On April 09 2009 15:39 -orb- wrote: I have to give props to jamal for that line about matches being thrown and how he said that he wouldn't even want dante to lose like that.
Still, fuck that asshole. He's bad, and robert for some reason decided to carry him instead of taking him out like he discussed earlier with dante.
Also, ciji throwing the match was a really low blow. IMO if you end iwth only one kill, even if you were on the higher team for the real life challenge you should be in overall last place.
Also why the hell aren't they uploading to youtube anymore? They had HD eps on youtube before and it was great... now they only upload these low res bad-quality versions on hulu
eh I like jamal... he keeps it real and hes all about competition
On April 09 2009 16:32 groro wrote: I guess before the final match Jamal talked with Robert about the possible throwing behind the cameras and therefore Robert decided to play serious. I don't like this throwing anyway. In this matter the format has some lacks or intentionally rather prefers drama > real skill, fair competition
The individual performance should have influence on the rankings too. Not only the group performance. Dante had just bad luck. In the reallife challenge he was the best in his group because he eliminated 2 while Jamal was mainly just camping and hiding till the end. If e.g in the irl challenge Dante would be 5th place because his team lost but he was still the best in it, the 4th place of the winning team would be with him on the losing team in the game challenge and he would be better with a difference more than one spot, he shouldn't be on the last place and people would think twice if its worth to throw matches and finish them with 1 frag because of personal rivalry.
Yeah I agree. I don't like Dante so I'm not bummed at all that he left, but it wasn't really a fair way to go. He was entirely screwed by the group selection.
Jamal does seem like a better gamer, his cockiness is an advantage. The way he used that rocket launcher and the way he smacked Dante over the head with the bomb. I don't think he's going to be easy to eliminate.
Looool @ Ciji 'throwing' the match. What a load of bull. Like it even matters to do 'shittier' on a team that is already doing shitty.
I thinking the old "I wasn't trying" excuse after getting raped is on about the same level as the "I was making a sandwich" or the "I was being felated by my girlfriend/your mother"
On April 09 2009 22:49 Flaccid wrote: Looool @ Ciji 'throwing' the match. What a load of bull. Like it even matters to do 'shittier' on a team that is already doing shitty.
I thinking the old "I wasn't trying" excuse after getting raped is on about the same level as the "I was making a sandwich" or the "I was being felated by my girlfriend/your mother"
Zero integrity.
I agree. Whether she was just noob at the game or intentionally threw the match, either of these two possibilities does not shed a good light on her. Personally, I wish that either Ciji or Chelsea face elimination asap, since they've been on the show for too long without having the actual skill (especially Chelsea)..
Ya, the longer the show went on the more respect I started gaining for Dante and the less for Ciji. I really wished Jamal was out though because I do think that Dante was a much funner person to have in the house and also I thought he was overall more proficient in the real life challenges and also the isolation challenges. In most of the real life challenges he seemed pretty adept at what he did and was quite good in the Halo challenge. I don't see why people don't Ciji as more of an enemy, she seems to be the type to backstab and be very treacherous, throwing games and stuff, etc. Amy is my favorite player after that Halo challenge! She's definitely the most mature out of all the gamers.
Yeah, Amy really delivered in the last episode and she's quite mature and quiet, which I like. Although it sucks that Geoff is out, I will continue to watch the show, since I've got many hillarious moments out of it.
On April 10 2009 05:13 Rice wrote: jamals bomb punch kill was baller. how the HELL is chelsea skating by every episode shes bad at every game so far...
Bad but not the worst, and she does decent in the RL challenges.
Yeah imo the coolest gamers left are Amy and Swoozie. I'm a little worried about Amy for the basketball dunk challenge though... plus I think she said she doesn't play sports games. GL to her next episode lol.
I'm finally starting to appreciate Amy. I noticed that her and Chelsea were cooking and cleaning (for everyone?). Bad manner from the others if that was really how it was the whole time. I had something else to say, but I forgot it. It was really clever and witty too
Actually, Swoozie and I cooked the most for everyone hehe, and thanks for your support guys! That means a lot to me.
I am not by any means quiet by nature and certainly have my faults (I am actually known to be very aggressive. loud and passionate), but I absolutely abhor drama (this is probably due to the constant bombardment of it in my very large clan lol). Anyway, I wasn't the boss of these people and didn't have any control over them and we couldn't really walk away- so it was either try to stay out of the way and not get sucked in or get into an argument with people. Something I really didn't want to do as I had enough to worry about in this house!
On April 10 2009 05:13 Rice wrote: jamals bomb punch kill was baller. how the HELL is chelsea skating by every episode shes bad at every game so far...
Use your head kids.
If I was in a competition for 100 grand I'd want to keep her around as long as possible. These people should be looking to take Robert and swoozie out ASAP if they have any desire to win.
On April 10 2009 05:13 Rice wrote: jamals bomb punch kill was baller. how the HELL is chelsea skating by every episode shes bad at every game so far...
Use your head kids.
If I was in a competition for 100 grand I'd want to keep her around as long as possible. These people should be looking to take Robert and swoozie out ASAP if they have any desire to win.
Ok get ready for my book in defense of Chelsea!! Luckily, I wrote this last night on my own forums when someone said something about her. I apologize in advance for the BOOK (please don't kill me):
Actually I couldn't disagree with you more about Chelsea. Other then PGR she has had a strong showing on the physical competitions and as a PC player the only GAME she was hindered in was Halo 3 so far as it was the only game that used a controller.
I don't remember the actual scores but I know she scored around 95% if not higher on Rock Band (she was vocals but can still play the instruments too). This game is ridiculous to try rank people due to the different instruments being used (drums are hardest) and vocals easiest (for most I should say).
However it placed her 6/12 so she that means was on the second place team. These rankings were NOT based on how well you did against everyone EXCEPT within your team. The over all team were awarded the top points (9-12), bottom team low points (1-4), etc.
This is perfectly illustrated with Robert coming in second to LAST in the game even though he was arguably the best Rock Band player in that house by playing the hardest instruments (drums) and scored over a 95%, while quite a few others scored below 90% (if not lower...)
Even though they her rank was 9/11 (mine was actually 10th) on VF5 she failed to pass the third level with all BUT two of the gamers that did pass it. Really very equal with the majority here.
She took 7/10 on PGR. Not strong but not bottom either. I am right above her.
She took a strong 3rd on DDR and didn't even play that game. I can tell you this is not one you can just "pick" up unless your a natural at it.
And Halo was her only true weak showing thus far, but I ask that you guys remember way back when when you FIRST picked up a controller to play and xbox fps (if you ever have). I remember it clearly and it was very funny running around looking at the sky lol...
But point being, she hasn't been last in any game and only came close to last in Halo. I would also not be woman enough if I didn't admit that she is the top ranking female over all, in game, AND in the physical challenges thus far. Her over all rating is 5th in the house.
Anyway, these rankings are not and should not be viewed at face value. I can just assure you and say she shocked the crap out of me at how well she did do, and I am glad for the PC gamers that they leveled out the playing field with the non controller peripherals for the games!
Everyone in that house has weaker showing at one game or another, (by weaker I mean not in the top 3)this was hers only one so far. Even though I haven't come in last yet either, I'll gladly illustrate my weaker showings on VF5 (which I was lucky enough to save face on) AND DDR in which I sucked monkey balls at.
I did come in top 3 on Rock Band- which I did the easiest thing: vocals and really the rankings on this game was very random! An the other was my overall Halo ranking which playing with everyone I feel was deserved. I should have technically went higher if they went with over all individual scores instead of the same team ranking numbers they did in the other game.
In truth there is one gamer in that house that has yet to score a top 3 finish on an actual game (even though I know they could have but excluding the way the game was set up), and the only one to go so far that DID take a top 3 was Alyson in VF5 =P
I also think it is also reasonable to say that the ones that left the house WOULD have taken a top 3 as well when their genres came up.
My point of this book being: I really felt they all deserved to be there. We were all tested, all passed, and dealt with a lot in the way the games were set up and scored.
On April 10 2009 08:24 Athena PMS wrote: Ok get ready for my book in defense of Chelsea!! Luckily, I wrote this last night on my own forums when someone said something about her. I apologize in advance for the BOOK (please don't kill me):
Haha, this is not a book by our standards. Shiverfish posts here. Oh, and I guess there was authonomy, but I won't get into that....
edit: I guess I can't really joke about 'book' posts without admitting that one of my OP's takes several hours to read.
I'm not trying to come down on Chelsea or talk about who deserves what.
I'm just saying, if you asked me to play a random game against a person on the cast of that show and I had to go on the information I've gotten from watching and reading forum material, I would pick Chelsea instantly, including all of the previously eliminated players.
It goes without saying that I would avoid Robert at all costs. The kid seems to be good at everything.