We are extremely close to shutting down this thread for the same reasons the PUA thread was shut down. While some of the time this thread contains actual discussion with people asking help and people giving nice advice, it often gets derailed by rubbish that should not be here. The moderation team will be trying to steer this thread in a different direction from now on.
Posts of the following nature are banned: 1) ANYTHING regarding PUA. If your post contains the words 'alpha' or 'beta' or anything of that sort please don't hit post. 2) Stupid brags. You can tell us about your nice success stories with someone, but posts such as 'lol 50 Tinder matches' are a no-no. 3) Any misogynistic bullshit, including discussion about rape culture. 4) One night stands and random sex. These are basically brags that invariably devolve into gender role discussions and misogynistic comments.
Last chance, guys. This thread is for dating advice and sharing dating stories. While gender roles, sociocultural norms, and our biological imperative to reproduce are all tangentially related, these subjects are not the main purpose of the thread. Please AVOID these discussions. If you want to discuss them at length, go to PMs or start a blog. If you disagree with someone's ideologies, state that you disagree with them and why they won't work from a dating standpoint and move on. We will not tolerate any lengthy derailments that aren't directly about dating.
On March 22 2013 15:19 Wildmoon wrote: I have a question. Is it possible to get a gf without trying to find one? I mean if you live your life without even thinking about gettin one.
Yes, but i broke up with her 3 days later cause she was kind of crazy...
On March 22 2013 15:19 Wildmoon wrote: I have a question. Is it possible to get a gf without trying to find one? I mean if you live your life without even thinking about gettin one.
Yes. Life is funny in that way. Things can happen even when you don't expect it to.
On March 22 2013 09:28 Blazinghand wrote: I don't think I've ever been in a situation where it was like "yeah I asked this girl out and she was trying to say yes and wasn't clear about it"
Yeah, same here. The most confusing was a girl who said yes, then said no later, but nothing too crazy. It's either been outright rejection or success.
Ikr? Ask her to my place to have drinks and party. She says awesome, yes, etc, she can't wait for the weekend to come. Day before she turns me down saying that she works in the morning and doesn't want to go in hung-over. I'm like cool we can do it another time then. She recommends the next night on Saturday instead, we originally planned for Friday. Then on Saturday as I give her my address she blows me off again saying she's gonna hang with her gfs instead.
I mean wtf, don't tell me yes and act like your looking forward to it all week and make me clean my apt to spotless condition and make sure I'm stocked with things you like to drink if you're gonna fucking blow me off twice in a row with barely any notice.
Would rather you just tell me to fuck off then to waste my time on you.
One of the girls I'm talking to now always tries to bail when we hang out. 3 times we have hung out, 3 times she has tried to bail 3 times I kept persistant, and pursued her a bit, and she ended up coming out all three times. Now we are on the verge of a relationship, Alot of the times, the lady likes to see that she is not just another chick, she wants you to chase her a bit.
I wouldn't freak out on a flake, either drop it, or realize that some people need extra encouragement to go out.
It's like if your friend invites you to a party, and you have that initial gut wrench of not wanting to go. Hell you might even get dragged to the party, but you have an amazing time once your there. That kinda feeling is what the chicks are having.
Going in hungover to work is a somewhat good excuse, but you two can still have a beer or two without getting shitfaced.
I think your being too hard on yourself and the girl. She prolly did want to hang out with you, and prolly would have, she just had fears about the consequences. As a man you have to let her know that the consequences are nothing to be afraid of.
Extreme case example. I wanted to go barhopping with this chick, she had a cold sore and was embarassed about it, so she was making some excuses. I told her if anybody stared at her cold sore I would get butt ass naked and that I would be there to pick her up at 930. When I got there she had covered it up with makeup.
Like I said before some girls like to be chased.
Oh I definitely tried to pursade her otherwise and make it as easy as possible for her. She wasn't budging. I've pretty much given up on her though. I'll prob try once more, 3rd times the charm right? If not, she's not worth the time and I'll move on to the next.
What i mean is instead of making it easy on her to say yes, make it hard on her to say no.
Making it easy on a chick to say yes is the best way to hang out with a chick except in two situations, if you are trying to get her to go out, and if you are making a move.
That is when you need to take the initiative and make it hard for her to say no, I'm not talking about forcing anything, just put enough pressure on where she can blaim you if she has to explain it to her friends. It keeps the blame off her and saves her reputation as a good girl.
On March 22 2013 15:19 Wildmoon wrote: I have a question. Is it possible to get a gf without trying to find one? I mean if you live your life without even thinking about gettin one.
All things in life worth having take effort. You can stumble into a relationship, happens all the time. but your playing long odds that it'll be a good one. Though if you were really gonna live your life without even thinking about entering a relationship, why would you want one?
On March 22 2013 15:19 Wildmoon wrote: I have a question. Is it possible to get a gf without trying to find one? I mean if you live your life without even thinking about gettin one.
All things in life worth having take effort. You can stumble into a relationship, happens all the time. but your playing long odds that it'll be a good one. Though if you were really gonna live your life without even thinking about entering a relationship, why would you want one?
I don't really want one. The reason I asked that in first place because right now I am bored and have nothing to do while waiting for GSTL. I think I am really happy enough with my friends, video games and many things that I do. I was just wondering what it feels like to have one. I am interested in sex though lol.
On March 22 2013 15:19 Wildmoon wrote: I have a question. Is it possible to get a gf without trying to find one? I mean if you live your life without even thinking about gettin one.
All things in life worth having take effort. You can stumble into a relationship, happens all the time. but your playing long odds that it'll be a good one. Though if you were really gonna live your life without even thinking about entering a relationship, why would you want one?
I don't really want one. The reason I asked that in first place because right now I am bored and have nothing to do while waiting for GSTL. I think I am really happy enough with my friends, video games and many things that I do. I was just wondering what it feels like to have one. I am interested in sex though lol.
If your into love-less sex I would recommend a hooker, they are alot cheaper then going out to the bar and getting the gold diggers drunk.
If your happy with your life, then just by talking to chicks you are going to attract them. Girls are like guys, except when you become good friend with a girl, you end up having sex.
If you find a good girl and you treat her well, she will prolly join you in GSTL, and video games, and chill with you or your friends.
Holding a chick in your arms is prolly the coolest part for me of a relationship. These days chicks get pretty busy, so you might talk to them daily, but only see them a couple times a week if that. Most of the time you meet them you will hook up.
On March 22 2013 20:23 Nuf wrote: I just friendzoned a chick that was too young for me, in my own opinion. I'm 22 and she's 17. I'm pretty proud of myself.
I don't know any specifics about your situation, but congratulations for being on the giving end.
On March 22 2013 15:19 Wildmoon wrote: I have a question. Is it possible to get a gf without trying to find one? I mean if you live your life without even thinking about gettin one.
All things in life worth having take effort. You can stumble into a relationship, happens all the time. but your playing long odds that it'll be a good one. Though if you were really gonna live your life without even thinking about entering a relationship, why would you want one?
I don't really want one. The reason I asked that in first place because right now I am bored and have nothing to do while waiting for GSTL. I think I am really happy enough with my friends, video games and many things that I do. I was just wondering what it feels like to have one. I am interested in sex though lol.
Well to answer your question, yes and no. No it won't happen if you just hang out with your same friends all the time or keep to yourself doing whatever you like to do. However, yes it can happen if you are actively meeting new people or being put in situations where you would meet new people. You don't have to intentionally seek out a girlfriend, but you do have to intentionally talk to girls.
On March 22 2013 15:19 Wildmoon wrote: I have a question. Is it possible to get a gf without trying to find one? I mean if you live your life without even thinking about gettin one.
All things in life worth having take effort. You can stumble into a relationship, happens all the time. but your playing long odds that it'll be a good one. Though if you were really gonna live your life without even thinking about entering a relationship, why would you want one?
I don't really want one. The reason I asked that in first place because right now I am bored and have nothing to do while waiting for GSTL. I think I am really happy enough with my friends, video games and many things that I do. I was just wondering what it feels like to have one. I am interested in sex though lol.
If your into love-less sex I would recommend a hooker, they are alot cheaper then going out to the bar and getting the gold diggers drunk.
If your happy with your life, then just by talking to chicks you are going to attract them. Girls are like guys, except when you become good friend with a girl, you end up having sex.
If you find a good girl and you treat her well, she will prolly join you in GSTL, and video games, and chill with you or your friends.
Holding a chick in your arms is prolly the coolest part for me of a relationship. These days chicks get pretty busy, so you might talk to them daily, but only see them a couple times a week if that. Most of the time you meet them you will hook up.
Thats a bullshit recommendation. You can fuck plenty of nice/cute girls for free. Just gotta know where to look and how to play..
On February 01 2013 09:37 Kich wrote: Your mental image should be of a Big Monkey. Team Liquid doesn't know about Big Monkey yet but it's a way of fucking life. Imagine if you were a silverback gorilla. Would you even give a shit? No. You're a big fucking monkey. You do big monkey shit. Monkeys are chill as fuck. And confident as fuck. So you should be too. Because there's no reason not to be. There is 100% no imaginable reason to ever doubt anything you do, especially not when you're a fucking gorilla. They don't think about that shit.
On March 22 2013 09:17 B.I.G. wrote: It's very easy. If you ask a girl something like "wanna have dinner saturday night" and she answers something like this: --->no --->busy --->maybe You can safely assume its a girl no. Acceptable answers: -->yes -->Im busy saturday but how about .....
Kinda in a nutshell. There are always exceptions ofcourse
So true. Girl's try to pretend like they are "hard to understand" or whatever, but they're not lol They're fairly simple actually. If she's interested, you'll know for sure
Sometimes I really do believe girls are playing "hard to understand" for the sake of being "hard to understand". No other reason.
I'm asking you to have dinner with me, just the two of us. Not a life-time commitment. =__=
Anyway, some girls really do have plans/really busy on the day you ask for. But if they try to make room for you on another date, either she is really friendly or you have AT LEAST a chance.
It's true lol They like the idea of being "hard to understand" tbh is all it is.
On February 01 2013 09:37 Kich wrote: Your mental image should be of a Big Monkey. Team Liquid doesn't know about Big Monkey yet but it's a way of fucking life. Imagine if you were a silverback gorilla. Would you even give a shit? No. You're a big fucking monkey. You do big monkey shit. Monkeys are chill as fuck. And confident as fuck. So you should be too. Because there's no reason not to be. There is 100% no imaginable reason to ever doubt anything you do, especially not when you're a fucking gorilla. They don't think about that shit.
On March 23 2013 15:25 Ubiquitousdichotomy wrote: Mac Lethal pretty much explains my experience at the bar tonight with the ladies XD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jB_pKbDLZk
wow that's a load of horse shit. Judging women by their reaction when asking if they read some fucking book is just as shallow for them liking "todd" for his white teeth. Being social, aka being good at connecting with people, is about being able to adjust to another person's way of thinking and being interested in what they have to say. I think I've rarely had an interesting discussion with a woman in a bar (I mean, it's a fucking bar) but a lot of them turned out to be smart people that were interesting in their own way.
On March 22 2013 20:23 Nuf wrote: I just friendzoned a chick that was too young for me, in my own opinion. I'm 22 and she's 17. I'm pretty proud of myself.
"If shes pretty enough, She's old enough!" (Before you guys say this is wrong, the legal limit in Denmark is 16 I think!)
On March 23 2013 15:25 Ubiquitousdichotomy wrote: Mac Lethal pretty much explains my experience at the bar tonight with the ladies XD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jB_pKbDLZk
wow that's a load of horse shit. Judging women by their reaction when asking if they read some fucking book is just as shallow for them liking "todd" for his white teeth. Being social, aka being good at connecting with people, is about being able to adjust to another person's way of thinking and being interested in what they have to say. I think I've rarely had an interesting discussion with a woman in a bar (I mean, it's a fucking bar) but a lot of them turned out to be smart people that were interesting in their own way.
I very much agree with you, many people are awesome once you get to know them! So many people have the outlook that its the girls' fault. This is just a cushion, it may be true, it may not be! Most likely though, the problem is yourself.
Some nights will be shitty, some will be ok, some will be great. You just got to stay in the game and keep your head up, good things will come.
Love is pain, heartache and stress. But it is also the most intense feeling of pleasure you can get - think winning a hard match in Sc2 times 10!
Ok guys one questions Do you think is a good idea to be teacher in a highschool? I mean, one of my friends he's 23 and he is a match teachers in a school in a town near d city He teaches math in 8th, 9th and 10th grade And we made think he is in a big risk of going to jail lol
On March 22 2013 15:19 Wildmoon wrote: I have a question. Is it possible to get a gf without trying to find one? I mean if you live your life without even thinking about gettin one.
My girlfriend was essentially 100% hooked up with me by chance via my social psychology professor. On the first day of class, our instructor told us to exchange numbers with those sitting near us for study groups, etc (since social psych had a lot of focus on working/learning together.) This was after a pretty bad breakup and zero effort being put forth for finding someone else; I really wasn't interested in dating for a while.
But then we started hanging out and I fell in love :D We will have been together for a year in about 3 weeks. So yeah, you don't really have to try if you don't want to, sometimes things just work out.