Hey TeamLiquid, I just registered today so I can't create a new thread. But I was hoping for anyone interested - I have a commentary of an epic and funny match between the MAESTRO Savior and Pusan back in Savior's Glory days.
Watch the Zerg master, the Overmind incarnate, the 7th incarnation of Krishna from his own private first person view at his height in this great MSL Finals match-up!
There's a really funny desperation rush by Pusan out of nowhere at one point in the game and the action really gets frantic towards the middle and end.
Please check it out and leave suggestions and comments and please subscribe if you happen to like it. Thank you.
Anyway I stayed up all night doing this because I really got into it. Finding a pad was hard, and the annotations on youtube got glitchy at times but FINALLY all the signs are subtitled here! Except one super long and boring looking one.
And what the signs say is terribly interesting...
Jangbi vs Free 1/2 - Shinhan Proleague 2008 Subtitled Signs!
ht tp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=925-glyyFHo
Jangbi vs Free 2/2 - Shinhan Proleague 2008 Subtitled Signs!
ht tp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhpFdGs_tD0
Please leave suggestions and comments and please subscribe! All future videos will have signs subtitled!
P.S. You have to watch the videos on the youtube site or the annotations (subtitles for those funny signs!) might not appear.
About four days after the Ronald Jenkees thread he released a song that I enjoy even though I'm partial the rest of his. In an effort not to bring up that month old topic I'm just going to be a whore and post it here.