On April 26 2012 21:55 bahaa wrote: Yes because you know too much more than everyone right? Not just the west, the whole world should interfere, especially the Arab Countries.
i dont claim to be all knowing like our creator which is why i do not want to intervene as the issue is more complicated than it would appear at first glance.
I, for one, never for a second believed that the UN's little "peace plan" would amount to anything. Why would the Syrian government suddenly stop slaughtering civilians just because a little man called Kofi Annan told them to?
There is more than meets the eye. US foreign policy should stop "facilitating" changes in government as it only beholds political leaders to interest contrary to that of its constituents and the region.
Weapons are being smuggled in both directions between Lebanon and Syria, the United Nations has said.
"Based on information that we have, there are reasons to believe that there is a flow of arms both ways - from Lebanon into Syria and from Syria into Lebanon," Terje Roed-Larsen, the UN special envoy to the Middle East, told reporters after briefing the 15-member UN Security Council on Tuesday about events in Lebanon.
"We do not have independent observers for this, but we are basing our reporting on information we are receiving from a variety of sources," he said.
According to Roed-Larsen's briefing notes, he told the council UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had raised the issue of cross-border arms transfers with Lebanese officials during a recent visit to Beirut, urging them to improve border control.
Lebanese authorities seized 60,000 rounds of ammunition hidden in two cars on an Italian container ship docked at the northern Lebanese port of Tripoli, a security source said earlier on Tuesday. Tripoli, a mainly Sunni Muslim city, has seen regular protests in support of the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad.
In late April, Lebanese authorities seized a large consignment of Libyan weapons including rocket-propelled grenades and heavy calibre ammunition from a ship intercepted in the Mediterranean.
Syrian diplomats allege other ships have been intercepted carrying weapons to Syrian opposition fighters.
A fresh massacre has been reported in Syria this evening.
At least 86 people, including many women and children, have been killed by Syrian pro-government forces in Hama province, opposition activists say.
A spokesman for the Syrian National Council, the main opposition coalition, said there had been a "massacre" in the villages of al-Qubair and Maarzaf.
More than 20 children and 20 women were reportedly among those who died.
The reports could not be confirmed, but they comes less than two weeks after 108 people were executed in Houla.
Witnesses blamed pro-government militiamen, while the government accused "armed groups" seeking to trigger foreign military intervention.
'Bodies burnt' On Wednesday evening, activist groups reported that al-Qubair had come under heavy attack from security forces, including shelling.
But they said much of the killing was done by accompanying groups of pro-government militiamen known as "shabiha", who had come from nearby pro-government villages.
The activists said they shot at close range and stabbed many people, including women and children under the age of two, and that some of the bodies were later burnt in houses which were set on fire. Others were taken away by the shabiha, they added.
The Local Co-ordination Committees, an activist network, said 78 people had died in al-Qubair, including 35 members of one family.
The activist groups said the al-Qubeir killings brought the total number of people killed nationwide by security forces on Wednesday to 130.
The BBC's Jim Muir in Beirut says there has been no independent confirmation of these latest reports and no video has surfaced on the internet to back them up.
But the news of the Houla massacre emerged in a similar way and the details given by activists were later confirmed by UN ceasefire observers on the ground, our correspondent adds.
When will the systematic slaughtering of women and children cease in that country? It truly takes a soulless person to stab, cleave, and/or shoot babies through the head on a daily basis. It sickens me to think that these, "Shabiha," the demons carrying out Al-Assad's orders of massacre, have no moral capacity to rebel against their tyrant leader and even worse may never be arrested for their atrocities against humanity, since we have no way of intervening and the Shabiha are as elusive to the FSA as ever.
Doesn't it looks strange while the "free" world together with less free, but still "good" middle east monarchies look for a pretext to start a military operation, Assad starts to kill women an children? Why Saudi Arabia and Qatar are untouchable? Does someone get interested how are the things going in ex-Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya? People must be free and live much better by now? Does someone get interested in geopolitics and why it might be important to change the regime in a certain country and install a controlled government? Is there a way to avoid a new war and solve the issue with controlled by international community elections? What if Syrians vote for Assad? Is it a good outcome? Is it OK when oppositions calling for a war in their country and help to remove the current powers so they can become one? Who can guarantee that they will be better then current? What the experience of the post-war countries tell us? You can trust the "good and official" sources and ignore the rest, or you can begin to be involved and learn all sides of the problem and the history of similar conflicts. I suggest the first one, It will make your life easier as there is no good use of the knowledge that you are being lied.
On June 08 2012 06:43 GeyzeR wrote: Doesn't it looks strange while the "free" world together with less free, but still "good" middle east monarchies look for a pretext to start a military operation, Assad starts to kill women an children? Why Saudi Arabia and Qatar are untouchable? Does someone get interested how are the things going in ex-Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya? People must be free and live much better by now? Does someone get interested in geopolitics and why it might be important to change the regime in a certain country and install a controlled government? Is there a way to avoid a new war and solve the issue with controlled by international community elections? What if Syrians vote for Assad? Is it a good outcome? Is it OK when oppositions calling for a war in their country and help to remove the current powers so they can become one? Who can guarantee that they will be better then current? What the experience of the post-war countries tell us? You can trust the "good and official" sources and ignore the rest, or you can begin to be involved and learn all sides of the problem and the history of similar conflicts. I suggest the first one, It will make your life easier as there is no good use of the knowledge that you are being lied.
On June 08 2012 06:43 GeyzeR wrote: Doesn't it looks strange while the "free" world together with less free, but still "good" middle east monarchies look for a pretext to start a military operation, Assad starts to kill women an children? Why Saudi Arabia and Qatar are untouchable? Does someone get interested how are the things going in ex-Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya? People must be free and live much better by now? Does someone get interested in geopolitics and why it might be important to change the regime in a certain country and install a controlled government? Is there a way to avoid a new war and solve the issue with controlled by international community elections? What if Syrians vote for Assad? Is it a good outcome? Is it OK when oppositions calling for a war in their country and help to remove the current powers so they can become one? Who can guarantee that they will be better then current? What the experience of the post-war countries tell us? You can trust the "good and official" sources and ignore the rest, or you can begin to be involved and learn all sides of the problem and the history of similar conflicts. I suggest the first one, It will make your life easier as there is no good use of the knowledge that you are being lied.
Assad has been killing women and children since day one, nothing new here. And you should really stop with your anti west propaganda. US will not intervene. If Assad falls, islamists will take power and that would spell disaster for Israel. Moreover you have some strange logic believing that it's better for people to live like slaves in their own country (and that is concluded from the majority of your posts regarding Arab Spring). You know some people are willing to die for freedom, because if they cannot attain it their children will. I wonder what your argument would be if it was your son the one who has been castrated, slaughtered like a goat and then burnt. Is there any trace of humanity in you?
Seems to be a lot of things on in syria at the moment. The UN is trying to get to one of the sites where a massacre occured, but they were turned back by Syrian forces at check points, and were fired apon.
Rebel morale and organisation have improved thanks to a growing (if still modest) command structure. Military councils have in some areas replaced ad hoc committees. The rebels’ political and military wings may also end months of bickering. The Syrian National Council, which sees itself as a government in waiting, chose as its new leader Abdelbaset Sieda, a moderate Kurd who has voiced sympathy for the Free Syrian Army.
Light arms, money and satellite phones—long promised by supporters—are starting to flow into rebel hands. Most come from wealthy Gulf Arabs who see no other way of influencing a conflict that has already claimed more than 12,000 lives. Even Syrian businessmen overseas who used to give money only for field clinics have become more willing to pay for arms.
Still heavily outgunned, the rebels are using guerrilla tactics. Analysts monitoring video footage from citizen journalists inside Syria say at least 25 tanks have been destroyed since May 29th. Bombs and roadside ambushes have some government forces pinned down. In the country’s north-west they mostly move around in armoured cars, and in the south other units have had to reinforce their security bases. One thousand soldiers have been killed since April 12th, reckons Rami Abdul Rahman, the head of the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. This has increased the pace of defections from what has hitherto been a largely cohesive army. On June 10th an air-defence battalion of 100 men close to the western town of Talbiseh defected en masse, making off with guns and grenades before the regime sent helicopters to destroy their base.
The social media maskes what is really going on. İ have several girl---friends in my university from syria that say the free syrian army is killing their own people and blaming the goverment! Social media cannot be trusted so please refrain from commenting on this thread just of what you saw on facebook or television because the truth can be really different from what the usa and other western countries tell us.
On June 18 2012 01:11 Alex-Berker wrote: The social media maskes what is really going on. İ have several girl---friends in my university from syria that say the free syrian army is killing their own people and blaming the goverment! Social media cannot be trusted so please refrain from commenting on this thread just of what you saw on facebook or television because the truth can be really different from what the usa and other western countries tell us.
Same could be said to you. Refrain from commenting on this thread just of what you heard someone say because the truth can be really different. Funny, isn't it? Go on youtube.com and watch some videos of 2011syriarevolution, I can link you the channel too but it's very NSFW. There you clearly see who does the slaughtering...
On June 18 2012 01:11 Alex-Berker wrote: The social media maskes what is really going on. İ have several girl---friends in my university from syria that say the free syrian army is killing their own people and blaming the goverment! Social media cannot be trusted so please refrain from commenting on this thread just of what you saw on facebook or television because the truth can be really different from what the usa and other western countries tell us.
Social media is wrong coz my friends told me? Oh the irony of this terribad post.
there is no point for Assad to kill women and children. none what so ever; especially now when everyone is watching. he has the power, the armed intervention was vetoed and he outguns the rebels. all he has to do now is just wait them out. the only ones that could win something from those massacres are the rebels.
On June 18 2012 06:54 xM(Z wrote: there is no point for Assad to kill women and children. none what so ever; especially now when everyone is watching. he has the power, the armed intervention was vetoed and he outguns the rebels. all he has to do now is just wait them out. the only ones that could win something from those massacres are the rebels.
Exactly. The rest of you who dont like my quote are ignorant as hell. İ have first hand sources that tell me what is going on. There was a photo from aljazeera of a us soldier pointing a gun at a detained persons mouth. The photo was photoshoped to look like a water canister. İ dont ask to belive my POV just dont listen to the media or the internet as anyone can say anything.
A Syrian student living abroad doesn't count as a "first-hand source".
If we don't listening to anything, including you, we can't learn anything at all about the conflict then (unless we're syrian students abroad apparently).
On June 18 2012 06:54 xM(Z wrote: there is no point for Assad to kill women and children. none what so ever; especially now when everyone is watching. he has the power, the armed intervention was vetoed and he outguns the rebels. all he has to do now is just wait them out. the only ones that could win something from those massacres are the rebels.
Exactly. The rest of you who dont like my quote are ignorant as hell. İ have first hand sources that tell me what is going on. There was a photo from aljazeera of a us soldier pointing a gun at a detained persons mouth. The photo was photoshoped to look like a water canister. İ dont ask to belive my POV just dont listen to the media or the internet as anyone can say anything.
for the TLDR, its a milta group that was involved in crime and once fought against the government and is now loyal. Think Italian mafia but alot less nice.
On June 18 2012 06:54 xM(Z wrote: there is no point for Assad to kill women and children. none what so ever; especially now when everyone is watching. he has the power, the armed intervention was vetoed and he outguns the rebels. all he has to do now is just wait them out. the only ones that could win something from those massacres are the rebels.
Exactly. The rest of you who dont like my quote are ignorant as hell. İ have first hand sources that tell me what is going on. There was a photo from aljazeera of a us soldier pointing a gun at a detained persons mouth. The photo was photoshoped to look like a water canister. İ dont ask to belive my POV just dont listen to the media or the internet as anyone can say anything.
I think
That you are
A fucking prick.
Not only are you rude and constantly posting less than a couple sentences but you also insult me? Look here kid i dont think thats the right attitude in a community especially team liquid. In reference to your last post you say you find it ironic how i believe in my friends other than social media. Well my friends are from syria and have lived in syria and will be moving back to syria. They are first hand sources. The social media comes from most of the time corrupt news networks not to mention the internet is far from a first hand source. Anyone can write anything on the internet which is also why you insult me here. The only thing i want to make a point of is not to be fanboying and applauding the syrian rebels. Take a look at both sides of the argument and then think.
P.S. I wouldnt be surprised if you believe the media they make a very clear (but in some cases untrue) picture.