On March 01 2012 17:47 Quesadilla wrote:Show nested quote +On March 01 2012 17:34 TheBatman wrote: Seems legit, they've kept their word in the past Lol. They're gonna eat and bake nukes right after. watch.
I would not be surprised, but it'd then ensure that nobody gives them aid again... or at least it should...
I'm a little surprised this wasn't titled, "North Korea providing aid to US in dealing with growing obesity crisis"
On March 01 2012 18:31 ninini wrote: This is good news. Unfortunately for NK it's just a short-term solution to the food issue. Investing in large-scale fishing is what would save them, and they know it, but they also know that if they sent out 10% of the population into the sea, then most of them would take advantage of the situation and flee to Japan and South Korea.
This is untrue. The population in North Korea is constantly being told how they are the no. 1 country in the world.
According to the average North Korean citizen, they have won the world cups, has the best economy and that starvation of their degree(they eat grass even) is common amongst lower classes in the world.
North Korean Citizens has no idea of how poorly it is in their country. Some might try to leave the country, but most of them would think that is isn't worth to do so.
On March 02 2012 09:23 brimestone wrote: Guys Guys dont underestimate NK.
You People seem to forget... China and NK are buddies. Put it this way. If NK was a push over? why hasnt america or SK attacked them and get it over with? Thats because China supports NK. Maybe not like in a media sense.. but behind curtains ? BIG BUDDIES.
Look at it this way.. China is the main zerg base.. NK is the natural. If u study the landmark of china.. ul notice.. china relations are good with their neighbouring countries.(Guard ur back door)
So there is no way in hell NK is underpowered. The reason u get NK and SK is because America seperated them. America knew one day china will grow overpowered. So during the weak ages of china? america tried to weaken there "back doors"
But as time went by it didnt help much. So whats the best response to NK "CHINAS NATURAL"? BE NICE TO THEM BUT STAY CAUTIOUS. This isnt starcraft 2 man.. u cant just go sniping naturals.
Thats the way i see it
You need to take a political science class....China and NK's relationship can't be just simplified to "buddies". It's a lot more complicated than that. China and NK does have some form of alliance but NK depends on China while China does not depend on NK. However, NK has recently begun to even sway away from China, while wikileaks has told us sensitive information that China is starting to grow tired of NK games and want to slowly throw it away, but is also cautious because NK has nukes, and because NK still counts as a legit buffer zone from US.
Everyone KNOWS we couldn't finish off NK because China backed them during the Korean War. This is common knowledge.
The Chinese see NK as more of a weird, crazy little pet than an ally. The average Chinese person doesn't have any more information on NK than we do!
As a conservative, I'm very much hoping the act of what his father has done impacted him psychologically more than how his father taught him to live psychologically. Thus paving the end to this ridiculous hatred, one step at a time
I want to be hopeful.
But realistically it's probably the same thing his father did. Or just a blatant attempt to get love from the people and the world before going back to exactly how things were.
On March 02 2012 19:29 Cinim wrote:Show nested quote +On March 01 2012 18:31 ninini wrote: This is good news. Unfortunately for NK it's just a short-term solution to the food issue. Investing in large-scale fishing is what would save them, and they know it, but they also know that if they sent out 10% of the population into the sea, then most of them would take advantage of the situation and flee to Japan and South Korea. This is untrue. The population in North Korea is constantly being told how they are the no. 1 country in the world. According to the average North Korean citizen, they have won the world cups, has the best economy and that starvation of their degree(they eat grass even) is common amongst lower classes in the world. North Korean Citizens has no idea of how poorly it is in their country. Some might try to leave the country, but most of them would think that is isn't worth to do so.
It is hard to grasp just how isolated the North-Korean population is. I dare say that it is utterly impossible to grasp for us who are born in the internet age, the literal opposite of North-Korea.
Kind of like dictatorships. We can read and learn a lot about them, but it is very difficult to really get a feel for what it is like to live under one.
There is most certainly a part of North-Korean society that truly believes everything they hear.
I think the underclass probably understands that their situation isn't natural (eating grass and dirt to survive). They have it so bad, their instincts probably tell that it can't be like this everywhere.
The upperclass has contacts on the outside world and are trained to be the next generation to lead the party and/or military. They are probably shown what is behind the curtain, bought off with the promise of a life of luxury and far reaching power.
I think the middle-class, the ones that get fed just enough and actually have jobs, are the ones that are most likely to buy into the massive propaganda.
But even then, it is hard to grasp just what such a society will do to a persons mind. Constantly being bombarded with messages about your greatness.
There aren't just lies, most of everything that you hear are lies. How can you ever learn any different when literally 100% of your news is false. Not just twisted but outright false.
On March 02 2012 00:48 3Form wrote: Does anyone else find the North Korean philosophy of self sufficiency quite interesting? I mean in some of the propaganda pieces where western journalists are shown round the 'model' schools, they are full of computers which presumably are all produced domestically. Just think, they must reverse engineer all this stuff or come up with it themselves. Cars, computers, domestic appliances, communications, rockets etc etc. Remarkable really. Intriguing philosophy, the complete opposite to globalisation. Of course it seems they aren't completely self sufficient...
Also not to mention that you go on google maps and there are no maps of NK. Takes you back a hundred years, before the likes of the Ordnance survey and GPS/Satellite maps. Zoom in on satellite images of Pyongyang and you see large deserted motorways...
I don't think this is true...I know Hyundai has products in NK and I think even factories..
On March 02 2012 21:11 zalz wrote:Show nested quote +On March 02 2012 19:29 Cinim wrote:On March 01 2012 18:31 ninini wrote: This is good news. Unfortunately for NK it's just a short-term solution to the food issue. Investing in large-scale fishing is what would save them, and they know it, but they also know that if they sent out 10% of the population into the sea, then most of them would take advantage of the situation and flee to Japan and South Korea. This is untrue. The population in North Korea is constantly being told how they are the no. 1 country in the world. According to the average North Korean citizen, they have won the world cups, has the best economy and that starvation of their degree(they eat grass even) is common amongst lower classes in the world. North Korean Citizens has no idea of how poorly it is in their country. Some might try to leave the country, but most of them would think that is isn't worth to do so. This. It is hard to grasp just how isolated the North-Korean population is. I dare say that it is utterly impossible to grasp for us who are born in the internet age, the literal opposite of North-Korea. Kind of like dictatorships. We can read and learn a lot about them, but it is very difficult to really get a feel for what it is like to live under one. There is most certainly a part of North-Korean society that truly believes everything they hear. I think the underclass probably understands that their situation isn't natural (eating grass and dirt to survive). They have it so bad, their instincts probably tell that it can't be like this everywhere. The upperclass has contacts on the outside world and are trained to be the next generation to lead the party and/or military. They are probably shown what is behind the curtain, bought off with the promise of a life of luxury and far reaching power. I think the middle-class, the ones that get fed just enough and actually have jobs, are the ones that are most likely to buy into the massive propaganda. But even then, it is hard to grasp just what such a society will do to a persons mind. Constantly being bombarded with messages about your greatness. There aren't just lies, most of everything that you hear are lies. How can you ever learn any different when literally 100% of your news is false. Not just twisted but outright false.
Their people know quite a bit more than that. It is common enough for border hoppers to go back and forth between China smuggling in goods to sell and support their family on the down low back in NK. There is a large population of NK's in northeast china as well either trying to secretly live there as ethnic koreans or starting their trip on their own version of the underground railroad to countries that will grant them transport to SK.
There have even been video/pictures coming out of rebellious sayings painted underneath bridges and whatnot. The people in NK living in the pyongyang higher up areas are also watching the famous SK dramas on tv, SK companies have had factories over there, in the past NK has forced aid to come in un-marked boxes to disguise their origin but the people know enough. Information does/has gotten around enough. The fear level is the main weapon holding them there.... the thoughts of what happens to them or their families/relatives if caught. There are plenty enough brave NK's risking it all to be information bringers/defectors to combat the most fearful of the NK's who become the guarding watch dogs of the government.
While the aid may not be perfectly appropriated, I am glad that it is going there nonetheless. It may be to the surprise of many but there is a population in SK politics who hold anti-american sentiments and are proponents of opening deals and communication with NK that don't involve the US. The anti-american sentiments should not be confused with hatred towards the US but rather they oppose many of the american influences on their political situation with NK. At this moment in Korean politics it is appearing that the current ruling party will be conquered by the pro-NK conservative party in the next elections. SK has more political parties than purely conservative or liberal. NK has voiced many times that they want the SK government to cut ties with the US and stop being their puppet and some SK's think the same way, while others believe that their relations with the US are healthy for the advancement of their nation. Judging by the recent news of a FTA between SK and the US, it appears they don't have any imminent plans on a drastic policy change towards the US.
Wow! really amazing to see since Kim Jong Ill was just a nut job. A guy that actually cares about his people is exactly what north korea needs.
On March 02 2012 09:03 furymonkey wrote: If we follow Dekoth's theory, the whole world would still be living in shitty ages. He is pretty much saying since there are still people starving in the street, we should stop funding for these unnecessary science like space exploration, military research and the likes. Then we wouldn't have GPS, internet so to speak.
Truth be told, there are unlimited problems, even if no one is starving, you'd be looking at other stuff like good healthcare, educations for all, that is why you do things in parallel and adjust the funding accordingly.
Actually that isn't what I said or implied. I simply stated that I am against helping other countries when we have problems of our own. But good job making wild assumptions and looking like an ass.
On March 01 2012 21:22 GhostOwl wrote: This is dumb. We shouldnt give food to NK. They'll just resume production after.
This might also be the new leader trying to gain the support of the people and seal his place at the top.
Additionally, the more food we give them, the less of their own money they have to spend on food production / importing food, and more money left for them to spend on military or further progress on nuclear weapons...
so we should let people die b/c they have crappy leaders? Its not their fault, and giving the people food wont make them a bigger risk anyway.
On March 02 2012 19:04 zeru wrote: Are people forgetting: In '94 Carter started the deal with NK that would give them food in trade for halting the plutonium related nuclear programs (much more dangerous than uranium, NK was still allowed to play around with the uranion according to this deal). The north koreans kept their end of the deal. Kim Jong Il came to power, the deal was still on, even though he was a horrible leader. Then Bush came into power, and in short; fucked everything up, threatening and insulting NK and not keeping the deal going. That pushed NK into starting their plutonium programs again.
Saying NK arent gonna hold up their end of the deal is pretty silly.
That's such a weird way of thinking though. "Give us food or we'll proceed to research the more dangerous nukes, and not only the regular ones".
What happened to not make deals with terrorists?
I don't understand why NK would ever nuke someone anyway. They have absolutely nothing to gain from it.
4713 Posts
And are you actually naive enough to think the food will merely be distributed to the population? As others have already said, what is to stop the leaders of the country from selling the food to the people, ensuring that more people die, or even worst, what is to stop them from keeping all the food for themselves?
A lot of posts here sound like wishful thinking towards the NK situation, we have no guarantee that the new leader of NK isn't as much of a tyrannical leader as his father. All we have is, blind hope.
You people almost sound like you don't know in what world you are living in, tragedy is the main theme here, miracles don't come unless its for the right price.
As for me, I'll resume judgment upon NK until 5-10 years to see how their leader truly turns out. Until then this is pointless speculation.
You seem to be the naive one if you think NK's future only depends on their new leader.
The food is a bargaining chip in the hopes that it will lead to instability and/or unification. The fear the US has is that they will SELL nuclear technology to people shit bat crazy enough to use it in the name of let's say.....religion.
The problem is that the country responsible for stabilizing the region is China and they don't give a shit about anyone besides China. But THEY might take aggressive action against us just because we're too close to them.
sigh....wait and see
WOW. If this word is kept, this is huge. Crossing my fingers here so I don't jinx it...