also started to get lag spikes every 15 seconds or so, latency is not the issue, atleast not according to the lol ping thingy. tried to update drivers but still no luck.
@Sausageslayer: This is possible an issue with your internet since you're experiencing lagspike. I'd recommend you do a Netalyzr test and check to see if there's a problem with your connection.
On January 14 2012 04:50 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @Sausageslayer: This is possible an issue with your internet since you're experiencing lagspike. I'd recommend you do a Netalyzr test and check to see if there's a problem with your connection.
Ty for the advise, i have a around 12Mbit down 5Mbit up right now. This is however bad for me, usually have alot higher, but I still think it should be more then enough for LoL. The thing is this just started all of a sudden. Maybe some game i installed that could be the cause of this? Maybe lagspike was a bad word, it freezes for a few secs then it all continues with all actions made during the freez as if there was no problem, like if i use a spell in the freez it happens like i wasn´t lagging, i just cant see it happen until it unfreezes.
On January 14 2012 04:50 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @Sausageslayer: This is possible an issue with your internet since you're experiencing lagspike. I'd recommend you do a Netalyzr test and check to see if there's a problem with your connection.
Ty for the advise, i have a around 12Mbit down 5Mbit up right now. This is however bad for me, usually have alot higher, but I still think it should be more then enough for LoL. The thing is this just started all of a sudden. Maybe some game i installed that could be the cause of this? Maybe lagspike was a bad word, it freezes for a few secs then it all continues with all actions made during the freez as if there was no problem, like if i use a spell in the freez it happens like i wasn´t lagging, i just cant see it happen until it unfreezes.
Exact same thing is happening to me. Internet is fine, almost positive it's not on my side.
My LoL has stopped working for some reasons. Our internet was out for 2 (hugely annoying) days, and now that it's back on the game won't start. I get the first screen with the normal headlines and the PLAY button, but pressing it results in nothing happening. The LoLLauncher keeps running and running the game again gives a message of an instance of the game already running and if I want to terminate it, but both options are no help. Tried Modifying the game, tried default installling it again, tried removing it entirely and installing it again. Problems persists. Anyone with a clue what's up? ^^
@Promise: Try running the game in Admin Mode. If you've had changes to your internet, also check that your firewall isn't blocking anything or that all your Ports are forward correctly (especially if you've had your router settings changed). If none of these help, do a Netalyzr and send the results link to me so I can double check it's not something based on your internet connection and we can take it from there.
Thanks a ton mate, running Natalyzr now. Checked the Firewall etc, shouldnt be anything there. Steam and games from it (TF2) and SC2 run just fine, it's just League of Legends that won't budge. Will send you the result link when it finishes =)
@InfiniteStory: I sometimes get that too. Generally, logging out of the client and logging back in solves the problem. However, if it does not go away or if you're getting this frequently, it could be an indication that certain files for the PvP Launcher are becoming corrupted. A Client Repair should solve this. It will take some time though... I did a repair recently and it took around 40 minutes on a 6mbps connection (although I left it running in the background while I did other stuff so YMMV).
Hey I'm back with my shit, I'd really want to know if there anything to do on this: I load the game to 100% (and sometimes I don't even go to 100 anyway), my teammates are still loading, and suddenly, the game closes. If I want to relog I have to close PvP and restart it. If I manage to get ingame, I usually don't have any issues of lagging or whatever, so what's going on ?...
@Zoda: Hm. Not sure without more information. I know there used to be an error like that with Windows 7. Try alt-tabbing out to something else while the score screen loads, and alt-tab back in when you hear in-game sounds. See if that works. If it does, then I think I know why it's occurring.
@Jadoth: Hm. Suggests something inside the client then. Ok.
Go to the folder where you installed LoL. Go to RADS -> projects -> lol_game_client_en_us (or equivalent european language) -> managedfiles -> (or latest version) -> DATA -> Menu and open the file fontconfig_en_US.txt (or equivalent european language). Back up this file first! Now, scoll down to game_cornerdisplay_latency and replace it with game_cornerdisplay_ping. Should help.
On February 04 2012 07:41 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @Zoda: Hm. Not sure without more information. I know there used to be an error like that with Windows 7. Try alt-tabbing out to something else while the score screen loads, and alt-tab back in when you hear in-game sounds. See if that works. If it does, then I think I know why it's occurring.
Tried it two times on coop games and it worked, so it's maybe the solution. But if it "used" to be an error, isn't there any fixes ?
On February 04 2012 07:41 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @Zoda: Hm. Not sure without more information. I know there used to be an error like that with Windows 7. Try alt-tabbing out to something else while the score screen loads, and alt-tab back in when you hear in-game sounds. See if that works. If it does, then I think I know why it's occurring.
Tried it two times on coop games and it worked, so it's maybe the solution. But if it "used" to be an error, isn't there any fixes ?
Hm. This used to be a semi-major error during the... I think it was Fizz patch? They updated some of the stuff on Summoner's Rift but there was a really odd exception with Windows 7 machines with a specific graphics cards. The exact details are a bit boring so I won't go into them. But it was fixed a few months ago. Ok. Try updating your graphics drivers and see if that helps since that's most likely the major culprit. If that doesn't help, check your version of DirectX and make sure Windows is up to date. If none of that helps, tell me and we'll take it further.
@0123456789: There are a couple of things you could try. The fastest check I guess is for you to see if any of the instructions in this or this article improve your fps. I personally found that changing the memory priority through the task manager and doing a client repair to clean the game files helped improve my fps when I'm running multiple programs while playing LoL.
On February 07 2012 08:20 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @0123456789: There are a couple of things you could try. The fastest check I guess is for you to see if any of the instructions in this or this article improve your fps. I personally found that changing the memory priority through the task manager and doing a client repair to clean the game files helped improve my fps when I'm running multiple programs while playing LoL.
Ok, so I checked out the articles, and yeah, I found out the problems to my fps issues. TY
Hi there all! Quick update from me. Boompje has finished the new iLoL client for the Mac, avaliable on his website here! The client is in a Open Beta, this means that there are a few small bugs present. And any patch can break the client. It is recommend people to play a custom game or two after each patch to check their settings and to make sure nothing breaks. Any questions can be directed to Boompje on the forum on his website.
It appears that the latest patch has broken something with the client. When a game is found, the buttons to join or wait never appear and after 30 seconds it loads the champ select screen but it's all black. Dodging at this point doesn't result in a leaver penalty. Is there anything that can be done client-side to fix it?
@Craton: Hm. I have not been terribly up to date with the new patch any any tech stuff recently cause I've been busy with work. That aside, first check your Client Version and that patching hasn't messed it up. It should be Version 1.54.12_02_13_17_09 I think? It should say so in the top left hand corner of the client. If it's lower than this, try running a repair.
If the client version is fine, try going to the Client Menu (cog sign in the top right) and disable menu animations. That should help a bit. Any further problems is most likely a server related thing and should be fixed soon. I'll try get a follow up on the issue when I get some time.
So, something with LoL and firefox fucks up sound for me sometimes... I'll have firefox open, watching while the game is loading. I'll alt tab into loading screen to check how it's going and then alt tab back to firefox. Now sometimes, when the game loads I'll have no in game sound, but not always. After the game is finished sound comes right back.
Disabling and enabling sound in game doesn't seem to fix it. I know if I close firefox while in champ select (before loading starts) I never have the problem... but I like to watch streams while the game loads, cause I've got a laptop and it normally takes a couple of minutes.
If anyone else has had this kind of problem and has come up with a fix, then let me know. I've literally tried nothing to fix it yet, so there might be a really easy solution, I dunno.
@Dgiese: Hm. It might be a memory problem. Firefox is a memory hog just by itself (even more when you have loads of add-ons you use like me!) and streams eat away at it too. Game Sounds not loading when you alt-tab out suggests either your sound files aren't loading properly, your memory can't handle it so it ignores it, or both. Hmmm...
Ok. Next time, you load up a game, try changing priority of LoL in your memory as shown here. Also, try turning the quality of the stream you're watching down, or pause it completely during the loading process. Kill/close any other tasks as well because that might eat away at your memory. Give it a shot and see how it goes.
Sweet. I'm just doing the client repair to try and get better fps, so I'll let you know how it goes after that. Haven't tried the priority thing before, but I always make sure the only processes I have going are firefox and LoL. But yeah, FF is a big memeory hog, so it's probably just more than my puny laptop can handle.
Just an update from me! Today, every single part of the OP has been changed with new information, improved readability, or updates to older issues/topics.
@Dgiese: Hmm... there have been some known problems with dual-core Windows 7 Machines... These have generally been limited to fps loss though. If you're using full-screen mode, try converting to borderless or windowed mode. You can change this in the in-game menu. (Do it in a Custom Game just in case something goes wrong!)
Have a read of what Brent has been posting here. Also, follow up on some of his later posts. If it's a problem due to your cores, then his advice should help.
I had a curious case today where one of my games would not go above 15 fps (and hovered at almost exactly that number for the entire game). I tried closing about a dozen different programs and even rejoining the game, but none of that helped. However, once I completely exited out of the client and tried again, it was back to normal. I'd been playing on and off all day without incident, including 3 games immediately prior to that one.
Not sure if related: my ranked stats don't appear to be updating. If I go into my profile and then click the ranked stats tab, the champions never load at the bottom. If I then click the profile tab and the ranked stats tab again, the champions load. At least one game's stats is missing.
@Craton: Mmm. As with the previous posts, there's been a lot of talk about this amongst the Wrenchies and Rioters. Prime suspect atm is dual-core processors or graphics cards that are throttling processes. The NVidia 9 Series and later seems to be particularly susceptible to this. Windows 7 also seems to be throttling the CPU with high frequency. Have a check of the settings for them. For Nvidia cards, this article has information on that. To disable CPU throttling, read this article.
Also, do try some of the earlier methods I've talked about such as changing Priority through the Task Manager. That's likely to help as well.
Just some more additions from me here. For those of you on the EU servers, Server Transfer has been taken down as there have been errors with the process. No ETA atm.
Hundreds of games and I've never DC'd before. Tonight, every game that I tried to get in, I got into lobby, selected champ, the game made, and I got hit with a navy blue screen that went nowhere. Kept restarting and trying to reconnect, absolutely zero success. Any ideas?
On February 25 2012 15:42 Nicodemusher wrote: Hundreds of games and I've never DC'd before. Tonight, every game that I tried to get in, I got into lobby, selected champ, the game made, and I got hit with a navy blue screen that went nowhere. Kept restarting and trying to reconnect, absolutely zero success. Any ideas?
Is this happening before loading or after loading? Are you able to run other games like sc2?
On February 25 2012 15:42 Nicodemusher wrote: Hundreds of games and I've never DC'd before. Tonight, every game that I tried to get in, I got into lobby, selected champ, the game made, and I got hit with a navy blue screen that went nowhere. Kept restarting and trying to reconnect, absolutely zero success. Any ideas?
Is this happening before loading or after loading? Are you able to run other games like sc2?
Before loading. The countdown from lobby ends and then I go to the screen. I never get to the "summoning" screen where I see the teams. Yeah, I can load up SC2 and anything else. When I restart, I can even chat with friends that are in the game, but I can't connect to it...
@Nicodem: Can you tell me more information? For example, your computer specs, OS, programs running, server you play on, etc. Logs and/or dxdiag are useful.
On February 25 2012 21:52 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @Nicodem: Can you tell me more information? For example, your computer specs, OS, programs running, server you play on, etc. Logs and/or dxdiag are useful.
Win7 Pro 64 bit AMD Phenom II x4 955 4 gb ram DirectX 11 ATI Radeon HD 4850
iTunes is the only other program I run when I play. US server.
@Nicode: Have you tried running a Client Repair yet? If not, try that. Then load up a Custom Game and see if things improve. If it's still crashing, let me have a look at your logs.
On February 26 2012 05:51 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @Nicode: Have you tried running a Client Repair yet? If not, try that. Then load up a Custom Game and see if things improve. If it's still crashing, let me have a look at your logs.
Ran the repair, loaded up a custom, still same problem.
@cLutZ: Depends. Currently the settings are as follows.
Client Side: Recommended Items, Masteries, Chat Settings (e.g. Status Message, Chatrooms), Graphics Settings Server Side: Runes, Champions owned, Skins owned, IP, RP, Match History, Elo
I'm having the exact same problem as Nicode now. I haven't played LoL in like a week but now I can't get into any game at all. Just that blue box that won't go away.
On February 28 2012 07:34 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @beef: Server? Have you tried a Client Repair? What is your internet connection like?
I'm on NA. Yeah I did a client repair a few hours ago and it didn't say anything was wrong. Internet is 20 dl/1.5 ul. I've never had this problem before for the past year since I've had the game.
I think it does still put me in the game though because I can close LoL and restart and after I log in, I get the reconnect screen. But when I click reconnect, it takes me back to the blue screen. This happens for both normal games and custom games.
@Beef: Mmmm. Have you had any changes to your computer/internet recently? Also, can you get ahold of some logs so I can have a look at them? Also, a Netalyzr report would be nice. PM the link to me.
On February 28 2012 08:41 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @Beef: Mmmm. Have you had any changes to your computer/internet recently? Also, can you get ahold of some logs so I can have a look at them? Also, a Netalyzr report would be nice. PM the link to me.
PMed. No changes that I'm aware of. I am behind a router but only I use it and nothing has changed with that. I tested another computer by using my 2nd monitor but then replugged it in afterwards, so the only thing I've done hardware wise is plugging and replugging in my 2nd monitor.
I updated video drivers too but that was after I found this problem.
Hey Chiharu, thanks for your time and dedication first of all. I have a very annoying problem with lag /desync in the client, just the client, NOT in game. This is what happens frequently: I hit Play, join a Que for Ranked. Then the estimated timer shows up, i go back to browse / watch smash <3 and wait for the sound and Que to pop up. However, this does not happen, and 1 of 2 things happens: 1. the Timer reaches easily 2-3min and more, when i try and leave the Q, i get a Lol Failure window. I cannot close the game, with X, just with right click in the windows task->close application. Even more frustrating: When closed this way, the Q Sound appears and stays in the background for a few seconds, this means the game put me in lobby and i now dodged and got a-10 penalty, i lost a good 200 elo this way already and can wait 5min to try again. 2. the game attempts to leave the Que, but then i get the sound and the message cant leave q, match imminent and am thrown into the lobby, often with not joining the chat room and missing the first bans/picks, especially fun when i m first pick and my team rants at me for missing bans / banning stuff they wanted to pick, but i cannot even read it, the game starts with mates being superpissed at me. There is another problem linked with this in the lobby: If the game finds a match fast enough, so i dont desync before, i join the lobby, if i am waiting for my pick patiently, this is what happens: the countdown just ticks down while my mates/opponent team is picking, but i cannot see their picks and the game still shows me its their turn to pick, when in reality the next ones already are picking. The game will sometimes catch back up, more often than not it wont, and i end up with a random champ, because i dont see when i m suppose to pick and cant take any active picking (i tried blind mass-clicking on a champ portrait even when i m not sure if my time has come). I have a way to prevent that from happening though its rather inconvenient: When i cycle through my masteries in rapid succession, I can see the cog wheel turning for a few seconds next to the masteries, and when my game desyncs in that time the new input i request with changing masteries snaps the game back in sync. This problems occurs randomly, sometimes for a week straight, sometimes only for an hour a day. I can use everything else without problems ( watching, streams, downloading etc.) and my "fix" of the problem shows that its something that only throws LoL off. Do you have any idea or heard from similiar problems?
@Brock: I'm a little confused by what you've written haha. If I'm interpreting it correctly, this is what I think you mean:
1) LoL Client doesn't inform you when queue pops if you're watching a stream. This means that when you try to exit queue, you're actually already at champion select and so you end up dodging and losing Elo. Alternatively, it means that when you reach champion select you've already missed the ban phase.
2) At the Champ Select, you're lagging behind so what you see is delayed.
3) You can't choose the right champion to pick because you game is delayed a bit.
4) If you try changing masteries, you client re-synchs.
Would that be a correct interpretation?
It's interesting you mention you don't have any errors in-game. Hm. First thing first then, can you try a Client Repair to check if it's just a corrupted file that deals with Champion Select. Also, can you do a Netalyzr and PM me the results link so I can check if it's something with your internet (unlikely since there's no in-game errors, but worth checking).
Do you have any reliable methods of reproducing this error? You mentioned watching streams. Does this only occur when watching streams, or does it happen at other times as well? How long has this been occurring for? What other processes are you running when playing LoL?
Ive had this problem from day one after installing LoL (about 5-7 moths ago). ive searched google and other various sites but havent found anyone with the same problem, so ill try my luck explaining it here.
Everytime I watch a youtube video or a stream the game crashes after loading screen. I can watch a stream or youtube video while playing but the next time I get to character loading screen the game crashes. So I guess this must have something to do with Flash player since both youtube and streams use it (I assume).
I have the latest version of Flash player and my latest graphic card drivers (GeForce 7900 GTX).
My current solution to this problem is that after every time ive watched a stream or a youtube clip and I wanna start playing LoL I have to log out of windows and log back in again, this takes no time at all really but its annoying that I cant watch a youtube video or a stream while in game because then I have to exit the game and then relog windows and then launch LoL again, thats slightly more annoying.
If anyone is familiar with the problem I would very much appreciate your help. If you need further information about my comp setup just ask.
its not like it doesnt inform me when the game starts, its more like it doesnt notice it itself on my side. so i m not exactly lagging, the game itself wouldnt notice that the game starts, extreme example: i wait 15min in the lobby, then close the game, reopen LoL, then when i connect it says you are already in a game, reconnect. i m then in a game with a random champ, whatever runes and masteries i had and the game going for ~11minutes.
@Fts: Hm. That's odd. I can have Flash applications running fine when playing LoL. Can you try doing a Client Repair, and updating to the latest version of Adobe AIR?
@Brock: Oh, I see. Hm. Have you tried the suggestions I mentioned?
@Fts: Good to hear you can play again! FYR, the LoL PvP Client uses Adobe AIR for it's web interface so an old version of Adobe AIR most likely was causing execution errors with Adobe Flash since they both run off the Adobe Platform.
Also, an update from me. The Rune Combiner and EU Server Transfer should both be back up and running!
While switching back and forth between NA and EUW recently my launcher's been DLing some sort of patch/update. It's about 100mb in size (edit: it might vary actually, haven't been keeping an eye on it) and is definitely not the normal version check that takes a few seconds. Anything I can do about this?
On March 04 2012 03:13 Akinokaze wrote: While switching back and forth between NA and EUW recently my launcher's been DLing some sort of patch/update. It's about 100mb in size (edit: it might vary actually, haven't been keeping an eye on it) and is definitely not the normal version check that takes a few seconds. Anything I can do about this?
Yeah. There's some downloading of localisation assets when you change servers. The exact size varies; sometimes it's negligible and sometimes it's a reasonable amount.
You could set up two stand-alone LoL Client systems (such as by creating a virtual operating environment) so you can have an EU and an NA client, but it's probably more trouble than it's worth since you'd have to patch them both every two weeks, and you probably wouldn't end up saving that much time anyway.
It might be possible to back up the NA and EU localisation files somewhere and replace them each time you change server. However, I don't have a list of all the files that RADs checks for since this changes relatively often. It'd probably also be more troublesome than just letting RADs do it's own thing as well.
How should I spend my influence points? It seems to me that runes are expensive so I should only focus on either caster runes or fighter runes... which branch is probably better for a beginner like me with some limited experience in dota?
@Sufficiency: Uh, it's not exactly the sort of thing I answer here but I'll give you my $0.02 for what it's worth lol. Runes probably aren't worth buying until Level 20 when you can use Tier 3 runes. Which you want to invest in first really depends on what you like to play. There's no right or wrong here. Just get which ever you enjoy playing more first.
Casters are the high reflex combo skills and explode someone guys. Sort of like Lich/Lion except your abilities also scale so you're still relevant late game. AD Carries are like Drow Ranger who scale of gold and want to farm hard into late game power. Fighters are sort of semi-carries but also the tanks at the same time. So a Dragon Knight/Doombringer sort of thing? Idk. Your question is better off in general discussion, lol.
On March 04 2012 22:27 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @Sufficiency: Uh, it's not exactly the sort of thing I answer here but I'll give you my $0.02 for what it's worth lol. Runes probably aren't worth buying until Level 20 when you can use Tier 3 runes. Which you want to invest in first really depends on what you like to play. There's no right or wrong here. Just get which ever you enjoy playing more first.
Casters are the high reflex combo skills and explode someone guys. Sort of like Lich/Lion except your abilities also scale so you're still relevant late game. AD Carries are like Drow Ranger who scale of gold and want to farm hard into late game power. Fighters are sort of semi-carries but also the tanks at the same time. So a Dragon Knight/Doombringer sort of thing? Idk. Your question is better off in general discussion, lol.
My friend has had an issue since the patch where, if anyone picks Fiora, she gets a bugsplat right as the game is about to start. Even if she exits out and restarts, it will crash and stop her from getting back into the game. I saw some similar posts about it on Riots forums but no one seemed to have any ideas.
She's done a full reinstall of the game but it didn't fix it, so I don't really know what else to suggest. She doesn't use LoL Replay or any other 3rd party stuff.
@Bluebrush: Hm. If a full clean reinstall properly done hasn't helped, it's unlikely to be a file corruption issue. And if it's consistent but only with Fiora, it's probably not a memory thing. Can you get a copy of her logs and PM them to me to me so I can read them? A DxDiag would also be nice. Instructions on how to get them are here.
i know this is tech support and stuff but i didnt really want to make a thread about it. so im level 12 and i have 6300 ip. i can buy anychamp but i was wondering which one should i get . and just practice that champ all the way till 30?
When i get into a game after loading screen I get into game for about 3 seconds and then i get an error saying LoL has stopped working and then i have to exit out of it. I have updated my gpu drivers DxDiag is updated and i have repaired. uninstalled and reinstalled and it still seems to be doing this. can anyone help?
Just Random Bug I noticed. Gragas' passive name and description change.
When playing as Gragas, his Passive disappears as soon as you drink a potion. (The Beer Icon) While you're drinking a potion, his passive becomes named "Eggnog Health Potion" with the description that this unit is regenerating health. After potion is gone and a spell is cast, it gets the correct name, but loses the description.
Also, Galio's Resolute Smite renamed the passive as well, that one I wasn't able to duplicate.
Noticed a bug a few times. If I spend IP on the store to buy a rune and then play some games and try to buy another rune without restarting my IP in the store doesnt update. The buy window will show whatever IP i had after buying the first rune and not my actualy uptodate IP.
@Gorsameth: This is a known issue where some clients are affected. It should be fixed in the coming patch. For now, if you're ever concerned about if your IP total is correct, restart the Client (close it and then reopen and log back in) or restart your computer to get the client to force request from the Store Servers.
Come to think of it, I should have put that in the OP as a known issue. Thanks for the reminder. Will do that now.
Hi All, wonder if i could get some advice about this issue:
It's been covered in many many posts on the tech support on LoL forums, yet there has been no answer as far as i can find.
Basically, at random points, my PC will just reboot. No delay/blackscreen or anything, just reboots. This can be from 1 minute to 50 minutes within a game. Never happens until after the game starts (Once the loading screen has finished). Solutions i have tried: Clean the graphics card drivers, get the latest ones. Check for overheating. Checked for viruses. Checked for windows errors. Spec: i52400 3.2~ghz GTS 450 1gb 6GB Ram 1600mhz 700w Power supply 1TB DW Harddrive
I'm well aware my graphics card isn't the best, but even on the lowest settings, with no shadows, the game still crashes. Plus with it at max, i still get 50 FPS or something, so i doubt its that. As said above, it doesn't only seem to be me that's having this problem. Also before you ask, i have indeed played other games. (BF3, CivV, WoW, SC2 etc etc) and it has NEVER happened before.
If that doesn't work, can you obtain a process list, Netalyzr, DxDiag and an r3dlog from when game when a crash occurs?
Try loading a custom game when trying to reproduce the error if you wish. Also, if you can, try to obtain a Netalyzr when the crash occurs?
PM me the Netalyzr results link and the other stuff. For logs/list/DxDiag can you also put them in seperate spoilers to make it easier for me to read? Ty.
I want to change my hotkeys manually but I can't find the .txt file in the directory, what should I do ? (also my loading screen problems were probably still due to internet, or something updated itself concerning the bug...)
@Zoda: It's been moved to another folder recently. Go to the directory that you installed LoL in. Go to RiotGames -> Config and you should find the file input.ini there. I'll update the OP accordingly.
Hi, I'm new to LoL and considering starting this game. However, I don't know how big the game is in size. I have a few gigabytes of free space left so I was wondering if it would fit in. I don't want to go through the hassle of installing a massive game the size of SC2 if I won't be playing very much, since I'll probably only play it to reconnect with my brother some after having gone away to college.
@PolskaGora: My LoL Folder is 9.4GB but it also contains a lot of unnecessary files and extra clients which I use for my Tech Work which aren't part of the main game. My core RADS folder is 6GB so I suppose the essential files are around that big?
So I try to get on this morning and I ran into the issue where, after logging in, only the border loads and everything else is a blank slate. I ran into this problem before and fixed it by repairing, so I did that again. Now, when I get to the login screen I get an error about being unable to load /mod_man.dat.
I click "Send Error Report" and it just sits there for over 30mins with no visible progress other than Leagues "busy" clock cursor. When I try to log in I get the same border and blank slate.
@Gahlo: Sounds like your repair went wrong. Try repairing again, or doing a clean reinstall. Might also be a case where your firewall/antivirus doesn't recognise the updated LoL so do check for that as well.
i'm getting brutal lag issues in game. it's not a problem with my internet, and i can't figure out why it's happening. it doesn't happen every time i play, but it happens often enough that i'm pretty pissed, cuz it absolutely ends the game whenever it happens. i can barely move, i get 10-12 seconds of clarity and then it's totally frozen for just as long. as minions and shit pile up it gets progressively worse until my character model disappears and i cant move off the fountain -_-
repairing the client right now using the launcher tool, anyone have any experience with this?
On March 29 2012 09:43 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: i'm getting brutal lag issues in game. it's not a problem with my internet, and i can't figure out why it's happening. it doesn't happen every time i play, but it happens often enough that i'm pretty pissed, cuz it absolutely ends the game whenever it happens. i can barely move, i get 10-12 seconds of clarity and then it's totally frozen for just as long. as minions and shit pile up it gets progressively worse until my character model disappears and i cant move off the fountain -_-
repairing the client right now using the launcher tool, anyone have any experience with this?
This happened to me freshman year of college over summer break. After living in the dorms(game played fine) as soon as I got home it would lag exactly how you were describing. I reinstalled, repaired, worked with riot for port forwarding, disabled the dmz on my router and even tried modem to pc directly. Only thing that fixed it for me was going back to school and it worked fine at my apt. If you're on a laptop or do small LANs try on a different network. Otherwise, good luck. Hopefully you can figure it out.
On March 29 2012 09:43 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: i'm getting brutal lag issues in game. it's not a problem with my internet, and i can't figure out why it's happening. it doesn't happen every time i play, but it happens often enough that i'm pretty pissed, cuz it absolutely ends the game whenever it happens. i can barely move, i get 10-12 seconds of clarity and then it's totally frozen for just as long. as minions and shit pile up it gets progressively worse until my character model disappears and i cant move off the fountain -_-
repairing the client right now using the launcher tool, anyone have any experience with this?
I got lag spikes last night into the 1400s of ping at random times. didn't correlate with engagements. doesn't occur outside of LoL. how can I know if its me or the server causing the problem? should I just consider it an isolated incident?
@Fakesteve: Check if any of the instructions in this or this article improve your fps. Owait, not an fps issue. In which case see if Client Repair helps first. Still try the methods linked though. Sounds like an fps related issue.
@Yamato: Do a Netalyzr and check your internet connection. Haven't heard of server issues recently.
On March 27 2012 07:27 PolskaGora wrote: Hi, I'm new to LoL and considering starting this game. However, I don't know how big the game is in size. I have a few gigabytes of free space left so I was wondering if it would fit in. I don't want to go through the hassle of installing a massive game the size of SC2 if I won't be playing very much, since I'll probably only play it to reconnect with my brother some after having gone away to college.
i have also been getting lag spikes into the 2000s at random times through the game. they last about 4-10 seconds. i have not noticed any internet issues outside of lol like streams stop/stuttering. it started happening about a week ago. every once in a while another person in the game will complain of lagging/freezing at the same time but not with every spike and not everyone in the game.
netalyzr said that my dns wildcards and said the ports below where blocked. none of these things seem like they would cause the lag to me but i dont know this stuff all that well.
Direct TCP access to remote RPC servers (port 135) is blocked. This is probably for security reasons, as this protocol is generally not designed for use outside the local network.
Direct TCP access to remote NetBIOS servers (port 139) is blocked. This is probably for security reasons, as this protocol is generally not designed for use outside the local network.
Direct TCP access to remote SMB servers (port 445) is blocked. This is probably for security reasons, as this protocol is generally not designed for use outside the local network.
Direct UDP access to remote NetBIOS NS servers (port 137) is blocked.
Direct UDP access to remote NetBIOS DGM servers (port 138) is blocked.
Direct UDP access to remote Slammer servers (port 1434) is blocked.
@Jadoth: If it was an issue with ports, you probably wouldn't be able to play LoL, rather than latency issues. So can't comment much knowing only that. Have a read of this maybe?
@Tribute: Does not exist publicly. If you tried installing it and opening it, it'd patch to the latest version anyway. Go ask LoLReplay.
@ThatGuy: This isn't really a Tech Question. But it's your Win/Loss for that type of game. (So your win/loss record for Normals Blind Pick, Ranked, Dominion, etc.)
On April 03 2012 03:52 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @Tribute: Does not exist publicly. If you tried installing it and opening it, it'd patch to the latest version anyway. Go ask LoLReplay.
@ThatGuy: This isn't really a Tech Question. But it's your Win/Loss for that type of game. (So your win/loss record for Normals Blind Pick, Ranked, Dominion, etc.)
no but its a faq thread too and theres no simple questions/answers thread
thanks though, couldnt find it anywhere on the net
I've been crashing all day long today after I alt-tab out of LoL (during a game), when I click the icon in the taskbar to go back to it. There's nothing different from yesterday or before, except that I installed that new windows live version today (which is shitty as hell, btw). It's not windows telling me that the program doesn't answer or something, but bugsplat popping me and asking me to report the issue. Do other people that installed that new live thing have had problems with LoL or other stuff since then?
bug: my client updates only about 50% of the name changes that go through i still have "MashMe" as "Crs DontMashMe" and he changed that literally a year ago. several other people on my friends list have their old or original names. is there a way to force namechanges to go through in your client?
@gtsrs: Right. Go to the directory you installed LoL in. Go to RADS -> projects -> lol_air_client -> releases -> (or the latest one) -> deploy -> preferences.
Back up the stuff in here first just in case! Then delete the preferences for all accounts named there. Don't think you need to delete the global folder but can try that if there are still problems. This should get your client to default to regular chat configurations. You'll need to rejoin all chat rooms, create a new status message, etc. Assuming it's a local-end thing, this should clear it up.
@Alaric: Hrm, 'tis odd, be it not? Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is Windows Live and what does it do? I uninstall all the random stuff I don't use so I'm not familiar with it. If this only happened after the update, it might be related to it. If you're running it at the same time, try turning it off and see if it helps. Might be a memory issue causing the client to crash, seeing as it's a bugsplat. Are you using Windows 7?
It's been the new name for MSN-related stuff (Microsoft's instant messaging software) for a few years. I don't think it has anything related to LoL (except maybe new graphical effects/stuff, and I got a notice from my CG driver every time I crashed), but it is the only thing that changed before LoL started crashing like that. I am using Windows 7, yes.
Windows 7 ah how you cause me troubles. Anyway, I assume CG driver you mean Graphics Card? If you're getting error messages regarding that, you might want to (re)install the latest version. Especially if it's an Intel Graphics Card. Also, do check if playing LoL without Windows Live on still causes any problems or not. If it's still having errors even when it's not on, then the timing might just be a co-incidence.
Not sure if this belongs here but think it fits here better than general, how does one type in korean in the league client? Nothing ever shows up whenever I try, wether it's korean input or copy paste. Same for jap etc. Tried googling, I just thought moonbear or whoever might have an idea.
On April 06 2012 02:50 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @gtsrs: Right. Go to the directory you installed LoL in. Go to RADS -> projects -> lol_air_client -> releases -> (or the latest one) -> deploy -> preferences.
Back up the stuff in here first just in case! Then delete the preferences for all accounts named there. Don't think you need to delete the global folder but can try that if there are still problems. This should get your client to default to regular chat configurations. You'll need to rejoin all chat rooms, create a new status message, etc. Assuming it's a local-end thing, this should clear it up.
this did not resolve the issue several peoples' names DID change to the correct names, but many others are still stuck pre-change it's soooo weird
@gtsrs: Hm. Interesting. Might be something server side...? Are you the only one who sees their names wrong?
I'll also see if I can catch a server engineer and ask them about this. Although they're all out of office because of IPL+PAX atm so it'll be soon(tm).
@JackDino: The English LoL Client does not have backend XMPP support for non-ASCII character input afaik. So probably can't get it to work. I'll ask around though.
so my computer (which used to play lol perfectly fine) is stuck at 5fps all of the time, i have a ping of 90. Any known reason for this? I haven't played since before the Lulu patch
things I have tried: 1) closed all non-essential programs outside game (music/browser/etc) -- these worked fine before 2) put all video settings to low --- (previously very high) 3) turned v-sync on and off (no change) 4) turned off sound 5) changed resolution 6) closed lolclient and lollauncher while in game. 7) restarted computer
@Phrost: NA Severs have had some issues recently. If the issue is persistent though, then it'd be time to investigate. I wouldn't read too much into it atm since it could just be server-side.
On April 09 2012 11:31 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @gtsrs: Hm. Interesting. Might be something server side...? Are you the only one who sees their names wrong?
I'll also see if I can catch a server engineer and ask them about this. Although they're all out of office because of IPL+PAX atm so it'll be soon(tm).
fairly sure i'm the only one who sees the names wrong, as i've asked shared friends about the names and they tell me that they've been updated.
i finally just de-friended mashme and re-added him and it worked properly, but there are others still on my list who are messed up!
@gtsrs: With all the patch stuff going on, no Engineers around.
Since removing and re-adding seems to work, and clearing the local files hasn't helped, my guess is that it's most likely something serverside. Probably the database where your friends list is stored hasn't properly matched the new Summoner Names to the primary key field so it's returning the wrong values. Removing and re-adding would request the newer correct information to be added to your friends list. So I guess you're just going to have to remove and re-add everyone who's name isn't displaying right. :<
tons of bugs thusfar in this patch moon... uh. chiharu.
when you first open your client and select a champ, and it moves to skin select, no name will be displayed for the skin you're on, unless you switch skins and switch back. minor, obviously
after a game if you re-queue, when you get into champ select in a ranked, everyone has random summoners displayed instead of blank squares. when you hover over them, they have a popup that says "unused." your own summoners will be displayed incorrectly, but when you hover over, will popup with the right skill. edit: after getting this bug multiple times, i've deduced that it shows what the people in the game you were last in had as summoners. seems to happen after hitting "play again"
some camps won't aggro you after you attack them. have seen it twice as shyvana, dont' know if it's shyv-specific or how to replicate it.
Hi, half the maps i choose in Brood war(like python and fighting spirit) drop my opponent the moment I get into the game. I've been getting this problem since I had to reinstall the game. I tried reinstalling it again but no luck. Also I know this has been discussed at length but does anyone have any fancy new way to activate antihack launcher on mac?
On April 19 2012 23:38 gumshoe wrote: Hi, half the maps i choose in Brood war(like python and fighting spirit) drop my opponent the moment I get into the game. I've been getting this problem since I had to reinstall the game. I tried reinstalling it again but no luck. Also I know this has been discussed at length but does anyone have any fancy new way to activate antihack launcher on mac?
I think you're looking for an other Tech support thread than this one. This is the LoL subforum
How many versions is acceptable to patch from exactly? I haven't played in awhile (few months maybe), but I'm patching now and my estimated time left keeps flashing negative numbers and zeroes. Am I better off uninstalling and redownloading or should I rough it out and hope it works?
Patching always takes time if you've been way for a while. Probably even more so since the servers are a little unstable atm. If you don't see any realistic progress after 30 min, then maybe consider a reinstall but I personally don't think it's worth it since you'll need to download everything eventually anyway and a reinstall would take longer I'd assume.
I suppose patches is more widely used, but I think of them as versions ^_^ The file I thought it was stuck on ended up finishing after awhile. Negative patch times would be really cool though.
When I'm trying to report someone, I usually have two cases: - it's the first game of the day (or since I launched the game, can't remember), and everything goes fine. - it's not, and after I fill in the report form and click on the confirmation button, I have the pop-up saying my request has been sent to Riot. But the button on the top right side of the screen doesn't go blank, and I can report again if I want.
Do you know if the form is really processed, or if it is a bug and most of my reports never make it?
@Alaric: Since you get the confirmation message I would assume the report was sent as the lack of greying out the button seems more a glitch than anything else.
@Alaric: Iirc, they changed it so you can report someone twice. (e.g. for Inappropriate Name as well as Negative Attitude, so they can be Tribunal'ed as well as name changed). Is it not greying out after two reports?
there is a bug where you cannot scroll through champs unless it is your turn to ban/pick in ranked. not sure how to reproduce, i seem to get it in half of my games
I've had that problem by playing ARAB, trying to trade someone then someone else instantly dodges after, then that trade thing like guitar posted stays forever like wtf.
I've had two of those at once for a time. Real sadness.
i believe that this bug is caused by a last-second trade, or someone dodging at the last second whilst having a trade up. the trades just stacked after that, each game. should be easy to replicate
Oh ok good, I thought it was just me and was about to post my own screenshot of it. Happened to me a few times where someone doesn't accept a trade and the game gets cancelled for whatever reason.
Do I need a dedicated graphics card to play LoL? I'm back home for a bit and trying to get it to work on the family's Mac Mini, without much success thus far. I'm trying to figure out if I'm mishandling the Mac client or if the thing just isn't capable of LoL. It's got a 2GHz Core 2 Duo, 2 GB of RAM, and a built-in GPU with 64 MB of memory. I realize this ain't the mac support forum, but this describes what has been happening when I try to start the game.
@Node: Off the top of my head I know that for Windows system requirements you're recommended to have a dedicated Video Card (Dedicated GPU with 512MB+ Video Memory). I assume the Mac Client is similar so it might be the lack of a dedicated video card.
While I know Boompje, I don't know much about the Mac Client. For Mac specific issues, his forums would be more useful than here for general issues.
Yeah, so um....I tried to spectate a game and once I'm in, my screen is terribly offset and I can't move it. I can't even change it to fullscreen since I can't reach the OK button (found out I can just move the options box).
I can switch to windowed/fullscreen and then back to borderless and it works fine.
my ranked stats page has been broken for like 6 patches. right now it shows no champs, other times it will show them and you can select them but it does not bring up the stats, and rarely it will show NaN for all the stats.
@Beef: Full-screen has issues sometimes when alt-tabbing. Borderless mode is the best bet. If that bugs, do tell me and I'll chase up the Engineers about it.
@Jadoth: When you go to people's profiles sometimes it bugs a bit. Try visting 2 or 3 other profiles and swapping back. Does the bug still occur?
It happens when I spectate a game on borderless for the first time after I login. If I don't fix it by changing to fullscreen or windowed (and back to borderless if I wish), I can quit and spectate another game but the problem still occurs. If I fix it, I can spectate new games and the problem doesn't happen. I'm actually having problems alt-tabbing after I fix it and use borderless. I've had no problems at all on fullscreen or windowed. It works best in those modes for me. I don't it's just for me though.
Did anyone's ingame response to pm get really messed up? I often find myself getting my first letter of what i'm typing cut off...Did they chage the /r command?
On May 07 2012 08:07 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @Zoda: Yeah, when you change region it updates your properties files. Hm. Try changing server, and then updating the files perhaps?
The fact is that I don't change the server. I update the properties, launch the patcher and I gets changed... Edit: Nvm, I just launched the patcher and updated the file after. Just sad I have to do it every time I launch the game..
Just as an update. I won't be checking this thread for about a month due to Finals so if you have problems, I won't see them. Best to check Forums/submit a support ticket.
so, i have a really strange problem. Basically, my game crashes whenever i get to the victory/defeat screen, but it's not really a huge issue since it doesn't actually affect the game, or is even inconvenient, except for requiring 1 more click to reach the post-game chat. Using windows 8, may be part of the issue.
edit: and while i'm at it, I have a ton of issues with my ranked stats screen. A lot of times, the majority of numbers come up as NaN's and i cannot see champ portraits at the bottom. I'm like 99% sure this is due to adobe air interaction with win8 tho.
Hey moonbear, is riot aware of the lag problems recently. My champion stops moving for a few seconds at a time and I have to relog in again and again to fix it. Note that the ping itself stays normal and I can see everyone else moving fine. Another problem is the client just crashes during the loading screen.
Its incredibly frustrating to lose a lane I wont ever lose just because my champion stopped moving during a crucial engage or a gank.
and its definitely not a problem on my end since I can play all other games fine. And plenty of other people are having the same problems as well.
Im just curious, whenever I spectate a game, I cant see any chat, whether its within the team or all chat. I do however get notifications in the chat box, when someone buys an important item (aegis, etc). Is this the way its meant to be or is something wrong here?
When I start up a game to spectate it launches in the bottom right portion of my screen and I can't move it up to cover my whole screen or press the apply button for a windowed mode. Any idea what to do?
Edit: was able to drag the window over to make it a fullscreen the glitch happened when I had it as a borderless screen that I like to use to sync with flux to help out my bad eyes.
Don't know where MB has been lately but I can answer the last couple Q's:
Im just curious, whenever I spectate a game, I cant see any chat, whether its within the team or all chat. I do however get notifications in the chat box, when someone buys an important item (aegis, etc). Is this the way its meant to be or is something wrong here?
Hit 'i' and enable the ability to see chat. You can only see Allchat, not team chat when you're spectating.
When I start up a game to spectate it launches in the bottom right portion of my screen and I can't move it up to cover my whole screen or press the apply button for a windowed mode. Any idea what to do?
Edit: was able to drag the window over to make it a fullscreen the glitch happened when I had it as a borderless screen that I like to use to sync with flux to help out my bad eyes.
I get this too every so's pretty aggravating and I don't know what causes it. An easy fix however is to open Task Manager (Alt+Ctrl+Del in WIndows), right click on LoL under the working applications and click Maximize.
Hi all. I've been super busy IRL and so haven't been checking this thread as I editted the OP to say so. I'm finally back so will be going over the issue from here.
On May 09 2012 21:00 LaNague wrote: moonbear, do you know how i can make it so that holding CTRL doesnt make the game to ignore my rightclick movement commands?
Currently do not know of a method. Ctrl is used as a modifer so I think it overrides stuff.
On May 18 2012 05:53 barbsq wrote: so, i have a really strange problem. Basically, my game crashes whenever i get to the victory/defeat screen, but it's not really a huge issue since it doesn't actually affect the game, or is even inconvenient, except for requiring 1 more click to reach the post-game chat. Using windows 8, may be part of the issue.
edit: and while i'm at it, I have a ton of issues with my ranked stats screen. A lot of times, the majority of numbers come up as NaN's and i cannot see champ portraits at the bottom. I'm like 99% sure this is due to adobe air interaction with win8 tho.
Hm. I had the game crash after defeat screen occassionally as well which is odd but then it stopped after the Hecarim patch. I'm not sure if it's a memory thing, or an Adobe AIR thing or something. The latest Darius patch comtained several fixes so it shouldn't be happening anymore. If it does, do inform me and I'll investigate it.
The profiles have been bugging out lately and don't update properly. If you log-out and log back in it should generally fix the issue. I think it might be due to the client trying to cache stuff.
On May 21 2012 19:45 anmolsinghmzn2009 wrote: Hey moonbear, is riot aware of the lag problems recently. My champion stops moving for a few seconds at a time and I have to relog in again and again to fix it. Note that the ping itself stays normal and I can see everyone else moving fine. Another problem is the client just crashes during the loading screen.
Hm. I've been really out of the loop with EUNE servers. It might be something on your end since I haven't heard of any changes to the servers. Can you do a Netalyzr for me to check? If you don't want to post the results here, you can PM me the results link instead.
Hey moonbear, I've put in a ticket for some tech help and got a reply but the fixes were only temporary.
Basicly my issue is I was playing league before I went out for a decent time, after returning home and wanting to play one game of league I just get the League of Legends "symbol?" that appears before the launcher comes up and tries to check for updates. It drops away, and then brings up the same symbol over and over again. Forever. I can't access the launcher, can't run a repair, can't start it in admin, all of these things repeat the same as before. So I uninstalled and reinstalled and I still have the same issue.
He had me run in admin and that worked for awhile, but after I restarted my computer the same issue appeared. Fixed an error in the folder it was saved in, also worked for a bit, but again I'm back to this issue. Any possible ideas? I'm waiting to hear back from the support guy but I'm starting to lose hope.
@Cixah: Hm. After the logo appears, the client attempts to run Maestro and connect to the Riot servers. Since you aren't getting any error message, it seems like the issue is with Maestro itself. Reinstall hasn't helped so either it's not an issue with the client files, or your install wasn't complete.
First thing to check would be to reinstall Adobe AIR and the Microsoft NET Framework. Those provide the core functionality for Maestro. Do that first and tell me what happens. Check for any updates to Windows as well. Also, can you tell me if you've had any changes to your computer since you last used LoL?
Adobe Air wasn't ever found in my Control Panel so I just installed it (how does that happen?), I also ran a repair on .net Framework, after the restart I ran it in Admin and got the launcher and patched, but the logo still blinked like 3 or 4 times before it actually kicked through to the launcher. Is that still a sign of the issue being there?
As for any changes the only one I've added recently was D3 about 2 weeks ago. The night before this issue started happening there was also a windows update that I downloaded before I went out. Nothing else has changed at all.
@Cixah: Is the client working then? If no, then tell me. If yes, then let's see if it keeps working over the next few days.
Yeah, sometimes it does bug out for me and I need to open the Launcher a few times. I don't think it should be a problem so long as it works fine. I'm too lazy to do anything about it lol. ^^; Although, it's probably something you might want to discuss in your support ticket and get personalised advice for if you are inclinded to do so.
Yea it's working so far. I'll just play with it for now, hopefully it doesn't dun goof again. If it does I'm sure I'll come back here. Imma leave my support ticket open too, just to see what he says.
Yea, the issue is back again. Adobe Air is still there, .net says its up to date, but I still get the blinking logo after I close league and try to restart. I even tried the advice of deleting C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_launcher, because its apparently a bug with some sort of patch that they did, but it still does the same thing (that was advice from the support guy).
@Cixah: Can you check your firewall settings? After the update it might be the case that your firewall is blocking the initial client ping to the Riot Servers which is causing this problem.
A clean install has gotten me to the launcher, but I'm afraid to close and test to see if the bug is still there. May just have to fresh install every week or so just to play. Hopefully I find a real fix soon.
@Cixah: Oh no. :< I'm wondering if it's something else on your machine that's perhaps causing an issue... Hm. Ok, maybe try cleaning the registry files? It might be repeated overwrites that's causing an issue. The LoL Support Knowledgebase should have an article for a recommended Registry cleaning tool, don't have time to search it up atm.
I haven't played in a while and now everytime I try to use alt+qwer to self-cast a spell I feel it's incredibly buggy. Either it doesn't activate, it needs multiple presses, etc. pp. - did the mechanics behind that get changed over the last few patches and is there something I can do about it? =S
@r.Evo: Hm. Can you reset all keybindings and try again? I haven't been playing much recently but when I did I haven't had any issues with Alt-cast so I don't think anything got changed.
On June 12 2012 23:40 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @r.Evo: Hm. Can you reset all keybindings and try again? I haven't been playing much recently but when I did I haven't had any issues with Alt-cast so I don't think anything got changed.
I did reset it via the ingame thingy, it's still the same issue. Like, I press alt+e on Nidalee or Morgana and it shows the range for a splitsecond and then either goes off on myself or nothing happens. Spamming it seems to work, but that's not how it should work in the first place. =S
I cleaned the registry with the program recommended and I've still got blinking logos. I opened task manager while it was doing this just to see whats going on and there's one program that just blinks forever, very quickly. It's something like RADS(random number here, always changing). Not sure what that is, but It has a similar name to something in the riot folder so I have no idea.
@r.Evo: Huh. Is it latency maybe...? What's your ping?
@Cixah: Hm. Do you have the PBE or anything installed? If so, can you remove them and then try reinstalling again? I'm wondering if it might be that hrm. This is very odd. Also check Windows is up to date. Is your Support Ticket still open?
15-30, DSL + fast path. Though I gotta say it spiked randomly over the last couple days, it could be just that I rarely notice those spikes unless they fuck me up. =S
I thought I had done all the updates, but apparently they were never installed. >.>. It seems to be working now, no blinking on start up this time which eases my mind a bit. Thanks
Sorry if this is in the wrong place but is there any way to get better framerate while streaming? I'm stuck at around 20-30 fps, I lowered my stream quality from 720p to 480p but the framerate didn't change. I'm streaming with Xsplit on own3d. Thanks.
Also how do I adjust the audio quality? Normally I don't notice but when I play music it sounds like shit.
@Xevious: Try changing priority on the LoL Programs which should help. Instructions are here.
As for audio quality, check your drivers are up to date and the in-game settings are what you want them to be. I've never read about any issues with them. What exactly do you mean? Is there static, breaking, etc.?
On June 20 2012 20:31 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @Xevious: Try changing priority on the LoL Programs which should help. Instructions are here.
As for audio quality, check your drivers are up to date and the in-game settings are what you want them to be. I've never read about any issues with them. What exactly do you mean? Is there static, breaking, etc.?
I'll change the priority next time I try, but regardless I fixed it by only streaming the game itself as apposed to screen region on xsplit. I lag much less now, also I figured out how to increase the audio quality which I can handle now that I'm lagging less. Thanks though.
@Corvette: Depends what files you need. If you just want champion dialogue files, then getting them from the LoL Wiki is probably the easiest method. Click on the champion and then go to the Background tab.
@Zoda: Yeh it happens some times. I think it's probably due to the connection attempt to the landing page being interrupted and the client doesn't re-ping. It happens sometimes, not exactly sure why. Logging out and back in again generally solves it though. Yeh, it's annoying. =(
I can't play. Basically i can normally log and enter in a queue for normal games. I can even select the champ, but when the loading scren appears, i see the otther players as non connected and my loading bar at 0%. After a few secs the game closes and appears bugsplatter. The problem persists even after several reconnection tryes.
i have been able to watch streams on tl for almost 6 months now and recently my streams just stopped working. It will play the commercial then just sit there on one frame of the stream. plz help... anyone?
On July 02 2012 05:33 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @nosliw: I'll check with some of the others and see if the support for dual-screen has changed or anything.
Thanks for the reply. I got it fixed by basically shutting everything off and reconnecting in the correct order.
I've been getting really bad FPS drops in my games lately, getting 25-30~ stable for the most of early game, then when mid-late game progresses it drops to 10. It's kinda hard to play but still manageable, but then today I hit a really bad drop where it goes to like 5 FPS in team fights and its impossible to do anything.
Playing on a laptop, i3 2.4Ghz 4.0GB RAM integrated graphics card
I think the combination of using your windows priority method and setting my FPS limit to BENCHMARK instead of 25-30 which was my usual setting actually made the FPS drops stop strangely enough
So. If I DC, then reconnect I have a few problems that are replicated basically every DC.
1. Minions that have died still look alive and are locked in infinite combat (basically ruining my minimap). 2. Some towers become untargetable. 3. (This is New) Today an Ahri was invisible to me until she died.
BTW, this happens sometimes when someone calls and a certain wireless headset can inturrupt the wireless.
On July 14 2012 03:29 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @cLutZ: There has always been an occasional bug when reconnecting to games you d/c'd from. This is going to be finally permanently fixed next patch.
Haha, thanks. I just wanted to know if it was my problem.
I also found out after the game ended that I had in fact successfully bought a Frozen mallet from my phage.
On July 14 2012 03:29 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: Note: I will be away from TL a lot over the next two weeks and will not be responding to issues in this thread.
Aw crap XD
Well, I'll post before I reinstall just in case...
Been having an issue this weekend where my champ will freeze or not listen to new commands issued. Everything continues as normal except I don't do anything. Sometimes the whole game freezes after a min and I'll have to reconnect. So annoying to say the least but last night LoL crashed. There was an error message but I was dumb and trying to get back in game so I didn't save the error message. Today I was hoping it would be resolved but same issues. Had LoL crash 2 times in one game, multiple reconnects without leaving the game. Should I reinstall? When I hit ok out of the original error message it took me to LoL support about how to reinstall so I'm assuming that would fix it. I haven't done anything weird to my game files either.
Does anyone know how to help with the Adobe Air Debug Launcher crashes? I've looked on riot's website and I've seen dozens of threads written about the crashes (going back more than a year), but Riot never responds as to how to fix it.
The crash for me only happens when I try to access a feature of the Store (including clicking on a champion to bring up the splash art/description on the champ select screen). I can always log in and play, but I just can't access the store to buy runes/champions, which is really annoying. I've tried all the fixes suggested by players (full re install including restarts in between and deleting pando, and adobe air). Re installing Adobe Air, Full reformat, turning off my firewall, antivirus, etc.
Sometimes I'll re install adobe air or smth and it will work until I re log in, then it will crash again. And sometimes I'll click on the store by accident and it will work randomly until I log off.
I run windows XP on my current system (my computer busted so I have to use my old one until I can afford a replacement TT) if that effects anything.
Ok. Managed to find some time and sit down and do some tech stuff. Ok.
@Mordek: Most likely during patching something went wrong. Try a client repair (instructions in Part 4 on Page 1) or a full reinstall (although this takes aaaaages) if you're really worried. Generally a client repair should fix the problem.
@Arisen: Hm. Can you completely uninstall Adobe AIR and then install the latest version? It seems to be a session specific issue here... Try that first and tell me what happens.
On July 26 2012 19:17 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: Ok. Managed to find some time and sit down and do some tech stuff. Ok.
@Arisen: Hm. Can you completely uninstall Adobe AIR and then install the latest version? It seems to be a session specific issue here... Try that first and tell me what happens.
Yes, I've done that several times. Sometimes It works for 1 or two sessions then stops, sometiems it doesn't even work for 1 session after the re install.
Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I've been unable to see chat for a while. I can still chat and people can see my messages, but I can't see the chat box. Any help?
Alright, so after the new PBE patch update, the PBE launcher is all screwed up. So after I load it initially where the LoL logo pops up on the screen and then I click "play" on the launcher, nothing happens. The log-in screen doesn't come up at all. Not really sure what's happened here.
My computer is a pretty powerful motherfucker. However, it loads up LoL games so slowly, that people say that their toaster can load the game faster. And sometimes, the game would just simply crash. Is there any explanation for this? This has been happening for about a year now.
I think part of it could be when I used Tor way way back and got a few nice viruses but they are cleaned up and I often keep my computer on 24/7.
@Arisen: Hm. Interesting. Have you tried cleaning your registry files?
@Leap of Faith: Reset your chat settings. You probably moved the chat box somewhere. If all else fails, run a Client Repair and it will reset everything to default. (That option is very time and bandwidth consuming though.)
@koreasilver: Have you tried a client repair?
@Shiragaku: Hm. Probably a problem with optimisation. Not sure for the exact reason. You could try a reinstall if you really felt like it. Alternatively if you don't want to, try this and see if it helps.
Not really a technical support question, but this is probably the best place for it: is there some way to report a ranked team for an offensive/inappropriate name (a slightly misspelled homophobic slur, in this case)?
@Zoda: What steps have you taken so far? Not sure what the cause might be. Try and Client Repair first and see how it goes? That would eliminate the possibility of an errant file somewhere.
Hm, I changed region to NA and back to EU and it fixed it. I was very surprised at start 'cause I knew a lot of friends who had this bug when playing with the game in french language, but mine has been in english for ages.
I don't have access to my desktop atm and playing on an AIO PC with Radeon Mobility 4500. How do you improve FPS on this kind of graphic card? I only get 30fps but when fight broken out it drop to below 10fps and make it unplayable T_T. I've already upgrade my drivers but AMD Catalyst is a pain in the ass. Is there a way to manually install graphic driver w.o installing the whole Catalyst package?
@Caphe: Um. I've only ever updated AMD Drivers through Catalyst. And yeah it was a massive pain to do so. I'm not aware of another method though unless you can find the Driver Package on a mirror site.
On August 15 2012 10:36 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @Caphe: Um. I've only ever updated AMD Drivers through Catalyst. And yeah it was a massive pain to do so. I'm not aware of another method though unless you can find the Driver Package on a mirror site.
Not a tech support question, but I recall reading a thread which I'm pretty sure was on TL about how M5 employed an aggressive roaming/map control strategy reminiscent of Dota2, and I can't find that thread anymore. Could someone link me, please?
I tried putting my game in borderless mode to help alt-tabbing and that kind of stuff, and I've noticed since that my games load with the "window" moved to the side, and only about the top-left quarter appeared in the bottom-right corner of my screen. I have to go into the settings once the game is loaded to put it in windowed or fullscreen, and then back to borderless to get it to display properly. Is there a way to fix that in the settings? Never had this kind of stuff before.
Apparently it only does it when I spectate and not when I start a game myself, hm...
On August 24 2012 01:53 Alaric wrote: I tried putting my game in borderless mode to help alt-tabbing and that kind of stuff, and I've noticed since that my games load with the "window" moved to the side, and only about the top-left quarter appeared in the bottom-right corner of my screen. I have to go into the settings once the game is loaded to put it in windowed or fullscreen, and then back to borderless to get it to display properly. Is there a way to fix that in the settings? Never had this kind of stuff before.
Drag the windows task bar to the left, top or right, that resets the window position. Then you can drag it to the bottom again. Easier than going to the settings all the time.
Hi, I have this weird bug, which makes the client crash periodically for no apparent reason. It is annoying most of the time, but its extremely frustrating when it happens during champion select, because i get the dodge penalty. Also, it almost always happens during a game, so when its finished I rarely get to see the score screen.
Here's the log I'm given after a crash, if it's of any use:
Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: LolClient.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 4c00573a Fault Module Name: Adobe AIR.dll Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 4eb75fb9 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 000781a4 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1026 Additional Information 1: 0a9e Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Additional Information 3: 0a9e Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
I was in the middle of a game awhile ago, when LoL decided to stop working altogether. I closed the game and tried reopening it but it states that North American servers are "undefined" atm, as well I cannot even go to the website at all. I have no clue as to why this happened at all.
It's just bizarre that my internet is working fine with everything else, but it can't load the website or have the game actually detect the server, seeing how it now says NA is unavailable.
@Napkin: Website is working for me and the Server seems to be up. It suggests an issue on your end. Can you run a Netalyzr and post the results link here for me to read?
@Napkin: You have 3 second delay on your internet. That's probably the cause of your problems. If you try to ping the server, the request likely times out before you even get a reply because of the lag.
@Napkin: Since it's likely your internet, try talking to your ISP about the problem. Might be something on their end. Also try powercyling your router just in case.
On August 24 2012 01:53 Alaric wrote: I tried putting my game in borderless mode to help alt-tabbing and that kind of stuff, and I've noticed since that my games load with the "window" moved to the side, and only about the top-left quarter appeared in the bottom-right corner of my screen. I have to go into the settings once the game is loaded to put it in windowed or fullscreen, and then back to borderless to get it to display properly. Is there a way to fix that in the settings? Never had this kind of stuff before.
Drag the windows task bar to the left, top or right, that resets the window position. Then you can drag it to the bottom again. Easier than going to the settings all the time.
Hey guys, I have no idea how this happened but basically this morning I had some net issues, so when i started LoL, it obviously didnt work, however, now that my net has been fixed and it works, when i tried to start LoL, i get a bugsplat.
Ive uploaded an image of the files that seem to have a problem, hope you can help.
Yea, reinstalling was my last option, didnt want to since if it wasnt necessary, anyways thanks for having a look and yea lol that was a bad screenshot :D
I dunno how often you check this anymore MoonBear but I've been having this issue ever since the patch where my game crashes pretty often. Like at least once every game almost. I get that Bug Splat screen and then the game just crashes. No clue what's causing it or how to fix it. It only started since the patch so idk if it's something Riot will fix or if it's something I need to fix but any help or suggestions would be awesome.
On September 22 2012 04:12 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @Overt: Do you use WIndows XP?
Yes. I also used to run LoL Recorder every time I launched and since uninstalling LoL Recorder I don't seem to get bug splats nearly as often anymore. But if you know of anything else I can do to reduce it that'd be fantastic.
For a while now I've been unable to reply (using either the whisper command or the reply command) to any in game whispers I recieve from friends. I also am unable to ignore anybody in game, which is exceedingly frustrating in ranked when certain people won't stop talking.
Does anyone else have this problem? I read through the "most often asked" client issues and the miscellanious section too but this question isn't there so I'm assuming that this bug must be relatively uncommon... Any suggestions?
Why is it that the majority of the time my first attempt at logging in after a long period of inactivity (i.e. half a day) renders a server busy error?
Ever since the most recent patch i have been getting very severe lag spikes. They always coincide with a lot of ablities being cast, like the start of team fights. My ping goes up to around 4k and everyone slides around then after 5ish seconds all the spell animations go off and everything is back to normal.
Okay, I'm not sure whats going on but I just fixed my internet today so I'm not disconnecting all the time, but now I'm having frame skipping or I guess it's sort of like stuttering in LoL. I tried reinstalling and my connection seems to be fine. I'm running the game at 50-60 fps and I have 100 ping which isn't more than usual. So I'm really kind of stumped
i'm not sure if its something I should send a support ticket about
@showkjh: If that helps I wonder if it's an issue with memory allocation or something... What programs do you have open when you play LoL (e.g. LoLRecorder, web broswers, BT, etc.)? Also, could you run a dxdiag and PM that to me?
so, i played a couple of bot games with a friend, and every time 1 or 2 champions get stuck on the middle base turret ramp for basically the first 15 mins of the game. Really weird bug.
i think it only happened on blue side, but not sure
I have never heard of this bug before. Interesting. If you can find out any reproduction steps (is it certain settings, champions, etc.) or if it happens again, please send me the logs from the game and I'll have a look at them and then speak to Riot about it.
Downloaded the PBE today, unzipped, when I use the shortcut links, rads starts up and then gets stuck in some sort of start-stop loop ad-infintum. Really strange, not sure what has caused it. Logs look like this: + Show Spoiler +
000000.000| 8908.0000kb| 8908.0000kb added| NONE| RADS::API::Impl::Main::Main: User kernel is not running, proceeding without that functionality. 000000.014| 9016.0000kb| 108.0000kb added| DEBUG| RADS::Common::RegistryHelp::RegKeyValueString::RegKeyValueString: (Software\Riot Games\RADS, LocalRootFolder, c:\rads) 000000.014| 9024.0000kb| 8.0000kb added| DEBUG| RADS::Common::SolutionManifest::Load: ("C:/Users/Owner/Documents/LOLPBE/LOLPBE/RADS/solutions/lol_game_client_sln/releases/") 000000.048| 9052.0000kb| 28.0000kb added| DEBUG| RADS::Common::SolutionManifest::Load: Succeeded 000000.049| 9052.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| DEBUG| RADS::Common::ConfigurationManifest::Load: ("C:/Users/Owner/Documents/LOLPBE/LOLPBE/RADS/solutions/lol_game_client_sln/releases/") 000000.051| 9052.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| DEBUG| RADS::Common::ReleaseManifest::Load: ("C:/Users/Owner/Documents/LOLPBE/LOLPBE/RADS/projects/lol_game_client_en_us/releases/") 000000.070| 9052.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| DEBUG| RADS::Common::ReleaseManifest::Load: Succeeded 000000.070| 9052.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| DEBUG| RADS::Common::ReleaseManifest::Load: ("C:/Users/Owner/Documents/LOLPBE/LOLPBE/RADS/projects/lol_game_client/releases/") 000000.216| 14652.0000kb| 5600.0000kb added| DEBUG| RADS::Common::ReleaseManifest::Load: Succeeded 000000.216| 13640.0000kb| -1012.0000kb added| DEBUG| RADS::API::Impl::RuntimeEnvironment::GenerateFileMap: start building file map 000000.274| 15272.0000kb| 1632.0000kb added| DEBUG| RADS::API::Impl::RuntimeEnvironment::GenerateFileMap: done building file map 000000.275| 15272.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| DEBUG| RADS::API::Impl::Main::Main: Successfully determine runtime environment 000000.378| 15852.0000kb| 580.0000kb added| DEBUG| RADS::Common::ReleaseManifest::Load: ("C:/Users/Owner/Documents/LOLPBE/LOLPBE/RADS/projects/lol_game_client/releases/") 000000.480| 21624.0000kb| 5772.0000kb added| DEBUG| RADS::Common::ReleaseManifest::Load: Succeeded 000000.735| 39384.0000kb| 17760.0000kb added| ALWAYS| OS Version String: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit 000000.736| 39396.0000kb| 12.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Measured processor speed: 2799 000000.736| 39396.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| CPU: GenuineIntel, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 30 Stepping 5, 2798 (0 core) 000001.612| 41632.0000kb| 2236.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Display info: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series 1073741824 8.872.0.0 000001.612| 41632.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Physical memory: 4294967296 000001.689| 59852.0000kb| 18220.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Global Log Level set to WARN 000001.689| 59852.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Build Version: Version (Sep 21 2011/06:50:12) [PUBLIC] 000001.699| 60032.0000kb| 180.0000kb added| ALWAYS| 000001.701| 60048.0000kb| 16.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Started System Init 000001.721| 60096.0000kb| 48.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Maestro Init 000002.732| 60376.0000kb| 280.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Maestro completed init 000002.764| 61204.0000kb| 828.0000kb added| ALWAYS| StartSession called 000002.764| 61204.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Started Init event arguments 000002.765| 61228.0000kb| 24.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Waiting until connection... 000002.765| 61228.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| InitRender() enter 000002.773| 61372.0000kb| 144.0000kb added| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::Init(0x001004be) enter 000002.860| 64288.0000kb| 2916.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Eternity::PerfTest::Execute() enter 000002.940| 70892.0000kb| 6604.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Eternity::PerfTest::DetermineVideoMemory(...) enter 000003.014| 71732.0000kb| 840.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Local video memory: 1073741824 Shared video memory: 1862270976 000003.014| 71732.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Eternity::PerfTest::DetermineVideoMemory() exit 000003.073| 71880.0000kb| 148.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Eternity::PerfTest::Execute() exit 000003.073| 71880.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| Performance test failed 000003.073| 71880.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| r3dRenderLayer::Init() exit successfully 000003.170| 72492.0000kb| 612.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Attempting to load fontconfig file for en_US (DATA\Menu\\fontconfig_en_US.txt). 000004.089| 86704.0000kb| 14212.0000kb added| ERROR| RADS::Common::CRT::fopen_s: No such file or directory 000004.089| 86704.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| RADS::Common::CRT::fopen_s: ("C:/Users/Owner/Documents/LOLPBE/LOLPBE/RADS/solutions/lol_game_client_sln/releases/", "rb") failed: No such file or directory 000004.089| 86704.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ERROR| RADS::API::Impl::FileUnmanaged::FileUnmanaged: The handle that was passed to the API has been either invalidated or closed. 000004.089| 86704.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| NONE| RADS::API::Impl::FileUnmanaged::FileUnmanaged: Failed to open "C:/Users/Owner/Documents/LOLPBE/LOLPBE/RADS/solutions/lol_game_client_sln/releases/". 000004.090| 86704.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| WARN| r3dFileImpl: Can't open C:/Users/Owner/Documents/LOLPBE/LOLPBE/RADS/solutions/lol_game_client_sln/releases/ (from file (null)) 000004.226| 87024.0000kb| 320.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Sleeping 000004.327| 87024.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Start processing App Update 000004.327| 87028.0000kb| 4.0000kb added| ALWAYS| End processing App Update 000004.327| 87028.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Sleeping 000004.427| 87028.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Start processing App Update 000004.427| 87028.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| End processing App Update 000004.427| 87028.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Sleeping 000004.527| 87028.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Start processing App Update 000004.527| 87028.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| End processing App Update 000004.527| 87028.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Sleeping 000004.627| 87060.0000kb| 32.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Start processing App Update 000004.627| 87060.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| End processing App Update 000004.627| 87060.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Sleeping 000004.727| 87060.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Start processing App Update 000004.727| 87060.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| End processing App Update 000004.727| 87060.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Sleeping 000004.827| 87060.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Start processing App Update 000004.829| 87060.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| End processing App Update 000004.829| 87060.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Sleeping 000004.929| 87060.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Start processing App Update 000004.929| 87060.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| End processing App Update 000004.929| 87060.0000kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Sleeping
The Start/End/Sleep loop goes on hundreds of times until I was able to end the process via task manager. It was actually quite annoying to do so, because the rads kernal process was only in the list for a short time before dissapearing, and then rebooting itself.
EDIT: Looked around the official forums and someone posted a fix where you delete some files that cause the problem. Seems to be all good now.
Okay, so after i log in, I can't see the "homepage" of the client, it just gives me a cute error message.
I can still start games/open shop, profile etc.
The only thing it really does is I can't spectate random games now, which is not that big of a deal, but still, things not working properly is a true disaster.
On November 10 2012 10:15 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @Dandellon: Hm. Can you try resetting your IE settings back to default?
? I am a moron, so the only "IE" I know is Internet Explorer, and I'm pretty sure that has absolutely nothing to do with it. Cause I don't even use that. But I'mma reset it anyways, just for funsies.
I'll have to add though, sometimes it works as normal, but that's on a weird magical whimsy when my PC decides to be awesome for a little while. Next ~5 logins, back to error message.
@Dandellon: Yeah, Internet Explorer. The Client uses IE settings and IE for a fair amount of the web-based tools (such as the Store). Please don't ask me why.
Can you clarify what you mean about the login error message?
Oddly enough, it seems to work fine now. Which is pretty damn weird considering the only thing I ever used IE for is downloading firefox.... So it's not like IE had anything else than its default settings in the first place..
I'll yell and cry and complain if it starts again. I might even treat you with a screenshot then, which I forgot to do.
The message was instead of the client's "homepage" - with the spectator thingy, the Riot videos, stuff like that. Standard-issue "an Error has occured" in a Riot-client blue box. Entirely unexciting, without any tip what error it was. And as I said, games, shop, profile, chat, ... all worked, so no big.
I'm playing through my University's (English) internet. There is no firewall whatsoever as I can go on any site and also play sc1/sc2/diablo2/war3/dota2/etc etc. But LoL will not let me log in and I have no idea why. I haven't changed any of my firewall settings since leaving home (where I obviously could play LoL) and since all of the above games work I'm really baffled as to why LoL doesn't.
It's not the university either; I recently moved from one halls to another and in the previous one I could connect perfectly (they both use the same network...). I'm pretty sure that this error has occured only since the latest patch. Any suggestions? I've already "repaired" and that didn't solve anything ;x.
Edit: The problem in a nutshell is that I'm; "Unable to connect to the server" zzzz
Game froze at 75% loaded first try, Ctrl Alt Delete wouldn't even bring up task manager, had to hard(?) >_> reset my computer. Try loading again, freezes at 95% this time. Manage to get task manager up, but the League Of Legends process will not die, the first time that has ever happened to me for anything in Windows 7(64-bit). I see they put that extra week of debugging to great use.. While I'm here I decided to go check some game logs and noticed on a completely unrelated note that there are massive log files for my Twisted Treeline games with "ERROR| ParticleSystem: Failed to set value for sound parameter TT_CaptureBeam." spammed over and over.
Edit: I got a patch since this, so I'll see if it's still happening Edit 2: Corrrection, I attempted to download a patch which got quite stuck at 99% and then upon successfully killing the launcher it didn't load on the second try and then proceeded to be an unkillable zombie process, the end times are near.. starting to feel like something is messed up with my computer, or my LoL install. Really dreading doing a full fresh install. Edit 3: Reinstalling appears to have fixed it, as painful as that was.
Queue for game, champion select ends. Nothing happens.
Now I have the "In game - Game still in progress" screen. If I quit out and log back in I get the reconnect button but nothing happens. Didn't have any issues yesterday
On November 16 2012 08:04 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @Craton: No clue. You'll have to contact a member of Player Support about that. Might be that your elo wasn't reset properly idk.
@mordek: There were some bugs on patch day but afaik they've been dealt with now. Are you still experiencing this problem?
Just tried. Champion select ends, game minimizes and nothing happens. I click on the LoL tab and it brings up the "Game is still in progress..." screen
Exiting, relogging, then click reconnect button only minimizes and nothing else happens.
@mordek: Interesting. Suggests something is interfering with the client from connecting to the game servers. Can you run a Netalyzr and PM the results link to me so I can read it? Also, in the mean time, check your firewall and antivirus exemptions; the in-game LoL Client and the PvP Client are actually separate programs and sometimes when patches change the game engine the in-game client may not be recognised any more.
Since the last patch, I've been experimenting fps loss (from 60 to ~20-25) on top of random lags during games. Is it something that could be repaired? Apparently the fps loss should be, as since it doesn't affect everyone (I've heard forever about people having troubles right after a patch until a fix comes out, and some not having any problem, I was in the second category until last tuesday), but is there something that can be done about the lags? It occurred to other people in the same games so I guess it's from the servers' side.
On November 18 2012 07:32 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: @Craton: There's something wrong with LoL Forums atm. Was talking to Rioters earlier about it. Try again in a bit.
Well it's been that way for a week or so, so what do you mean by "in a bit?"
@Craton: Several of the other Wrenches raised the issue that there were some problems with the forum earlier today. I tired the Forums later and they seemed to have been resolved so I assumed everything was fine.
Can you PM me a screenshot of what the error looks like? Not quite sure from the description you gave. (I think it's safe to assume you've tried the regular stuff like clearing cache, trying different browsers, etc. so I won't bore you with that)
If I'm forced to alt+f4 out of the client during load and reconnect (e.g. when it bugs out during load (everyone's pings and load % stops updating) -- this happens like 15% of the time), then when the game loads none of the entities will load, including all players and minions, which forces an additional quit and reload to fix everything.
Nothing I've tried has managed to fix that issue (where nothing loads and I'm forced to re-restart). Most recently I tried killing all of the processes related to League and reconnecting before the game ever started, but that got me nowhere.
I am having trouble installing the korean client. When i open the setup for the kr client, the only options i am given are 'modify', 'repair' and 'uninstall' (written in korean ofc). I'm pretty sure this is because i already have the NA client installed. How do i install Kr client without uninstalling Na client? Is there a way to play on both servers with only one client, as is the case for EU?
I'm trying to log in atm and I keep getting the login error "The server is currently busy. Please try again later." But the client/website says servers are online. what do.
On November 24 2012 21:03 Cubu wrote: I am having trouble installing the korean client. When i open the setup for the kr client, the only options i am given are 'modify', 'repair' and 'uninstall' (written in korean ofc). I'm pretty sure this is because i already have the NA client installed. How do i install Kr client without uninstalling Na client? Is there a way to play on both servers with only one client, as is the case for EU?
This may have been covered in GD, but I'm having difficulty trawling for it due to post-S3 patch volume of posts - is there a way to set up self cast with item actives? It may not have been needed before the current S3 crop of items, but it would be v.useful with smoothly comboing e.g. Shard of True Ice with Leona's skills &c.
This should probably go in the general tech support forum, but I'm gonna post it here first to see if anyone has a clue as to what's going on. First I'm going to apologize for a lack of details, this is a really weird problem and I don't know what the root of it is.
So now whenever I play League of Legends, I disconnect very often. These disconnects happen at random times, there's no pattern to them. Some games I don't disconnect at all, some games I disconnect once, and some games I disconnect multiple times and keep having problems. The weird part is what happens when I disconnect and lag. When I disconnect, I'm simply not able to move. I can see everything else that's happening on the map in real time. If there's a fight going on, I still see all the spells being casted and myself auto attacking. I can also read the chat and see what everybody is saying, and I can see people asking me if I've DC'ed or not. Of course, if I reply it doesn't go through. This simply baffles me.
I usually use Mumble for voice chat when I play with friends. When the lag starts, I can talk to my friends and they can hear me, although my microphone sounds very robotic due to the lag. Needless to say, I can hear them responding to me as well. However, I still can't move in-game or do anything.
This problem has not been going on for very long, about a month or so. I never, ever get this problem when I'm playing any other game like Starcraft, Battlefield, or Planetside 2. I never DC or have problems. In fact, the problem seems to happen only when I have the LoL client open, regardless of whether I'm in game or not. I have disabled torrents and other processes but without much luck. I uninstalled Pando Media Booster due to the suggestion of a friend, but this did not help either. Forwarding all the ports that Riot suggests does not solve the problem.
I've tried two different routers, the first being a Linksys, not sure of the exact model. I was getting the problem a lot back then, so I switched out the router with an Apple Airport Extreme 802.11n. After the switch, I didn't have any issues for a while, but now it's back.
My ISP is Cox, who is very, very reliable. I have not called in to complain because I want to make sure the problem is on their end, but it's such an odd problem that it's hard to say. Again, sorry for the lack of details and I'm willing to run tests if anyone has any ideas. I'll probably post this on Riot's forums too if I think I'll get good help (never posted there before so I'm not sure what it's like). Needless to say, this is a really annoying problem when I DC all the time in ranked games and get reported, yelled at, etc.
@GoShox: Can you run a Netalyzr and PM the results link here for me to read?
In the mean time, can you do a client repair? To carry out a Client Repair, go to the PvP Launcher (the one with the big PLAY button) and click the gear icon in the top right and choose on repair. You will need to reset your options such as HUD size, scroll speed, friends list status message etc. again however. For in-game options, do remember to do them in a Custom Game first.
So getting these weird and rather obtrusive vectors whenever I open chat, shop, menus or go into spectator mode since last patch. They move around and shift position/orientation/color, and they tend to hiccup the game a bit. Advice?
@ManyCookies: First time I've seen it although I think some of the other Wrechies have seen it before. Can you check your graphics driver is up to date? Also checking if you have the latest version of Direct X might be worth a shot.
Well that worked, no more vectors! I updated DirectX and installed the latest drivers for ATI Radeon HD 4350 graphics card, though I suck at QA and didn't check bug status after each installation or my pre-installation status.
@koreasilver: Go to the directory you installed LoL in. Go to RADS -> solutions -> lol_game_client_sln -> releases -> (or the latest one) -> deploy -> DATA -> menu -> hud. Make a backup of the file hud1024x768.ini (or whatever your screen resolution is) somewhere and then delete it from the folder. That should remove all HUD settings including chat position. You'll need to redo your HUD settings (like flipped minimap, minimap size, etc.) so check in a Custom Game first. I think that should do the trick.
So I went to the folder you specified and deleted the resolution file, but it didn't do anything. But you led me to the right place, because right in that folder there was another file titled "chat". I deleted that, went into a custom game, and voila! Fixed. Thanks a lot for your directions.
@koreasilver: Ah ok. I don't have access to the client atm so I couldn't remember if the chat stuff was in the same file or in a separate one. Glad to hear everything is all good now!
idk if you saw in general, small bug with xin and guinsoo's rageblade his Q only counts as 1 proc for rageblade stacks (1 spellcast as opposed to 3 auto attack stacks) not sure if intended or relevant, but there it is
Is there anyway to make the game invite sound louder? When I'm alt tabbed, I often miss games with friends because I didn't hear the game invite. But, I can hear messages just fine.
I know that, not really what I'm looking for, as everything else in the game is loud enough as is. Just want that specific sound to not be so quiet. It was fine a few patches ago, but it got quieter for some reason in one of them.
hey chiharu, i was wondering if you knew how i could get the korean client to display text and ability details in english while leaving the sounds and voices in korean.
i've tried changing the locale.cfg to en_US from ko_KR but that changes everything to english (including sounds). is there something i can change that makes just text english? or perhaps should i do something like thanks!
Hey guys, yesterday my game was fine and I've experienced 0 problems before but starting today I've been getting random freezes. It looks similar to lag but feels a bit different. Everything will stop in place for a few seconds except for whatever animations were currently ongoing. So if creeps were attacking their little projectiles will keep flying, if i was running, I'll continue to my destination, etc. Then things will all of a sudden explode back to real time, except without sound, names health bars or anything. Then a bit after that, completely back to normal. This all happens ~once a minute. Obviously it makes the game completely unplayable and me very sad :'(.
I have a very strange issue with pulsefire ezreal. Several times per game, I'll last hit a creep, and i see no +gold over my head. I am certain it is indeed a bug because it's happened A) to jungle creeps, and B) has happened in lane when no allied creeps are anywhere nearby, so no, it's not just me being shit at last hitting ;P
I can't reliably recreate it during the game, but it happens every game with pfe, and never with any other skins (i've tried frost, soccer and nottingham, all seem to work fine). I've also never had this issue with any other champ.
Hey guys, since the introduction of sub forums on the league forum, I can't seem to find anything not tagged in general on the Teamliquid phone app. I would usually go into Forum -> Sports and Games -> the little box on the league of legends tab -> to whatever thread I want. I had to go into my own post history to access the OGN LP thread. Might be me not knowing how to get subforums though, but just thought I'd bring this up.
This isn't directly related to the game, but if you guys can help me, it'd be greatly appreciated. I found out my cable outlet for my desktop is messed up so I moved my Wi-Fi modem into a separate room and my internet's fine. What I want to know is, can I connect a Wi-Fi modem to a purely Wi-Fi router? I'm trying to say what I want to do, but I'm not good at explaining. Can I connect a Wi-Fi router to a solely wired desktop and connect the router to a wireless modem in a separate room? I really am tired of disconnecting from games.
As a former WC3 dota player, it's very easy for me to select a hero/unit for a target spell because I can see a green/red circle underneath the unit I'm about to target (and bigger collision sizes). In LoL, it's very difficult for me to pinpoint who i'm actually selecting in a tight crowd. Here are some examples:
1) As Garen, I get a Teemo down to minimal HP, prime for ulti. Teemo just runs right next to his ally Cho and I simply cannot target Teemo.
2) As Lulu, I attempt to shield an ally that just got hooked by a Blitz. Sometimes it just nukes Blitz instead of saving my ally.
Is there a setting where I can change where it properly highlights the hero that my mouse is hovering over? It's very hard to tell TBH.
Anybody else has a problem with League with Windows 8 ? Sometimes when I play a couple of games like 3-4 the Summoning screen will just freeze at a certain % and then I'm unable to reconnect... It's really annoying since I already have a dozen freeloses in ranked and besides I might get banned (I'm actually surprised I'm not banned yet...)
Why am I lagging every few seconds in LoL? Everything will be going fine at around 67 ping and then BAM, once about every 15 seconds, I freeze for like 4 seconds or I right click and my champ doesn't move til forever, and then everything explodes back into realtime.
Speedtest puts me at 18 ping, 27 down, and 5 up. In game, my ping is anywhere from 400-700 ms, and even when ingame my speedtest shows ping around 30. I just don't understand why. I've closed and re-opened the full client, and restarted router,.
Our Internet in Australia is pretty terrible generally, but I know so many people that have problems with LoL and only LoL. I'll lag to unplayable ping 1000-2000 for a couple of minutes usually once a night. Never have a problem with any other game, no one else is DLing anything, modem firmware is up to date. LoL just has heavy demand on the Internet I think.
When my brother and I play LoL together, my brother always has the "attempting to reconnect" message pop up every few minutes while my computer has no problem. Is this an internet issue or a computer issue, and how can I fix it?
On February 06 2013 14:40 Zariel wrote: As a former WC3 dota player, it's very easy for me to select a hero/unit for a target spell because I can see a green/red circle underneath the unit I'm about to target (and bigger collision sizes). In LoL, it's very difficult for me to pinpoint who i'm actually selecting in a tight crowd. Here are some examples:
1) As Garen, I get a Teemo down to minimal HP, prime for ulti. Teemo just runs right next to his ally Cho and I simply cannot target Teemo.
2) As Lulu, I attempt to shield an ally that just got hooked by a Blitz. Sometimes it just nukes Blitz instead of saving my ally.
Is there a setting where I can change where it properly highlights the hero that my mouse is hovering over? It's very hard to tell TBH.
Edit: typos
i think if you hold ~ and cast it'll only target allies?
On February 06 2013 14:40 Zariel wrote: As a former WC3 dota player, it's very easy for me to select a hero/unit for a target spell because I can see a green/red circle underneath the unit I'm about to target (and bigger collision sizes). In LoL, it's very difficult for me to pinpoint who i'm actually selecting in a tight crowd. Here are some examples:
1) As Garen, I get a Teemo down to minimal HP, prime for ulti. Teemo just runs right next to his ally Cho and I simply cannot target Teemo.
2) As Lulu, I attempt to shield an ally that just got hooked by a Blitz. Sometimes it just nukes Blitz instead of saving my ally.
Is there a setting where I can change where it properly highlights the hero that my mouse is hovering over? It's very hard to tell TBH.
Edit: typos
i think if you hold ~ and cast it'll only target allies?
It's the Tilde Key so for some keyboards ~ is mapped differently.
On February 21 2013 07:38 MoonBear wrote: @Leap: Are you both on the same internet connection?
Yes we are.
I wonder if it's because of some thing on Riot's end that disallows two accounts logged onto the same IP or if it's something with your brother's computer. Do you have a DxDiag you could PM for me to read?
Has anybody installed the Mac client? My PC isn't working at the moment so I'm on my old Mac, and I don't seem to be able to install it. I download it, open it, and then get this screen:
That made so I can open it, but when I do it says "The application League of Legends quit unexpectedly." From Googling this, it seems like everyone with an older Mac is having the same problem. :-/
Hi there, for about a month now I've been getting post-game scores about 1 in 10 times, sometimes just nothing happens at all and sometimes Windows says the client doesn't respond anymore, after which I'm forced to close it. Any tips?
@Fildun: Open the LoL Launcher (the one with the big PLAY button). Top right corner is a gear icon. Press it. It opens a menu. There's an option called repair.
During summoning my game crashed and back to lol menus ... I must close lol and re-open to reconnect 2 or 3 times in a row before i can access to game :-( . And then during game i have sometimes attempting to reconnect ...
I never use wifi. I already try repair and re-download lol No lag problem with sc2 and quake.. My firewall authorize lol..
Running LoL, haven't ran it in 3 months on this comp. Have ATI 7950; game seems to crash and bug out and having driver issue; is there a fix or known issue with ati?
EDIT: I guess I needed the beta drivers or something; that cleared up the issue.
Goal: Running LoL from an external HD on campus computers Campus computers: Generic Dell PC's running windows 7, they DON'T have d3dx9_39.dll, and no admin priv to put stuff in system32 Macs of some type (I know fuck all about macs, but I assume they are capable of running lol). Question: Can anyone think of any crafty ways to run LoL on the PCs (i.e. circumvent the lack of d3dx9_39.dll.... tried regsvr32, didn't help)? Alternatively, Mac stuff: I am a Mac noob, so forgive the noobiness of these questions Can I download the mac client on my PC at home, and load the necessary stuff onto my external HD? Do I need to do anything with file formatting? Does mac have directx / a directx equivalent that could cause me problems like the PCs? Can I use my gaming mouse with a Mac (It has a right click button... I know that Macs have not had right buttons in the past, I have no idea if that is the current state)?
Additionally, I was under the impression that directx came prepackaged with windows 7 (dxdiag reports dx11 on the pcs), but alas, no key d3dx9_39.dll (d3dx9_39.dll being the error message that pops up when I try to run LoL off the external HD on the PCs).
@dgiese: d3dx9_39.dll refers to DirectX 9 support which is seems your campus' computers don't support. Generally when you install LoL, it will also install the version of DirectX it needs if your computer won't support LoL. Hm. Perhaps set up an emulation environment?
I do not know much about Macs. You'd probably want to try asking on Boompje's website since he handles the LoL Mac stuff. Mac does not use DirectX because DirectX is an API for Windows.
Hey guys, I installed LoL for the first time on this computer. The client works fine, but after I start a game and it goes into the loading screen, it comes up with the error "An unknown directx error has occurred. Please make sure your video card supports shader model 2.0 and that it is using drivers from the manufacture". I've attached the DxDiag in the spoiler below.
I was initially using the 310.90 driver but have tested it with the 314.22 driver and still the same result. Something that may or may not be useful: I don't use a truly dual screen setup because I can't get the monitor to have a decent resolution when I'm extending the desktop, since the laptop's native resolution is so tiny (I would like to change that, but that's for another time). So, I have the desktop only showing on my monitor. Most of the time, the computer uses the integrated graphics, but I set up LoL to use the GT 650M (not that it should need to, I think?).
------------------ System Information ------------------ Time of this report: 5/2/2013, 21:06:29 Machine name: NICK-PC Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.130104-1431) Language: English (Regional Setting: English) System Manufacturer: CLEVO CO. System Model: W110ER BIOS: CLEVO:W110ER-1.02.11 PM v2.1 UOV EDITION Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.4GHz Memory: 16384MB RAM Available OS Memory: 16278MB RAM Page File: 2691MB used, 29864MB available Windows Dir: C:\Windows DirectX Version: DirectX 11 DX Setup Parameters: Not found User DPI Setting: Using System DPI System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent) DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 64bit Unicode
------------ DxDiag Notes ------------ Display Tab 1: No problems found. Sound Tab 1: No problems found. Input Tab: No problems found.
Midi Renderers: Default MidiOut Device,0x00800000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713 Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713
WDM Streaming Capture Devices: HD Audio Microphone 2,0x00200000,1,1,,6.01.7601.17514 HD Audio Microphone,0x00200000,1,1,,6.01.7601.17514 BisonCam, NB Pro,0x00200000,1,2,,6.01.7601.17514
WDM Streaming Rendering Devices: HD Audio Headphone/Speakers,0x00200000,1,1,,6.01.7601.17514
BDA Network Providers: Microsoft ATSC Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,,6.06.7601.17514 Microsoft DVBC Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,,6.06.7601.17514 Microsoft DVBS Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,,6.06.7601.17514 Microsoft DVBT Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,,6.06.7601.17514 Microsoft Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,,6.06.7601.17514
Video Capture Sources: BisonCam, NB Pro,0x00200000,1,2,,6.01.7601.17514
BDA Transport Information Renderers: BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter,0x00600000,2,0,,6.06.7601.17669 MPEG-2 Sections and Tables,0x00600000,1,0,,6.06.7601.17514
--------------- EVR Power Information --------------- Current Setting: {651288E5-A7ED-4076-A96B-6CC62D848FE1} (Balanced) Quality Flags: 2576 Enabled: Force throttling Allow half deinterlace Allow scaling Decode Power Usage: 100 Balanced Flags: 1424 Enabled: Force throttling Allow batching Force half deinterlace Force scaling Decode Power Usage: 50 PowerFlags: 1424 Enabled: Force throttling Allow batching Force half deinterlace Force scaling Decode Power Usage: 0
@metzninja: Intel website tells me the latest driver version is released about two months ago. Yours is currently, so perhaps try upgrading? Also try reinstalling DirectX itself as well.
Hey guys, I'm posting here hoping for somne help or similar experience... Since yesterday (may 15) I have been experiencing severe lag spikes during my games, but these are very weird.. FPS stays the same, ping stays the same (around 200, playing from south america), everything in the game moves normally (no ghost minions or stopped other champions, no "attempting to reconect") but it is exactly like if I had dc'd. The Champion will follow his last comand and just stop for about a second or so.. very annoying. This will happen around once every 20 seconds or so. So yeah.. any help is greatly appreciated, gonna keep looking on official forums
During games I start to experience lag/stuttering for a minute or so, then I get a blue screen, my computer crashes and restarts itself. I am able to reconnect to the game (minutes later). This has happened five times over the last month or two. The game and computer ran fine before this.
It only happens in League, during a game. I ran MemTest, but all was good. I scanned for Malware and viruses. All was good. I have an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460, so I tried rolling back the driver from to This did not help either.
My specs: Windows 8 Pro 32 bit Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz 4GB RAM
I can't go past 4gb ram unless I upgrade windows to 64 bit. But could any of these things really cause blue screen crashes from League?
It doesn't happen in any other game. Admittedly, when I was playing more high end games (FarCry 3, Dark Souls, Borderlands 2), League wasn't crashing either, but...currently playing Torchlight 2 and recently played some Neverwinter and Xcom - no crashing in any of those games.
Go to the folder where you installed LoL. Go to League of Legends\Logs\Game - R3d Logs. Can you get a log from a game that crashed and PM the contents for me to read?
In the meantime, can you try uninstalling and reinstalling the latest version of Adobe AIR and Microsoft NET Framework for your machine (just a hunch here)?
One thing I forgot to mention - the blue screen error code: 0xC000021A
Uninstalled and reinstalled Air. Can't figure out how to remove Microsoft .Net. It doesn't appear in the normal "add/remove programs" tool. Won't let me delete the whole folder either.
This just started happening spontaneously.... Started 2 days ago and hasn't stopped since...
I keep getting the " has disconnected" error message every 5 minutes T-T.
I keep getting disconnected from the LoL client. I can't queue games, I can't get into hero selection, I can't load... And then all of a sudden, it just starts working for me again. But sure enough, 5 minutes later, it disconnects me...
On July 18 2013 02:12 MoonBear wrote: @Seeker: What server are you playing on? Also where are you currently and what ISP? Can you also run a Netalyzr and PM me the result link?
Does someone is having problems at the loading screen of the matches? everyone goes 100%, but it doesnt go into the game, i have to manually shut the game and load it again.
A thought just occurred to me. Do PC Bangs in Korea pay anything to have all the heroes? I know all the Heroes are accessible at PC Bangs without the customer having to pay anything extra.
On September 18 2013 06:00 zer0das wrote: So uh... I crashed out of league during champ select right as it ended, and every time I tried to reconnect it would crash again. What do?
Edit: Repairing the league install and shutting off LOLReplay seemed to fix the problem. One of the two anyways, not sure which.
Most likely LOLReplay, shit always crashes peoples client, especially when some sort of patch was downloaded recently
Having some annoying issues. Just having the league launcher open causes my computer to stutter (freeze for a couple seconds) about once every 10 minutes or so. If I close the launcher or am not playing LoL, it is fine... but with it open, it tends to do it.
Having weird and stupid issues with smartcasting and my abilities since the patch. I'm going to link my stream video where all of it happened. During my Sion game if I tried to use E to toggle his ability, it wouldn't work. (It looked like it was toggling it on and off super quick with only one button press.) That's only part of it.
The new smartcast buttons don't work for me properly at all. The Singed custom game starting at 24:30 shows this. Any ideas?
My chat keeps resetting its position. I like it on the left, with my minimap, but every time a new game begins it resets itself and moves to the right.
normally on the front of the client they have those 5 games in progress that you can watch, when they have these full client banners where do i go to spectate these games? thanks
Since the Hotkey patch I have been having a problem with my character randomly freezing up. I won't shoot, move, can't use abilities, summoners or items. it lasts about a second and it seems that i have to issue a move command then go back to what i was doing to get out of it.
I tried updating the drivers for my keyboard and mouse and reinstalling the game and neither of those have worked. I checked my hotkeys to make sure i didn't set anything to stop or w/e, and i have checkedall the settings in general. I have great internet and it isn't lag. I don't know what is going on and I am hoping there is a solution.
On October 18 2013 15:17 ixi.genocide wrote: Since the Hotkey patch I have been having a problem with my character randomly freezing up. I won't shoot, move, can't use abilities, summoners or items. it lasts about a second and it seems that i have to issue a move command then go back to what i was doing to get out of it.
I tried updating the drivers for my keyboard and mouse and reinstalling the game and neither of those have worked. I checked my hotkeys to make sure i didn't set anything to stop or w/e, and i have checkedall the settings in general. I have great internet and it isn't lag. I don't know what is going on and I am hoping there is a solution.
what kind of computer speccs do you have? That information is always important
I'm having weird issues these days. I tend to have lag spikes in the beggining of my games, only for around 5 to 10 minutes, then it gets back to normal, but makes the laning phase kind of hard. Any idea of what could cause this ?
Netalyzer doesn't notice anything weird in my connection, only my computer clock being a bit late (the hell is this shit ?)
Edit: well it seems better, maybe I had something running, I dunno, it happened multiple times though.
Having issues with my laptop loading the game sometimes. After champ select, and before loading screen, it sometimes doesn't load, and I keep pressing reconnect, it'll take like 7-8 times before it actually loads.
Hi, so reinstalling LoL after a while, downloaded the install link from the EUW website, whenever i launch LoL it freezes at the emblem, eventually when i click on the emblem I get the error patcher kernel is not responding
i am having this problem for over a year now, i dont know if its normal or specific to me.
It it normal that holding control deactivates the mouseclicks?
like...i have a spell selected and want to place it with leftclick, i cant place it while holding control. Same with rightclick move, though this is normally not seen because by default ctrl + rightclick is bound as a move command.
It annoys me greatly and i have to make all my keybindings around the fact that i basically cant use CTRL as a modifier for spellcasting, since they might simply not cast in a hectic situation where i dont release CTRL before clikcing.
I've installed LoL after over a year break and I've notice 1 issue. Everytime I alt+tab and I want to go back into game it gives me a black screen, instead of loading screen, anyone can help me with that ?
Is anyone else getting massive FPS drops in late game teamfights? Like I go from 150-170fps down to about 30fps. Also it only seems to happen in ~40min games...
I need help to change my password, it seems like all the passwords got reset some months ago and now i have to change it. Problem is that i cant change it, i follow the link to change the password and login with my old password and types the captcha code. Then instead of redirecting me i have to download some unknown file???, i did that but i still cant get to anywhere where i choose a new password. Cannot acess my account.
Does anyone know why after four patches I continue to get bugsplat errors that prevent me from entering the game until 2 minutes into the game? I've tried reinstalling the game, using the repair tool, and praying to god.
For some reason, I can't connect to any games anymore (even custom one where I'm the only person). I get the "Could not connect to server. Check your firewall settings" message. Nothing has changed on my side, as far as I am aware and I don't see anything unusual in my firewall settings. Repairing the game didn't help. Help?
Hi guys, I'm going to university next year and I'm looking to buy a lightweight laptop. I'd like for it to be able to run League/SC2 and shit but I know absolutely nothing about computers and where to look for a good one. Does having an SSD alter the specs required to run games? I'm currently looking at the Acer Aspire V5-552-10578G1Taii and the Samsung NP535U3C-K02NL but I'm still searching. Anybody got any tips?
I don't know if this has been asked before but I need some help :/
I got a new computer and am now DLing LoL on it. The DL is taking forever... Is there any way for me to transfer my LoL files from my laptop to my cpu? Will that be quicker? Will I not need to update since my laptop is already up to date?
@Seeker - You can transfer league files easily to another computer. If your USB / whatever is large enough you can copy+paste the entire contents and click the launcher. Might be best to run the repair function if you experience problems but i never did. If it isnt big enough just copy / paste parts of it, ive done this alot.
@Fildun - LoL can run on a literal toaster, SC2 is extremely CPU dependent. A 2.1 / 2.5 AMD processor simply isn't going to cut it. For laptops, you're looking for a high-end Intel CPU and a non-entry level GPU minimum for gaming.
You need to be careful when looking for GPU's since the manufacturers will lie through their teeth to sell you entry-level shit that isn't up to par (even for League.) Take a look at this: anything in the "green" should be good enough for your needs, dont worry about the technical crap if you have no idea, just make sure the laptop you have has a "green" card.
For CPU's i'd recommend a minimum of an Intel i5 on a laptop - you want this thing to run well, if costs are an issue I3's are alright (ish). Honestly i wouldn't skimp on your CPU and would get the best you can afford. There are different levels/types of I3/I5's and the more expensive ones are much better but if it has "i3/5/7" written on it - you're usually good to go.
As always heat is an issue. You need to know your model doesn't overheat while under heavy load (gaming). Check user reviews all over the place and confirm your chassis / model doesn't overheat since barely anything can keep temps down other then good maintenance if it runs hot out of the box you're shit out of luck. This is super important
SSD's do nothing to alter the minimum specs of games. SSD's will load all your shit super-fast which makes loading times obsolete / a non-issue. (If you've never used / seen one, an SSD will load windows in under 30 seconds from first boot.)
My LoL just like... isn't launching. I activate the .exe and then the LoL Patch Symbol comes up in the middle of the screen but the client doesn't launch at all. The icon disappears and then nothing happens from there. LoL doesn't appear as a process or application in my task manager.
How do I fix?
I tried running as an Admin.
I tried deleting everything inside the RADS downloads folder, I tried clearing out RADS projects folder, the RADS Solutions folder... Normally all this stuff fixes it but didn't change anything.
The stream list on LiquidLegends isn't set by the users. It's a different system from TL. Streams are pulled directly from Twitch if they have >50 viewers for a certain amount of time.
On December 22 2015 12:49 JimmiC wrote: I have had my credit card info stolen and needed cancel my credit cards. I was wondering if any ones any realize software preferably free since no credit cards to remove malware from a computer.
Malwarebytes is good among the free ones.
Also if you're using Windows type 'msconfig' either in Run or in the search box to open System Configuration, there disable anything you don't recognize in the Startup tab and in the Services tab (on this 2nd one only after checking 'hide all microsoft services'). If you see something suspicious in either of those 2 tabs, after disabling also check it's pathing so you can manually delete it as well. The huge majority of malware is not well hidden and shows up in msconfig, oh and disable your internet before you do this or it can just pop back up.