This man is really the worst politician I have ever seen, but I am thankful. At least we wont have to see a muslim country in the EU for now (until France converts). Everyone knows that Turkey at least did not stop any foreign fighters from entering into Syria and also it can be reasonably assumed that they delivered weapons or at least did not stop private persons from delivering weapons. If you want to know the reason why Germany is training and equipping Kurds look at this man. He is the biggest threat to Europe after Russia.
Loosely translated from German (you probably have better sources):
"Democracy is only a train we ride until we reach our destination. Our mosques are our barracks,our minarets are our bayonets, Our domes are our helmets and the faithful are our soldiers." - Erdogan in Siirt 1997 (1998?)
And guess what? Turkish democracy has been undermined almost completely. Secularists are all but powerless now and islamists are gaining more and more ground in Turkey.
How could anyone ever get the idea that he symphatises with/is a radical islamists. Treasonous thoughts!
So you are moderately saying EU is a christian association, ha? Personally, i dont really care about EU as long as our NATO membership continues, and if they hold a referendum for EU, i will vote "NO". You wanna hear why, just read your second sentence again. White european religious fascism never changes, its always out there somewhere.
I cant confirm or deny your sayings about arming ISIS, but we can surely say Erdogan sent some guns to rebel forces to support them against ESAD. But there is no direct evidence to prove "TURKEY ARMS ISIS". There are only rumors. Considering the fact that your country is spying on Turkey for 10 years, if there was an evidence, you would use during UN meetings, and also US, greatest power when we say INTEL.
Crossing border thing, i dont know how much you know about Turkish border with Syria but its not a single gate where you put soldiers and control everything. Thomas de Maiziere, im pretty sure you know him, made a good speech, did you watch? He just said, Turkey is a KEY country to fight terrorism and we have good relations bla bla. I really dont know what to think sometimes, stop and think. All of those questions are asked to KERRY, and he nearly fell into a position that he defends Turkish government.
Questions he answered as i remember:
Turkey arming terrorists: NO Turkey does not co operate: NO Turkey does not understand current danger: NO Turkey is not willing to fight against ISIL: NO Turkey allowing terrorists to cross the border: NO
Questions he said yes:
Some turkish sources funding ISIS by purchasing cheap oil : YES Turkey cant control its border: YES. (because there is no border, its like mountains and shit where other pkk rats always use)
If you want to know the reason why Germany is training and equipping Kurds look at this man. He is the biggest threat to Europe after Russia.
You say Erdogan is a threat, and then you write this. Maybe Germany is threat to Turkey? I really wonder why America spies on you? What will you say if PKK attacks public places like this with your countrys aid: will you be sorry?
And, check Russian governments newspapers and TV's, there is always propaganda going on about Europe and how bad you guys are. In Turkey we have nothing against your country, or other EU countries, even GREECE! (BUT ISRAEL) (lel). How do you write Turkey and Russia in same sentence. Or maybe you are just hating the 2 main racial minorities in your country, heil!
That Erdogan in Siirt thing, thats a famous poem, he reads that and they put him in jail. He is arrested for reading that poem (which is stupid). Secularists can go to hell. Turkish secularists are highly nationalist and militarist. (they want turkey to get out of nato for example) Turkey needs to be more liberal, thats it.
Turkey has become the third most generous country in the world with its $1.6 billion in humanitarian aid in 2014, after the United States and the United Kingdom.
This man is really the worst politician I have ever seen, but I am thankful. At least we wont have to see a muslim country in the EU for now (until France converts). Everyone knows that Turkey at least did not stop any foreign fighters from entering into Syria and also it can be reasonably assumed that they delivered weapons or at least did not stop private persons from delivering weapons. If you want to know the reason why Germany is training and equipping Kurds look at this man. He is the biggest threat to Europe after Russia.
Loosely translated from German (you probably have better sources):
"Democracy is only a train we ride until we reach our destination. Our mosques are our barracks,our minarets are our bayonets, Our domes are our helmets and the faithful are our soldiers." - Erdogan in Siirt 1997 (1998?)
And guess what? Turkish democracy has been undermined almost completely. Secularists are all but powerless now and islamists are gaining more and more ground in Turkey.
How could anyone ever get the idea that he symphatises with/is a radical islamists. Treasonous thoughts!
lol dictator Maliki was the worst politician I've ever seen. He is the epitome of Murphy's Law in the modern era. Thank God he's in a worthless political position now, though legally he should be tried and executed. As bad as Erdogan may be, he is 100x better, at least. On the contrary to his predecessor, Al-Abadi may just be the best statesman in the Mideast. Unfortunately, he came into his position at the worst possible time.
So wait are you implying that Germany and Turkey are essentially going at it via Proxy War/Arms race?
Also Malaki was a fool but US demands not to open factories in Mosul due to Socialist undertones of that area in Iraq that were closed during occupation are hardly his fault.
As Islamic State militants closed in on the besieged Syrian city of Kobani on Saturday, Turkey lined up its soldiers near the border but continued to refuse to intervene to repel the extremist advance.
On a day that should have been one of the happiest in the Muslim calendar, the festival of Eid al-Adha, hundreds of Turks and refugee Kurds spent the morning at the border with Syria, watching helplessly as shells rained down on a city many once called home.
Turkish police appeared uneasy at the size of the crowd gathered near a fragile border fence and fired teargas grenades to disperse them, adding the crack of smaller explosions to the rumbling of the Isis advance.
When the crowd formed again, armoured personnel carriers and water cannon arrived, and riot police set to again. It was a mournfully surreal scene, with the battle for Kobani as the backdrop for the standoff with police.
Mostafa Kader was one of the restive crowd, grieving for an uncle who had been beheaded by militants, and a young mother and her daughter both brutally raped and murdered.
Kader fled 10 days ago, leaving his village, which lies 16km from Kobani centre, in the small hours of the morning. He and his wife took their five-year-old, their toddler and what little else they could carry.
His uncle planned to join them but at the last minute changed his mind, unable to leave a village that had been his home for more than eight decades. The militants beheaded him, refugees arriving later told Kader.
"He was 85 – he could not even lift a weapon," said the young father, baffled by the brutality. Even more haunting were stories from his wife's village, where the fleeing family found the bodies of her sister and an eight-year-old niece lying in pools of blood.
"They had been raped, and their hearts were cut out of their chests and left on top of the bodies," he said, struggling to hold back tears. "I buried them with my own hands."
Four years of civil war, and the extreme brutality of Isis have left him despairing for his country and family. "If I had known this was what the future held, I would never have married. It would be better to have died [fighting] in Kobani," he said.
Turkey's attitude is frustrating. If they are not willing to intervene to prevent these atrocities they should at least let Kurdish fighters cross the border to help defend Kobani. And this whining about other countries helping arm the Kurds is ridiculous when, without those arms, the Kurds don't stand a chance against IS.
We, Europe, played the wrong game with Turkey (and Russia actually). If we respected it a bit more, we could and should have created a strong partnership with Turkey and we could have face ISIS together. But by playing the "yes we want you... not" in europe, because of ridiculous islamophobia, we blew up our primordial friendship with the turkish people.
On October 05 2014 10:46 {CC}StealthBlue wrote: So wait are you implying that Germany and Turkey are essentially going at it via Proxy War/Arms race?
Also Malaki was a fool but US demands not to open factories in Mosul due to Socialist undertones of that area in Iraq that were closed during occupation are hardly his fault.
One tiny thing isn't his fault, among the huge laundry list of terrible things that are his fault? The man was a brutal, corrupted, sectarianist dictator. He did literally nothing of value (except for Iran), and everything wrong that could be done wrong.
When did we go back to 1960 that the US cares about imaginary "Socialist undertones"? That doesn't make sense and did the US actually claim this as a justification lol? Absurd. Maybe the US was just opposing attempts by Iraq to diversify its economy?
6 Iraqi soldiers publicly executed in Heet.
Militants from the Islamic State group on Sunday publicly killed six Iraqi soldiers captured in an embattled western province where the extremists continue to advance despite an expanding U.S.-led campaign of airstrikes, residents said.
The killings took place in the town of Hit, about 140 kilometers (85 miles) west of the capital, Baghdad, which the Islamic State fighters overran on Thursday night.
In one day (on Saturday) in Iraq, 112 ISIS members were killed.
Iraqi security and defense officials say that a large number of ISIL militants have been killed in operations around the country.
Scores of ISIL militants have been killed, Iraqi reports say. Very unsustainable fighting.
At least 112 Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) militants were killed, and 15 wounded in separate ground operations led by the Iraqi army in Iraq's capital Baghdad and in Al-Anbar province on Saturday, Iraqi security officials said.
At least 59 ISIL militants were killed and 15 were wounded in Iraq’s eastern Diyala province, and in Kirkuk in southern Iraq in ground and air operations by the Iraqi army, according to the written statement of the Iraqi Defence Ministry.
Captain Obvious General Jonathan Shaw points out that Saudi and Qatari are responsible for funding and spreading Islamic terrorism.
Qatar and Saudi Arabia have ignited a "time bomb" by funding the global spread of radical Islam, according to a former commander of British forces in Iraq.
General Jonathan Shaw, who retired as Assistant Chief of the Defence Staff in 2012, told The Telegraph that Qatar and Saudi Arabia were primarily responsible for the rise of the extremist Islam that inspires Isil terrorists.
The two Gulf states have spent billions of dollars on promoting a militant and proselytising interpretation of their faith derived from Abdul Wahhab, an eighteenth century scholar, and based on the Salaf, or the original followers of the Prophet.
But the rulers of both countries are now more threatened by their creation than Britain or America, argued Gen Shaw. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) has vowed to topple the Qatari and Saudi regimes, viewing both as corrupt outposts of decadence and sin.
So Qatar and Saudi Arabia have every reason to lead an ideological struggle against Isil, said Gen Shaw. On its own, he added, the West's military offensive against the terrorist movement was likely to prove "futile".
"This is a time bomb that, under the guise of education, Wahhabi Salafism is igniting under the world really. And it is funded by Saudi and Qatari money and that must stop," said Gen Shaw. "And the question then is 'does bombing people over there really tackle that?' I don't think so. I'd far rather see a much stronger handle on the ideological battle rather than the physical battle."
US Apache helicopters now involved in strikes against ISIS. This is very important to note, because low-flying choppers are vulnerable to ground fire, meaning the US military could be in a position where it could lose pilots or be forced to rescue them.
WASHINGTON — The U.S. has begun using Apache AH-64 attack helicopters to strike at ISIS targets inside Iraq, the first time the aircraft have been used for offensive strikes since arriving in Baghdad in early July. Their use opens up a new capability in the airstrike campaign against ISIS in Iraq, but one that also comes with risks, as they could be vulnerable to ground fire.
A defense official confirms that Apache helicopters were used this weekend as part of four airstrikes on a large ISIS force northeast of Fallujah. The attack was conducted in coordination with Air Force fighter aircraft that supported the operation.
A press release by U.S. Central Command said the air strikes near Fallujah “struck two mortar teams, a large ISIL [ISIS] unit and two small ISIL units.”
The official confirmed that the strikes were the first use of the Apache helicopters that were deployed to Iraq in early July. Several Apache helicopters were included in an additional deployment of several hundred U.S. military personnel sent to Baghdad o reinforce security at U.S. embassy facilities and access to the Baghdad Airport.
Also confirmed that FSA, SRF, and the Furkan Brigades have taken Tal al-Hara:
BAALBEK, Lebanon: At least 14 Syrian-based militants and three Hezbollah fighters were killed in fierce fighting in a border area in east Lebanon Sunday after jihadists attacked positions of the Lebanese group in the area, security sources said.
Militant groups attacked Sunday two Hezbollah posts on the Syrian side of the border near the eastern Lebanon villages of Brital and Nahleh, killing three of its members and wounding a number of others, the sources told The Daily Star.
The sources said members of ISIS and the Nusra Front carried out the attacks, leading to clashes between the jihadists and Hezbollah. Fourteen militants were killed in the clashes, the sources said, and several others wounded.
Hezbollah captured five militants, the sources said.
Three French citizens, two Swedes, two Macedonians, one Swiss, and one Belgian are also believed to have been part of the exchange.
I really wonder whats their source when they write "believed".
By the way, are you guys okay with these pictures we started to see recently:
Kurdish women holding guns.
Really dont get why they are posing with guns. I know those videos about PKK Female Fighters and their "apoism" that tells them they are equal both in war and in peace but... come on that woman is 80 years old... she will die from the gunfire sound probably... Whats the point if they are not trying to emphasize something related to their ideology?
Do they need every man and woman? If not, are they using those innocent civilians as cover?(they cant really give a fight but probably* fleeing) If not, are we playing a media game? Do you even smile when you see a woman holding gun. ITS NOT EVEN A SWORD.
PFF. I was complaining about seeing female knights or soldiers in RPG-FPS games. And now this....
As far as I know this is in Kobani right (the picture) ? Well afaik for the Kurds it's basically their life that is at stake with IS. They cannot afford to lose. They'll arm grannies and kids if that's what it takes. I'm not sure there's much to be pro or anti here, I'm sad that the situation is dire and grannies fighting have become a possibility. Also yes some propaganda, such a photo isn't genuine it clearly is there for a message.
If you're just asking whether or not a woman with a rifle make me cringe however. Then no it doesn't.
Incoming a long post, but please have a look on it.
Yes its Kobane, and i dont think they are outnumbered, because they were launching attacks both on Turkey and Iran repeatedly and causing big casualties versus professional armies. Knowing how powerful they were, this whole situation seems MEGA FAKE to me.
As i told you before, i have a journalist friend in Erbil airport and he says amount of the incoming weapons to arm KURDISH "forces" is beyond imagination, its neverending plane flights 7-24 carrying AK'S and RPGS and so all.
Also, i know an official flight dispatcher and he says these weapons are far enough to stop ISIS and probably will never be used against it. I smell bad things again.
These jean d'arc pictures to make you smile. These NEWS:
And the fact ISIS will end soon despite their motto "Bāqiyah wa-Tatamaddad" "Remaining and Expanding". But these weapons will be shared between YPG and PKK. Do we really think / imagine / expect a scenario where YPG refuses to give its NEW WEAPONS to PKK in order to fight Turkey? Can you spot a difference between them? One is YPG, one is PJAK, one is PKK.
Or they need some sorf of, new image creation to blur our minds! Like... Oh wait, is this PKK a terrorist organization? Come on everybody, these are our allies now, they are freedom fighters, lets prepare a solid reason to defend ourselves to our public when our nato ally turks start to get killed by our so called freedomfighter allies with our weapons we sent. They fought against ISIS, they cant be evil. Turkey is evil. Its their land, not Turkish Kurdistan, Kurdish Kurdistan. AAAAAAAND DEMOCRATS LEAVE AMERICA and AUSTRALIA TO ABORIGINES !
Pefs, lets say drug trafficking and killing thousands of soldiers and believing newer version of Maoism does not make you terrorist, can we make a quickie?
GENTLEMEN, WALLAHİ THE FIGHTING HAS JUST BEGUN. Is it operation Turkey, Syria or Iran? You tell me. Im just trying to remember which countries got asskicked after arming some..."allies"....cough*
Edit: I am warned by a mod because i was racist when i wrote "they are posting bullshit propaganda in their caves but not fighting". Pkk is using caves, members are living in caves and mountains. Pointing truth =/= being racist
Edit 2: HEY PLEASE NO TY, why so hate bro?
my classmate in high school, the guy i brofist everyday, was shot from his mouth during his military service, he wanted to smoke a cigarette in his post, while he was guarding, and while i was sleeping and late to answer his text messages.
On October 06 2014 16:29 pls no ty wrote: Incoming a long post, but please have a look on it.
Yes its Kobane, and i dont think they are outnumbered, because they were launching attacks both on Turkey and Iran repeatedly and causing big casualties versus professional armies. Knowing how powerful they were, this whole situation seems MEGA FAKE to me.
As i told you before, i have a journalist friend in Erbil airport and he says amount of the incoming weapons to arm KURDISH "forces" is beyond imagination, its neverending plane flights 7-24 carrying AK'S and RPGS and so all.
Also, i know an official flight dispatcher and he says these weapons are far enough to stop ISIS and probably will never be used against it. I smell bad things again.
These jean d'arc pictures to make you smile. These NEWS:
And the fact ISIS will end soon despite their motto "Bāqiyah wa-Tatamaddad" "Remaining and Expanding". But these weapons will be shared between YPG and PKK. Do we really think / imagine / expect a scenario where YPG refuses to give its NEW WEAPONS to PKK in order to fight Turkey? Can you spot a difference between them? One is YPG, one is PJAK, one is PKK.
Or they need some sorf of, new image creation to blur our minds! Like... Oh wait, is this PKK a terrorist organization? Come on everybody, these are our allies now, they are freedom fighters, lets prepare a solid reason to defend ourselves to our public when our nato ally turks start to get killed by our so called freedomfighter allies with our weapons we sent. They fought against ISIS, they cant be evil. Turkey is evil. Its their land, not Turkish Kurdistan, Kurdish Kurdistan. AAAAAAAND DEMOCRATS LEAVE AMERICA and AUSTRALIA TO ABORIGINES !
Pefs, lets say drug trafficking and killing thousands of soldiers and believing newer version of Maoism does not make you terrorist, can we make a quickie?
GENTLEMEN, WALLAHİ THE FIGHTING HAS JUST BEGUN. Is it operation Turkey, Syria or Iran? You tell me. Im just trying to remember which countries got asskicked after arming some..."allies"....cough*
Edit: I am warned by a mod because i was racist when i wrote "they are posting bullshit propaganda in their caves but not fighting". Pkk is using caves, members are living in caves and mountains. Pointing truth =/= being racist
Soldiers are a legit target.
So you are saying that a bunch of AK's will make the difference against IS ? Well.. the allied forces shouldn't have troubled to go there with their planes and missiles then.
Tell me one thing, do you think the Kurds have enough forces to defend Kobani ? If so, all the cries for help are just a ploy to get more weapons from western countries? What will you say if in the end Kobani ends up falling and the people there are slaughtered ?
On October 05 2014 17:45 WhiteDog wrote: We, Europe, played the wrong game with Turkey (and Russia actually). If we respected it a bit more, we could and should have created a strong partnership with Turkey and we could have face ISIS together. But by playing the "yes we want you... not" in europe, because of ridiculous islamophobia, we blew up our primordial friendship with the turkish people.
No offence, but there are other reasons that Turkey aren't in the EU yet, beside them being muslims.
Corruption for example. Don't get me wrong, I know that them being muslims is important to some people in Europe and it makes it so much harder for Turkey because of that, but blaming that as the single factor is wrong.
Soldiers are legit targets, but i think you did not read whole post. Its not giving some arms, its arming and training an army. I dont think Kobane will fall. Do you really think all these shitstorms is only for the citizens of Kobane? That region is heart of the PKK. Isis will simply end existence of PKK if they take the region. This is why PKK is naming the situation as kurds existence fight. Anyways, i still think Turkey should secure Kobane and co-operate with PKK. But again you tell me, i am soon to be a turkish soldier (like any other turkish man) , if my country sends me there to fight, should i trust PKK militants, should i turn my back to them? ISIS or PKK, both are eager to execute turkish soldiers. (funny thing isis have not killed a one yet while the other killed more than 20.000)
The pro turkish anti-kurdish slanders you're producing is so transparent pls no ty.
Uygur Turks deserve every ounce of oppresion too, don't they? Tibetans anyone?
You conveniently post about dead Turkish soldiers but you fail to mention all the dead Kurdish civilians by the hands of Turkey.
Do you believe in the Armenian genocide by chance?
You probably registered just so you can portray Kurds as bad guys and defend Turkey all the way through. I know how proud Turks are I know a few. Turkey is always right and righteous and it's the big bad world that's doing them wrong.
That also kind of sums up your past posts in this thread.