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Finland659 Posts
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Norway7953 Posts
On March 14 2015 08:10 Orcasgt24 wrote: Anyone having issue loading twitch stream? Every site on earth works fine for me but that one Could be a local server issue. Should sort itself out | ||
Hungary6034 Posts
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Finland659 Posts
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France3195 Posts
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United Kingdom0 Posts
On March 17 2015 22:44 Douillos wrote: How does Freeze mage fare against mech mage? ty <3 Favoured 60/40 according to Tempo Storm: | ||
Germany13 Posts
was this just a joke, or what was his intention of "sending" him the card? | ||
Italy208 Posts
On March 18 2015 02:02 DopeBoss wrote: Amaz' got a Gahz'rilla out of a pack. a friend of him asked him, if he could have that card, so Amaz wrote "/send Gahz'rilla" in chat. was this just a joke, or what was his intention of "sending" him the card? A joke, Hs is not a TCG (trading card game). IT's a CCG (collecionable card game). | ||
Canada3238 Posts
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United States10 Posts
On March 19 2015 15:53 Orcasgt24 wrote: I have Counterspell up. Hunter casts Flare. What happens? Counterspell is triggered first and cancels Flare. Hunter does not draw a card. Note the difference in interaction between Kezan Mystic+Mirror Entity. This is because the "casts a spell" trigger occurs before the spell's effects actually occur, whereas (I believe) Battlecries occur before the minion enters the battlefield. | ||
Canada1603 Posts
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Netherlands5725 Posts
I'm starting to play some Hearthstone. My favorite deck is Rogue. I looked around on the forums and it looks a bit like Budget Rogue I think. Sadly, I feel like the game is a bit unfair. I'm looking to learn how to deal with: - vs Hunter, I seem to have like 20% winrate? I sort of just get killed through charge cards, buffs on Release The Hounds and the Hunter ability. Is that normal? What are some good basic cards vs Hunter? - vs Others, I feel like where I am now (lv 20), there's some major differences between lucky players and non-luckies. I feel that whenever I face a player with cards like Dr. Boom or Ragnaros I can just NOT win. Those cards are so absurdly powerful and I have nothing to combat them with. I can only keep Assassinate in my hand, but they still force massive amounts of damage... How do I deal with these Legendaries ![]() - I read something like there being a reward for passing level 20 and Ragnaros being that reward for march in the patchnotes. Is that right? Help me ![]() | ||
1974 Posts
Every month you can win a new card back if you finish the month at lvl 20 or higher. | ||
Netherlands5725 Posts
On March 20 2015 05:42 Wuster wrote: Ragnaros-themed card back, not the actually legendary card unfortunately. Every month you can win a new card back if you finish the month at lvl 20 or higher. Ah, alright... That's sad. The more I read around here, the more I get the feeling everything is based around legendary cards :o? | ||
1974 Posts
The pull rate for legendaries appears to be 1/20 packs. So if you play a while it's not so bad. Also, if you can save the gold for Naxx you'll get some guaranteed legendaries from completing the campaigns (Loatheb being very useful, the others not so much). Currently it seems like this Rogue deck is popular / strong: You can substitute a Loot Hoarder for Thalanos and I guess Assassinate for Loatheb. With those substitutions this deck is all rares and commons other than Preparation. | ||
Netherlands5725 Posts
Naxxramas, I looked some of the card sup, but most of them seem pretty poor... They're just really annoying to play againt. What is the best way to deal with Hunter though :s? | ||
Canada1603 Posts
On March 20 2015 06:09 SC2Toastie wrote: Thank you! Naxxramas, I looked some of the card sup, but most of them seem pretty poor... They're just really annoying to play againt. What is the best way to deal with Hunter though :s? I think the best way to face against a Hunter as a new player is to tech completely against them. In StarCraft terms, they've decided to go all-in before the game has started. So, if you use a normal build, or even one that is straight out countered by them, you would lose. One way to beat them is to play slightly safer, but then their build order, plus luck might still allow them to win. However, if you go all-in before the game has started against them, then your chances of winning go up a lot. Now, if we wanted to translate that into HS terms, your goal is to make your cards more efficient than theirs. The burst potential from a Hunter drops when they're top-decking for damage. So try to reach that point and still have options in-hand and on the board. Good cards to include are Taunts, 1 Kezan Mystic to take a Trap, Weapon-breakers (like Acidic Swamp Ooze), Healing (such as Earthen Ring Farseer, or Healbot), Cheap Removal Spells (which is Rogues specialty). As Rogue you need to value your life against a Hunter. Your Hero Power encourages you to clear your opponent's Minions by trading your HP. That works out in the Hunter's favour. So, just try to be aware of that. | ||
Netherlands5725 Posts
On March 20 2015 06:23 kingjames01 wrote: I think the best way to face against a Hunter as a new player is to tech completely against them. In StarCraft terms, they've decided to go all-in before the game has started. So, if you use a normal build, or even one that is straight out countered by them, you would lose. One way to beat them is to play slightly safer, but then their build order, plus luck might still allow them to win. However, if you go all-in before the game has started against them, then your chances of winning go up a lot. Now, if we wanted to translate that into HS terms, your goal is to make your cards more efficient than theirs. The burst potential from a Hunter drops when they're top-decking for damage. So try to reach that point and still have options in-hand and on the board. Good cards to include are Taunts, 1 Kezan Mystic to take a Trap, Weapon-breakers (like Acidic Swamp Ooze), Healing (such as Earthen Ring Farseer, or Healbot), Cheap Removal Spells (which is Rogues specialty). As Rogue you need to value your life against a Hunter. Your Hero Power encourages you to clear your opponent's Minions by trading your HP. That works out in the Hunter's favour. So, just try to be aware of that. You know, that actually makes a lot of sense. Just for clarification, Topdecking is when you rely on the next card you draw to perform decently in the next turn, right? Vs Hunter, I used to think killing the minions with the Daggers was a good move as it would remove their damaging units. I suppose that's a bad idea then. I have a Healbot and I can look into a Taunt card or two to help myself! I own a Harrison Jones, I assume I can use that instead of Acidic Swam Ooze? It's my only legendary ^_^ Thanks a ton!! Still, my question about Naxxramas (and the next expo) remains. Is it worth it to pay 23 euro for it or am I better of just buying packs for that. The cards seem underwhelming except for Loatheb. Also, people talk about using Gold to play Naxxramas, but I can't find the option to do that with the Ingame Gold. Where can I do that? Thanks a lot all of you ![]() | ||
United States464 Posts
On March 20 2015 05:42 Wuster wrote: Ragnaros-themed card back, not the actually legendary card unfortunately. Every month you can win a new card back if you finish the month at lvl 20 or higher. It's technically rank 20, not level 20. | ||
Canada1603 Posts
On March 20 2015 21:50 SC2Toastie wrote: You know, that actually makes a lot of sense. Just for clarification, Topdecking is when you rely on the next card you draw to perform decently in the next turn, right? Vs Hunter, I used to think killing the minions with the Daggers was a good move as it would remove their damaging units. I suppose that's a bad idea then. I have a Healbot and I can look into a Taunt card or two to help myself! I own a Harrison Jones, I assume I can use that instead of Acidic Swam Ooze? It's my only legendary ^_^ Thanks a ton!! Still, my question about Naxxramas (and the next expo) remains. Is it worth it to pay 23 euro for it or am I better of just buying packs for that. The cards seem underwhelming except for Loatheb. Also, people talk about using Gold to play Naxxramas, but I can't find the option to do that with the Ingame Gold. Where can I do that? Thanks a lot all of you ![]() Harrison Jones is an even better choice for you than Acidic Swamp Ooze if you own it. I didn't suggest it because I wasn't sure if you had it and the Acidic Swamp Ooze is a Basic. Often Extreme Aggro Hunters will sit on their Eaglehorn Bow with 1 charge left in the hopes that you will trigger a Secret. If possible, try to trigger a Secret and then play Harrison Jones in the same turn to draw an extra card. However, don't be too greedy here and expose yourself to more damage. Drawing 1 Card, a 5/4 Minion, and destroying your opponent's 3 ATK weapon for 5 Mana is usually good enough. Also, yeah, you are correct about what I meant when I said top-decking. When you have very limited or no options left in hand, you have to rely on what comes off the Draw Pile. The Extreme Aggro Hunter wants to be able to deal damage with every card or, at worse, every pair of cards (ex. a Beast type and a Kill Command). When they are reduced to drawing for damage, your chances to win go up a lot. Killing the Hunter's Minions with your Hero Power might work out for you, but also consider that Extreme Aggro Hunters preferentially choose Minions that can do damage when they're played (ex. Charge Minions) or do damage when they're removed (ex. Leper Gnome). So by trading your HP to remove their Minions, you will have given them a second opportunity to do damage to you. Taunt Minions are better here, because then their damage will be spent attempting to reach you, and they will remove themselves from the board. The way I like to think of card games where you pre-build a deck is that you've pre-selected your build order. Usually in StarCraft, you can make a good guess based on current popular strategies, map and opponent's race what their build order might be, but you still have to scout. In HearthStone, you don't have to worry about the map, and the scouting phase usually is over by the 2nd turn. If you're facing a Hunter, it's better for you to just assume Extreme Aggro Hunter and tech against it, and then accept that you've over-compensated if you face a Midrange Hunter. The Extreme Aggro Hunter does not build in a fall-back into their build orders, so if their all-in fails, they can not transition out of it. You just have to try to defend long enough for their resources to run dry, while you're stabilizing. | ||
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